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Re: Colloidal Silver { where to get info.}

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In a message dated 1/30/2012 8:04:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

roundaboutfarm@... writes:

For those of you who are making your own colloidal silver, anyone want to

recommend the best machine to make it? And perhaps someone can explain to

me the difference between colloidal silver and the very small nano

particles found in things like Meso Silver.



Hi Mara, It is easy to join the " silverlist & a super group of folks there

to answer your questions { just like this group for DMSO } There is a

really good archive the_silver-list (Archives)_

(http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-listeskimo/maillist.html) re also.. I

have a unit called the

silver puppy it is easy & reliable.. ---sold by one of the silverlist

members--{ Ode also called coyote } _Coyote ZEnterprise Silver Puppy Colloidal

Silver Generator_ (http://www.silvermedicine.org/silverpuppy-generators.html)

there are also members that have other ones you can ask about...Not a

yahoo group--you can just sign-up on line-- _- The Silver List --sign in_

(http://www.eskimo.com/~mdevour/silver-list/SilverList.html) ----_Silver List

Home Page_ (http://www.silverlist.org/) & you can check this archive set

up by an elderly member {no longer alive} --_Index of /cs_Wayne's notes_

(http://www.fugitt.com/cs_notes/) Hope these links work for you--if not

let me know.--Lois

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Hi Mara.

You wrote:

> For those of you who are making your own colloidal silver, anyone want to

recommend the best machine to make it?

The one you make yourself !!!

All the supposed 'gurus' are selling silliness to folks whose fear of (their own

& imagined...) lack of skills has them spending 100's for nonsense.

The idea is simple:

To get non-metallic silver into one's body.

All it takes is the right water, a little silver wire, and some current...presto

= silver water !!!


> And perhaps someone can explain to me the difference between colloidal silver

and the very small nano particles found in things like Meso Silver.

Ready ?

More silliness combined with techie-speak and a great sales pitch.

Look at the history of the plague - and who (mostly) survived it ?

The 'blue bloods' - the rich folks who were super healthy (despite argyria)

whose servants put ground-up silver into their wine for them.

Funny how they knew nothing about nano - meso - ionic - colloidal stuff, and

just kept living anyhow, Aye ?

A long time ago I asked alot of taboo questions about making my own CS - and

kept getting replies saying 'NO NO NO - you'll kill yourself - you'll

electrocute yourself - YOU'LL TURN BLUE !!!!!'

(Except for the info from 2 very brave and soft-spoken folks.)

Well, here I be - I'm NOT blue (nor in any way discoloured), I'm loads

healthier, and I did NOT spend 100's (that I didn't have) on some fancy-shmancy

doodad that does what anyone can do super easily.

Oh yes, and I've tried to spread what I learned too - but it seems nowadays that

folks would prefer to BUY rather than -learn- and I gave up trying...

Best Wishes to All !


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