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I need Natural Product And Other Recommendations For

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my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


Bruce Chesley


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Check out Dr. Bate's site:


There is a lot of good information there.


> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


> Thanks,


> Bruce Chesley


> ____________________________________________________________

> Groupon & #8482 Official Site

> 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city & #39;s best!

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> ------------------------------------


> List Home Page:


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO


> Books:

> DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton

> MSM The Definitive Guide by Stanely MD and Appleton, NDYahoo!

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Hello, I am very new to the group and to DMSO use, but the ADHD problem, I have

lots of experience, I had it growing up, my younger brother had it severely, my

son also had it. I had to fight the schools to keep him off of prescription

meds, they wanted him medicated, I didn't. I researched natural methods. The

thing we did that made the biggest difference was to figure out which foods

triggered his ADHD symptoms, and of course the #1 offender was sugar. I took my

son off of ALL sugar, I read every label of every food, there are more sugars

than you realize under different names too, anything that ended in " ose " was

suspect, sucrose (table sugar), fructose (fruit derived sugar), corn syrup,

dextrose (in nearly EVERYTHING including most table salt), glucose, even

honey... he didn't seem to have a problem with lactose (milk sugar). I was

surprised about honey causing him trouble because it's supposed to be natural,

that was when I was able to put my finger on what sugars were a problem, turned

out that ANY " simple " sugar (all processed sugars, including honey-it's

processed by the bees) set him off, but complex sugars, ones that the body had

to break down first didn't bother him.

I also found out that certain food additives, specifically red dye #40 would set

him off, that acted like alcohol to him, made him " drunk " and gave him a

hangover the next day, again that is in a LOT of foods.

Bottom line, I had to be proactive, I had to read each and every food label, I

love to cook and bake so I was able to make everything for him, there were only

a precious few process prepackaged foods that were ok for him to eat. I think

today it might be easier in some respects, there are a lot more healthier

choices available in the marketplace, I shopped at healthfood stores. Be aware

of using the more common artificial sweeteners though, sucralose (Splenda),

aspartame and the like, these are so very toxic and will cause many more

problems than they solve. When my son was young, I used maltitol and sorbitol,

these are known as sugar alcohols (not alcohol in the sense that you can get

drunk from them), these didn't seem to set him off, but you must be careful in

their use as many people can get stomach upsets and diarrhea from them if eaten

in large quantities, you must start off small and see how they react. Today

there is another called xylitol, it is actually healthy for you as it inhibits

bacterial activity, it's good for dental health too. There is also malt syrup

and molasses. Don't be fooled by brown sugar, it's not any healthier, it's white

sugar that has some molasses added back to it.

If this is the route they want to take, it isn't going to be easy, it's a lot of

work to learn all of the foods that contain verboten ingredients, it can also be

a lot of work to get the child to cooperate, there are lots of temptation in the

world, from school food, friends and other people who don't understand and will

give the child forbidden foods, and the child herself must understand why this

is happening and want to be on board for this. With my son, he did cooperate,

his behavior was so different when he was off the sugars and food dye that I

could tell when he did get something he wasn't supposed to, more importantly HE

could tell the difference.

Fortunately for us, we had started this long before my son started school, so he

was already used to it, and since I enjoyed cooking and baking, he never felt

like he was going without something the other kids got, that is why it's so

important to have a good relationship with the people in the kid's life,

teachers and such, they have to know how important this is, my son's teacher

would give me a few days notice before there was a party or anything like that,

then I could make him a cake or whatever the kids were having so he could

participate and eat something good while not eating the sugary snacks the other

kids were eating.

If they decide to do this, they have to do it 100%, it can't be a on one day and

off the next, there has to be a commitment by all involved, it's not easy, but

it is sooooo worth it, I would be more than happy to help further if you would

like to print this out and give them my email address too.


They can start one step at a time though, start by reading labels and stop using

anything that has an " ose " ingredient, sucrose, fructose, dextrose... get used

to that, then work on the foods that have the artificial colors, specifically

red #40, start using the healthier sweeteners like molasses, malt syrup,

xylitol, maltitol and sorbitol. Stay away from the " sugar free " artificially

toxic sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose.



> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


> Thanks,


> Bruce Chesley


> ____________________________________________________________

> Groupon & #8482 Official Site

> 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city & #39;s best!

> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f7c69f7bc6301e58cst01vuc


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Likely she needs detoxing if she has had the usual battery of vaccines.

That could go a long way toward improvement. It could be that a

B-complex vitamin could help too. Not sure of that one though.

> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


> Thanks,


> Bruce Chesley


> ____________________________________________________________

> Groupon & #8482 Official Site

> 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city & #39;s best!

> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f7c69f7bc6301e58cst01vuc



> ------------------------------------


> List Home Page:


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO


> Books:

> DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton

> MSM The Definitive Guide by Stanely MD and Appleton, NDYahoo!

Groups Links






Necessity may be the mother of invention, but God is the Father of all good


G. Simpkins

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Bruce check YouTube for Brain Gym and " Super Brain Yoga " if she can do these

with her daughter she will see enormous benefit and changes:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnv6uLpXRfo & feature=related

there are other versions on YouTube which you may prefer ......



Re: I need Natural Product And Other Recommendations For

> Likely she needs detoxing if she has had the usual battery of vaccines.

> That could go a long way toward improvement. It could be that a

> B-complex vitamin could help too. Not sure of that one though.



>> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

>> prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


>> Thanks,


>> Bruce Chesley


>> ____________________________________________________________

>> Groupon & #8482 Official Site

>> 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city & #39;s best!

>> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f7c69f7bc6301e58cst01vuc



>> ------------------------------------


>> List Home Page:


>> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO


>> Books:

>> DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton

>> MSM The Definitive Guide by Stanely MD and Appleton,

>> ND

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> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


> Thanks,


> Bruce Chesley



GAPS Diet, aka Gut And Psychology Syndrome Diet created by Dr. Natasha

McBride, is hands down one of the most solid, comprehensive and effective whole

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Hello everyone,

i am pretty new to this group and have been delighted to read what everyone is

sharing .

Thank you .

Also my sincere prayer of wellnes to all beings challanged.

And my question is . We have just found out that my husband is having bladder


Does anybody has experience with this challange ? And please share anything you

might know of maybe of assistance.

We talk with a doctor who recommended DMSO with vit c , zinc, vit E mixed with

it.and installing it into the bladder. Any body with experience?

any feed back we can receive with much thanks and gratitude. Thank you Georgiana

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Georgiana.. I was dx with bladder cancer in the late nineties. My

urologist explained that there is bladder cancer that is in the wall

of the bladder (lesion) (technically all of them are) and or one that

grows on a stem from the bladder wall.. sorta like a stalk of

broccoli. That was the kind that I had. I was very fortunate. The

tumor was the size of a hen's egg.. but the stalk itself wasn't very

large and was only shallowly attached. My urologist scooped it out

that morning in surgery and I was home by lunchtime fixing clam


I didn't have to have chemo or radiation.. just ckups.

I did 3 month ckups, then 6 month ckups and then yearly ckups. Knock

on wood and thank the Lord, no reoccurrence.

If I remember what the urologist told me yrs ago, if I had had

moderate involvement of the bladder wall, he would have tried to cut

out that portion and sew me up. If there was great involvement, he

might have had to take out the whole bladder and fit me with a bag for


Does your husband have a tumor in the bladder or is it in the walls of

the bladder (lesions)?

Depending on the involvement, surgery might be a good thing, then

alternatives to keep the cancer from coming back. Lola

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Thank you Lola,

the tumor is in the bladder 3.3cm

appreciate you sharing

much wellness to you


> Georgiana.. I was dx with bladder cancer in the late nineties. My

> urologist explained that there is bladder cancer that is in the wall

> of the bladder (lesion) (technically all of them are) and or one that

> grows on a stem from the bladder wall.. sorta like a stalk of

> broccoli. That was the kind that I had. I was very fortunate. The

> tumor was the size of a hen's egg.. but the stalk itself wasn't very

> large and was only shallowly attached. My urologist scooped it out

> that morning in surgery and I was home by lunchtime fixing clam

> chowder.


> I didn't have to have chemo or radiation.. just ckups.

> I did 3 month ckups, then 6 month ckups and then yearly ckups. Knock

> on wood and thank the Lord, no reoccurrence.


> If I remember what the urologist told me yrs ago, if I had had

> moderate involvement of the bladder wall, he would have tried to cut

> out that portion and sew me up. If there was great involvement, he

> might have had to take out the whole bladder and fit me with a bag for

> urine.


> Does your husband have a tumor in the bladder or is it in the walls of

> the bladder (lesions)?


> Depending on the involvement, surgery might be a good thing, then

> alternatives to keep the cancer from coming back. Lola


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Here is the pathology report for my bladder cancer if you are interested.

" Bladder, transurethral resection: Papillary transitional cell

carcinoma (histologic grade 2 out of 3;non-invasive pathologic stage


Received fresh, labeled ......... is a 5 x 3.5 x 0.8 cm aggregate

dimension mass of tissue submitted in toto. " There is a little more

to it but this is the main gist of it.

Has your husband's urologist suggested surgery? It just occured to me

that bladder surgery is a whole different ballgame for a female versus

a male, right? Wonder how the surgeon gets in there?


On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Georgiana Battochio


> Thank you Lola,


> the tumor is in the bladder 3.3cm


> appreciate you sharing


> much wellness to you

> G



>> Georgiana.. I was dx with bladder cancer in the late nineties. My

>> urologist explained that there is bladder cancer that is in the wall

>> of the bladder (lesion) (technically all of them are) and or one that

>> grows on a stem from the bladder wall.. sorta like a stalk of

>> broccoli. That was the kind that I had. I was very fortunate. The

>> tumor was the size of a hen's egg.. but the stalk itself wasn't very

>> large and was only shallowly attached. My urologist scooped it out

>> that morning in surgery and I was home by lunchtime fixing clam

>> chowder.


>> I didn't have to have chemo or radiation.. just ckups.

>> I did 3 month ckups, then 6 month ckups and then yearly ckups. Knock

>> on wood and thank the Lord, no reoccurrence.


>> If I remember what the urologist told me yrs ago, if I had had

>> moderate involvement of the bladder wall, he would have tried to cut

>> out that portion and sew me up. If there was great involvement, he

>> might have had to take out the whole bladder and fit me with a bag for

>> urine.


>> Does your husband have a tumor in the bladder or is it in the walls of

>> the bladder (lesions)?


>> Depending on the involvement, surgery might be a good thing, then

>> alternatives to keep the cancer from coming back. Lola






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Depends on the size of the problem - either with a laparoscope or a pelvic

incision similar to a hyster incision .... Both sexes have urethras - just

different sizes. Bladder washouts might help if you are very careful and

use sterile solutions and equipment.


Re: Re: I need Natural Product And Other Recommendations For

> Georgiana...


> Here is the pathology report for my bladder cancer if you are interested.

> " Bladder, transurethral resection: Papillary transitional cell

> carcinoma (histologic grade 2 out of 3;non-invasive pathologic stage

> Ta).

> Received fresh, labeled ......... is a 5 x 3.5 x 0.8 cm aggregate

> dimension mass of tissue submitted in toto. " There is a little more

> to it but this is the main gist of it.


> Has your husband's urologist suggested surgery? It just occured to me

> that bladder surgery is a whole different ballgame for a female versus

> a male, right? Wonder how the surgeon gets in there?


> Lola



> On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Georgiana Battochio

> wrote:

>> Thank you Lola,


>> the tumor is in the bladder 3.3cm


>> appreciate you sharing


>> much wellness to you

>> G



>>> Georgiana.. I was dx with bladder cancer in the late nineties. My

>>> urologist explained that there is bladder cancer that is in the wall

>>> of the bladder (lesion) (technically all of them are) and or one that

>>> grows on a stem from the bladder wall.. sorta like a stalk of

>>> broccoli. That was the kind that I had. I was very fortunate. The

>>> tumor was the size of a hen's egg.. but the stalk itself wasn't very

>>> large and was only shallowly attached. My urologist scooped it out

>>> that morning in surgery and I was home by lunchtime fixing clam

>>> chowder.


>>> I didn't have to have chemo or radiation.. just ckups.

>>> I did 3 month ckups, then 6 month ckups and then yearly ckups. Knock

>>> on wood and thank the Lord, no reoccurrence.


>>> If I remember what the urologist told me yrs ago, if I had had

>>> moderate involvement of the bladder wall, he would have tried to cut

>>> out that portion and sew me up. If there was great involvement, he

>>> might have had to take out the whole bladder and fit me with a bag for

>>> urine.


>>> Does your husband have a tumor in the bladder or is it in the walls of

>>> the bladder (lesions)?


>>> Depending on the involvement, surgery might be a good thing, then

>>> alternatives to keep the cancer from coming back. Lola






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Hi Lola,

thanks again,

yes they offered surgery,

but we hope to resolve it some natural way if at all possible

lots of wellness

well through the penis actually.


> Georgiana...


> Here is the pathology report for my bladder cancer if you are interested.

> " Bladder, transurethral resection: Papillary transitional cell

> carcinoma (histologic grade 2 out of 3;non-invasive pathologic stage

> Ta).

> Received fresh, labeled ......... is a 5 x 3.5 x 0.8 cm aggregate

> dimension mass of tissue submitted in toto. " There is a little more

> to it but this is the main gist of it.


> Has your husband's urologist suggested surgery? It just occured to me

> that bladder surgery is a whole different ballgame for a female versus

> a male, right? Wonder how the surgeon gets in there?


> Lola


> On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Georgiana Battochio

> wrote:

> > Thank you Lola,

> >

> > the tumor is in the bladder 3.3cm

> >

> > appreciate you sharing

> >

> > much wellness to you

> > G

> >

> >

> >> Georgiana.. I was dx with bladder cancer in the late nineties. My

> >> urologist explained that there is bladder cancer that is in the wall

> >> of the bladder (lesion) (technically all of them are) and or one that

> >> grows on a stem from the bladder wall.. sorta like a stalk of

> >> broccoli. That was the kind that I had. I was very fortunate. The

> >> tumor was the size of a hen's egg.. but the stalk itself wasn't very

> >> large and was only shallowly attached. My urologist scooped it out

> >> that morning in surgery and I was home by lunchtime fixing clam

> >> chowder.

> >>

> >> I didn't have to have chemo or radiation.. just ckups.

> >> I did 3 month ckups, then 6 month ckups and then yearly ckups. Knock

> >> on wood and thank the Lord, no reoccurrence.

> >>

> >> If I remember what the urologist told me yrs ago, if I had had

> >> moderate involvement of the bladder wall, he would have tried to cut

> >> out that portion and sew me up. If there was great involvement, he

> >> might have had to take out the whole bladder and fit me with a bag for

> >> urine.

> >>

> >> Does your husband have a tumor in the bladder or is it in the walls of

> >> the bladder (lesions)?

> >>

> >> Depending on the involvement, surgery might be a good thing, then

> >> alternatives to keep the cancer from coming back. Lola

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Wow.. had no clue..lol.

I don't blame you about hoping to resolve it naturally if possible.

It is just a bad place to have a tumor. I know I couldn't get too far

from a bathroom due to decreased bladder capacity. That should have

been a hint to me before they found the source of my bleeding. My

ob/gyn was determined that I had some kind of female problem. She

managed to waste 3 months poking around and ultrasounding before

giving up and sending me to a urologist.

Good luck to you and your husband, my friend and God bless. Lola

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 12:13 AM, Georgiana Battochio


> Hi Lola,


> thanks again,

> yes they offered surgery,

> but we hope to resolve it some natural way if at all possible


> lots of wellness


> well through the penis actually.



> Georgiana



>> Georgiana...


>> Here is the pathology report for my bladder cancer if you are interested.

>> " Bladder, transurethral resection: Papillary transitional cell

>> carcinoma (histologic grade 2 out of 3;non-invasive pathologic stage

>> Ta).

>> Received fresh, labeled ......... is a 5 x 3.5 x 0.8 cm aggregate

>> dimension mass of tissue submitted in toto. " There is a little more

>> to it but this is the main gist of it.


>> Has your husband's urologist suggested surgery? It just occured to me

>> that bladder surgery is a whole different ballgame for a female versus

>> a male, right? Wonder how the surgeon gets in there?


>> Lola


>> On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Georgiana Battochio

>> wrote:

>> > Thank you Lola,

>> >

>> > the tumor is in the bladder 3.3cm

>> >

>> > appreciate you sharing

>> >

>> > much wellness to you

>> > G

>> >

>> >

>> >> Georgiana.. I was dx with bladder cancer in the late nineties. My

>> >> urologist explained that there is bladder cancer that is in the wall

>> >> of the bladder (lesion) (technically all of them are) and or one that

>> >> grows on a stem from the bladder wall.. sorta like a stalk of

>> >> broccoli. That was the kind that I had. I was very fortunate. The

>> >> tumor was the size of a hen's egg.. but the stalk itself wasn't very

>> >> large and was only shallowly attached. My urologist scooped it out

>> >> that morning in surgery and I was home by lunchtime fixing clam

>> >> chowder.

>> >>

>> >> I didn't have to have chemo or radiation.. just ckups.

>> >> I did 3 month ckups, then 6 month ckups and then yearly ckups. Knock

>> >> on wood and thank the Lord, no reoccurrence.

>> >>

>> >> If I remember what the urologist told me yrs ago, if I had had

>> >> moderate involvement of the bladder wall, he would have tried to cut

>> >> out that portion and sew me up. If there was great involvement, he

>> >> might have had to take out the whole bladder and fit me with a bag for

>> >> urine.

>> >>

>> >> Does your husband have a tumor in the bladder or is it in the walls of

>> >> the bladder (lesions)?

>> >>

>> >> Depending on the involvement, surgery might be a good thing, then

>> >> alternatives to keep the cancer from coming back. Lola

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Bruce -

Budwig muesli for breakfast.

Google: 21900 hits e.g.:


Am 04.04.2012 um 17:33 schrieb excalibur25@...:

> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


> Thanks,


> Bruce Chesley


> ____________________________________________________________

> Groupon & #8482 Official Site

> 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city & #39;s best!

> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f7c69f7bc6301e58cst01vuc



> ------------------------------------


> List Home Page:


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO


> Books:

> DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton

> MSM The Definitive Guide by Stanely MD and Appleton, NDYahoo!

Groups Links




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Jane, Thanks for the youtube! I did Brain Gym back in the day with my babies, I

loved this!

Judy M

> >> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

> >> prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.

> >>

> >> Thanks,

> >>

> >> Bruce Chesley

> >>

> >> ____________________________________________________________

> >> Groupon & #8482 Official Site

> >> 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city & #39;s best!

> >> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f7c69f7bc6301e58cst01vuc

> >>

> >>

> >> ------------------------------------

> >>

> >> List Home Page:

> >>

> >> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> >>

> >> Books:

> >> DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton

> >> MSM The Definitive Guide by Stanely MD and Appleton,

> >> ND

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What a great Mom! Comment on Red #40. My husband has almost had a multiple

personality. Usually he is pretty easy going. On occasion he gets soooo angry,

he's like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. After living with this (me) for 20 plus

years, (him his whole life), he notice after eating Smarties he got really angry

with a bad headache. Hmmm.. .we finally figured out he is 'allergic' to red

#40 and caramel food coloring, even in the most minute amount.

I have two intense children that I worried about a lot. Very angry. You

guessed it. Both of them are allergic to red #40 and one is also allergic to

caramel as well. Luckily, I have always cooked fresh, but they ate school food.

While I have great kids, if they had not been from a pretty stable family, I can

see how their lives could have turned out differently. I wonder how many people

in prison have these 'allergies'.

Judy M

> >

> > my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Bruce Chesley

> >

> > ____________________________________________________________

> > Groupon & #8482 Official Site

> > 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city & #39;s best!

> > http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f7c69f7bc6301e58cst01vuc

> >


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Judy and Wretha .... You and your familes are really lucky to have

found the additives that you'll have trouble with.

I thought I was the only one.. lol. I am wildly 'allergic' to FDA

Yellow # 5, Blue Lake, Blue #1, caramel coloring and even Xylitol. I

don't wig out or respond emotionally to these products.. instead, my

heart does back flips.. skipping beats, pounding really hard etc. I

feel like I am going to pass out. It took a long time for me to make

the connection but when I did.. wow.. been reading labels ever since.

Can you believe that they even put caramel coloring in some


I ran my situation by my cardiologist (my heart checked out just fine,

stress-test and all) and he just looked at me like I was an idiot and

never commented one way or the other. Just kinda shrugged it off.

grrr .... We don't get a lot of sympathy or respect for being

sensitive to food additives, do we? .. and I think that attitude

sucks. No one will address the problem as long as they don't

acknowledge that it exists, right? Lola

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Take some of what you are allergic to just before the testing...



> Judy and Wretha .... You and your familes are really lucky to have

> found the additives that you'll have trouble with.


> I thought I was the only one.. lol. I am wildly 'allergic' to FDA

> Yellow # 5, Blue Lake, Blue #1, caramel coloring and even Xylitol. I

> don't wig out or respond emotionally to these products.. instead, my

> heart does back flips.. skipping beats, pounding really hard etc. I

> feel like I am going to pass out. It took a long time for me to make

> the connection but when I did.. wow.. been reading labels ever since.

> Can you believe that they even put caramel coloring in some

> vitamins/supplements?


> I ran my situation by my cardiologist (my heart checked out just fine,

> stress-test and all) and he just looked at me like I was an idiot and

> never commented one way or the other. Just kinda shrugged it off.

> grrr .... We don't get a lot of sympathy or respect for being

> sensitive to food additives, do we? .. and I think that attitude

> sucks. No one will address the problem as long as they don't

> acknowledge that it exists, right? Lola


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