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Re: New to DMSO, love it!

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I heard that too, but I also actually saw a video that shows amalgam

giving off a gas that is supposed to have mercury in it *_from only the

activity of chewing food._* Then I also read in yet another source that

_*most of the leakage of mercury occurs when the filling is relatively

new*_. My four fillings would be in excess of 30-plus years old and

will only be replaced as needed. I don't claim to know which is correct.

So I do the H2O2 rinses, but my wife will not use the stuff at all in

her mouth. I cannot prove it one way or the other. I do include

cilantro in my diet as part of my daily salad. It is a natural chelator

that pulls all metals from the body. My dentist tells me to keep on

doing whatever I am doing as I never need any work beyond yearly

cleaning. I do not get any infections or pains. I did finally have to

have a wisdom tooth pulled at age 69. It is the first tooth I have ever

had to have pulled. I was told that was unusual in itself.

I think that some people have a greater sensitivity to aluminum and

mercury than others. I also think that it depends somewhat on where the

stuff is deposited as to how it affects one. If deposited in the fat of

the brain, that would be more severe by far than if it was merely

deposited in body fat elsewhere. Just my 2 cents worth.



> I read somewhere that if you have amalgam fillings you cannot use

> hydrogen peroxide in the mouth for cleaning or mothwash as it will

> 'stir up' or draw out the mercury, has anyone heard that?


> Also, where to buy DMSO and Colloidal Silver?


> Thanks,

> graylady


> I rinse twice daily with hydrogen peroxide bought for 75 cents/pt at Big

> Lots. I have recessed gums and have never once had an infection. I do

> use a water pik twice daily too. It may be that H2O2 could be mixed with

> a bit of DMSO to penetrate better? I do not know either way though.

> Just a thought. There will be many on this forum who will know if that

> is advisable or not though. The body makes H2O2 naturally to fight

> infection via white blood cells.


> Gerry



> >

> > Hi everyone, I would like to tell you about my first experiences with

> > DMSO. I purchased a bottle about a year ago, but was hesitant to use

> > it because of the dire warnings I had heard. So I put it on the shelf

> > and almost forgot about it. Until a few weeks ago, I heard Janet

> > on One Radio Network, Janet really alleviated my fears about trying


> >

> > A few days later, my hubby (who has chronic back pain and takes

> > ibuprofen and aspirin more than he wants to) came into the house, he

> > was bent over in pain, so much so that he had a hard time making

> > himself a cup of coffee. Even laying in bed didn't help.

> >

> > I told him to lay down in the bed and drop his pants, he obliged,

> > though I must say that for the most part, he has little to no faith in

> > alternative therapies, he will humor me though and lets me try things

> > on him. I applied DMSO to his lower back and upper hips, rubbed it in,

> > then I got on my computer.

> >

> > About 5 minutes later, he came into the room and in a very sarcastic

> > voice said, look it's working and did a couple of jumping jacks, as I

> > said, he tends to be dubious, he thinks that if the alternative

> > therapies worked, why don't more people know about them? Little does

> > he know...

> >

> > So, as he was trying to be sarcastic about the DMSO working I quickly

> > pointed out that he JUST DID JUMPING JACKS! 5-10 minutes earlier he

> > couldn't stand upright and was moaning with pain. He looked surprised

> > and admitted that his back did feel better. He asked me to apply DMSO

> > a few more times that night, each time marveling at how well and

> > quickly it was working.

> >

> > The next day, I found a bottle of emu oil and used that in conjunction

> > with the DMSO on his back, again he was amazed at how it worked.

> >

> > The only drawback I can see is it doesn't last a very long time, an

> > hour at the most, but reapplying it works just fine. I have since used

> > it on my sore ankle and had great results. I am definitely a DMSO

> > convert and I am glad I found Janet and this group. :)

> >

> > Oh, almost forgot, today hubby burned his arm on the exhaust manifold

> > of our VW Bug, I didn't know about it until many hours later, I

> > applied some DMSO on it, I'll find out tomorrow how well it works for

> > that, I have high hopes.

> >

> > I checked the files section of the group looking for dental

> > applications, I have good teeth and fairly good gums, I do have an

> > infection below my gums on the front lower teeth, I don't have dental

> > insurance and can't afford the cost of going to a dentist, I live in a

> > very rural area, it's at least a 3 hour drive to get to a major town

> > so trying to find a cheaper dentist or school is out of the question,

> > I have been working on getting my mouth into better shape. I don't

> > have an abscess (or cavity), and this is slowing working its way out.

> > I was wondering if there were any protocols for using DMSO in the

> > mouth for dental purposes (besides whitening). I have a waterpik and

> > have been rinsing with colloidal silver, tea tree oil, xylitol and

> > warm water.

> >

> > Thanks everyone!

> >

> > Wretha

> >

> >



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Thanks for those sites; been to both and bookmarked them until I can read about

it and order. About the silver, does this last a long time so that you can order

a larger amount at one time? Same with DMSO?

Thanks, sanr

Sanr.. I like this supplier's collodial silver. He belongs to the CS

yahoo site and is very reputable. His name is Tel..

www.quailwoodherbal.com I have used healthfood store brands of CS

for years and years. I was pleasantly surprised at how good his

product is.

Here is where I buy my DMSO especially since I started taking a tsp -

tbs per day. It is a 70/30% dilution and has pure honey added. It

seems to cut the distinctive DMSO odor somewhat which I like.


I have no financial or personal interest in either of these sites. I

just trust their products. Lola

> Does anyone know if there is a good, better, best quality of these

> supplements? DMSO, COLLOIDAL SILVER.


> Amazon carries several brand name but I am not familiar with any of them to

> know which is the best purest quality.


> Thanks, graylady











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Mara, I started almost 17 yrs ago and started with Pycnogenol  and don't

remember the dose.  that was a long time....


If you are ordering Grape Seed Ex, make sure you take enough for your

bodyweight.....and hopefully it agrees with you....If you have a good " system " ,

I'd start with 200mg and work on knocking out the chronic issues you

have,,,,learn to " dose " with it for your body....


I'm still learning after 17 yrs when something hits me...like in recent year I

got ringing in ear from advil and tylenol and so I knock up the dose and it

helps with the ringing....


This supplement has been my history book on health issues....j 



rom: Mara Miles

To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 8:10 PM

Subject: Re: New to DMSO, love it!

I am in the process of ordering it as I write!  LOL!  can't wait!  How much did

you take when you started?


> Mara, I was the classic sinus/allergy person...all my life until 1995, did the

otc drugs, allergist's shots, the whole 9 yards.....then within a couple/few

weeks, I couldn't believe the transformation....NEVER have bought a drug since

about Oct 1995....

> But, I did start with Pycnogenol in 1995 and stayed with it for a year and

then was told  GE is just as effective, if not more, and less money.  So 1 yr on

" P " and 16 yrs soon on G.E.

> The reason I got on " P " in the first place, we were told at a lecture " it may

prevent cancer " ....it was new in the U.S. from France....and low and behold the

allergy stuff was the first to go....

> If you are on a blood thinner script, caution, G.E. thins the blood,,,,so our

blood will become thinner and not sticky and cloggy.  Circulation is the name of



> ________________________________


> To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:38 PM

> Subject: Re: New to DMSO, love it!


> That does it!  I am going to start taking GE.  I miserable with Juniper

allergies at the moment and my sinuses are driving me nuts!


> mara




> > General use, I take 200mg daily....some days take 400mg....when something

hits me like the edema I got with the hip replacement, I took 600+ per day and

got rid of edema....like I said, it will be 17 yrs soon...no more

allergies/sinus/headaches since G.E.   

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> > Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:44 PM

> > Subject: Re: New to DMSO, love it!

> >

> > 

> > I've heard good things about grape seed extract... been interested but just

haven't taken the plunge. How much and do you take and how often?

> >

> > Thanks for the info

> >

> > Wretha

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I rinse with H202 for years now, and have also been taking grape seed

extract for almost 17 yrs, also praised for gum health and much much more...My

73 yr old gums serve me good.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

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Parsley-Peppermint tea helps with the sulfur odor.

> > >

> > > Go ahead a mix DMSO with H202 but it will make your mouth wreak after a

> > short time and you will exude it to everyone you talk to and have instant

> > enemies from what used to be friends.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >




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