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here is one article about Hemp oil from Manitoba Harvest co.:

Hemp Seed Oil - Your source for essential fat





by Mathew Kadey, www.fuelforlife.ca

It should come as no surprise that for many people in Western society far too

many daily calories come from fat. While it is true that high intakes of

animal-origin saturated fat and hydrogenated fat (trans-fats) are detrimental to

health, it is also just as true that essential fatty acids are crucial for

long-term well-being. These essential fatty acids are the polyunsaturated fats

known as linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3). Like

vitamins, these two fats are essential for proper human functioning and cannot

be made in the body from simpler molecules. This means that they must be

supplied in the diet for incorporation into every cell wall.

The list of benefits of consuming a diet rich in essential fatty acids is

impressive and constantly growing. Helping prevent and/or relieve symptoms of

heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, depression, stroke, asthma and

hypertension, while promoting infant brain development, good skin and shiny hair

as well as aiding in weight management, are all on essential fatty acids’

remarkable resume. Much of this can be attributed to the lipid-modifying and

anti-inflammatory properties of these fatty acids.

Dietary sources of omega-6 fat include cooking oils (corn, sunflower, soy,

peanut), seeds and nuts, while good sources of omega-3 fat are oils from flax,

fish and walnuts. However, when it comes to essential fatty acid intake there is

often one very good food source that gets overlooked – that being hemp oil.

Hemp oil is produced from the plant known as Canabis sativa l. and has been a

traditional food in China as far back as 1500 BC. Hemp has been legal to grow in

Canada since 1998, and lately health-conscious consumers have discovered the

health benefits linked with this wonder food.

Since hemp seeds are found at the top of the Canabis plant located within a

protective shell, hemp products such as hemp oil contain no, or miniscule

amounts of, THC. In fact, you would probably have to smoke a whole field of hemp

to get any intoxicating effect.

Are you asking yourself why you should incorporate hemp oil into your already

impressive array of dietary oils?

Consider this:

The Perfect Fat Ratio

The anti-inflammatory effects of both omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty

acids have been demonstrated in many studies, in particular in the treatment of

rheumatoid arthritis. However this only occurs when these fats are consumed in

roughly similar amounts, such as what is found in hemp oil.

What is particularly interesting about hemp oil is that the ratio of omega-6 to

omega-3 fat is 3:1, which is generally the ratio recognized by the World Health

Organization as being ideal for optimum health. Most North Americans consume a

ratio of 10:1 as a result of a heavy reliance on oils and products that contain

significantly more omega-6 fat (e.g. soybean/vegetable oil). There is a good

indication that a diet that is too heavily weighted toward omega-6 fat can

negate the positive health benefits of essential fat intake. Daily intake of

hemp oil can help ensure your fat intake is closer to what nature intended.

In addition to having one of the highest mono- and polyunsaturated fat contents

of all the oils, hemp oil is naturally low in cholesterol, and saturated fat

represents only 9% of total calories. Diets high in saturated fat can elevate

LDL (“badâ€) cholesterol, which is a risk factor for atherosclerosis.


While omega-6 intake in general is quite high among the general population due

to a high consumption of vegetable oils, there is one omega-6 fat that is

relatively rare in our food system – that being gamma-linoleic acid (GLA). In

addition to borage oil, spirulina, black currant and evening primrose oil, hemp

oil is one of the other few sources of this metabolite of linoleic acid.

GLA is quite similar in chemistry to one of the beneficial fatty acids present

in fish called EPA. And like EPA, some studies have shown that GLA may help in

reducing heart disease. Potential health-promoting effects of GLA include:

* Helping prevent conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease,

rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and periodontitis by limiting the inflammatory

process. The human body converts GLA into prostaglandins, which are hormone-like

compounds that help to regulate inflammation.

* Increasing the effectiveness of cancer treatment. For example, GLA may

enhance the ability of medications used to kill off cancerous cells in the

treatment of breast cancer. In addition, GLA in itself may help prevent certain

cancers by inhibiting cell proliferation.

* Along with DHA and EPA, GLA appears to have lipid-modifying effects such

as reducing blood trigyleride levels. This is useful in the fight against heart


* Treating certain skin conditions such as eczema.

* Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and

Alzheimer’s disease since essential fatty acids like GLA are necessary for the

health and proper functioning of the nervous system.

* Promoting growth and neurodevelopment in pre term infants.

5 more links that should help.







On 4 ב×פר 2012, at 22:15, DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO wrote:

> I need Natural Product And Other Recommendations For

> Posted by: " excalibur25@... " excalibur25@... snidely01907

> Wed Apr 4, 2012 8:34 am (PDT)




> my aide's 9 yo daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on a

prescription med. Mom wants her off the med.


> Thanks,


> Bruce Chesley

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