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Re: [Crock_Lakhovsky] This may be the THING!

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Interesting articles Bob, but I must point out that they are some what

out dated. I just attended conferences on Lyme and other degenerative

diseases including a Morgellon Conference with researchers and

practitioners from Australia and the US. Researchers and clinicians with

information pointing to the connection between Morgellons and Lyme

Disease -- every person who has Morgellons (and Cancer) that has been

tested for Lyme has been positive for Lyme Disease. Many with MS, CFIDS

and Fibromylagia, among other degenerative and autoimmune diseases may

actually have undiagnosed Lyme Disease. It is not only passed by ticks,

but also by fleas, mosquitoes, sexual contact and in rare instances the

spirochete can be passed by kissing. This disease is epidemic and world

wide. There is currently an invesigational new drug application about to

be filed with the FDA for a chronic Lyme Disease pharmaceutical. This

means the FDA and the CDC are about to do an about face on the position

that chronic Lyme does not exist.

There is also a strong correlation between Morgellon and a disease in

cattle, not a direct connection but at least it is a disease model that

is well known in cattle.

The fibers have been heavily characterized by the researcher from OSU in

Tulsa. The dermatologist from AU has also characterized the lesions


As far as the Plum Island theory goes I have to say, " who cares " where

it came from, stop wasting your energy being angry and fearful by

expounding on conspiracy theories and start putting it in to getting

well and holding positive images that are healing instead of negative

images that are proven to make people's immune systems function poorly.

Emotional issues are a part of most degenerative diseases. As well as

epigentics, some of which can be tested for and addressed with

nutriceuticals alone.

I am currently available for consultations in both Lyme and Morgellon. I

am able to conduct screening tests for Lyme including cytokines that

indicate current infection. Memory T Cells that indicate exposure and an

advanced Western Blot. There are DNA tests and CD57 tests that assist in

the clinical diagnosis of Lyme. Treatments are available that are

totally natural and involve no antibiotics if that is how someone

prefers to go. The herbal protocol I am working with generally takes

from 4 -12 months.

I refer to the top practitioners if anyone is seeking of treatment -

herbal or antibiotic.

Please feel free to forward this email to any lists of individuals.


Janet R. , MA

Wellness Consultant

Peoples Pharmacy

Austin, TX

> Someone sent me this info today. I asked her to post it on group but she may

be busy or for all I know it didn't get back to her since my email is being

messed with so much lately. Anyway, if she wants credit, I'll gladly give it,

because I sure didn't find this myself and may never have found it.


> Anyway, so far, there is an awful lot of this info that lines up with my

visual observations of the THING...






> And...


> http://www.morgellonsexposed.com/Throwback.htm


> DB




> ------------------------------------



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I really don't understand this. I only posted a page that refers to the

involvement of this organism in Morgellons. I did not claim she has Morgellons.

I'll never be able to prove any of this definitively because all I have for

evidence is my own eyesight, having now seen every little piece of the organism

literally die and fall out of the hole in her breast.

As far as being outdated, it's not if it's the truth.

Why did you accuse me of anger and spreading conspiracy theories about Plum

Island about Lyme? Well sure I've been angry at my own ignorance and at the

medical establishment that hides real cures and beneficial treatments from us,

yes, I'll admit to that one. But I only once looked into the Plum Island thing

and was quickly corrected by someone more knowledgable that Lyme was described a

hundred years ago.

Our daughter is doing quite well at continuing to beat back her Lyme with simple

and cheap treatments so my anger is abated. My post about the THING had nothing

to do with Lyme.

It seems to me that you could be happy that we've had these successes. Why did

you go on the attack and why did you choose to do it here instead of my forum?


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Please share where your forum is? I would like to visit.

And I am happy for you and your daughter.

Thank you. graylady


I really don't understand this. I only posted a page that refers to the

involvement of this organism in Morgellons. I did not claim she has Morgellons.

I'll never be able to prove any of this definitively because all I have for

evidence is my own eyesight, having now seen every little piece of the organism

literally die and fall out of the hole in her breast.

As far as being outdated, it's not if it's the truth.

Why did you accuse me of anger and spreading conspiracy theories about Plum

Island about Lyme? Well sure I've been angry at my own ignorance and at the

medical establishment that hides real cures and beneficial treatments from us,

yes, I'll admit to that one. But I only once looked into the Plum Island thing

and was quickly corrected by someone more knowledgable that Lyme was described a

hundred years ago.

Our daughter is doing quite well at continuing to beat back her Lyme with

simple and cheap treatments so my anger is abated. My post about the THING had

nothing to do with Lyme.

It seems to me that you could be happy that we've had these successes. Why did

you go on the attack and why did you choose to do it here instead of my forum?



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