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Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritis

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Guest guest

I don't know if it " cures " it, but I'm into my 3rd week coming up with 12mg

daily for the 3month recommendation....I buy Natrol brand and just bought

Natures Way brand....6 mg two times per day....


If it quiets it, I'm happy....cure would be great.... 


To: DiMethylSulfOxide-DMSO

Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:22 PM

Subject: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause and

Cure for Arthritis

Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ?  If so, where is the best quality,

and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ?  Thanks.  Bruce Chesley

---------- Forwarded Message ----------


rthritis Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritisby Rex E Newnham(more info)

listed in nutrition, originally published in issue 92 - September 2003

The ResearchForty years ago, I developed arthritis that made walking difficult,

so I went to the local doctor who gave me medicine that did not help. So I

realized that there must be a reason for my arthritis and went looking for it.

At the time, I had recently moved from a home on good clay soil to a home on

sandy soil, and I was teaching chemistry, soil science and agricultural botany

at Fremantle Technical College, Australia. The clay soil had grown good quality

fruit and vegetables, and the sandy soil gave a good crop in the first year, but

after this everything showed mineral deficiencies, as is common on many sandy

soils. So I looked into the properties of all these minerals to see if there was

anything to do with bone or joints in man or animal.

Nothing relevant was found, but one of the deficient minerals was boron and this

was written off as not needed by man or animal, yet I knew that, in the green

plant, boron was needed for proper usage of calcium. Bone contains a lot of

calcium, so I wondered if boron could have anything to do with the calcium in

bone. The most common compound of boron was borax, so I looked into the

properties of borax. It had about the same toxicity as common salt or sodium

chloride – about 50 grams was a lethal dose.

Borax is often labelled as 'poison', but salt is not. Nevertheless, I took 30 mg

(less than one thousandth of a dangerous dose of borax) twice a day; that is the

amount that would stick to a wet finger tip. In ten days the pain was less, in

two weeks the swelling was going down and in three weeks all the pain, swelling

and stiffness had gone. So I stopped taking the borax, but a year later it all

returned, so I took some more borax and soon all the pain, swelling and

stiffness had gone again. I took more doses from time to time. Plants will not

grow unless there is some boron in the soil, so by eating fruit and vegetables

we all get some boron.

I told other people who had arthritis and they were getting well, but it meant

buying a packet of borax which was labelled 'poison, for killing cockroaches and

ants'. That put people off so they asked me to have borax made up into a tablet

that was not labelled 'poison'. So I did this and had 1000 bottles of tablets

made. It took me two years to sell these, then I had 2000 bottles made and these

went in six months, then 5000 went in six months, then another 5000, which went

in four months, then another 5000, which went in two months. I then did a

foolish thing and went to a drug company in Melbourne to see if they would make

and sell these tablets. At first they seemed interested and they paid for a

double blind clinical trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Then they realized

that borax could not be patented, so they lost interest, and even made the

Australian government declare that boron should be made a legal poison. That

made me a criminal and I

was fined for selling a poison. I gave up teaching and studied to become a

naturopath and nutritionist. I then went to New Zealand, South Africa, Britain

and America where boron was not a legal poison. The double blind clinical trial

lasted five years and was a success – 80% of those who used boron got better

and those who used a placebo did not get better.

I then travelled to places where there was more or less than the normal amount

of arthritis, and to places where there was more or less than the normal 1.5

parts per million [ppm] boron in the soil or water. This entailed nine trips

around the world. Some of the highlights of this research were seen early, as in

New Zealand there were spas where arthritic people used to go and bathe in the

water for some weeks, so as to get rid of their arthritis. One of these spas was

at Ngawha, where there was 300 ppm of boron in the water. People had left their

crutches and wheelchairs behind when they got better at Ngawha. Other spas had

30 or 50 ppm boron and people were getting better when they bathed in all of

these. At Carnarvon in Northwest Australia there was 2.5 ppm boron in the soil

and water and people used to go there to enjoy the good climate and to get rid

of their arthritis, but it was really the good food that helped, as the food

grown there had more

boron than is usual. There were 67 people who had arthritis in the population

of 6000, and that is 1%, far less than usual. Inland from Carnarvon were cattle

stations where there was 7.5 ppm boron in the water and there was no arthritis

at all in man or animal.

In South Africa the Xhosa people had 2% with arthritis when in their native area

of Transkei, but when the same people went to the big cities they soon developed

20% with arthritis. These people ate corn or maize for over 90% of their diet

and, in Transkei, the corn had ten times as much boron as the commercially grown

corn used in the big cities. Jamaica was another very interesting place; 70% of

people had arthritis. I looked into the records of the agriculture department to

find that, since the mid-1800s, a great deal of nitrogen and phosphorus

fertilizer had been poured on to the land to produce sugar. The boron content of

the soil had fallen from 1.5 ppm to less than 0.5 ppm and even less in some

places. Other sugar producing places such as Mauritius had similar low boron

levels in soil and water; 50% of people had arthritis, and the amount of

juvenile arthritis was increasing greatly.

Fiji is another sugar producing island, but it has two distinct areas and types

of people. Indians grew the sugar in the west and farmed their land with great

quantities of artificial fertilizers. They had 40% with arthritis, while the

native Fijians in the east used little or no fertilizer to grow their native

food, and had only 5% with arthritis. The sugar producing lands were worn out

and low in all the trace minerals, particularly boron, while land used for

farming for centuries, where composts and wastes were returned to the soil, had

1.5 ppm boron or more. Israel is interesting because the water under the coastal

plain had 2.5 ppm boron and this water was used for irrigation and production of

local food crops. The medical authorities showed that only 2% of people had


In Britain and America the soils are becoming less productive because of the

continued use of artificial fertilizers containing only nitrogen and phosphorus.

These two will help to produce big crops but their quality is poor and only

truly organically produced foods have enough of the trace minerals, including

boron. Table 1 shows the relative amounts of arthritis and of boron in soil and

water in these different places.

In summary, where there is plenty of boron in soil, water and food there is

little or no arthritis, but in places where there is little boron in soil, water

and food there is much arthritis. It has also been seen that boron will harden

and strengthen bone and so prevent osteoporosis. Elderly women are particularly

liable to osteoporosis, but a daily supplement of boron will prevent it because

the bones are hard and strong. One elderly woman of 87 recently fell all the way

down a flight of stairs, but no bones were broken, due to the fact that she had

one or two boron tablets every day.

There are other people who claim a number of causes for arthritis, such as cold

weather, too much weight, eating plants in the nightshade family and food

allergy, such as that caused by wheat, oats, eggs, chicken, coffee, tea, beef

and pork. Some people have used exclusion diets and have corrected their

arthritis by these means. It is likely that some factors in these allergy

causing foods do affect certain joints or other parts of the body. Many

different methods have been used to help these people, such as the use of zinc

supplements, copper supplements, nicotinamide, evening primrose oil and others.

All these can help some pain but none of them seems to help the great majority

of joint pains or arthritis in the same way as a boron supplement, which helps

98% of all arthritic pains.

Osteoporosis is not arthritis, but it often follows on after a person has had

arthritis for some years. It is more serious than is arthritis because it can

lead to broken bones when a person falls. Yet recently there have been a number

of very old ladies who have fallen badly, such as down a flight of stairs or on

to a stone wall, but they did not suffer any fractures because they had been

using Osteo-Trace, the common boron supplement, for some years and their bones

were in good, strong condition. Because boron will help to strengthen bones so

preventing osteoporosis, then it is only logical to realize that when bones are

strong and in good condition there will be less arthritis.

Further InformationA recent move has been to start the Arthritis and Rheumatism

Natural Therapy Research Association [ARNTRA], and for this a quarterly

newsletter has been written and sent out to members every three months.

Membership costs £15 a year and new members are also given the book Arthritis

Without Drugs. The secretary of ARNTRA is Professor Ken , 12 Clive Road,

West Dulwich, London. SE21 8BY.


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33

The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried


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Guest guest

Cure is a big word, but cures can happen....I was cured of allergy/sinus and

sinus headaches with grape seed extract...so who knows....


To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:24 AM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis


I don't know if it " cures " it, but I'm into my 3rd week coming up with 12mg

daily for the 3month recommendation....I buy Natrol brand and just bought

Natures Way brand....6 mg two times per day....


If it quiets it, I'm happy....cure would be great.... 


To: DiMethylSulfOxide-DMSO

Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:22 PM

Subject: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause and

Cure for Arthritis

Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ?  If so, where is the best quality,

and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ?  Thanks.  Bruce Chesley

---------- Forwarded Message ----------


rthritis Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritisby Rex E Newnham(more info)

listed in nutrition, originally published in issue 92 - September 2003

The ResearchForty years ago, I developed arthritis that made walking difficult,

so I went to the local doctor who gave me medicine that did not help. So I

realized that there must be a reason for my arthritis and went looking for it.

At the time, I had recently moved from a home on good clay soil to a home on

sandy soil, and I was teaching chemistry, soil science and agricultural botany

at Fremantle Technical College, Australia. The clay soil had grown good quality

fruit and vegetables, and the sandy soil gave a good crop in the first year, but

after this everything showed mineral deficiencies, as is common on many sandy

soils. So I looked into the properties of all these minerals to see if there was

anything to do with bone or joints in man or animal.

Nothing relevant was found, but one of the deficient minerals was boron and this

was written off as not needed by man or animal, yet I knew that, in the green

plant, boron was needed for proper usage of calcium. Bone contains a lot of

calcium, so I wondered if boron could have anything to do with the calcium in

bone. The most common compound of boron was borax, so I looked into the

properties of borax. It had about the same toxicity as common salt or sodium

chloride – about 50 grams was a lethal dose.

Borax is often labelled as 'poison', but salt is not. Nevertheless, I took 30 mg

(less than one thousandth of a dangerous dose of borax) twice a day; that is the

amount that would stick to a wet finger tip. In ten days the pain was less, in

two weeks the swelling was going down and in three weeks all the pain, swelling

and stiffness had gone. So I stopped taking the borax, but a year later it all

returned, so I took some more borax and soon all the pain, swelling and

stiffness had gone again. I took more doses from time to time. Plants will not

grow unless there is some boron in the soil, so by eating fruit and vegetables

we all get some boron.

I told other people who had arthritis and they were getting well, but it meant

buying a packet of borax which was labelled 'poison, for killing cockroaches and

ants'. That put people off so they asked me to have borax made up into a tablet

that was not labelled 'poison'. So I did this and had 1000 bottles of tablets

made. It took me two years to sell these, then I had 2000 bottles made and these

went in six months, then 5000 went in six months, then another 5000, which went

in four months, then another 5000, which went in two months. I then did a

foolish thing and went to a drug company in Melbourne to see if they would make

and sell these tablets. At first they seemed interested and they paid for a

double blind clinical trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Then they realized

that borax could not be patented, so they lost interest, and even made the

Australian government declare that boron should be made a legal poison. That

made me a criminal and I

was fined for selling a poison. I gave up teaching and studied to become a

naturopath and nutritionist. I then went to New Zealand, South Africa, Britain

and America where boron was not a legal poison. The double blind clinical trial

lasted five years and was a success – 80% of those who used boron got better

and those who used a placebo did not get better.

I then travelled to places where there was more or less than the normal amount

of arthritis, and to places where there was more or less than the normal 1.5

parts per million [ppm] boron in the soil or water. This entailed nine trips

around the world. Some of the highlights of this research were seen early, as in

New Zealand there were spas where arthritic people used to go and bathe in the

water for some weeks, so as to get rid of their arthritis. One of these spas was

at Ngawha, where there was 300 ppm of boron in the water. People had left their

crutches and wheelchairs behind when they got better at Ngawha. Other spas had

30 or 50 ppm boron and people were getting better when they bathed in all of

these. At Carnarvon in Northwest Australia there was 2.5 ppm boron in the soil

and water and people used to go there to enjoy the good climate and to get rid

of their arthritis, but it was really the good food that helped, as the food

grown there had more

boron than is usual. There were 67 people who had arthritis in the population of

6000, and that is 1%, far less than usual. Inland from Carnarvon were cattle

stations where there was 7.5 ppm boron in the water and there was no arthritis

at all in man or animal.

In South Africa the Xhosa people had 2% with arthritis when in their native area

of Transkei, but when the same people went to the big cities they soon developed

20% with arthritis. These people ate corn or maize for over 90% of their diet

and, in Transkei, the corn had ten times as much boron as the commercially grown

corn used in the big cities. Jamaica was another very interesting place; 70% of

people had arthritis. I looked into the records of the agriculture department to

find that, since the mid-1800s, a great deal of nitrogen and phosphorus

fertilizer had been poured on to the land to produce sugar. The boron content of

the soil had fallen from 1.5 ppm to less than 0.5 ppm and even less in some

places. Other sugar producing places such as Mauritius had similar low boron

levels in soil and water; 50% of people had arthritis, and the amount of

juvenile arthritis was increasing greatly.

Fiji is another sugar producing island, but it has two distinct areas and types

of people. Indians grew the sugar in the west and farmed their land with great

quantities of artificial fertilizers. They had 40% with arthritis, while the

native Fijians in the east used little or no fertilizer to grow their native

food, and had only 5% with arthritis. The sugar producing lands were worn out

and low in all the trace minerals, particularly boron, while land used for

farming for centuries, where composts and wastes were returned to the soil, had

1.5 ppm boron or more. Israel is interesting because the water under the coastal

plain had 2.5 ppm boron and this water was used for irrigation and production of

local food crops. The medical authorities showed that only 2% of people had


In Britain and America the soils are becoming less productive because of the

continued use of artificial fertilizers containing only nitrogen and phosphorus.

These two will help to produce big crops but their quality is poor and only

truly organically produced foods have enough of the trace minerals, including

boron. Table 1 shows the relative amounts of arthritis and of boron in soil and

water in these different places.

In summary, where there is plenty of boron in soil, water and food there is

little or no arthritis, but in places where there is little boron in soil, water

and food there is much arthritis. It has also been seen that boron will harden

and strengthen bone and so prevent osteoporosis. Elderly women are particularly

liable to osteoporosis, but a daily supplement of boron will prevent it because

the bones are hard and strong. One elderly woman of 87 recently fell all the way

down a flight of stairs, but no bones were broken, due to the fact that she had

one or two boron tablets every day.

There are other people who claim a number of causes for arthritis, such as cold

weather, too much weight, eating plants in the nightshade family and food

allergy, such as that caused by wheat, oats, eggs, chicken, coffee, tea, beef

and pork. Some people have used exclusion diets and have corrected their

arthritis by these means. It is likely that some factors in these allergy

causing foods do affect certain joints or other parts of the body. Many

different methods have been used to help these people, such as the use of zinc

supplements, copper supplements, nicotinamide, evening primrose oil and others.

All these can help some pain but none of them seems to help the great majority

of joint pains or arthritis in the same way as a boron supplement, which helps

98% of all arthritic pains.

Osteoporosis is not arthritis, but it often follows on after a person has had

arthritis for some years. It is more serious than is arthritis because it can

lead to broken bones when a person falls. Yet recently there have been a number

of very old ladies who have fallen badly, such as down a flight of stairs or on

to a stone wall, but they did not suffer any fractures because they had been

using Osteo-Trace, the common boron supplement, for some years and their bones

were in good, strong condition. Because boron will help to strengthen bones so

preventing osteoporosis, then it is only logical to realize that when bones are

strong and in good condition there will be less arthritis.

Further InformationA recent move has been to start the Arthritis and Rheumatism

Natural Therapy Research Association [ARNTRA], and for this a quarterly

newsletter has been written and sent out to members every three months.

Membership costs £15 a year and new members are also given the book Arthritis

Without Drugs. The secretary of ARNTRA is Professor Ken , 12 Clive Road,

West Dulwich, London. SE21 8BY.


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33

The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried


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Guest guest

Hi Joyce,

Thanks to you I'm taking grape seed extract--going on a week now. How long did

it take to get rid of the sinus stuff completely?


> Cure is a big word, but cures can happen....I was cured of allergy/sinus and

sinus headaches with grape seed extract...so who knows....


> ________________________________


> To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:24 AM

> Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis



> I don't know if it " cures " it, but I'm into my 3rd week coming up with 12mg

daily for the 3month recommendation....I buy Natrol brand and just bought

Natures Way brand....6 mg two times per day....


> If it quiets it, I'm happy....cure would be great....


> ________________________________


> To: DiMethylSulfOxide-DMSO

> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:22 PM

> Subject: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause and

Cure for Arthritis


> Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ? If so, where is the best

quality, and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ? Thanks. Bruce



> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------




rthritis Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritisby Rex E Newnham(more info)

> listed in nutrition, originally published in issue 92 - September 2003

> The ResearchForty years ago, I developed arthritis that made walking

difficult, so I went to the local doctor who gave me medicine that did not help.

So I realized that there must be a reason for my arthritis and went looking for

it. At the time, I had recently moved from a home on good clay soil to a home on

sandy soil, and I was teaching chemistry, soil science and agricultural botany

at Fremantle Technical College, Australia. The clay soil had grown good quality

fruit and vegetables, and the sandy soil gave a good crop in the first year, but

after this everything showed mineral deficiencies, as is common on many sandy

soils. So I looked into the properties of all these minerals to see if there was

anything to do with bone or joints in man or animal.

> Nothing relevant was found, but one of the deficient minerals was boron and

this was written off as not needed by man or animal, yet I knew that, in the

green plant, boron was needed for proper usage of calcium. Bone contains a lot

of calcium, so I wondered if boron could have anything to do with the calcium in

bone. The most common compound of boron was borax, so I looked into the

properties of borax. It had about the same toxicity as common salt or sodium

chloride – about 50 grams was a lethal dose.

> Borax is often labelled as 'poison', but salt is not. Nevertheless, I took 30

mg (less than one thousandth of a dangerous dose of borax) twice a day; that is

the amount that would stick to a wet finger tip. In ten days the pain was less,

in two weeks the swelling was going down and in three weeks all the pain,

swelling and stiffness had gone. So I stopped taking the borax, but a year later

it all returned, so I took some more borax and soon all the pain, swelling and

stiffness had gone again. I took more doses from time to time. Plants will not

grow unless there is some boron in the soil, so by eating fruit and vegetables

we all get some boron.

> I told other people who had arthritis and they were getting well, but it meant

buying a packet of borax which was labelled 'poison, for killing cockroaches and

ants'. That put people off so they asked me to have borax made up into a tablet

that was not labelled 'poison'. So I did this and had 1000 bottles of tablets

made. It took me two years to sell these, then I had 2000 bottles made and these

went in six months, then 5000 went in six months, then another 5000, which went

in four months, then another 5000, which went in two months. I then did a

foolish thing and went to a drug company in Melbourne to see if they would make

and sell these tablets. At first they seemed interested and they paid for a

double blind clinical trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Then they realized

that borax could not be patented, so they lost interest, and even made the

Australian government declare that boron should be made a legal poison. That

made me a criminal and I

> was fined for selling a poison. I gave up teaching and studied to become a

naturopath and nutritionist. I then went to New Zealand, South Africa, Britain

and America where boron was not a legal poison. The double blind clinical trial

lasted five years and was a success – 80% of those who used boron got better and

those who used a placebo did not get better.

> I then travelled to places where there was more or less than the normal amount

of arthritis, and to places where there was more or less than the normal 1.5

parts per million [ppm] boron in the soil or water. This entailed nine trips

around the world. Some of the highlights of this research were seen early, as in

New Zealand there were spas where arthritic people used to go and bathe in the

water for some weeks, so as to get rid of their arthritis. One of these spas was

at Ngawha, where there was 300 ppm of boron in the water. People had left their

crutches and wheelchairs behind when they got better at Ngawha. Other spas had

30 or 50 ppm boron and people were getting better when they bathed in all of

these. At Carnarvon in Northwest Australia there was 2.5 ppm boron in the soil

and water and people used to go there to enjoy the good climate and to get rid

of their arthritis, but it was really the good food that helped, as the food

grown there had more

> boron than is usual. There were 67 people who had arthritis in the population

of 6000, and that is 1%, far less than usual. Inland from Carnarvon were cattle

stations where there was 7.5 ppm boron in the water and there was no arthritis

at all in man or animal.

> In South Africa the Xhosa people had 2% with arthritis when in their native

area of Transkei, but when the same people went to the big cities they soon

developed 20% with arthritis. These people ate corn or maize for over 90% of

their diet and, in Transkei, the corn had ten times as much boron as the

commercially grown corn used in the big cities. Jamaica was another very

interesting place; 70% of people had arthritis. I looked into the records of the

agriculture department to find that, since the mid-1800s, a great deal of

nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer had been poured on to the land to produce

sugar. The boron content of the soil had fallen from 1.5 ppm to less than 0.5

ppm and even less in some places. Other sugar producing places such as Mauritius

had similar low boron levels in soil and water; 50% of people had arthritis, and

the amount of juvenile arthritis was increasing greatly.

> Fiji is another sugar producing island, but it has two distinct areas and

types of people. Indians grew the sugar in the west and farmed their land with

great quantities of artificial fertilizers. They had 40% with arthritis, while

the native Fijians in the east used little or no fertilizer to grow their native

food, and had only 5% with arthritis. The sugar producing lands were worn out

and low in all the trace minerals, particularly boron, while land used for

farming for centuries, where composts and wastes were returned to the soil, had

1.5 ppm boron or more. Israel is interesting because the water under the coastal

plain had 2.5 ppm boron and this water was used for irrigation and production of

local food crops. The medical authorities showed that only 2% of people had


> In Britain and America the soils are becoming less productive because of the

continued use of artificial fertilizers containing only nitrogen and phosphorus.

These two will help to produce big crops but their quality is poor and only

truly organically produced foods have enough of the trace minerals, including

boron. Table 1 shows the relative amounts of arthritis and of boron in soil and

water in these different places.

> In summary, where there is plenty of boron in soil, water and food there is

little or no arthritis, but in places where there is little boron in soil, water

and food there is much arthritis. It has also been seen that boron will harden

and strengthen bone and so prevent osteoporosis. Elderly women are particularly

liable to osteoporosis, but a daily supplement of boron will prevent it because

the bones are hard and strong. One elderly woman of 87 recently fell all the way

down a flight of stairs, but no bones were broken, due to the fact that she had

one or two boron tablets every day.

> There are other people who claim a number of causes for arthritis, such as

cold weather, too much weight, eating plants in the nightshade family and food

allergy, such as that caused by wheat, oats, eggs, chicken, coffee, tea, beef

and pork. Some people have used exclusion diets and have corrected their

arthritis by these means. It is likely that some factors in these allergy

causing foods do affect certain joints or other parts of the body. Many

different methods have been used to help these people, such as the use of zinc

supplements, copper supplements, nicotinamide, evening primrose oil and others.

All these can help some pain but none of them seems to help the great majority

of joint pains or arthritis in the same way as a boron supplement, which helps

98% of all arthritic pains.

> Osteoporosis is not arthritis, but it often follows on after a person has had

arthritis for some years. It is more serious than is arthritis because it can

lead to broken bones when a person falls. Yet recently there have been a number

of very old ladies who have fallen badly, such as down a flight of stairs or on

to a stone wall, but they did not suffer any fractures because they had been

using Osteo-Trace, the common boron supplement, for some years and their bones

were in good, strong condition. Because boron will help to strengthen bones so

preventing osteoporosis, then it is only logical to realize that when bones are

strong and in good condition there will be less arthritis.

> Further InformationA recent move has been to start the Arthritis and

Rheumatism Natural Therapy Research Association [ARNTRA], and for this a

quarterly newsletter has been written and sent out to members every three

months. Membership costs £15 a year and new members are also given the book

Arthritis Without Drugs. The secretary of ARNTRA is Professor Ken , 12

Clive Road, West Dulwich, London. SE21 8BY.

> __________________________________________________________

> 53 Year Old Mom Looks 33

> The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f9c981a775d5b20200st04vuc



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Guest guest

Mara, it take some time, the body tissues have to get saturated, best to up dose

for a while, don't know how much you are taking.


I still blow my nose on occasion, but it's going on 17 yrs and have NEVER taken

a drug for the stuff I dealt with all my life before 1995. 


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 10:40 AM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis

Hi Joyce,

Thanks to you I'm taking grape seed extract--going on a week now.  How long did

it take to get rid of the sinus stuff completely?


> Cure is a big word, but cures can happen....I was cured of allergy/sinus and

sinus headaches with grape seed extract...so who knows....


> ________________________________


> To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:24 AM

> Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis



> I don't know if it " cures " it, but I'm into my 3rd week coming up with 12mg

daily for the 3month recommendation....I buy Natrol brand and just bought

Natures Way brand....6 mg two times per day....


> If it quiets it, I'm happy....cure would be great....


> ________________________________


> To: DiMethylSulfOxide-DMSO

> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:22 PM

> Subject: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause and

Cure for Arthritis


> Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ?  If so, where is the best

quality, and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ?  Thanks.  Bruce



> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------




rthritis Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritisby Rex E Newnham(more info)

> listed in nutrition, originally published in issue 92 - September 2003

> The ResearchForty years ago, I developed arthritis that made walking

difficult, so I went to the local doctor who gave me medicine that did not help.

So I realized that there must be a reason for my arthritis and went looking for

it. At the time, I had recently moved from a home on good clay soil to a home on

sandy soil, and I was teaching chemistry, soil science and agricultural botany

at Fremantle Technical College, Australia. The clay soil had grown good quality

fruit and vegetables, and the sandy soil gave a good crop in the first year, but

after this everything showed mineral deficiencies, as is common on many sandy

soils. So I looked into the properties of all these minerals to see if there was

anything to do with bone or joints in man or animal.

> Nothing relevant was found, but one of the deficient minerals was boron and

this was written off as not needed by man or animal, yet I knew that, in the

green plant, boron was needed for proper usage of calcium. Bone contains a lot

of calcium, so I wondered if boron could have anything to do with the calcium in

bone. The most common compound of boron was borax, so I looked into the

properties of borax. It had about the same toxicity as common salt or sodium

chloride – about 50 grams was a lethal dose.

> Borax is often labelled as 'poison', but salt is not. Nevertheless, I took 30

mg (less than one thousandth of a dangerous dose of borax) twice a day; that is

the amount that would stick to a wet finger tip. In ten days the pain was less,

in two weeks the swelling was going down and in three weeks all the pain,

swelling and stiffness had gone. So I stopped taking the borax, but a year later

it all returned, so I took some more borax and soon all the pain, swelling and

stiffness had gone again. I took more doses from time to time. Plants will not

grow unless there is some boron in the soil, so by eating fruit and vegetables

we all get some boron.

> I told other people who had arthritis and they were getting well, but it meant

buying a packet of borax which was labelled 'poison, for killing cockroaches and

ants'. That put people off so they asked me to have borax made up into a tablet

that was not labelled 'poison'. So I did this and had 1000 bottles of tablets

made. It took me two years to sell these, then I had 2000 bottles made and these

went in six months, then 5000 went in six months, then another 5000, which went

in four months, then another 5000, which went in two months. I then did a

foolish thing and went to a drug company in Melbourne to see if they would make

and sell these tablets. At first they seemed interested and they paid for a

double blind clinical trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Then they realized

that borax could not be patented, so they lost interest, and even made the

Australian government declare that boron should be made a legal poison. That

made me a criminal and I

> was fined for selling a poison. I gave up teaching and studied to become a

naturopath and nutritionist. I then went to New Zealand, South Africa, Britain

and America where boron was not a legal poison. The double blind clinical trial

lasted five years and was a success – 80% of those who used boron got better

and those who used a placebo did not get better.

> I then travelled to places where there was more or less than the normal amount

of arthritis, and to places where there was more or less than the normal 1.5

parts per million [ppm] boron in the soil or water. This entailed nine trips

around the world. Some of the highlights of this research were seen early, as in

New Zealand there were spas where arthritic people used to go and bathe in the

water for some weeks, so as to get rid of their arthritis. One of these spas was

at Ngawha, where there was 300 ppm of boron in the water. People had left their

crutches and wheelchairs behind when they got better at Ngawha. Other spas had

30 or 50 ppm boron and people were getting better when they bathed in all of

these. At Carnarvon in Northwest Australia there was 2.5 ppm boron in the soil

and water and people used to go there to enjoy the good climate and to get rid

of their arthritis, but it was really the good food that helped, as the food

grown there had more

> boron than is usual. There were 67 people who had arthritis in the population

of 6000, and that is 1%, far less than usual. Inland from Carnarvon were cattle

stations where there was 7.5 ppm boron in the water and there was no arthritis

at all in man or animal.

> In South Africa the Xhosa people had 2% with arthritis when in their native

area of Transkei, but when the same people went to the big cities they soon

developed 20% with arthritis. These people ate corn or maize for over 90% of

their diet and, in Transkei, the corn had ten times as much boron as the

commercially grown corn used in the big cities. Jamaica was another very

interesting place; 70% of people had arthritis. I looked into the records of the

agriculture department to find that, since the mid-1800s, a great deal of

nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer had been poured on to the land to produce

sugar. The boron content of the soil had fallen from 1.5 ppm to less than 0.5

ppm and even less in some places. Other sugar producing places such as Mauritius

had similar low boron levels in soil and water; 50% of people had arthritis, and

the amount of juvenile arthritis was increasing greatly.

> Fiji is another sugar producing island, but it has two distinct areas and

types of people. Indians grew the sugar in the west and farmed their land with

great quantities of artificial fertilizers. They had 40% with arthritis, while

the native Fijians in the east used little or no fertilizer to grow their native

food, and had only 5% with arthritis. The sugar producing lands were worn out

and low in all the trace minerals, particularly boron, while land used for

farming for centuries, where composts and wastes were returned to the soil, had

1.5 ppm boron or more. Israel is interesting because the water under the coastal

plain had 2.5 ppm boron and this water was used for irrigation and production of

local food crops. The medical authorities showed that only 2% of people had


> In Britain and America the soils are becoming less productive because of the

continued use of artificial fertilizers containing only nitrogen and phosphorus.

These two will help to produce big crops but their quality is poor and only

truly organically produced foods have enough of the trace minerals, including

boron. Table 1 shows the relative amounts of arthritis and of boron in soil and

water in these different places.

> In summary, where there is plenty of boron in soil, water and food there is

little or no arthritis, but in places where there is little boron in soil, water

and food there is much arthritis. It has also been seen that boron will harden

and strengthen bone and so prevent osteoporosis. Elderly women are particularly

liable to osteoporosis, but a daily supplement of boron will prevent it because

the bones are hard and strong. One elderly woman of 87 recently fell all the way

down a flight of stairs, but no bones were broken, due to the fact that she had

one or two boron tablets every day.

> There are other people who claim a number of causes for arthritis, such as

cold weather, too much weight, eating plants in the nightshade family and food

allergy, such as that caused by wheat, oats, eggs, chicken, coffee, tea, beef

and pork. Some people have used exclusion diets and have corrected their

arthritis by these means. It is likely that some factors in these allergy

causing foods do affect certain joints or other parts of the body. Many

different methods have been used to help these people, such as the use of zinc

supplements, copper supplements, nicotinamide, evening primrose oil and others.

All these can help some pain but none of them seems to help the great majority

of joint pains or arthritis in the same way as a boron supplement, which helps

98% of all arthritic pains.

> Osteoporosis is not arthritis, but it often follows on after a person has had

arthritis for some years. It is more serious than is arthritis because it can

lead to broken bones when a person falls. Yet recently there have been a number

of very old ladies who have fallen badly, such as down a flight of stairs or on

to a stone wall, but they did not suffer any fractures because they had been

using Osteo-Trace, the common boron supplement, for some years and their bones

were in good, strong condition. Because boron will help to strengthen bones so

preventing osteoporosis, then it is only logical to realize that when bones are

strong and in good condition there will be less arthritis.

> Further InformationA recent move has been to start the Arthritis and

Rheumatism Natural Therapy Research Association [ARNTRA], and for this a

quarterly newsletter has been written and sent out to members every three

months. Membership costs £15 a year and new members are also given the book

Arthritis Without Drugs. The secretary of ARNTRA is Professor Ken , 12

Clive Road, West Dulwich, London. SE21 8BY.

> __________________________________________________________

> 53 Year Old Mom Looks 33

> The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f9c981a775d5b20200st04vuc



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Guest guest

I'm taking 100 mg per day. I weigh about 110 pounds.


> Mara, it take some time, the body tissues have to get saturated, best to up

dose for a while, don't know how much you are taking.


> I still blow my nose on occasion, but it's going on 17 yrs and have NEVER

taken a drug for the stuff I dealt with all my life before 1995.


> ________________________________


> To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 10:40 AM

> Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis


> Hi Joyce,


> Thanks to you I'm taking grape seed extract--going on a week now. How long

did it take to get rid of the sinus stuff completely?

> mara




> > Cure is a big word, but cures can happen....I was cured of allergy/sinus and

sinus headaches with grape seed extract...so who knows....

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

> > Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:24 AM

> > Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major

Cause and Cure for Arthritis

> >

> >

> > I don't know if it " cures " it, but I'm into my 3rd week coming up with 12mg

daily for the 3month recommendation....I buy Natrol brand and just bought

Natures Way brand....6 mg two times per day....

> >

> > If it quiets it, I'm happy....cure would be great....

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > To: DiMethylSulfOxide-DMSO

> > Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:22 PM

> > Subject: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis

> >

> > Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ? If so, where is the best

quality, and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ? Thanks. Bruce


> >

> > ---------- Forwarded Message ----------

> >

> >


rthritis Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritisby Rex E Newnham(more info)

> > listed in nutrition, originally published in issue 92 - September 2003

> > The ResearchForty years ago, I developed arthritis that made walking

difficult, so I went to the local doctor who gave me medicine that did not help.

So I realized that there must be a reason for my arthritis and went looking for

it. At the time, I had recently moved from a home on good clay soil to a home on

sandy soil, and I was teaching chemistry, soil science and agricultural botany

at Fremantle Technical College, Australia. The clay soil had grown good quality

fruit and vegetables, and the sandy soil gave a good crop in the first year, but

after this everything showed mineral deficiencies, as is common on many sandy

soils. So I looked into the properties of all these minerals to see if there was

anything to do with bone or joints in man or animal.

> > Nothing relevant was found, but one of the deficient minerals was boron and

this was written off as not needed by man or animal, yet I knew that, in the

green plant, boron was needed for proper usage of calcium. Bone contains a lot

of calcium, so I wondered if boron could have anything to do with the calcium in

bone. The most common compound of boron was borax, so I looked into the

properties of borax. It had about the same toxicity as common salt or sodium

chloride – about 50 grams was a lethal dose.

> > Borax is often labelled as 'poison', but salt is not. Nevertheless, I took

30 mg (less than one thousandth of a dangerous dose of borax) twice a day; that

is the amount that would stick to a wet finger tip. In ten days the pain was

less, in two weeks the swelling was going down and in three weeks all the pain,

swelling and stiffness had gone. So I stopped taking the borax, but a year later

it all returned, so I took some more borax and soon all the pain, swelling and

stiffness had gone again. I took more doses from time to time. Plants will not

grow unless there is some boron in the soil, so by eating fruit and vegetables

we all get some boron.

> > I told other people who had arthritis and they were getting well, but it

meant buying a packet of borax which was labelled 'poison, for killing

cockroaches and ants'. That put people off so they asked me to have borax made

up into a tablet that was not labelled 'poison'. So I did this and had 1000

bottles of tablets made. It took me two years to sell these, then I had 2000

bottles made and these went in six months, then 5000 went in six months, then

another 5000, which went in four months, then another 5000, which went in two

months. I then did a foolish thing and went to a drug company in Melbourne to

see if they would make and sell these tablets. At first they seemed interested

and they paid for a double blind clinical trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Then they realized that borax could not be patented, so they lost interest, and

even made the Australian government declare that boron should be made a legal

poison. That made me a criminal and I

> > was fined for selling a poison. I gave up teaching and studied to become a

naturopath and nutritionist. I then went to New Zealand, South Africa, Britain

and America where boron was not a legal poison. The double blind clinical trial

lasted five years and was a success – 80% of those who used boron got better and

those who used a placebo did not get better.

> > I then travelled to places where there was more or less than the normal

amount of arthritis, and to places where there was more or less than the normal

1.5 parts per million [ppm] boron in the soil or water. This entailed nine trips

around the world. Some of the highlights of this research were seen early, as in

New Zealand there were spas where arthritic people used to go and bathe in the

water for some weeks, so as to get rid of their arthritis. One of these spas was

at Ngawha, where there was 300 ppm of boron in the water. People had left their

crutches and wheelchairs behind when they got better at Ngawha. Other spas had

30 or 50 ppm boron and people were getting better when they bathed in all of

these. At Carnarvon in Northwest Australia there was 2.5 ppm boron in the soil

and water and people used to go there to enjoy the good climate and to get rid

of their arthritis, but it was really the good food that helped, as the food

grown there had more

> > boron than is usual. There were 67 people who had arthritis in the

population of 6000, and that is 1%, far less than usual. Inland from Carnarvon

were cattle stations where there was 7.5 ppm boron in the water and there was no

arthritis at all in man or animal.

> > In South Africa the Xhosa people had 2% with arthritis when in their native

area of Transkei, but when the same people went to the big cities they soon

developed 20% with arthritis. These people ate corn or maize for over 90% of

their diet and, in Transkei, the corn had ten times as much boron as the

commercially grown corn used in the big cities. Jamaica was another very

interesting place; 70% of people had arthritis. I looked into the records of the

agriculture department to find that, since the mid-1800s, a great deal of

nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer had been poured on to the land to produce

sugar. The boron content of the soil had fallen from 1.5 ppm to less than 0.5

ppm and even less in some places. Other sugar producing places such as Mauritius

had similar low boron levels in soil and water; 50% of people had arthritis, and

the amount of juvenile arthritis was increasing greatly.

> > Fiji is another sugar producing island, but it has two distinct areas and

types of people. Indians grew the sugar in the west and farmed their land with

great quantities of artificial fertilizers. They had 40% with arthritis, while

the native Fijians in the east used little or no fertilizer to grow their native

food, and had only 5% with arthritis. The sugar producing lands were worn out

and low in all the trace minerals, particularly boron, while land used for

farming for centuries, where composts and wastes were returned to the soil, had

1.5 ppm boron or more. Israel is interesting because the water under the coastal

plain had 2.5 ppm boron and this water was used for irrigation and production of

local food crops. The medical authorities showed that only 2% of people had


> > In Britain and America the soils are becoming less productive because of the

continued use of artificial fertilizers containing only nitrogen and phosphorus.

These two will help to produce big crops but their quality is poor and only

truly organically produced foods have enough of the trace minerals, including

boron. Table 1 shows the relative amounts of arthritis and of boron in soil and

water in these different places.

> > In summary, where there is plenty of boron in soil, water and food there is

little or no arthritis, but in places where there is little boron in soil, water

and food there is much arthritis. It has also been seen that boron will harden

and strengthen bone and so prevent osteoporosis. Elderly women are particularly

liable to osteoporosis, but a daily supplement of boron will prevent it because

the bones are hard and strong. One elderly woman of 87 recently fell all the way

down a flight of stairs, but no bones were broken, due to the fact that she had

one or two boron tablets every day.

> > There are other people who claim a number of causes for arthritis, such as

cold weather, too much weight, eating plants in the nightshade family and food

allergy, such as that caused by wheat, oats, eggs, chicken, coffee, tea, beef

and pork. Some people have used exclusion diets and have corrected their

arthritis by these means. It is likely that some factors in these allergy

causing foods do affect certain joints or other parts of the body. Many

different methods have been used to help these people, such as the use of zinc

supplements, copper supplements, nicotinamide, evening primrose oil and others.

All these can help some pain but none of them seems to help the great majority

of joint pains or arthritis in the same way as a boron supplement, which helps

98% of all arthritic pains.

> > Osteoporosis is not arthritis, but it often follows on after a person has

had arthritis for some years. It is more serious than is arthritis because it

can lead to broken bones when a person falls. Yet recently there have been a

number of very old ladies who have fallen badly, such as down a flight of stairs

or on to a stone wall, but they did not suffer any fractures because they had

been using Osteo-Trace, the common boron supplement, for some years and their

bones were in good, strong condition. Because boron will help to strengthen

bones so preventing osteoporosis, then it is only logical to realize that when

bones are strong and in good condition there will be less arthritis.

> > Further InformationA recent move has been to start the Arthritis and

Rheumatism Natural Therapy Research Association [ARNTRA], and for this a

quarterly newsletter has been written and sent out to members every three

months. Membership costs £15 a year and new members are also given the book

Arthritis Without Drugs. The secretary of ARNTRA is Professor Ken , 12

Clive Road, West Dulwich, London. SE21 8BY.

> > __________________________________________________________

> > 53 Year Old Mom Looks 33

> > The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

> > http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f9c981a775d5b20200st04vuc

> >

> >

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Guest guest

If I were you, and if no stomach issues, take 100mg two times per day....take

with food if you need to.


I've never had stomach issues with the G.E. all these yrs...


I weigh 160 or so, and take 400mg at least per day...G.E. addresses SO MUCH more



There is a Muscadine Grape Seed (not extract) and it comes in 500mg caps and

some days I use these...The Muscadine Grape is HIGH in resveratrol.  I've tried

so many and mix them up.  Get my G.S.E. and Muscadine mostly from vitacost.....



To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 10:54 AM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis

I'm taking 100 mg per day.  I weigh about 110 pounds.


> Mara, it take some time, the body tissues have to get saturated, best to up

dose for a while, don't know how much you are taking.


> I still blow my nose on occasion, but it's going on 17 yrs and have NEVER

taken a drug for the stuff I dealt with all my life before 1995.


> ________________________________


> To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 10:40 AM

> Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis


> Hi Joyce,


> Thanks to you I'm taking grape seed extract--going on a week now.  How long

did it take to get rid of the sinus stuff completely?

> mara




> > Cure is a big word, but cures can happen....I was cured of allergy/sinus and

sinus headaches with grape seed extract...so who knows....

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

> > Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:24 AM

> > Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major

Cause and Cure for Arthritis

> >

> > 

> > I don't know if it " cures " it, but I'm into my 3rd week coming up with 12mg

daily for the 3month recommendation....I buy Natrol brand and just bought

Natures Way brand....6 mg two times per day....

> > 

> > If it quiets it, I'm happy....cure would be great....

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > To: DiMethylSulfOxide-DMSO

> > Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:22 PM

> > Subject: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis

> >

> > Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ?  If so, where is the best

quality, and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ?  Thanks.  Bruce


> >

> > ---------- Forwarded Message ----------

> >

> >


rthritis Boron: Major Cause and Cure for Arthritisby Rex E Newnham(more info)

> > listed in nutrition, originally published in issue 92 - September 2003

> > The ResearchForty years ago, I developed arthritis that made walking

difficult, so I went to the local doctor who gave me medicine that did not help.

So I realized that there must be a reason for my arthritis and went looking for

it. At the time, I had recently moved from a home on good clay soil to a home on

sandy soil, and I was teaching chemistry, soil science and agricultural botany

at Fremantle Technical College, Australia. The clay soil had grown good quality

fruit and vegetables, and the sandy soil gave a good crop in the first year, but

after this everything showed mineral deficiencies, as is common on many sandy

soils. So I looked into the properties of all these minerals to see if there was

anything to do with bone or joints in man or animal.

> > Nothing relevant was found, but one of the deficient minerals was boron and

this was written off as not needed by man or animal, yet I knew that, in the

green plant, boron was needed for proper usage of calcium. Bone contains a lot

of calcium, so I wondered if boron could have anything to do with the calcium in

bone. The most common compound of boron was borax, so I looked into the

properties of borax. It had about the same toxicity as common salt or sodium

chloride – about 50 grams was a lethal dose.

> > Borax is often labelled as 'poison', but salt is not. Nevertheless, I took

30 mg (less than one thousandth of a dangerous dose of borax) twice a day; that

is the amount that would stick to a wet finger tip. In ten days the pain was

less, in two weeks the swelling was going down and in three weeks all the pain,

swelling and stiffness had gone. So I stopped taking the borax, but a year later

it all returned, so I took some more borax and soon all the pain, swelling and

stiffness had gone again. I took more doses from time to time. Plants will not

grow unless there is some boron in the soil, so by eating fruit and vegetables

we all get some boron.

> > I told other people who had arthritis and they were getting well, but it

meant buying a packet of borax which was labelled 'poison, for killing

cockroaches and ants'. That put people off so they asked me to have borax made

up into a tablet that was not labelled 'poison'. So I did this and had 1000

bottles of tablets made. It took me two years to sell these, then I had 2000

bottles made and these went in six months, then 5000 went in six months, then

another 5000, which went in four months, then another 5000, which went in two

months. I then did a foolish thing and went to a drug company in Melbourne to

see if they would make and sell these tablets. At first they seemed interested

and they paid for a double blind clinical trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Then they realized that borax could not be patented, so they lost interest, and

even made the Australian government declare that boron should be made a legal

poison. That made me a criminal and I

> > was fined for selling a poison. I gave up teaching and studied to become a

naturopath and nutritionist. I then went to New Zealand, South Africa, Britain

and America where boron was not a legal poison. The double blind clinical trial

lasted five years and was a success – 80% of those who used boron got better

and those who used a placebo did not get better.

> > I then travelled to places where there was more or less than the normal

amount of arthritis, and to places where there was more or less than the normal

1.5 parts per million [ppm] boron in the soil or water. This entailed nine trips

around the world. Some of the highlights of this research were seen early, as in

New Zealand there were spas where arthritic people used to go and bathe in the

water for some weeks, so as to get rid of their arthritis. One of these spas was

at Ngawha, where there was 300 ppm of boron in the water. People had left their

crutches and wheelchairs behind when they got better at Ngawha. Other spas had

30 or 50 ppm boron and people were getting better when they bathed in all of

these. At Carnarvon in Northwest Australia there was 2.5 ppm boron in the soil

and water and people used to go there to enjoy the good climate and to get rid

of their arthritis, but it was really the good food that helped, as the food

grown there had more

> > boron than is usual. There were 67 people who had arthritis in the

population of 6000, and that is 1%, far less than usual. Inland from Carnarvon

were cattle stations where there was 7.5 ppm boron in the water and there was no

arthritis at all in man or animal.

> > In South Africa the Xhosa people had 2% with arthritis when in their native

area of Transkei, but when the same people went to the big cities they soon

developed 20% with arthritis. These people ate corn or maize for over 90% of

their diet and, in Transkei, the corn had ten times as much boron as the

commercially grown corn used in the big cities. Jamaica was another very

interesting place; 70% of people had arthritis. I looked into the records of the

agriculture department to find that, since the mid-1800s, a great deal of

nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer had been poured on to the land to produce

sugar. The boron content of the soil had fallen from 1.5 ppm to less than 0.5

ppm and even less in some places. Other sugar producing places such as Mauritius

had similar low boron levels in soil and water; 50% of people had arthritis, and

the amount of juvenile arthritis was increasing greatly.

> > Fiji is another sugar producing island, but it has two distinct areas and

types of people. Indians grew the sugar in the west and farmed their land with

great quantities of artificial fertilizers. They had 40% with arthritis, while

the native Fijians in the east used little or no fertilizer to grow their native

food, and had only 5% with arthritis. The sugar producing lands were worn out

and low in all the trace minerals, particularly boron, while land used for

farming for centuries, where composts and wastes were returned to the soil, had

1.5 ppm boron or more. Israel is interesting because the water under the coastal

plain had 2.5 ppm boron and this water was used for irrigation and production of

local food crops. The medical authorities showed that only 2% of people had


> > In Britain and America the soils are becoming less productive because of the

continued use of artificial fertilizers containing only nitrogen and phosphorus.

These two will help to produce big crops but their quality is poor and only

truly organically produced foods have enough of the trace minerals, including

boron. Table 1 shows the relative amounts of arthritis and of boron in soil and

water in these different places.

> > In summary, where there is plenty of boron in soil, water and food there is

little or no arthritis, but in places where there is little boron in soil, water

and food there is much arthritis. It has also been seen that boron will harden

and strengthen bone and so prevent osteoporosis. Elderly women are particularly

liable to osteoporosis, but a daily supplement of boron will prevent it because

the bones are hard and strong. One elderly woman of 87 recently fell all the way

down a flight of stairs, but no bones were broken, due to the fact that she had

one or two boron tablets every day.

> > There are other people who claim a number of causes for arthritis, such as

cold weather, too much weight, eating plants in the nightshade family and food

allergy, such as that caused by wheat, oats, eggs, chicken, coffee, tea, beef

and pork. Some people have used exclusion diets and have corrected their

arthritis by these means. It is likely that some factors in these allergy

causing foods do affect certain joints or other parts of the body. Many

different methods have been used to help these people, such as the use of zinc

supplements, copper supplements, nicotinamide, evening primrose oil and others.

All these can help some pain but none of them seems to help the great majority

of joint pains or arthritis in the same way as a boron supplement, which helps

98% of all arthritic pains.

> > Osteoporosis is not arthritis, but it often follows on after a person has

had arthritis for some years. It is more serious than is arthritis because it

can lead to broken bones when a person falls. Yet recently there have been a

number of very old ladies who have fallen badly, such as down a flight of stairs

or on to a stone wall, but they did not suffer any fractures because they had

been using Osteo-Trace, the common boron supplement, for some years and their

bones were in good, strong condition. Because boron will help to strengthen

bones so preventing osteoporosis, then it is only logical to realize that when

bones are strong and in good condition there will be less arthritis.

> > Further InformationA recent move has been to start the Arthritis and

Rheumatism Natural Therapy Research Association [ARNTRA], and for this a

quarterly newsletter has been written and sent out to members every three

months. Membership costs £15 a year and new members are also given the book

Arthritis Without Drugs. The secretary of ARNTRA is Professor Ken , 12

Clive Road, West Dulwich, London. SE21 8BY.

> > __________________________________________________________

> > 53 Year Old Mom Looks 33

> > The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

> > http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f9c981a775d5b20200st04vuc

> >

> >

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Cannot comment on " curing " arthritis but sources for the products ...

Boron ~ one option for purchasing this is iHerb which does ship to other

countries. First time customers can use the referral code SOK933 for $5 off of

their first order.

Borax ~ in the U.S. borax can be purchased in the laundry & cleaning sections of

stores and Ace Hardware stores also carry borax.

Walter Last wrote an interesting article about Boron & Borax that is worth

reading as he compiles much information and several references within the one

article. Then one can either take his word or follow up on the references he



.... Excerpt from that article under the paragraph heading 'What and How Much to

Use' about the difference between boron & borax that I found interesting:

" Borax and boric acid have been classified as reproductive poisons in Europe,

and since December 2010 are no longer available to the public within the EU.

Presently borax is still available in Switzerland (16), but shipment to Germany

is not permitted. In Germany a small amount (20 - 50 grams) may be ordered

through a pharmacy as ant poison, it will be registered.

Boron tablets can be bought from health shops or the Internet, commonly with 3

mg of boron. These contain tightly bound boron not present in ionic form as with

borax or boric acid. While suitable as a general boron supplement, I do not

expect them to work against Candida and mycoplasmas, or as a quick arthritis,

osteoporosis or menopause cure. Most scientific studies and individual

experiences were with borax or boric acid. To improve effectiveness I recommend

3 or more spaced-out boron tablets daily for an extended period combined with

sufficient magnesium and a suitable antimicrobial program (17) "


> Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ? If so, where is the best

quality, and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ? Thanks. Bruce



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What I'm taking is 6mg Boron caps two times per day for THREE months, I'm in my

3rd week.   This is from a person in australia who sent me info on " cure " for

arthritis....I've posted this on my other postings.


Then 6-12mg as needed....


I have been taking 3mg daily for several yrs...so this is a dosing up



I don't use Borax..... 


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 11:34 AM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis



Cannot comment on " curing " arthritis but sources for the products ...

Boron ~ one option for purchasing this is iHerb which does ship to other

countries. First time customers can use the referral code SOK933 for $5 off of

their first order.

Borax ~ in the U.S. borax can be purchased in the laundry & cleaning sections of

stores and Ace Hardware stores also carry borax.

Walter Last wrote an interesting article about Boron & Borax that is worth

reading as he compiles much information and several references within the one

article. Then one can either take his word or follow up on the references he



.... Excerpt from that article under the paragraph heading 'What and How Much to

Use' about the difference between boron & borax that I found interesting:

" Borax and boric acid have been classified as reproductive poisons in Europe,

and since December 2010 are no longer available to the public within the EU.

Presently borax is still available in Switzerland (16), but shipment to Germany

is not permitted. In Germany a small amount (20 - 50 grams) may be ordered

through a pharmacy as ant poison, it will be registered.

Boron tablets can be bought from health shops or the Internet, commonly with 3

mg of boron. These contain tightly bound boron not present in ionic form as with

borax or boric acid. While suitable as a general boron supplement, I do not

expect them to work against Candida and mycoplasmas, or as a quick arthritis,

osteoporosis or menopause cure. Most scientific studies and individual

experiences were with borax or boric acid. To improve effectiveness I recommend

3 or more spaced-out boron tablets daily for an extended period combined with

sufficient magnesium and a suitable antimicrobial program (17) "


> Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ? If so, where is the best quality,

and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ? Thanks. Bruce Chesley


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Brighthope says: " Epidemiological studies from a number of countries have

shown an inverse relationship between soil boron levels and the prevalence

of osteoarthritis.




" Boron deficiency may foster calcium loss and bone demineralisation ....




" There is a theory that the anti-arthritic effect of boron is associated

with it's antagonistic effect on fluoride. Clinically it is recognised that

boron antagonises fluoride by the formation of a complex ion. As such it is

essential for chelating fluoride from the body...... "

But he also mentions: " ........ that boron enhances and mimics the effects

of oestrogen ingestion in post-menopausal women. "

[Practitioner Manual Vol.3.]


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This brings up a question. Would high levels of fluoride promote arthritis?

Basically, in the USA, they fluoridate and have high levels of arthritis. What

about arthritis in other countries where fluoridation is banned? Could fluoride

be the cause and Boron a cure? Just thinking out loud.

> ...

> " There is a theory that the anti-arthritic effect of boron is associated

> with it's antagonistic effect on fluoride. Clinically it is recognised that

> boron antagonises fluoride by the formation of a complex ion. As such it is

> essential for chelating fluoride from the body...... "


> But he also mentions: " ........ that boron enhances and mimics the effects

> of oestrogen ingestion in post-menopausal women. "


> [Practitioner Manual Vol.3.]


> Jane


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, the U.S. has gone crazy with fluroidation.  And I swear my OA issues

worsened after our city added the " poison " to our waters in 2008....I still

shower in the CRAP.....


There are lawsuits going on in san diego right now against met water district

and NYC has a  major campaign going on right now to rid all boros of



Grand Rapids MI was the first town in 1945 to get this crap, wonder how all

those folks are getting by....


Go to Fluoride Action Network (FAN).....


I wouldn't drink tap water if they paid me.....


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 9:17 AM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis


This brings up a question. Would high levels of fluoride promote arthritis?

Basically, in the USA, they fluoridate and have high levels of arthritis. What

about arthritis in other countries where fluoridation is banned? Could fluoride

be the cause and Boron a cure? Just thinking out loud.

> ...

> " There is a theory that the anti-arthritic effect of boron is associated

> with it's antagonistic effect on fluoride. Clinically it is recognised that

> boron antagonises fluoride by the formation of a complex ion. As such it is

> essential for chelating fluoride from the body...... "


> But he also mentions: " ........ that boron enhances and mimics the effects

> of oestrogen ingestion in post-menopausal women. "


> [Practitioner Manual Vol.3.]


> Jane


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This whole fluroide issue angers me so much...so many people suffer with joint

issues and our long history of fluoridated water in this country.....many cities

are rejecting and removing it as we speak....


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 9:17 AM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis


This brings up a question. Would high levels of fluoride promote arthritis?

Basically, in the USA, they fluoridate and have high levels of arthritis. What

about arthritis in other countries where fluoridation is banned? Could fluoride

be the cause and Boron a cure? Just thinking out loud.

> ...

> " There is a theory that the anti-arthritic effect of boron is associated

> with it's antagonistic effect on fluoride. Clinically it is recognised that

> boron antagonises fluoride by the formation of a complex ion. As such it is

> essential for chelating fluoride from the body...... "


> But he also mentions: " ........ that boron enhances and mimics the effects

> of oestrogen ingestion in post-menopausal women. "


> [Practitioner Manual Vol.3.]


> Jane


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And this " stuff " that they pour into our waters is a waste byproduct from the

fertilizer and other industries...long horrible history....these " criminals " are

making mega profits on their waste.....


To: " DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO "

<DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO >

Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 9:57 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major

Cause and Cure for Arthritis


This whole fluroide issue angers me so much...so many people suffer with joint

issues and our long history of fluoridated water in this country.....many cities

are rejecting and removing it as we speak....


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 9:17 AM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis


This brings up a question. Would high levels of fluoride promote arthritis?

Basically, in the USA, they fluoridate and have high levels of arthritis. What

about arthritis in other countries where fluoridation is banned? Could fluoride

be the cause and Boron a cure? Just thinking out loud.

> ...

> " There is a theory that the anti-arthritic effect of boron is associated

> with it's antagonistic effect on fluoride. Clinically it is recognised that

> boron antagonises fluoride by the formation of a complex ion. As such it is

> essential for chelating fluoride from the body...... "


> But he also mentions: " ........ that boron enhances and mimics the effects

> of oestrogen ingestion in post-menopausal women. "


> [Practitioner Manual Vol.3.]


> Jane


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It is criminal. They have to add this stuff to our municipal waters

wearing hazardous waste suits, masks and gloves, it is so poisonous. We

are supposed to be a modern, enlightened society but Europe thinks we are


Fully 90% of European countries reject flouridating of their water supplies.

Supposedly, this whole scheme was cooked up back in the forties to rid the

aluminum industry of a by-product that would have cost them tons of money

to get rid of. This was an elegant solution to their problem and the

'powers that be' went along with this scam of the American populace.


*The more serious health concern is that dental fluorosis is not the only

harmful health effect that results from overexposure to fluoride.* Fluoride

has been linked in government and scientific reports to a wide range of

harmful health effects, including: bone and tooth decay (including dental

and skeletal fluorosis, bone pathology, arthritis, and osteoporosis)

Alzheimer's, memory loss and other neurological impairment, kidney damage,

cancer, genetic damage, and gastrointestinal problems. In addition,

fluoride has been found to leach lead from old water pipes and soldering

material, which has resulted in increased lead levels in people.

*Americans, even in unfluoridated communities, are suffering serious

harmful health effects from overexposure to fluoride due to its widespread

and uncontrolled use.* Fluoride can be found in any food or beverage made

with fluoridated municipal water. Less than 2% of Western Europe drink

fluoridated water compared to over 60% of the United States population.

*Federal and state public health agencies and large dental and medical

organizations, such as the American Dental Association, continue to promote

fluoride despite growing evidence that it is harmful to public health and

the environment. * This is also despite EPA’s own scientists, whose union,

Chapter 280 of the National Treasury Employees Union, has taken a strong

stand against fluoride.

*Fluoride is not an essential nutrient.* It has never received " FDA

Approval " (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). It is listed as an

" unapproved new drug " by the FDA, and as a " contaminant " by the EPA.

Although calcium fluoride can occur naturally, the type of fluoride

(sodium) added to municipal water is a hazardous waste product of the

aluminum industry, phosphate fertilizer industry, and other industries.


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Right on with this info....I spent 3 yrs fighting our city with our " safe

drinking water group " and we lost to big money....and deep pockets...


IF, the huge push in NYC passes, this will be a huge one....Dr. Connett and

his group are tireless in this work. 


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 12:05 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major

Cause and Cure for Arthritis

It is criminal.  They have to add this stuff to our municipal waters

wearing hazardous waste suits, masks and gloves, it is so poisonous.  We

are supposed to be a modern, enlightened society but Europe thinks we are


Fully 90% of European countries reject flouridating of their water supplies.

Supposedly, this whole scheme was cooked up back in the forties to rid the

aluminum industry of a by-product that would have cost them tons of money

to get rid of.  This was an elegant solution to their problem and the

'powers that be' went along with this scam of the American populace.


*The more serious health  concern is that dental fluorosis is not the only

harmful health effect that results from overexposure to fluoride.* Fluoride

has been linked in government and scientific reports to a wide range of

harmful health effects, including: bone and tooth decay (including dental

and skeletal fluorosis, bone pathology, arthritis, and osteoporosis)

Alzheimer's, memory loss and other neurological impairment, kidney damage,

cancer, genetic damage, and gastrointestinal problems. In addition,

fluoride has been found to leach lead from old water pipes and soldering

material, which has resulted in increased lead levels in people.

*Americans, even in unfluoridated communities, are suffering serious

harmful health effects from overexposure to fluoride due to its widespread

and uncontrolled use.*  Fluoride can be found in any food or beverage made

with fluoridated municipal water. Less than 2% of Western Europe drink

fluoridated water compared to over 60% of the United States population.

*Federal and state public health agencies and large dental and medical

organizations, such as the American Dental Association, continue to promote

fluoride despite growing evidence that it is harmful to public health and

the environment. * This is also despite EPA’s own scientists, whose union,

Chapter 280 of the National Treasury Employees Union, has taken a strong

stand against fluoride.

*Fluoride is not an essential nutrient.* It has never received " FDA

Approval " (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). It is listed as an

" unapproved new drug " by the FDA, and as a " contaminant " by the EPA.

Although calcium fluoride can occur naturally, the type of fluoride

(sodium) added to municipal water is a hazardous waste product of the

aluminum industry, phosphate fertilizer industry, and other industries.


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Thanks for this information...I plan to do more reading on this,,, in FL

To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 2:34 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: Positive Health Online | Article - Boron: Major Cause

and Cure for Arthritis



Cannot comment on " curing " arthritis but sources for the products ...

Boron ~ one option for purchasing this is iHerb which does ship to other

countries. First time customers can use the referral code SOK933 for $5 off of

their first order.

Borax ~ in the U.S. borax can be purchased in the laundry & cleaning sections of

stores and Ace Hardware stores also carry borax.

Walter Last wrote an interesting article about Boron & Borax that is worth

reading as he compiles much information and several references within the one

article. Then one can either take his word or follow up on the references he



.... Excerpt from that article under the paragraph heading 'What and How Much to

Use' about the difference between boron & borax that I found interesting:

" Borax and boric acid have been classified as reproductive poisons in Europe,

and since December 2010 are no longer available to the public within the EU.

Presently borax is still available in Switzerland (16), but shipment to Germany

is not permitted. In Germany a small amount (20 - 50 grams) may be ordered

through a pharmacy as ant poison, it will be registered.

Boron tablets can be bought from health shops or the Internet, commonly with 3

mg of boron. These contain tightly bound boron not present in ionic form as with

borax or boric acid. While suitable as a general boron supplement, I do not

expect them to work against Candida and mycoplasmas, or as a quick arthritis,

osteoporosis or menopause cure. Most scientific studies and individual

experiences were with borax or boric acid. To improve effectiveness I recommend

3 or more spaced-out boron tablets daily for an extended period combined with

sufficient magnesium and a suitable antimicrobial program (17) "


> Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ? If so, where is the best quality,

and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ? Thanks. Bruce Chesley


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Hi Joyce,

Have been reading your recent posts about fluoride ~ a hot topic for you! And

well it should be for all of us.

I sure hope that after three months you will post how things went for you taking

the Boron.

Also wanted to clarify (if I need to) that my reference to the excerpt of the

Walter Last article was not intended to steer anyone away from using Borax ...

I was mostly interested in his comments about Boron being tightly bound whereas

Borax was ionic and in the studies borax was most effective against mycoplasma's

& candida. ( & crazy that it is banned in some countries! - I use it in laundry

soap and other cleaning uses)

I did (mentally) note that he suggested sufficient magnesium and a suitable

microbial program if using Boron only.

Regarding fluoride exposure from the shower... I have read that there may be

filters that in addition to removing chlorine will remove fluoride. Don't know

for sure, is that something you have already checked out?

And here's an interesting thought ~ my homemade laundry detergent consists of

Baking Soda, Borax, Salt & Calcium Carbonate (from Super Washing Soda) and one

day I decided to use it as a body scrub in the shower. Applied it, let it sit

for a bit and rinsed off. My skin was so soft! Loved it and decided it would

be a good once a week type of thing to do (no fluoride or chlorine in my water

source). I wonder if a similar recipe/procedure might help you combat the

fluoride that you are taking in from the shower?

> >

> > Does Boron / Borax actually cure arthritis ? If so, where is the best

quality, and preferably low cost, source for Boron and Borax ? Thanks. Bruce


> >






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