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Re: Hacked: All Day Chemist

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I ordered our dog's meds from them, no prescription and for a fraction

of the price of same meds here. hate to hear this. Sounds as if

someone was phishing live.



> Please forgive my cross-posting.


> Some of you may have ordered from All Day Chemist. I did a year ago. I

> believe their order info has been hacked or who knows what.


> I just went into my account with them and changed the PW. Their system

> sends me an autorespond that spells out the new PW and it comes to the

> e-addy I have on file with them. If someone is diverting emails they

> have my new e-addy. While I could not find my credit card number on my

> account info anywhere to delete, given the brand-new PW I just got in

> the same inbox the OP (junk phone call) folks may be using is

> distressing enough for me to close the account. I can open a new one

> when I order again.


> Below is a note I sent to their tech dept a few minutes ago... You're

> welcome to adapt it for your own use if you like. I deleted the copy of

> my order I forwarded to them since it's none of your biz either.


> I hate to see even their name in public because I'm very grateful for

> their service and don't want to see it ended. But I don't want to deal

> with my info going somewhere besides Panama (where USD are processed for

> ADC).


> Caveat Emptor.


> Saralou


> BTW, they are aware of the scam

> calls........https://www.alldaychemist.com/content/123-Important_Message


> -------- Original Message --------



> Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 13:17:53 -0400

> To: @... <mailto:%40alldaychemist.com>


> Hello ,


> Below is the confirmation from you all of the o*nly *order I've *ever

> *made with AllDayChemist and the _only_ order I've_ever_ made anywhere

> for that particular product.


> Recently I've been getting phone calls from (caller ID says) OP at

> . I knew it was a junk call but today my husband took the

> call so I had to talk to them. A person named reminded me of my

> " order for naltrexone made a year ago. " He asked if my email address was

> " still xxxxxx@... <mailto:xxxxxx%40gmail.com> " and offered me a

> 50% discount plus free

> shipping on another order. I was so stunned that he had all that info

> about me that I didn't pay much attention to anything else, just let him

> think it would be ok for him to send me an email with pricing details.

> That email has not arrived; he didn't spell my email (or say it

> properly) so perhaps he didn't really have it.


> While searching for the phone number to see where/who it was, I came

> across this page full

> of folks who've had a very similar if not identical experience to

> mine. Apparently folks from that page may have notified you of the

> problem on 4/25/12


> It appears you all have been hacked. I hope you haven't also lost my

> credit card information since you lost my email and order information.


> Please contact me if you have any information on thwarting this evil.

> For example: should I cancel my account with you? Change my password?


> Thank you.


> Saralou xxx - can't remember if he addressed me by name or not.



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