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Nightline ABC's Clattering Train/ Dr.Rea

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Thursday, May 01, 2008News


April 28, 2008

" Because in the fear it is just dark and it is reptilian. "



" Who's in charge of the clattering train? The axles creak and the

couplings strain; the pace is hot and the points are near, and Sleep

has deadened the driver´s ear; and the signals flash through the

night in vain, for Death is in charge of the clattering train. "

Winston Churchill quoting from " Death and His Brother Sleep " by

Edwin J Milliken

" We want to get people engaged in a process of self-empowerment,

empowering themselves with knowledge and information so they are not

intimidated by that which they don't know, they are not afraid, and

they don't allow that fear to be manipulated. "

Ritter, Cable News Conspiracy

So on Thursday night, March 20, Terry Moran pulled Nightline's

clattering train into the Environmental Health Center, Dallas and

tricked millions of American people into continuing to harm and

disable themselves.

Dr. Rea and the world-renowned treatment center for the

chemically injured in Dallas, Texas were the subject of Nightline's


If you were watching and felt a comfortable superiority that

A. Khan's smirky pronouncement of mental illness on 45 million

people, the last estimate of the chemically sensitive in the United

States[1], was directed at someone besides yourself, you missed the

subtle threat it implied that anyone who claimed chemicals made them

ill and avoidance and homeopathy made them well would be labeled

insane by powerful interests.

You would be forgiven for missing this subtlety at the time since

the word " chemical " was never mentioned. Nightline's host, Terry

Moran immediately annexes everything polluted for the polluters by

stating the problem is " the world " . Here is the first opportunity to

signal the conductor that you want to get off at the next station

called " Reality " . " Toxic chemicals " are not " the world " and if they

have become so close as to become indistinguishable, then that is

what we need to unravel. Unfortunately, it is in the interest of

some powerful people that this not happen. But more about that later.

If you do get off this clattering train at the first stop, you'll be

in good company. Astronauts in the NASA Space Program began coming

down with flu-like symptoms, named " space flu " . It was discovered

they suffered from a high concentration of chemicals in the air of

the shuttles due to outgassing, a term used to describe fumes coming

from many types of materials. Once this was remedied and the air

quality improved, so did the astronauts health.[2] ,

NASA's chief toxicologist at Space Center reported in an

interview with Space.com, " Air pollutants can affect your health,

and some people are more susceptible than others. " added

that the effects people experience due to pollutants can vary

also, " Sometimes they're non-specific, and only cause reports of

headache or mild, flu-like symptoms. " [3]

So Moran failed to report to the public that our own astronauts and

our space program have benefited from Dr. Rea's techniques;

techniques like porcelain walls and aluminum-lined ceilings to

prevent outgassing which Moran looked askance at as if he were an

adolescent on the television program 90211, instead of anchoring a

major news broadcast.

Poor and Middle-class Trapped

Which brings up the next point. If you're intelligent enough AND

wealthy enough, you'll always be able to get off this night train

when you want, - ride as long as you like. It's poor and middle-

class Americans that will be trapped till the end of the ride. This

will be accomplished via computerized health delivery systems and

limited insurance coverage, not to mention disposing of doctors like


For example, if you were like 400 Boeing employees at the Auburn

plant in Seattle Washington[4], who filed insurance and

compensations claims saying chemicals at the plant had disabled

them, the computerized health system would diagnose you as having

a " psychological condition " because you thought chemicals made you

ill. Then you would be referred to a psychiatrist. This would be

much more financially beneficial to Boeing than providing you with

high potency vitamins, and air and water filters, and safe housing

in which you can get well. The human suffering that this little

trick entails is beyond the scope of this article to compass.

E. Bryson, who sits on the Board of Directors at Disney/ABC,

producers of the Nightline show, also sits on the Board of Directors

at Boeing. If Dr. Rea has no license to stand up and testify for

people like the Boeing employees, that just makes it that much

easier to deny the rights of the chemically injured. I hope you

begin to see that Dr. Rea is not the real point of attack on this


In 1994, an investigative report in Washington Free Press stated

that Boeing and 'Big Medicine' were working together to discredit

the chemically injured. The report stated, " Key to their strategy is

framing MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) primarily as a

psychological condition. " Dr. Gordon Baker, an allergist who saw

many of the Boeing workers at the time, was also threatened by the

State Licensing Board in Washington state.[5]

Anonymous Complaints Filed Against Doctors Who Practice Alternative


Nightline's coverage of the review of Dr. Rea's practice was

misleading. Moran did not report that the review was initiated by a

single anonymous complaint filed regarding treatment for five

patients who aren't complaining. In fact, all five are still

patients of Dr. Rea's, two of them reporting he was responsible for

saving their lives. All five patients have written to the Texas

State Medical Board protesting the complaint filed about their

treatment. The broadcast also fails to inform the public that these

same types of license reviews are going on all over the country

against physicians practicing alternative medicine, usually

initiated by the same type of anonymous complaint. Nor does it

mention the fact that Sherry , M.D., author of " Detoxify or

Die " , has called Dr. Rea a " doctor´s doctor " ; it is frequently Rea

that other doctors go to when they are chronically ill or diagnosed

with cancer.

The show implied that the Texas State Medical Board had initiated

the review based on some sort of consensus or research and that they

had a general proactive state of concern for the health of the

public. " The treatments that he's giving we believe can be dangerous

to the public health, " states Marie lawyer for TMB. One

might be suspect of the Texas Medical Board's real concern for

public health since no one has died from homeopathy or sauna at Dr.

Rea's clinic and yet 103 people have died in the state of Texas

since 1995 in either bizarre murders - usually by family members -

or suicides - many times children - that are directly attributable

to the side effects of psychiatric medication[6] and the Board is

taking no action on this. [http://ssristories.com/index.php]

The Nightline broadcast highlights a real need for the public to

find alternative sources of media today, especially regarding their


Part II - Owners at Nightline's Disney/ABC also Own Psychiatric


Part III - Environmental Medicine vs Psychiatry, A and Goliath


" Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Beleaguered, Part 1, " The American

Chronicles [Los Angeles] February 08, 2008.

" How Toxic is Your Home? " Awake! December 22, 1998; 7.

Tariq Malik, " Clearing the Air: Smaller Detectors Needed for Moon,

Mars Missions, " SPACE.com, June 08, 2005.



, " The MCS Debate: A Medical Streetfight, " Washington

Free Press [seattle] February/March 1994.

, " The MCS Debate: A Medical Streetfight "

SSRI Stories: Antidepressant Nightmares


Nightline ABC's Clattering Train [Part II]

by Rattray

Part II of a three-part report on Nightline's coverage of Dr.

Rea at the Environmental Health Center Dallas, and Chemical


On March 20, Nightline aired a prejudicial and essentially dishonest

program about Dr Rea, the specialty of Environmental

Medicine and Chemical Sensitivity. Part I of this report highlighted

Nightline's misrepresentation of Chemical Sensitivity,

misrepresentation of the treatment techniques of Environmental

Medicine, and the politicalization of function of the Texas State

Medical Board.

Nightline failed to report that similar suits are going on all over

the country in an effort to stamp out the practice of Environmental

Medicine. Case in point, the doctor treating over 400 Boeing

employees for chemical injury in the state of Washington was sent

threatening letters by the State Licensing Board in Washington.[1]

E. Bryson who sits on the board at Nightline's Disney/ABC also

sits on the board at Boeing.

Round up the " good ol' boys " for another pass at genocide

So who else is around at Disney/ABC? Well, Rainwater, a

Texas billionaire owns a block of Disney/ABC. Rainwater is cofounder

of the the largest for-profit hospital chain around, HCA/Healthcare,

and an owner in a network of businesses which own and operate

psychiatric hospitals.[2] He was also a partner with W. Bush

in ownership of the Texas Rangers until it was sold to Hicks.


In 2000, HCA/Healthcare was the target of a federal government

health fraud investigation, and subsequently paid hundreds of

millions of dollars in civil penalties and criminal fraud charges.

Want to hear one of the charges? It assured doctors joining its

clinics that the company would use all their resources to ensure

that any competing medical services failed.[4]

The allergist used as a protagonist on Nightline's Show comes from

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and if you go to

ABC's website and look under 'health news', oddly enough, there are

a preponderance of doctors from Southwestern Medical Center, many

who malign alternative treatments for medical conditions. A.

Khan is there again, warning us in a video that acupuncture can have

serious side effects.

After selling the Texas Rangers to Hicks, one of Bush's first acts

as governor of Texas was to newly create a financial investment arm

for the University of Texas and appoint Hicks as Chair. Now the

public funds at U of T could be used to finance private projects.

Nearly $9 million in state dollars from U of T were invested in

Rainwater's holdings having to do with psychiatric care. So the

University of Texas profits by increased use of psychiatric


Individual physicians working at University of Texas can also profit

from increased use of drugs. CSPI's Integrity in Science Project

currently lists 65 doctors at U of T who receive financial benefit

from pharmaceutical companies. In addition, U of T Southwestern

Medical Center lists 19 clinical trials for psychiatric drugs

currently underway. Drug trials can be quite lucrative for

participating physicians. The Wall Street Journal reported that

doctors with academic affiliations have been paid as much as $30,000

per patient per drug trial, which translates to between $500,000 and

a million dollars for participation in one study.[7] Doctors have

also received five-figure consulting fees from pharmaceutical

companies for nothing more than a commitment to prescribe the

company's drugs.[8]

Moran failed to report on the broadcast that 16% of the U.S.

population reports increased sensitivity to chemicals and of this,

3.5% have been diagnosed with life-altering Chemical Sensitivity.[9]

A greater than average number of these people are living on the mid-

coast of California where environmental conditions are supportive of

recovery. Last year Bush declared a State of Emergency in this same

area calling for monthly aerial spraying of pesticides over

residential areas. This is life-threatening to those with Chemical

Sensitivity. With over 6 million people total in the spray area,

210,000 disabled people will have to move or face severe

consequences. Outraged citizen's groups have organized to resist the

spraying which began last year in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties.

What part of Monterey County escaped being sprayed with poison? Why

Pebble Beach where Rainwater owns a home.[10]

What else does the spraying in California accomplish beside

disposing of the chemically sensitive at a faster rate? It destroys

epidemiological evidence that avoidance of toxic chemicals results

in healing of chronic medical conditions. And you thought you got on

the clattering train of your own accord.

Another owner in Disney/ABC is the Bass family, notably Rainwater's

friend Sid R. Bass, fellow Texas billionaire and heir to the

oil and gas fortune. Bass also owns companies that

manufacture medical equipment and a company that provides worker

compensation insurance. Oil and gas drilling destroys environments

that people need to have healthy lives. But if you also make money

from people becoming ill, then that becomes an added benefit. Bass

and his siblings also donate large sums to U of T.[11][12]

Who else stands to lose by recognition of chemical sensitivity?

Several other board members at Disney/ABC do. Two Board members at

ABC also sit on the board of Proctor and Gamble, manufacturer of a

host of products for everyday household use that contain toxic

chemicals. Additionally, over half of P & G's line of prescription

drugs are used for conditions recognized as allergies by

Environmental Medicine physicians. For example, P & G sells Enablex,

prescribed for overactive bladder, a condition which is expected to

generate prescription sales of $2.25 billion dollars a year.[13]

Another ABC board member sits on Estee Lauder's (perfume) board, and

yet another sits on the board at Chlorox.

By attempting to discredit Dr. Rea, a recognized authority on

Chemical Sensitivity, businesses who stand to lose by recognition of

this illness proactively protect their interests at the expense of

the health of millions of Americans.

" Recognition of this syndrome as an illness, with potential to cause

permanent disability, could involve changes in health care coverage

and delivery, awarding of workers´ compensation benefits, and the

regulation of chemicals in the workplace and the environment in the

United States. " (P. J. Sparks, et al. " Multiple Chemical

Sensitivity: A Clinical Perspective " ; Journal of Occupational

Medicine [1994; 36: 718-737])

Part I - Nightline ABC's Clattering Train

Part III - Environmental Medicine vs Psychiatry, A and Goliath


1. , " The MCS Debate: A Medical Streetfight, " Washington

Free Press [seattle] February/March 1994.

1. Forest, Kathleen , Amy Barrett, n

Rutledge and Barbara Silverbush, " Rainwater, Can He Recoup, "

BusinessWeek November 1998.

3. Jerry Politex, " New Facts About Bush's Whitewater Made

Available, " [http://www.bushwatch.com/bushwhitewater.htm]

4. Wynne, " Columbia/HCA Overview: The Rise and

Fall, " [http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/dissent/documents/healt


5. Political Friendster, " Connection between HM Capital Partners-

was Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst and Bush Rangers and

Pioneers " [http://www.politicalfriendster.com/showConnection.php?

id1=3403 & id2=4464]

6. Jerry Politex, " New Facts About Bush's Whitewater Made

Available, " [http://www.bushwatch.com/bushwhitewater.htm]

7. Vera Hassner Sharav, " Conflicts of Interest, " 14th Tri-Service

Clinical Investigation Symposium, May 5-7, 2002.

[http://www.ahrp.org/testimonypresentations/armymeddept.php#_edn17 ]

8. Gardiner , " MEDICAL MARKETING -- Treatment by Incentive; As

Doctor Writes Prescription, Drug Company Writes a Check, " New York

Times June 27, 2004, Health.



9. Kreutzer, ; Neutra, R.; Lashuay, Nan, " Prevalence

of People Reporting Sensitivities to Chemicals in a Population-based

Survey, " American Journal of Epidemiology 150(1):1-12, July 1, 1999.


10. Oliver , " The Rainwater Prophecy, " Fortune Magazine December

26, 2005.



11. Gretchen Morgenson, Riva D. Atlas, " Bass Family, in Need of

Money, Forced to Sell 6.4% of Disney " New York TimesSeptember 21,

2001, Business.[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?


12. The University of Texas System, Chancellor's Council Giving




13. Roe, " Beijing Med-Pharm Signs Shanghai Novartis Deal, "

Seeking Alpha, Stock Market Opinion and Analysis November 28, 2007.



Nightline ABC's Clattering Train [Part III]

by Rattray

Part III of a three-part report on Nightline's coverage of Dr.

Rea at the Environmental Health Center Dallas, and Chemical


On March 20, Nightline aired a prejudicial and essentially dishonest

program about Dr Rea, the specialty of Environmental

Medicine and Chemical Sensitivity. Part I of this report highlighted

Nightline's misrepresentation of Chemical Sensitivity, its

misrepresentation of the treatment techniques of Environmental

Medicine, and the politicalization of function of the Texas State

Medical Board.

Part II covered Nightline ABC's conflicts of interest and

Southwestern Medical Center's financial ties to psychiatric


Part III highlights the conflict between Environmental Medicine and


Environmental Medicine vs Psychiatry, A and Goliath Story

Doctors in Environmental Medicine recognize a connection between

toxic chemicals and health, and treat symptoms such as anxiety,

depression, sleeplessness, and hyperactivity by methods such as

avoidance and homeopathy, allowing the patient's immune system to


Conversely, doctors in Psychiatry, teach that there is no need to

avoid toxic chemicals, promoting instead the idea that health is

dependent upon professional medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. On

the surface, it can seem like a lot more comfortable proposition.

Psychiatry has been under fire lately for its close ties to the

pharmaceutical industry, which has become - in part due to the

epidemic of people with the aforementioned symptoms - one of the

most profitable industries on earth.

Opponents of psychiatry are calling it a " Pseudoscience " and Moran

parrots the phrase on Nightline to refer to Environmental Medicine.

Big Business Succumbs to Echolalia

Echolalia: The involuntary parrotlike repetition (echoing) of a word

or phrase just spoken by another person.

Citizen's groups and concerned individuals work hard to communicate

important issues to the public, over the stumbling block of popular

media that increasingly focus solely on the agendas of big business.

When an important grassroot's issue receives public attention, big

business immediately does damage control by incorporating the word

or key phrase that most highlights the problem into their own public

relations message. The public is derailed from understanding

important issues when both sides of the controversy are described

with the same words.

Case in point " Pseudoscience " a term used to describe medicine

driven by pharmaceutical profits rather than human health. The term

has been used in one form or another by psychiatrists and other

concerned individuals about the escalating inappropriate use of

psychiatric drugs in the U.S., especially for school children, 20%

of whom are now on some form of psychiatric medication.[1] Notable

among these are Breggin, M.D. and Loren Mosher, M.D. who both

appear in Null's video 'The Drugging of Our Children'. But most

of the public probably heard the term from Tom Cruise on the Today

Show in 2005, where he spoke passionately against the use of

psychotropic drugs and the field of psychiatry, calling it

a " Pseudoscience " .[2]

also used the term " pseudoscience " in his 2002

whistleblower report to describe the collusion between

psychiatrists, government agencies and drug companies. was an

Investigator with Office of Inspector General (OIG) in Pennsylvania

when the the Texas Medication Algorhithm Project (TMAP) was

instituted in his state via funding by drug companies. TMAP requires

that state doctors use newer more expensive psychiatric drugs first

on captive populations in prisons and mental hospitals. These newer

drugs cause serious, often-fatal side effects, especially in

children and were not proven to be more effective in clinical trials.


The TMAP program originated in Texas, not suprisingly, during Bush's

term as governor. With drug company funding, TMAP is being exported

to other states now; and as of 2004 has been recommended by

President Bush´s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health as a model

program for the entire country.

Commission recommendations include universal mental health screening

for US adults and children and the prescription of psychoactive

medication. TeenScreen, mental health screening for school children,

has already begun in some schools in the country. Dr. Fred Baughman,

a neurologist and author of " The ADHD Fraud " pointed out on a Boston

radio broadcast that a pilot program of TeenScreen in Nashville,

Tennessee, showed 51% of the children qualified as " depressed " .[4]

Diagnosis of depression, made easier by use of symptom checklists to

qualify individuals, creates a larger market for drugs.

Whitaker, author of " Mad in America " points out, " As long as we draw

as big a circle as possible, and expand the boundaries of mental

illness, psychiatry can have more clients and sell more drugs. So

there's a built-in economic incentive to define mental illness in as

broad terms as possible. " [5]

Statistics show there is definitely something wrong with the health

of Americans, and there are high financial stakes involved in

calling it " mental illness " . Some reports say that 20 percent of

Americans now are mentally ill. A 2005 independent report stated

that 11% of women and 5% of men in the non-institutionalized

population (2002) now take antidepressants.[6] Sales of

antidepressants total about $21 billion a year, according to IMS

Health and $12 billion dollars of that is spent in the U.S.[7]

Harvey Wiley, U.S. Government Chemist, found a reason for depression

back in 1902 other than " life stresses " or a " brain chemical

imbalance " . Building a case for creation of the FDA, he conducted an

official five-year study on synthetic food additives proposed for

use in our food. He found in a team of healthy male subjects -

appropriately named " The Poison Squad " - that, " they developed

persistent headaches in most cases, followed by general depression

and debility. It was extremely well marked in every instance. " [8]

The FDA was eventually created but failed to enact the important

restrictions on synthetic additives which Wiley and his subjects

worked so diligently to bring about. Wiley was maligned by industry

and left his government post in 1906 to campaign outside government

for stricter controls on the use of synthetic chemicals, never to be

successful. What he said about continuous small doses of toxic

substances is noteworthy today. Wiley pointed out that there may

be, " no measurable effect upon a healthy individual for a long time,

but that in the end it would produce no harmful effect is contrary

to all the rules of physiology and logic. " [9]

The mentality able to grasp this medical reality was lost to the

larger public around 1920 when the last homeopathic medical school

was closed in the U.S. The same industry forces that were able to

manufacture permission for synthetic chemical additives, industries

owning pharmaceutical companies, were also able to change the

medical schools of the United States from homeopathic medicine to

allopathic medicine -- a German school which depended on the heavy

use of drugs, radical surgery, and long hospital stays. The change

in the practice of medicine in the U.S. did not evolve naturally due

to the superiority of allopathic medicine; it was an orchestrated

business move. It was advertised as a benefit to the American

public, however, believing doesn't make it so. At the turn of the

century in 1900, one in 50 people had cancer. Now it is one in two

or one in three.[10]

One Hundred Years and Millions of Children Later...

As reported in Lancet, September 06, 2007, Professor Jim son

and a group of researchers at University of Southampton found the

number of hyperactive children could be decreased 30% by banning

certain food additives. Two groups of children showed marked

behavioral changes when given certain additives during controlled

clinical trials. Children who were given additives had difficulty

sitting still and concentrating. They also became loud and impulsive

and had problems reading. son and his colleagues believe the

harm caused to the IQ of children by these additives is comparable

to the damaging impact of lead on the developing brain.[11]

One of the offending additives in the Southampton study was sodium

benzoate, a preservative that was proven to have detrimental effects

during Dr. Wiley's study and one that he fought hard to get the FDA

to restrict back in 1906.

Dr. Dworkin, a land anesthesiologist and senior fellow at

Washington's conservative Hudson Institute, seems to stubble across

the truth when he states, " Too many people take drugs when they

really need to be making changes in their lives. " [12]

Environmental Medicine recognizes that people do need to make real

changes in their lives. One gravely needed change is a decrease in

the use of toxic chemicals and nowhere is the need more highlighted

than in the condition of Chemical Sensitivity, recognition of which

would be anathema to chemical/pharmaceutical conglomerates. Bush's

New Freedom Act is a method by which people who are chemically

sensitive can be funneled unsuspectingly into the mental health

system where the problem can continue to be hidden from the

attention of the American public.

Nightline's broadcast lays the groundwork for making this possible.

In an interview discussing his newest book, Whitaker

states, " The story becomes even more frightening when we look at the

aggressive tactics these giant drug companies have used to silence

prominent critics by defaming them in the press, and by using their

money and power to have widely respected scientists and eminent

medical researchers fired... " [13]

I don't want to spend any time on the ethics of Nightline using

photo-negative images to portray how people with chemical

sensitivity see, typically used in movies to portray the perspective

of animals or the insane; or of presenting the 200-year-old science

of homeopathy as " injecting jet fuel " ; or of describing the medical

protocol used to get well as the actual illness itself - ICU

procedures and the details of a heart transplant would sound pretty

strange to anyone who hadn't been familiarized with them.

I don't want to spend any time on these things except to say that

this is not just a display of subtle bias - it is blatant use of

propaganda techniques in which Terry Moran, A. Khan, and Marie

all knowingly engage and violate the standards of their

respective professions.

The fact that they all do so with impunity is a symptom of how off-

balance social power has become in our country and why Americans

have to start depending on alternative sources of media. It is a

and Goliath story with the pharmaceutical industry generating

400 billion dollars at year[14] and using a good part of the profit

to protect their own best interests.

Part I - Nightline ABC's Clattering Train

Part II - Owners at Nightline's Disney/ABC also Own Psychiatric


1. Fred Baughman Jr., M.D., " The ADHD Fraud Part 5, " YouTube [Link]

2. " Tom Cruise on Psychiatry " YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?


3. , " Full Whistle-Blower Report on Drug Company

Influence on State's Drug Purchases, " Law Project for Psychiatric

Rights, January 20, 2004.


4.Fred Baughman Jr., M.D., " The ADHD Fraud Part 5, " YouTube [Link]

5. Terry Messman, " Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human

Condition Street Spirit Interview with Whitaker, " Street

Spirit August 2005.


6. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure

Panel Survery, " Antidepressant Use in the U.S. Civilian

Noninstitutionalized Population, 2002 "



7. Armstrong and J. Winstein, " Antidepressants Under

Scrutiny Over Efficacy Sweeping Overview Suggests Suppression of

Negative Data Has Distorted View of Drugs, " Wall Street

JournalJanuary 17, 2008; Page D1. [Link]

8. Harvey W. Wiley, M.D., The History of a Crime Against the Food

Law, " Washington, D.C. Harvey W. Wiley, M.D. 1929, Chapter 1. [Link]

9. Wiley, Chapter 2.[Link]

10. Libba HaLavey, " 'Our Toxic World: A Wake-up Call' Interview with

Dr. Doris J. Rapp, M.D., " Women Speak Out Radio Show,


11. Poulter, " Additives DO harm children - and a ban could cut

child hyperactivity by a third, say scientists, " Daily Mail [London]

April 10, 2008.



12. Cohen, " CDC: Antidepressants most prescribed drugs in

U.S., " CNN.com/health, July 09, 2007.



13.Terry Messman, " Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human

Condition Street Spirit Interview with Whitaker, "


14. Gardiner , " MEDICAL MARKETING -- Treatment by Incentive;

As Doctor Writes Prescription, Drug Company Writes a Check, " New

York Times June 27, 2004, Health.



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