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Re: OT, a Gift Re: [DMSO]

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Thank you for this information!

Does anyone have any suggestions for type 2 diabetes ? New at this disease and

wonder if there is anything to take to keep blood sugar level besides

prescription drugs? That I also take.

Hate it!


I'm glad this group allows talking about other helpful supplements....

So today, my gift is telling everyone about Grape Seed Extract and it's

incredible values....

I've been taking G.S.E. almost 17 yrs and the first thing to leave my body was

allergies/sinus and sinus headaches...

The main reason I started on this antioxidant is that we were told it " MAY "

prevent cancer. So far so good and I'm almost 74.

There are tons of sites and information on this miracle antioxidant and today

being mother's day, thought I'd throw this gift out.

Now, for those who already know about it and take it, great....you are one smart

person too.

Also, know that many research hospitals are now using Grape Seed Ex in their

cancer research work.

So, that's it and do your homework....this antioxidant is very very special.


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Grape Seed Ex is also indicated for diabetes.


Do a search Grape Seed Extract and Diabetes


Otherwise, nutrition and exercise, keep moving as much

as possible....get off sugars and carbs.


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 12:59 PM

Subject: RE: OT, a Gift Re:


Thank you for this information!

Does anyone have any suggestions for type 2 diabetes ? New at this disease and

wonder if there is anything to take to keep blood sugar level besides

prescription drugs? That I also take.

Hate it!


I'm glad this group allows talking about other helpful supplements....

So today, my gift is telling everyone about Grape Seed Extract and it's

incredible values....

I've been taking G.S.E. almost 17 yrs and the first thing to leave my body was

allergies/sinus and sinus headaches...

The main reason I started on this antioxidant is that we were told it " MAY "

prevent cancer. So far so good and I'm almost 74.

There are tons of sites and information on this miracle antioxidant and today

being mother's day, thought I'd throw this gift out.

Now, for those who already know about it and take it, great....you are one smart

person too.

Also, know that many research hospitals are now using Grape Seed Ex in their

cancer research work.

So, that's it and do your homework....this antioxidant is very very special.


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Did you ever read it would help vessels & arteries especially for diabetics??



Re: LDN Information ???

Concerning Low Dose Naltrexone What would be the best book with info. on

it's uses ? Lois

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Yes, do a search on those and Grape Seed Extract...yes yes yes


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 3:18 PM

Subject: Re: OT, a Gift Re:


Did you ever read it would help vessels & arteries especially for diabetics??



Re: LDN Information ???

Concerning Low Dose Naltrexone What would be the best book with info. on

it's uses ? Lois

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You can get them together here in one product with Gymena too - but you're

not in Australia I guess?


> Cinnamon and chromium, you can get these together in one pill, look up the

> therapeutic uses for both of these in relation to diabetes.


> Wretha


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Thank you Wretha!

Cinnamon and chromium, you can get these together in one pill, look up the

therapeutic uses for both of these in relation to diabetes.



> Thank you for this information!


> Does anyone have any suggestions for type 2 diabetes ? New at this disease

and wonder if there is anything to take to keep blood sugar level besides

prescription drugs? That I also take.


> Hate it!






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Wretha hit the nail on the head. Here are a couple of things to think

about too. _Stop all consumption of sugar and yeast in any form.____Take

potent antifungal herbs, AND do take daily probiotics to boot._

Cheapest and most effective being Kefir which you make at home on your

kitchen counter top. I personally know a man who had it really bad, and

had blood pressure almost off the charts when it was discovered. He

simply starved it by stopping all yeast and sugar for 8 months. Could

have killed it off in less than 3 months if he had also done the other

things I wrote of above. That was some 14 years ago and he never had it

return. It is simply a yeast overgrowth that has given birth to the

symptom of diabetes as a by-product IMO.



> Thank you Wretha!


> Cinnamon and chromium, you can get these together in one pill, look up the

> therapeutic uses for both of these in relation to diabetes.


> Wretha



> >

> > Thank you for this information!

> >

> > Does anyone have any suggestions for type 2 diabetes ? New at this

> disease

> and wonder if there is anything to take to keep blood sugar level besides

> prescription drugs? That I also take.

> >

> > Hate it!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



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  • 2 weeks later...
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I read that berberine works same as metformin, with no side effects.


From: G

Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:59 PM

To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Subject: RE: OT, a Gift Re:

Thank you for this information!

Does anyone have any suggestions for type 2 diabetes ? New at this disease and

wonder if there is anything to take to keep blood sugar level besides

prescription drugs? That I also take.

Hate it!


I'm glad this group allows talking about other helpful supplements....

So today, my gift is telling everyone about Grape Seed Extract and it's

incredible values....

I've been taking G.S.E. almost 17 yrs and the first thing to leave my body was

allergies/sinus and sinus headaches...

The main reason I started on this antioxidant is that we were told it " MAY "

prevent cancer. So far so good and I'm almost 74.

There are tons of sites and information on this miracle antioxidant and today

being mother's day, thought I'd throw this gift out.

Now, for those who already know about it and take it, great....you are one smart

person too.

Also, know that many research hospitals are now using Grape Seed Ex in their

cancer research work.

So, that's it and do your homework....this antioxidant is very very special.


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You could always do the 30 day juice fast and get rid of the diabetes.



> Does anyone have any suggestions for type 2 diabetes ? New at this disease

> and wonder if there is anything to take to keep blood sugar level besides

> prescription drugs? That I also take.

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Hi Jane,  do you know any spesific  juice fast  for it, becouse  as you know

there  so many different of them.

I have done many times  juices  and many times  only  water ( no food , no 

juices )  for  18  days

25 days ,  40 days   but did not get reed of  even pre- dibetes.

Maybe you  know some special one, will be very appreciated.




Subject: Re: OT, a Gift Re:

To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 9:48 PM


You could always do the 30 day juice fast and get rid of the diabetes.



> Does anyone have any suggestions for type 2 diabetes ? New at this disease

> and wonder if there is anything to take to keep blood sugar level besides

> prescription drugs? That I also take.

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Iva there is a specific one - I'll try to find it - it could be this one



Re: OT, a Gift Re:

Hi Jane, do you know any spesific juice fast for it, becouse as you know

there so many different of them.

I have done many times juices and many times only water ( no food , no

juices ) for 18 days

25 days , 40 days but did not get reed of even pre- dibetes.

Maybe you know some special one, will be very appreciated.


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I have heard (but not yet tried) Chromium picolinate and also Bitter Melon.

Am trying to incorporate Bitter Melon in my diet - but have not yet found a

recipe that I like.

There is powder and extract one must research this as I do not have enough

info yet.


On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 3:02 AM, Jane MacRoss


> **



> Iva there is a specific one - I'll try to find it - it could be this one

> .........







> Re: OT, a Gift Re:


> Hi Jane, do you know any spesific juice fast for it, becouse as you know

> there so many different of them.

> I have done many times juices and many times only water ( no food , no

> juices ) for 18 days

> 25 days , 40 days but did not get reed of even pre- dibetes.

> Maybe you know some special one, will be very appreciated.

> Iva





* Britton/*

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I know Cinnamon also helps with BG.


~*~ Hugs ~*~ Akiba ~*~

~*~ Pragmatic Visionary ~*~


-- Re: OT, a Gift Re:

I have heard (but not yet tried) Chromium picolinate and also Bitter Melon.

Am trying to incorporate Bitter Melon in my diet - but have not yet found a

recipe that I like.

There is powder and extract one must research this as I do not have enough

info yet.


On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 3:02 AM, Jane MacRoss


> **



> Iva there is a specific one - I'll try to find it - it could be this one

> .........



> http://www.youtube

com/watch?v=iM7BEY4uHXc & feature=results_main & playnext=1 & list=PL0ECCADE2D898E2




> Re: OT, a Gift Re:


> Hi Jane, do you know any spesific juice fast for it, becouse as you know

> there so many different of them.

> I have done many times juices and many times only water ( no food , no

> juices ) for 18 days

> 25 days , 40 days but did not get reed of even pre- dibetes.

> Maybe you know some special one, will be very appreciated.

> Iva





* Britton/*

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