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Re: Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

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Yes, I agree that Fiji water can be beneficial because of it's natural purity, alkalinity and minerals. It is 7.5pH.

I found the Fiji water report online: http://www.fijiwater.com/media/newsroom/FW_waterquality.pdf

Please know that most bottled waters are acidic (below 7.0pH) and can be detrimental to your health.Reverse osmosis and distilled waters are also acidic.

I would like to share with everyone that Kangen water, made from medical-certified Enagic ionizers (Japanese) is a healthy water to drink. Japan has been using Kangen water in their hospitals for many years. It is oxygenated and alkaline, 8.5 - 9.5pH, for consumption. Cleansing and detoxifying the body is imperative for good health.

I suggest Google-ing Kangen water in your area if you'd like to try it.

ALL distributors should be offering Kangen water free of charge.

Kangen water is available in many countries. Enagic has corporate offices located in the United States, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Germany, Italy, France, Mexico, Australia, Philippines, Korea, Singapore, however, you will find Enagic distributors all over the world.

As a general rule for drinking water... we need to drink half our weight in ounces, daily.

For example, a 200 lb person should be drinking 100 oz of water daily.

In Good Health,

Boutillette-Torlucci, JP+ 99494

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See www.tapintokangen.com to learn more about ionized, alkaline, oxygen-rich drinking water.

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To: miralax From: annabanananumerouno@...Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 11:31:37 -0500Subject: Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

For newcomers:Detoxify your bodies of cell damage caused from MiralaxLemonade has been discussed at length with miraculous resultsFIJI water with different ph than other waters appears to be calming to the gut. Read about FIJI on-line. Similar ph in water consumed by the Japanese is believed to contribute to their longevity.For many people, gut issues, especially reflux or acid indigestion can be cured in a matter of days with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 3-4 times a day.Then again the pharmaceutical companies want you to be on their mediocre drugs 'for life'.

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Anne, ever since my dd took PEG, she cannot even stand to be in the house with the smell of vinegar. We colored eggs for years and it never bothered her. She says it burns her esophagus, to even smell it now, let alone drink it.

Wonder how many other children this happened to?

She never had acid refulx or nausea before she took PEG either. She's been naseous ever since her first dose and only took it for 10 days, and it's been 10 years now?


To: miralax Sent: Wed, May 30, 2012 11:32:04 AMSubject: Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

For newcomers:Detoxify your bodies of cell damage caused from MiralaxLemonade has been discussed at length with miraculous resultsFIJI water with different ph than other waters appears to be calming to the gut. Read about FIJI on-line. Similar ph in water consumed by the Japanese is believed to contribute to their longevity.For many people, gut issues, especially reflux or acid indigestion can be cured in a matter of days with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 3-4 times a day.Then again the pharmaceutical companies want you to be on their mediocre drugs 'for life'.

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I'm fascinated by the Fiji water discussion and just went to Costco and bought a case of it to try...will let you know if it seems to help us here. What caught my attention is that it's well water, and my daughter's symptoms improve significantly (though she's not cured) whenever she visits her grandparents, who have their own well. Bonnie

Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

For newcomers:Detoxify your bodies of cell damage caused from MiralaxLemonade has been discussed at length with miraculous resultsFIJI water with different ph than other waters appears to be calming to the gut. Read about FIJI on-line. Similar ph in water consumed by the Japanese is believed to contribute to their longevity.For many people, gut issues, especially reflux or acid indigestion can be cured in a matter of days with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 3-4 times a day.Then again the pharmaceutical companies want you to be on their mediocre drugs 'for life'.

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Wow Bonnie, great observation! There could be something in your water like flouride? etc. You should get the city water sample to find out what's high and low. Don't forget it's in everything you cook also, noodles, bath water. Interesting. My Father was a well driller................To: miralax Sent: Fri, June 1, 2012

2:42:47 PMSubject: Re: Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

I'm fascinated by the Fiji water discussion and just went to Costco and bought a case of it to try...will let you know if it seems to help us here. What caught my attention is that it's well water, and my daughter's symptoms improve significantly (though she's not cured) whenever she visits her grandparents, who have their own well. Bonnie

Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

For newcomers:Detoxify your bodies of cell damage caused from MiralaxLemonade has been discussed at length with miraculous resultsFIJI water with different ph than other waters appears to be calming to the gut. Read about FIJI on-line. Similar ph in water consumed by the Japanese is believed to contribute to their longevity.For many people, gut issues, especially reflux or acid indigestion can be cured in a matter of days with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 3-4 times a day.Then again the pharmaceutical companies want you to be on their mediocre drugs 'for life'.

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FIJI water -- many artesian well or spring waters too - have trace minerals in

them. In some cases well water is not safe due to chemicals used above ground

(fracking ring a bell anyone?. Most of the time they are safe and taste sooooo

good. I think it's partly due to our bodies craving those trace minerals.

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We supplement with Flouride since our well water has no flouride in it.All of my kids teeth are a bit yellow in color. I asked the doctor and dentist both about it andthey just said thats their teeth. Their baby teeth arent yellow, it was the permanent ones coming in.I think Ill add testing for Flouride to the list of things to test my son for in July!I wanted to add, something struck me as someone mentioned a rash and peeling skin.I never thought about this until now, but my son had a TERRIBLE rash that the doctor categorized as a yeastinfection on his bottom. We treated it with women hygiene products, but it always came back. I never

relatedthat taking him off of Miralax and the rash going away as the cause. That was a long time ago, but now I wonderif that is what was causing it! To: miralax Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 9:32 PM Subject: Re: Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

Wow Bonnie, great observation! There could be something in your water like flouride? etc. You should get the city water sample to find out what's high and low. Don't forget it's in everything you cook also, noodles, bath water. Interesting. My Father was a well driller................To: miralax Sent: Fri, June 1, 2012

2:42:47 PMSubject: Re: Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

I'm fascinated by the Fiji water discussion and just went to Costco and bought a case of it to try...will let you know if it seems to help us here. What caught my attention is that it's well water, and my daughter's symptoms improve significantly (though she's not cured) whenever she visits her grandparents, who have their own well. Bonnie

Detox from PEG with Lemonade & FIJI water /reflux/GERD cure

For newcomers:Detoxify your bodies of cell damage caused from MiralaxLemonade has been discussed at length with miraculous resultsFIJI water with different ph than other waters appears to be calming to the gut. Read about FIJI on-line. Similar ph in water consumed by the Japanese is believed to contribute to their longevity.For many people, gut issues, especially reflux or acid indigestion can be cured in a matter of days with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 3-4 times a day.Then again the pharmaceutical companies want you to be on their mediocre drugs 'for life'.

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