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Re:Chiari and IQ [and Memory]

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In a message dated 6/22/99 2:48:56 AM Beijing Standard Time, Amygf16@...


<< But if the wry comments, well stated questions and consistent research

that I

have seen coming through this egroup is any indication... not only are we

intelligent but we have become more compassionate in our thinking. >>

You mean I didn't 'blither' in my post about memory????

I have been thinking about that in the past couple of days.

When I said there are things we can do to improve our memories - I hope that

didn't come out like I was saying, " Oh, come on, just put a bandaid on it.

It'll be all right. "

Someone asked me about the muscle cramps I've been having and her friend

said, " Oh, just take vitamin E and that will take care of it. "

It made me want to punch her, then tell her vitamin E would fix it. :)

So, if I sounded to you guys like she did to me - please feel free to cyber

slap me. :)



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