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Loving my DMSO

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It's been just over a month since hubby and I started using DMSO, I have

to say that it's been a real Godsend for us. I get the biggest kick out

of hubby asking me to use DMSO on him, he is such a skeptic about things

like this, he still gets amazed at how well it works.

For hubby, I use it on his lower back, shoulder, forearm, and knee, he

physically works very hard and being in his early 50s, he is

experiencing pain from this work, it's pretty chronic, he used to take

ibuprofen and aspirin on a daily basis, I would say that now he reaches

for the DMSO, but it's more likely that he asks me to doctor him with

it. [:P]

I use it mainly on one ankle, it's an old injury from a couple of years

ago, I have to hike up and down a mountain side to get from my cabin to

where we park, it's not a big distance, but there are a couple of places

where I have to really watch where my feet are going, on a couple of

occasions I twisted my ankle, it either didn't heal up properly or I

keep re-injuring it. A couple of weeks ago, I was limping around on it

and realized the reason it was still hurting was because I keep limping

on it, babying it, the muscles haven't been used properly, I lost

strength and flexibility. At any rate, I applied DMSO and began working

on rehabbing my foot, and walking without limping or babying it. It is

getting much better now, and with the DMSO taking care of the pain and

inflammation, it's much easier to work on it.

I have been telling people about the miracle of DMSO, how do you tell

people about such a seemingly miracle substance without making it sound

like snake oil? Anyhoo, I've been spreading the word and people around

me are using it, perhaps that way the odor will not matter if everyone I

come in contact with smells like garlic...

A few days ago, I shipped 2 bottles, one to my MIL and one to my BIL,

they can each try it and hopefully the horrendous warnings on the side

of the bottle will not scare them from trying it. I know these companies

have to say these things, it's a CYA kind of thing, I have to wonder

though, how many people are scared away from DMSO by such labeling? I

also talked to my Dad about using it on his arthritis in his hands, the

pain in his joints and even on his feet, he has peripheral neuropathy

(non diabetic) and has so much pain in his feet, we don't know if it

will help his feet, but I'm sure it will work on his joints.

Well, that's all for now, I am so very glad to have heard Janet talking

about DMSO on OneRadioNetwork, I look forward to hearing her next


Wretha <http://wretha.blogspot.com>

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