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RE: /RE: Re: Chris/All Response to Your Two Cents and a Bit More

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I must say I am floored by your words and the timing of them. I have had some

suspicions about what you are talking about for a couple of years ago. My

Grandfather (not biological) got lung cancer several years ago and lost one lung

to it. He went on living in the same home very well for many years after. I

often said that in his late 80s he was healthier than any of the rest of us. His

wife passed shortly after I had my exposure. After that he sold the home and

moved to San Diego into an apartment to be closer to the family. He shortly

there after passed of supposedly ecoli. I remember when we went to the funeral

we stayed in his apartment. while there. I remember pulling a large ammo box he

kept his tools in out of a hall closet backed by a bathroom and a black spot was

there and was enough to knock me back and I was sick the rest of the trip enough

that I could not get out of bed.

Yesterday morning My his wife's husband who has been battling lung cancer also

and opted out of kimo did well for awhile called his wife (my aunt) into the

room said " I love you " closed his eyes and slipped away into eternity. (There is

a wonderful story of faith and gos workings in this story for the religious) But

on the subject This has of course been on my mind and something I have had no

other option but to think about and I am bothered by these thoughts.

I have to leave it at that. I have to run off to the doctor, doctor, but I

wanted to throw this out before I went. Ya know in the end if all the pieces are

there the puzzle always makes a pretty picture. My.....


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Ginoli: Your first statement is pleasing due to the fact that someone out there

knows of this incredible medical doctor whose whole life has been dedicated to

medical mycology. Many defense attorneys try to brush him off as being a German

doctor, and why should U.S. researchers regard data from a foreigner as valid

for Americans. (Boy is that idiotic thinking!) However, what I have done is

demonstrate clearly that Dr. Costantini was also a Medical Professor at the

University of San Francisco, and actually wrote and submitted his research in

" Fungalbionics " while teaching in America. Who was he training? American medical

students, that's who. Someone told me a couple of years ago that he may be

deceased; they knew him quite well and had understood that was the case. I

really do not know what his status is today, and a year or two ago I tried to

call him and could not get through as his number was no longer in service. One

would believe that we would have heard about his death though had it occurred.

My prayer is that he is very much alive, but fully retired. However, his two

partners are still very much alive. I also could not reach either of them, and

finally I gave up. I am very positive that during WWII as a young medical doctor

working for the pharmaceutical industry that he was drafted into Hitler's

medical research army, hence the A.V. Costantini instead of something such as

Alfred Von Costantini, for instance. The reason I say this is because in one

section of his book, " Breast Cancer Hope At Last " he reports the following:



As many as 1,000 compounds, classifiable as mycotoxins, were studied by the

pharmacology industry as potential antibiotics in the 1930s and 1940s only to be

discarded as being too toxic for higher life forms to be of value in treating

bacterial diseases in humans. Little, if any of the discarded data was

published. Yet what these toxicity studies actually documented was the existence

of a large number of fungal-derived toxins which caused serious target organ

injury in various animal models. Obviously, in retrospect, what was being seen

was the pathology produced by the mycotoxins. In order to understand this

toxicity, one only has to look at what some of these mycotoxins, used as

medications, causes in humans: The mycotoxin cyclosporin used for

Transplantation causes cancer and atherosclerosis, complete with hyperlipidemia,

in ALL humans who have received it. Many others develop gout and other diseases.

(Source: http://members.aol.com/jfoverlag/fungalbionics/fungi-my.htm)

Now the reason I reflect upon this educated " assumption " only, is that he was

living in Germany and was a medical research doctor and worked with literally

thousands of chemicals as he has stated. The other reason is that many who

served as medical researchers were given immunity and new names, but kept their

status as degreed medical professionals. I have yet to discover anything about

his past, and even those with whom I have discussed this subject with, who know

him well, know virtually nothing of his past existence prior to the war. He is

in his 90s at present, should he be alive. Despite all of this, should it ever

be revealed, he is truly one of our greatest World Class contributors to medical


To answer your military question. The military has done extensive research in

Medical Mycology starting post-WWI. The military has dedicated whole units that

are still functioning today for this same and greater studies:

In 1962, the U.S. Army’s Tropic Test Center assigning more than 300 people under

command of the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command conducted research on

several aspects of environmental warfare activities including, heat, humidity,

solar radiation, insects, fungi, bacteria, rainfall that could cause an adverse

impact to the performance of man, machines, and materials in Vietnam. During

this unit’s research it is reported that this unit indeed established a

relationship with and conducted bacterial and fungal studies with the

HKU-Pasteur Research Centre located in Dalat, Vietnam. This laboratory was

previously responsible for the research behind major fungal disease problems

experienced by French soldiers fighting in Vietnam prior to initial American

involvement in 1959.

To specifically answer your question, People are " Military Property. " Military

property is considered as an asset as much as a vehicle or a tent. So, medics

are trained in every aspect of medicine enough to keep the engine of war running

well. However, civil doctors would break the bank by trying to keep older folk

well. Hint! Hint! HMO's have kind of centered on " preventive based medicine "

instead of that dirty ole has-been " costly treatment of great bed-side manners

and unlimited services " medicine of yesteryear. You know, back when a medical

doctor was really a medical doctor with a Hippocratic Oath that stood for

something that people could somewhat depend on when their life was at stake!

God Bless and take care.

Doug Haney

@...: ginloi@...: Mon, 12 May 2008

15:18:50 +0000Subject: /RE: [] Re: Chris/All Response to Your " Two

Cents " and a Bit More

Doug - I was happy to read your section from Dr. A.V. Constantini.Several years

back, I read into the record at a Boston City Councilhearing on Indoor Air

Quality ( or lack, thereof) this doctor'sfindings and I am glad that you add

that all cancer is in a " fermented " - " state or process. " I noted that he was

World HealthOrganization, retired. I wonder what your theory is as to WHY docs

are not getting thetraining in mycology that docs in the military are getting.

Is it " top down " with insurance companies or other interests deliberatelysticking

their noses into education (which I have seen in education)to interfere with the

educational process. Could it be influencewhich reaches into the lowest and

highest of universities.How can it be that foreign docs receive mycology

training? Do you think there is " influence " exerted with regard curriculum

andinstruction in the medical schools?ginloi


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