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Re: Infection in the jaw bone

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From personal experience if pain is involved, Sensodyne (or a toothpaste with

Potassium nitrate) rubbed on and over teeth, gum line and gums, then kept in

mouth as long as you can without swallowing the stuff. Swish around mouth and

spit out. Tea Tree Oil rubbed over gum line and gums. Hold in mouth as long as

possible, swish around in mouth, spit out. If still pain, repeat. The Tea Tree

oil will kill whatever bacteria it can reach.

The above is for emergencies only.

There should be some good suggestions posted...

AnitaW (You can find both at Walmart.. the toothpaste most places that sell


Georgiana Battochio wrote:


> Hello everyone ,

> I am always delighted the learn from what you all share. Thankk you for taking

the time. I love to know if anybody has any info on healing infection in the jaw

bone. Yes there are root canal teeth involved. Just wondering if there might be

anything without major surgery and having to loose all the teeth.

> thank you so much and blessings of wellness to everyone.Georgiana

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I wanted to use Sensodyne, but when I read the ingredients I saw it has several

colorants in it (like Blue #, etc...) and I think those things are toxic.

I heard of Tea Tree Oil, oregano oil, clover oil, and colloidal silver, but I

don't think those get to the jaw bone. By the way, these oils are HOT, in case

you decide to try them, so pay attention to that. Clover oil smells like

dentist offices used to smell years ago, because it is used in dentistry.


At the microelectricitygermkiller yahoo group they just put up a protocol just

for jaw infections. I don't know if that kind of therapy might sound scary to

you. I haven't tried it yet, eventhough I plan on doing it, but people at the

group swear by it. On their files they have a study report on which they base

this type of therapy.





De: Georgiana Battochio

Para: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Enviado: Miércoles 13 de junio de 2012 17:17

Asunto: Infection in the jaw bone


Hello everyone ,

I am always delighted the learn from what you all share. Thankk you for taking

the time. I love to know if anybody has any info on healing infection in the jaw

bone. Yes there are root canal teeth involved. Just wondering if there might be

anything without major surgery and having to loose all the teeth.

thank you so much and blessings of wellness to everyone.Georgiana

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Myrrh Extract

 Myrrh extract is used for a number of treatments, although research is needed

to confirm its effectiveness. It is often used for the skin, to heal eczema,

infected wounds, ulcers and boils. It reduces inflammation, dries the skin and

fights against fungus, and you can use it for aging, chapped and rough skin.

Myrrh is also used for problems in the mouth such as ulcers, gingivitis, sore

throats and gum infections. It is added to toothpaste and mouthwashes for these

reasons. Further, it is used for respiratory infections and to soothe an upset

digestive system.

Read more:




I keep this extract on hand always, right now I have a molar that has a broken

filling and I'm trying to avoid major dental work and this is saving

me...vitacost and iherb carry the extracts and most likely major health food



To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 5:17 PM

Subject: Infection in the jaw bone


Hello everyone ,

I am always delighted the learn from what you all share. Thankk you for taking

the time. I love to know if anybody has any info on healing infection in the jaw

bone. Yes there are root canal teeth involved. Just wondering if there might be

anything without major surgery and having to loose all the teeth.

thank you so much and blessings of wellness to everyone.Georgiana

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Hello everyone ,

I am always delighted the learn from what you all share. Thankk you for

taking the time. I love to know if anybody has any info on healing infection

in the jaw bone. Yes there are root canal teeth involved. Just wondering if

there might be anything without major surgery and having to loose all the


thank you so much and blessings of wellness to everyone.Georgiana

Hi Georgiana, I have used a combination of the following that have worked

great for me...

You can find information in the archives of the sites I will add for you.

. I had a real bad abscess --I made a mini-godzilla { I sent the plans to

the electric germ killer site} {_germkiller sign in_

(http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/microelectricitygermkiller/?v=1 & t=search & c\

h=web & pub=groups &

sec=group & slk=1) } Used a double A battery--Got about 6 inches of

wire { I used an old lamp cord & tore it in half } cleaned both ends { about

1/2 inch } --- soldered one wire to the positive end of the battery & the

other wire to the negative end. I put a small piece of cotton cloth around

the other bare end of each wire { used thread to tie it in place } I

soaked the cloth in water & put one end in my mouth as close to the abscess as

I could get it & the other wire on the outside of my mouth on the

swelling. Held it for 5 mins & then reversed the wires-- { inside one -out &

outside one in.} & held for 5 mins. I did this 3 times & the abscess was gone


hasn't returned....I used colloidal silver to rinse my mouth before the use

& I also used hydrogen peroxide to soak near an infection I had ..{

Colloidal silver & peroxide were done at different times } _silver-list

(Archives)_ (http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-listeskimo/maillist.html)

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions---Lois

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I wonder if anyone has ever tried Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with some

diluted DMSO for such a thing.



> Hello,


> I wanted to use Sensodyne, but when I read the ingredients I saw it

> has several colorants in it (like Blue #, etc...) and I think those

> things are toxic.

> I heard of Tea Tree Oil, oregano oil, clover oil, and colloidal

> silver, but I don't think those get to the jaw bone. By the way, these

> oils are HOT, in case you decide to try them, so pay attention to

> that. Clover oil smells like dentist offices used to smell years ago,

> because it is used in dentistry.


> At the microelectricitygermkiller yahoo group they just put up a

> protocol just for jaw infections. I don't know if that kind of therapy

> might sound scary to you. I haven't tried it yet, eventhough I plan on

> doing it, but people at the group swear by it. On their files they

> have a study report on which they base this type of therapy.


> S



> ________________________________

> De: Georgiana Battochio <georgianasayhi@...

> <mailto:georgianasayhi%40sbcglobal.net>>

> Para: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> <mailto:DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO%40yahoogroups.com>

> Enviado: Miércoles 13 de junio de 2012 17:17

> Asunto: Infection in the jaw bone



> Hello everyone ,

> I am always delighted the learn from what you all share. Thankk you

> for taking the time. I love to know if anybody has any info on healing

> infection in the jaw bone. Yes there are root canal teeth involved.

> Just wondering if there might be anything without major surgery and

> having to loose all the teeth.

> thank you so much and blessings of wellness to everyone.Georgiana



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I tried Hydrogen Peroxide alone and it works, but after a few days it irritates

the gums, particularly the low gum in the front area, where the teeth are the

smallest. I don't know why that particular area (so much more than the rest). I

asked my dentist and she told me rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide

is OK, as long as you mix it with water 50/50.


I've never tried it with DMSO.



De: Gerry Simpkins

Para: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Enviado: Jueves 21 de junio de 2012 14:08

Asunto: Re: Infection in the jaw bone


I wonder if anyone has ever tried Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with some

diluted DMSO for such a thing.



> Hello,


> I wanted to use Sensodyne, but when I read the ingredients I saw it

> has several colorants in it (like Blue #, etc...) and I think those

> things are toxic.

> I heard of Tea Tree Oil, oregano oil, clover oil, and colloidal

> silver, but I don't think those get to the jaw bone. By the way, these

> oils are HOT, in case you decide to try them, so pay attention to

> that. Clover oil smells like dentist offices used to smell years ago,

> because it is used in dentistry.


> At the microelectricitygermkiller yahoo group they just put up a

> protocol just for jaw infections. I don't know if that kind of therapy

> might sound scary to you. I haven't tried it yet, eventhough I plan on

> doing it, but people at the group swear by it. On their files they

> have a study report on which they base this type of therapy.


> S



> ________________________________

> De: Georgiana Battochio <mailto:georgianasayhi%40sbcglobal.net

> <mailto:georgianasayhi%40sbcglobal.net>>

> Para: mailto:DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO%40yahoogroups.com

> <mailto:DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO%40yahoogroups.com>

> Enviado: Miércoles 13 de junio de 2012 17:17

> Asunto: Infection in the jaw bone



> Hello everyone ,

> I am always delighted the learn from what you all share. Thankk you

> for taking the time. I love to know if anybody has any info on healing

> infection in the jaw bone. Yes there are root canal teeth involved.

> Just wondering if there might be anything without major surgery and

> having to loose all the teeth.

> thank you so much and blessings of wellness to everyone.Georgiana



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I have used peroxide for years and there were times here and there that my mouth

would get sore. But nothing lasting. I just believe it was fighting deeper

infection when it would get sore, because it would pass in a day or so.

Yes, I have used DMSO in combination with this, but the smell has kept me from

doing anything with dmso for some time. Using them both got something to exit

out of my tongue, tho. I want to get back to it but the smell is too awful.

I have a new brand that amazingly does not smell when I open the bottle. Not

even a bit. When I finally got brave enough to at least try it and drank some,

it was extra warm in my mouth. This brand seems not anything like the first

brand I got from the tractor supply store. I haven't gotten brave enough to

start using it regularly, tho. Really the stickler for me is I don't remember

how I took it before to just jump in where I left off. Maybe I will just put it

in my bedroom and take some and go to bed so I can leave it in my mouth to work.



I tried Hydrogen Peroxide alone and it works, but after a few days it irritates

the gums, particularly the low gum in the front area, where the teeth are the

smallest. I don't know why that particular area (so much more than the rest). I

asked my dentist and she told me rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide is

OK, as long as you mix it with water 50/50.

I've never tried it with DMSO.

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don;t know if this will help or not but .. my mind goes to trying dilute

hydrogen peroxide with maybe 1-2 drops of turpentine added. ?? Using dilute HP

for a week spared me from a root canal. The dentist was the one who recommended

it, oddly enough. Great mouth therapy.

As to the DMSO .. the idea was posted to maybe just filter it and see if that

get it 'clear' enough so the smell goes away. They do that w/ vodka and it

works great. Cooks Illustrated had it in their magazine. Used a cheap Brita

water pitcher. A friend gave me some from his new dmso bottle and it's as you

describe... clean, odorless, tasteless. Big improvement. --tls

Re: Infection in the jaw bone

.. Yes, I have used DMSO in combination with this, but the smell has kept me

from doing anything with dmso for some time. Using them both got something to

exit out of my tongue, tho. I want to get back to it but the smell is too awful.

I have a new brand that amazingly does not smell when I open the bottle. Not

even a bit. When I finally got brave enough to at least try it and drank some,

it was extra warm in my mouth. This brand seems not anything like the first

brand I got from the tractor supply store.


>> I asked my dentist and she told me rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen

Peroxide is OK, as long as you mix it with water 50/50.

>> I've never tried it with DMSO.

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The turpentine (pine) should be comparable to Australian Tee Tree Oil :)))) and

was once a commonly used on farms.


tlsmith_1 wrote:


> don;t know if this will help or not but .. my mind goes to trying dilute

hydrogen peroxide with maybe 1-2 drops of turpentine added. ?? Using dilute HP

for a week spared me from a root canal. The dentist was the one who recommended

it, oddly enough. Great mouth therapy.


> As to the DMSO .. the idea was posted to maybe just filter it and see if that

get it 'clear' enough so the smell goes away. They do that w/ vodka and it

works great. Cooks Illustrated had it in their magazine. Used a cheap Brita

water pitcher. A friend gave me some from his new dmso bottle and it's as you

describe... clean, odorless, tasteless. Big improvement. --tls


> Re: Infection in the jaw bone


> .. Yes, I have used DMSO in combination with this, but the smell has kept me

from doing anything with dmso for some time. Using them both got something to

exit out of my tongue, tho. I want to get back to it but the smell is too awful.


> I have a new brand that amazingly does not smell when I open the bottle. Not

even a bit. When I finally got brave enough to at least try it and drank some,

it was extra warm in my mouth. This brand seems not anything like the first

brand I got from the tractor supply store.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >> I asked my dentist and she told me rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen

Peroxide is OK, as long as you mix it with water 50/50.

> >> I've never tried it with DMSO.



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Good thought Anita. in that vein .. likely a drop of an appropriate essential

oil wd do the same thing. The solvent wd be missing from the eo, but many a bit

of both ..?? Myrrh is another thought in w/ turpentine or DMSO. Stick w/ wood

derivatives...??? --tls

Re: Infection in the jaw bone

The turpentine (pine) should be comparable to Australian Tee Tree Oil :))))

and was once a commonly used on farms. --AnitaW

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Just bought another bottle of Oral Tonic extract and a bottle of Myrrh tincture

both by Herb Pharm and get them at vitacost, good price...Myrrh is a great gum

herb and I use it on a tooth I'm trying to save...


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 8:40 AM

Subject: Re: Infection in the jaw bone


I have used peroxide for years and there were times here and there that my mouth

would get sore. But nothing lasting. I just believe it was fighting deeper

infection when it would get sore, because it would pass in a day or so.

Yes, I have used DMSO in combination with this, but the smell has kept me from

doing anything with dmso for some time. Using them both got something to exit

out of my tongue, tho. I want to get back to it but the smell is too awful.

I have a new brand that amazingly does not smell when I open the bottle. Not

even a bit. When I finally got brave enough to at least try it and drank some,

it was extra warm in my mouth. This brand seems not anything like the first

brand I got from the tractor supply store. I haven't gotten brave enough to

start using it regularly, tho. Really the stickler for me is I don't remember

how I took it before to just jump in where I left off. Maybe I will just put it

in my bedroom and take some and go to bed so I can leave it in my mouth to work.



I tried Hydrogen Peroxide alone and it works, but after a few days it irritates

the gums, particularly the low gum in the front area, where the teeth are the

smallest. I don't know why that particular area (so much more than the rest). I

asked my dentist and she told me rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide is

OK, as long as you mix it with water 50/50.

I've never tried it with DMSO.

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I usually experiment on myself and then use it on family and animals :))

So cannot speak from more experience than that. However, Tea Tree Oil used to be

used by Australian mechanists in their cutting oils when working the big lathe

machines. It greatly reduced infections caused by all the cuts and scratches

they got from machining metal.


I know of turpentine because I grew up on a farm. ;>


AnitaW surfing the net

tlsmith_1 wrote:


> Good thought Anita. in that vein .. likely a drop of an appropriate

essential oil wd do the same thing. The solvent wd be missing from the eo, but

many a bit of both ..?? Myrrh is another thought in w/ turpentine or DMSO.

Stick w/ wood derivatives...??? --tls


> Re: Infection in the jaw bone


> The turpentine (pine) should be comparable to Australian Tee Tree Oil :))))

and was once a commonly used on farms. --AnitaW



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I have a dentist that believes mercury and metal in the mouth will make you

sick.  Many people and doctors believe root canals directly causes cancer.  If

you cannot afford to remove, try oil pulling, using coconut oil,  (rinse your

mouth and hold while in shower, when finished spit it out).  Believe it or not

it does work.  Certainly will not hurt you.  At least it taste better than

some other oils. 


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: Infection in the jaw bone


thank you! I enjoy sites like these that give real background. both keepers


Re: Infection in the jaw bone



AnitaW surfing the net

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Does the brand you got from your friend heat up your mouth? Mine does and I was

totally surprised by that. The brand I have is called Nature's Gift and I

ordered it from therawfoodworld.com. This is the only brand they carry.


Re: Infection in the jaw bone

... Yes, I have used DMSO in combination with this, but the smell has kept me

from doing anything with dmso for some time. Using them both got something to

exit out of my tongue, tho. I want to get back to it but the smell is too awful.

I have a new brand that amazingly does not smell when I open the bottle. Not

even a bit. When I finally got brave enough to at least try it and drank some,

it was extra warm in my mouth. This brand seems not anything like the first

brand I got from the tractor supply store.


>> I asked my dentist and she told me rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide

is OK, as long as you mix it with water 50/50.

>> I've never tried it with DMSO.

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I diluted it Lyn and then added to something else., so never did try it

straight. Pretty sure he got pharma grade since he bought thru his chemist

license. Real glad to know the one you got, so I won't have to bother him next

time I need some. You might try filtering what you got before and see what

happens -- be nice if you cd use that nasty stuff up. ---tls

Re: Infection in the jaw bone

Does the brand you got from your friend heat up your mouth? Mine does and I

was totally surprised by that. The brand I have is called Nature's Gift and I

ordered it from therawfoodworld.com. This is the only brand they carry. --Lyn

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Hi tlsmith,


Do you please have the name of this new odorless DMSO? What store can I get it

at? I tried it once and I got SO nauseated I have never been able to try it

again. Just the memory of that smell gives me nausea all over again.


What kind of hydrogen peroxide are you talking about, the regular one for

wounds, of the " special " one for human consumption?


What is turpentine?


Thank you so much, tlsmith.




De: tlsmith_1

Para: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Enviado: Sábado 23 de junio de 2012 9:37

Asunto: Re: Infection in the jaw bone


don;t know if this will help or not but .. my mind goes to trying dilute

hydrogen peroxide with maybe 1-2 drops of turpentine added. ?? Using dilute HP

for a week spared me from a root canal. The dentist was the one who recommended

it, oddly enough. Great mouth therapy.

As to the DMSO .. the idea was posted to maybe just filter it and see if that

get it 'clear' enough so the smell goes away. They do that w/ vodka and it works

great. Cooks Illustrated had it in their magazine. Used a cheap Brita water

pitcher. A friend gave me some from his new dmso bottle and it's as you

describe... clean, odorless, tasteless. Big improvement. --tls

Re: Infection in the jaw bone

... Yes, I have used DMSO in combination with this, but the smell has kept me

from doing anything with dmso for some time. Using them both got something to

exit out of my tongue, tho. I want to get back to it but the smell is too awful.

I have a new brand that amazingly does not smell when I open the bottle. Not

even a bit. When I finally got brave enough to at least try it and drank some,

it was extra warm in my mouth. This brand seems not anything like the first

brand I got from the tractor supply store.


>> I asked my dentist and she told me rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide

is OK, as long as you mix it with water 50/50.

>> I've never tried it with DMSO.

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The DMSO sent to me came from Alpha chemical supply, not available to us mere

mortals. The one Lyn referred to is Natures Gift, It's very reasonably priced.

I do cheap hydrogen peroxide 3% from the drug store. The 35% diluted is too

much trouble to source and will degrade in the plastic bottle over time. Heresy

I know ...

www.northcarolinahistory.org/commentary/103/entry was just posted by another

member here. Turpentine was used long ago for a variety of ills. Still is in

some parts of the US, but we keep it to ourselves. Red Oil is a commercial

product in this vein for topical use. Vicks Vapo Rub is another classic old

formulation. The kind safe to consume must be 100% gum spirits from pine trees.

Hardware and artist suppliers have it. In Greece they make a liquor from it.

Some have tried it as a 'candida cure', but I use now as an ingredient in other

things. Will go thru you like garlic and DMSO will, so is an aromatic solvent

of similar type. --tls

Re: Infection in the jaw bone

Do you please have the name of this new odorless DMSO? What store can I get it

at? I tried it once and I got SO nauseated I have never been able to try it

again. Just the memory of that smell gives me nausea all over again.

What kind of hydrogen peroxide are you talking about, the regular one for

wounds, of the " special " one for human consumption?

What is turpentine?

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>>The DMSO sent to me came from Alpha chemical supply, not available to us mere

mortals. The one Lyn referred to is Natures Gift, It's very reasonably priced.

I do cheap hydrogen peroxide 3% from the drug store. The 35% diluted is too much

trouble to source and will degrade in the plastic bottle over time.<<

I don't know this to be true. I have been using a gallon jug of 35% peroxide

that is at least 4 years old and it is still strong. -- Lyn

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Used to buy HP in bulk. Family wd to soak meats before cooking (turkey esp) bcz

it wd start to go bad so fast. Used to add to pet water daily too, along w/

personal consumption, but had a bad experience and stopped. You can overdo it,

and we did. It sat for probably another 5 yrs after that and the plastic bottle

was hard and cracking. Cd have put into glass but didn't know better back then.

... your mileage may vary. --tls

Re: Infection in the jaw bone

I do cheap hydrogen peroxide 3% from the drug store. The 35% diluted is too

much trouble to source and will degrade in the plastic bottle over time.<<

I don't know this to be true. I have been using a gallon jug of 35% peroxide

that is at least 4 years old and it is still strong. -- Lyn

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Re: Infection in the jaw bone

>>The DMSO sent to me came from Alpha chemical supply, not available to us mere

mortals. The one Lyn referred to is Natures Gift, It's very reasonably priced.<<

This is the best price I have found so far. I just came across it now. I never

ordered from iHealthtree.com so I don't know if they always have that 2-fer deal




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  • 4 weeks later...
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I am the one who thot she had an odorless DMSO. But I think with exposure to air

each time I would open the lid to take a dose, that awful smell revealed itself

more. So now I am resistant to taking it again.

I don't know how they got the smell to be abased in the first place because the

smell is back with all its known vengeance of any other brand of DMSO.


Re: Infection in the jaw bone

Do you please have the name of this new odorless DMSO? What store can I get it

at? I tried it once and I got SO nauseated I have never been able to try it

again. Just the memory of that smell gives me nausea all over again.

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Wow, Lyn. Sorry about that!


The smell is EXTREMELY bad for me, I understand you perfectly.




Silvia :(


De: " ly.ninwv@... "

Para: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Enviado: Jueves 19 de julio de 2012 17:00

Asunto: Re: Infection in the jaw bone



I am the one who thot she had an odorless DMSO. But I think with exposure to air

each time I would open the lid to take a dose, that awful smell revealed itself

more. So now I am resistant to taking it again.

I don't know how they got the smell to be abased in the first place because the

smell is back with all its known vengeance of any other brand of DMSO.


Re: Infection in the jaw bone

Do you please have the name of this new odorless DMSO? What store can I get it

at? I tried it once and I got SO nauseated I have never been able to try it

again. Just the memory of that smell gives me nausea all over again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Have you tried DMSO.Bz? I bought two bottles and have been using it.Don't seem

to get the bad breath.It does smell a tiny bit ,but it is not that noticeable.

They have distiled water and honey in it.


Jack Ouellette


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