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Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion

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The reason we were trying red wine was on the premise that for some reason

the wine pulled out of the mucous membranes any Morgellans fibres that might

be in the system and coloured them to make them visible and thus diagnostic

...... Lyn did you see anything other than the red wine when you spat it back

out? I still haven't bought any to try yet, but am really interested to

know if you had any defining results?


Also, use coconut oil,


Hey guys and gals. I got some red wine to try this and I do believe it


I swished two mornings in a row after first cleaning my mouth out of morning

dew! ;-)

Both morning I had a HORRIBLE, YUCKY, ICKY taste in my mouth. It lasted all

day that first day. Both times I would follow the swish with peroxide,

toothpaste, mouthwash--three in a row--spending alot of time in the bathroom

on my mouth and it still would not clear my mouth out. This was horrible. I

wondered if it was because I bought the cheapest bottle of red wine WalMart

had in this God-forsaken state of WV that allows any grocery store to sell

what was only ever before allowed to be sold in state stores. Anyway, as I

made breakfast on that second day (yesterday) my head felt weird. I was

spaced out, foggy and feeling a bit awful in my head. So after breakfast, I

did my brushing and swishing again and soon after that I cleared all up.

I will finish the bottle of wine and see what else happens because I KNOW it

is stirring something up.


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Here's some info on Morgellon's =


On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Jane MacRoss


> **



> Here we have a big range of organic grape juices and even organic wines -

> I

> guess you're in the US? Can your Health Food Store help?


> Jane



> Re: Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion


> > Maybe organic grape juice won't stain teeth, too. The teeth staining is

> > really a problem.

> >

> > Does anyone know where to get organic grape juice? I am sure the pitiful

> > excuses for health food stores I have near me do not carry this.

> >

> > Lyn

> >

> > ------------------

> > Answer to post Digest 2546 - post 7a regarding wine swishing for

> > Morellans. See the following site that quotes Gwen , ND who was the

> > original person who discovered this. You can see that she now uses

> organic

> > grape juice instead of wine which apparently works better. Just for your

> > information because the wine seems to work too.

> >

> > www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=146395

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------


> >

> > List Home Page:

> >

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> >

> > Books:

> > DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton

> > MSM The Definitive Guide by Stanely MD and Appleton,

> NDYahoo!

> > Groups Links

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -----

> > No virus found in this message.

> > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

> > Version: 2012.0.2197 / Virus Database: 2437/5142 - Release Date: 07/19/12

> >




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I don't know if I have Morgellan's or not. The link that was listed>


is excellent- so i used grape juice this time- made my own by blending

organic grapes (dark grapes) and pouring through a sieve- then swished for

what she recommends (about 15 seconds for 8-10 times) - no fibers this time

and not more staining on teeth- so now i don't know if that one time with

red wine was a fluke or not- but it did stain teeth in a major way- dark

grapes are better.

> **



> Omigosh! Do you know for certain that you have Morgellan's?


> Gerry



> >

> > Hi all- yes! I did it yesterday. Strange thing first... in the afternoon,

> > while driving home after errands, I kept feeling something stringey in my

> > mouth- like the way a string of wayward celery would feel if caught

> > between

> > my teeth- but i couldn't work it out with my tongue or swishing with

> > water,

> > while driving. I got home and looked in magnifier and saw something dark

> > slightly under my tongue, to the side. I gently tugged with tweezers and

> > one " leg " of it kept being attached to the mucous tissues. It finally

> > tugged loose and under magnifier, looked like a little alien ant kind of

> > thing- freeeeeaky. I had read just in that morning about your wine

> pulling

> > idea- so i did that and then saw a bunch of dark reddish brown stringey

> > things- semi -attached but able to be removed with a rolling Q-tip- WOW!

> > My husband tried the wine pulling this morning (we are used to oil

> pulling

> > every morn), but he did not have the same results (he doesn't have lyme)-

> > so a good testimony. It had been a good bottle of wine and so now will

> try

> > it with cheap wine- (didn't have any this morning but there is a small

> > spot that looks like it could grow one of those longer " things' , that

> > looked very similar to stuff i had seen on lymephotos.com. (teeth do

> > stain, so beware of that- but worth it til get a good tooth cleaning

> > later).

> > Thank you so much Lyn,for bringing it up!

> > pati

> >

> >

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I have no signs of Morgellons (that I know of) but from these emails thought I

would give the swish a whirl.  I used organic concord grape juice concentrate,

undiluted, straight out of the bottle and had many stringy looking things come



God bless!



>To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

>Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 6:46 PM

>Subject: Re: Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion


>I don't know if I have Morgellan's or not.  The link that was listed>


>is excellent- so i used grape juice this time- made my own by blending

>organic grapes (dark grapes) and pouring through a sieve- then swished for

>what she recommends (about 15 seconds for 8-10 times) - no fibers this time

>and not more staining on teeth- so now i don't know if that one time with

>red wine was a fluke or not- but it did stain teeth in a major way- dark

>grapes are better.



>> **



>> Omigosh! Do you know for certain that you have Morgellan's?


>> Gerry



>> >

>> > Hi all- yes! I did it yesterday. Strange thing first... in the afternoon,

>> > while driving home after errands, I kept feeling something stringey in my

>> > mouth- like the way a string of wayward celery would feel if caught

>> > between

>> > my teeth- but i couldn't work it out with my tongue or swishing with

>> > water,

>> > while driving. I got home and looked in magnifier and saw something dark

>> > slightly under my tongue, to the side. I gently tugged with tweezers and

>> > one " leg " of it kept being attached to the mucous tissues. It finally

>> > tugged loose and under magnifier, looked like a little alien ant kind of

>> > thing- freeeeeaky. I had read just in that morning about your wine

>> pulling

>> > idea- so i did that and then saw a bunch of dark reddish brown stringey

>> > things- semi -attached but able to be removed with a rolling Q-tip- WOW!

>> > My husband tried the wine pulling this morning (we are used to oil

>> pulling

>> > every morn), but he did not have the same results (he doesn't have lyme)-

>> > so a good testimony. It had been a good bottle of wine and so now will

>> try

>> > it with cheap wine- (didn't have any this morning but there is a small

>> > spot that looks like it could grow one of those longer " things' , that

>> > looked very similar to stuff i had seen on lymephotos.com. (teeth do

>> > stain, so beware of that- but worth it til get a good tooth cleaning

>> > later).

>> > Thank you so much Lyn,for bringing it up!

>> > pati

>> >

>> >

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>I have no signs of Morgellons (that I know of) but from these emails thought I

would give the swish a whirl. I used organic concord grape juice concentrate,

undiluted, straight out of the bottle and had many stringy looking things come


When I learned about this, I had no outward signs of Morgellans either. It sure

can get nasty according to searches on youtube! But I figured I probably still

had it so I bought some red wine before learning about grape juice. The result

for me is I have had not just one but three signs of this being effective and I

have been on a detox road for 4 years. So it is worth it for everyone to do

this, since it is one of the very few things we do to get better that does not

taste bad.


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I'm wondering then if a straight dark organic grape juice would do the

trick - I would like my son to try it and he doesn't drink alcohol at all &

so far isn't interested for that reason

Thanks - sounds promising


Re: Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion


>I don't know if I have Morgellan's or not. The link that was listed>


>is excellent- so i used grape juice this time- made my own by blending

>organic grapes (dark grapes) and pouring through a sieve- then swished for

>what she recommends (about 15 seconds for 8-10 times) - no fibers this time

>and not more staining on teeth- so now i don't know if that one time with

>red wine was a fluke or not- but it did stain teeth in a major way- dark

>grapes are better.



>> **



>> Omigosh! Do you know for certain that you have Morgellan's?


>> Gerry



>> >

>> > Hi all- yes! I did it yesterday. Strange thing first... in the

>> > afternoon,

>> > while driving home after errands, I kept feeling something stringey in

>> > my

>> > mouth- like the way a string of wayward celery would feel if caught

>> > between

>> > my teeth- but i couldn't work it out with my tongue or swishing with

>> > water,

>> > while driving. I got home and looked in magnifier and saw something

>> > dark

>> > slightly under my tongue, to the side. I gently tugged with tweezers

>> > and

>> > one " leg " of it kept being attached to the mucous tissues. It finally

>> > tugged loose and under magnifier, looked like a little alien ant kind

>> > of

>> > thing- freeeeeaky. I had read just in that morning about your wine

>> pulling

>> > idea- so i did that and then saw a bunch of dark reddish brown stringey

>> > things- semi -attached but able to be removed with a rolling Q-tip-

>> > WOW!

>> > My husband tried the wine pulling this morning (we are used to oil

>> pulling

>> > every morn), but he did not have the same results (he doesn't have

>> > lyme)-

>> > so a good testimony. It had been a good bottle of wine and so now will

>> try

>> > it with cheap wine- (didn't have any this morning but there is a small

>> > spot that looks like it could grow one of those longer " things' , that

>> > looked very similar to stuff i had seen on lymephotos.com. (teeth do

>> > stain, so beware of that- but worth it til get a good tooth cleaning

>> > later).

>> > Thank you so much Lyn,for bringing it up!

>> > pati

>> >

>> >

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In the reading I have done, it states that organic concord grape juice produces

the most, even over wine.  The store I went to just so happened to be out of

regular juice but had the concentrate so I figured hey, why not?


Go for it, and let us know!




>To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

>Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 2:43 AM

>Subject: Re: Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion




>I'm wondering then if a straight dark organic grape juice would do the

>trick - I would like my son to try it and he doesn't drink alcohol at all &

>so far isn't interested for that reason


>Thanks - sounds promising




> Re: Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion


>>I don't know if I have Morgellan's or not. The link that was listed>


>>is excellent- so i used grape juice this time- made my own by blending

>>organic grapes (dark grapes) and pouring through a sieve- then swished for

>>what she recommends (about 15 seconds for 8-10 times) - no fibers this time

>>and not more staining on teeth- so now i don't know if that one time with

>>red wine was a fluke or not- but it did stain teeth in a major way- dark

>>grapes are better.

>>On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 9:07 PM, Gerry Simpkins <mailto:gsim%40tds.net> wrote:


>>> **



>>> Omigosh! Do you know for certain that you have Morgellan's?


>>> Gerry



>>> >

>>> > Hi all- yes! I did it yesterday. Strange thing first... in the

>>> > afternoon,

>>> > while driving home after errands, I kept feeling something stringey in

>>> > my

>>> > mouth- like the way a string of wayward celery would feel if caught

>>> > between

>>> > my teeth- but i couldn't work it out with my tongue or swishing with

>>> > water,

>>> > while driving. I got home and looked in magnifier and saw something

>>> > dark

>>> > slightly under my tongue, to the side. I gently tugged with tweezers

>>> > and

>>> > one " leg " of it kept being attached to the mucous tissues. It finally

>>> > tugged loose and under magnifier, looked like a little alien ant kind

>>> > of

>>> > thing- freeeeeaky. I had read just in that morning about your wine

>>> pulling

>>> > idea- so i did that and then saw a bunch of dark reddish brown stringey

>>> > things- semi -attached but able to be removed with a rolling Q-tip-

>>> > WOW!

>>> > My husband tried the wine pulling this morning (we are used to oil

>>> pulling

>>> > every morn), but he did not have the same results (he doesn't have

>>> > lyme)-

>>> > so a good testimony. It had been a good bottle of wine and so now will

>>> try

>>> > it with cheap wine- (didn't have any this morning but there is a small

>>> > spot that looks like it could grow one of those longer " things' , that

>>> > looked very similar to stuff i had seen on lymephotos.com. (teeth do

>>> > stain, so beware of that- but worth it til get a good tooth cleaning

>>> > later).

>>> > Thank you so much Lyn,for bringing it up!

>>> > pati

>>> >

>>> >

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I would keep doing it until you don't see those strings anymore= a couple

of times a day- my husband had none at all, even the first time-

good luck, pati

> **



> Hello,


> I have no signs of Morgellons (that I know of) but from these emails

> thought I would give the swish a whirl. I used organic concord grape juice

> concentrate, undiluted, straight out of the bottle and had many stringy

> looking things come out.


> God bless!



> >________________________________

> >

> >To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

> >Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 6:46 PM


> >Subject: Re: Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion

> >

> >I don't know if I have Morgellan's or not. The link that was listed>

> >http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=146395

> >is excellent- so i used grape juice this time- made my own by blending

> >organic grapes (dark grapes) and pouring through a sieve- then swished for

> >what she recommends (about 15 seconds for 8-10 times) - no fibers this

> time

> >and not more staining on teeth- so now i don't know if that one time with

> >red wine was a fluke or not- but it did stain teeth in a major way- dark

> >grapes are better.

> >

> >

> >> **


> >>

> >>

> >> Omigosh! Do you know for certain that you have Morgellan's?

> >>

> >> Gerry

> >>

> >>

> >> >

> >> > Hi all- yes! I did it yesterday. Strange thing first... in the

> afternoon,

> >> > while driving home after errands, I kept feeling something stringey

> in my

> >> > mouth- like the way a string of wayward celery would feel if caught

> >> > between

> >> > my teeth- but i couldn't work it out with my tongue or swishing with

> >> > water,

> >> > while driving. I got home and looked in magnifier and saw something

> dark

> >> > slightly under my tongue, to the side. I gently tugged with tweezers

> and

> >> > one " leg " of it kept being attached to the mucous tissues. It finally

> >> > tugged loose and under magnifier, looked like a little alien ant kind

> of

> >> > thing- freeeeeaky. I had read just in that morning about your wine

> >> pulling

> >> > idea- so i did that and then saw a bunch of dark reddish brown

> stringey

> >> > things- semi -attached but able to be removed with a rolling Q-tip-

> WOW!

> >> > My husband tried the wine pulling this morning (we are used to oil

> >> pulling

> >> > every morn), but he did not have the same results (he doesn't have

> lyme)-

> >> > so a good testimony. It had been a good bottle of wine and so now will

> >> try

> >> > it with cheap wine- (didn't have any this morning but there is a small

> >> > spot that looks like it could grow one of those longer " things' , that

> >> > looked very similar to stuff i had seen on lymephotos.com. (teeth do

> >> > stain, so beware of that- but worth it til get a good tooth cleaning

> >> > later).

> >> > Thank you so much Lyn,for bringing it up!

> >> > pati

> >> >

> >> >

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Not all 'strings' are Morgellons.

Microfilaria came out of my skin once doing a clay detox bath mix.

.. shocking brown wiggly things that died almost immediately.

Tongue is part of the same system as the skin, so it makes

good sense to do it till they're gone. They say from insect bites. ---tls

Re: Morgellans / Re: Oil Pulling suggestion

I would keep doing it until you don't see those strings anymore= a couple

of times a day- my husband had none at all, even the first time-

good luck, --pati


> **>> I have no signs of Morgellons (that I know of) but from these emails

> thought I would give the swish a whirl. I used organic concord grape juice

> concentrate, undiluted, straight out of the bottle and had many stringy

> looking things come out.

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