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more Muriatic acid (HCl) Therapy

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see .. all the Good you do that you don't even know about ... xxoo

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 3:05 PM

Oh My. Oh my!!! This is amazing!!!!!! Why is this stuff not common

knowledge???????? Nevermind- that was rhetorical ... I digested about half of

it in one sitting. I will have to come back for the rest and then pour over it

again. Thanks , TLS!!!

Did I tell you that Evan had a abx resistant infection this summer? He'd had

one last summer too- in his knees of all places is where it exudes! Anyway it

was ugly - 104 fever for most of 16 days, rigors, no appetite-- I did all I

knew (at once and continually) from my side, but in the end, he took bactrim

abx. He'd not had abx since he was 2 so he had a most terrible reaction to the

bactrim. Grrrrr. Almost hospitalized, but we pressed on. It took almost two

months to get him back up to speed.

So I'm reading all of this wondering how much HCL to give him??? We learned

(like you've said too) that it is not cured, only moved, pushed elsewhere,


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