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Re: DMSO for itchy nose now Gel Making

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Below is a message I sent to this list a year ago that I researched even

further back. It does, however give you a clue as to where to begin

your own up-to-date research.

I believe that carbomer is what's used in the 70% DMSO gel available in

farm stores. In the past 2 weeks, one person on one list, commented

without controversey that there's something wrong with carbomer...no

details as to which kind of carbomer and I simply don't remember well

enough to quote it (you can tell how impressed I was. I'm impressed I


Would be great if you'd share what you discover when you do that

research. Saralou

........................On 8/24/2012 1:13 PM, sonie9@...


I made up my own homeopathic solution of a zinc nasal spray which can

help some, but it doesn't adhere as well as the gel did. Have

investigated having my compounding pharmacist make up the zinc gel, but

he declined. If I could find the basic gel, I'd make my own. Not sure

where to get that.

At any rate, I'm wondering if there's a better way to utilize the DMSO

to deal with the itch more effectively. Any suggestions would be welcomed.


Sonie Sapere Aude - Dare to Know


Not Garnet but.............

Several things are used for Gel. Depends on how " natural " you want them

to be. I'm pretty sure The DMSO gel you get at the farm store that's

70% is made with carbomer. Right. A while back I was trying to find

stuff to make EISilver gel with and did a bit of research. Some of that

is included below. Hopefully most of the links are still live.

Saralou [oops...looks like it was two years ago. how time flies--still

haven't ordered anything ;-]


--- Re: Throbbing

Knee Pain.// Make your own MSM cream Date: Fri, 12 Aug

2011 10:49:37 -0400 (EDT) From: zzekelink@...

In a message dated 8/11/2011 8:54:13 P. M. Eastern Daylight Time,

garnet@... writes:

MSM topically (make your own or buy cream a pharmacy)

Garnet, How do you make the MSM cream ??? Also, what would I use to make

the DMSO gel that can be purchased on line ? { We use a

70% DMSO 30% Aloe Vera gel That I buy on line from ihealthtree. com . )

I Would really like to make my own. Is there a safe supplier for the A V

& do I just mix the 2 without anything else ? Thanks, Lois



*Silver Water Gel *


Silver Water was manufactured as a skin protector for burn patients but

it would not stay on burn wounds long enough so Silver Water Gel was

developed. This all natural product is a combination of plant gelatin

and Silver Water. It works very well for diminishing skin wrinkles,

which suggests it is helping to revive damaged collagen. It also works

very well for some types of diabetic skin infection, rashes, insect

bites, animal scratches, scrapes, burns, cuts, baby's diaper rash; use

as a makeup base, face skin cream, underarms, aftershave gel, natural

and a safe lubricant, great for yeast problem. External Use Only.

Directions for use: Apply liberally as often as needed.

*Silver Water Gel: Holding Silver Water in Place*

Silver Water Gel is Silver Water in a form that holds the Silver Water

in place. It is used extensively for cuts, bruises, abrasions and burns

and is excellent for preventing infections in cat bites and scratches.

All burn creams adequately preserve wounds and burns 75%. Silver Water

Gel adequately kept pseudomnas and mold under control for 28 days in an

independent laboratory. The testing was stopped because after this

period of the time the animal would be healed. Our concern is

preparedness against anthrax and other possible biological agents.

Studies have been done in the past two years on colloidal silver against


*INGREDIENTS:* Colloidal silver 3ppm, Glycerin-PH-adjusted, Carbonmer




Sodium Polyacrylate

potassium acrylamide copolymer gel

**Terra-Sorb ^TM Hydrogel Crystals**

Terra-Sorb Medium Grade Hydrogel is a potassium polyacrylamide hydrogel.




Terra-sorb hydrogel is a high quality, long lasting potassium acrylamide

copolymer gel in granular form that absorbs hundreds of times its weight

in water and slowly releases water into the root zone for use by plant

roots. Can be used for all potted plants. The use of Terra-sorb reduces

watering frequency significantly and helps prevent plant loss due to

drought. Terra-sorb is safe, non-toxic and PH neutral. Great for

vacation trips. Remove 25% of the existing soil in houseplants and mix 1

tsp to remaining soil and water in well.

6 oz. package. Price $9.95 Shipping for this item is $8.95 extra.

60 month shelf life.**



Terra-Sorb, 5 Lb. Jar

Item 32-680

Price $39.95

Gift Box

Terra-Sorb, 1 Lb. Jar

Item 32-600

Price $14.95



*Terra-Sorb ^TM Hydrogel

*Medium Grind (1 - 2 mm)

*1 pound - $8.50 :* Add to cart

<http://www.perennialnursery.com/catalog/cart.php?mode=add & productid=432 & amount=\


<http://www.perennialnursery.com/catalog/cart.php?mode=add & productid=432 & amount=\


Shipping & Handling for 1 pound = $5.95

*5 pounds - $29.50 :* Add to cart

<http://www.perennialnursery.com/catalog/cart.php?mode=add & productid=433 & amount=\

1>**<http://www.perennialnursery.com/catalog/cart.php?mode=add & productid=433 & amo\


<http://www.perennialnursery.com/catalog/cart.php?mode=add & productid=433 & amount=\


Shipping & Handling for 5 pounds = $9.95


+Terra-sorb+food+grade & cd=1 & hl=en & ct=clnk & gl=us

DRiWATER®. One amendment having potential utility to riparian

restoration in arid regions

DRiWATER®1 (Figure 2), which is a non- toxic patented time-release

" solid " water product consisting of water (98 percent) and food grade

ingredients (2 percent cellulose and alum). Naturally occurring soil

bacteria gradually break down the food grade ingredients to slowly

release and provide a continuous source of water to plants. Capillary

activity of the soil carries and main- tains moisture througho

Water-absorbent Polymers. Another poten- tially useful group of soil

amendments are super-absorbent water retention polymers (Figure 4), also

referred to as root watering crystals, planting gels, and water

retention granules. These polyacrylamide-based granules were designed to

absorb soil water up to 400 times their own weight. Water is held near

the root zone and slowly released to plant roots over an extended period

of time (i. e., several years). The polymers can be recharged with

precipitation, irrigation, or hand watering. These products are sold in

both fine- and medium-grade consistencies. Fine-grade product is mixed

with water and bare-root seedling roots are dipped in the mixture just

prior to planting. Medium-grade product typically is saturated and then

mixed with the backfill soi Terra-Sorb^ are provided in Table 2.

Too much polymer material can cause the soil to over-swell and push

planted vegetation out of the ground



These are important raw materials for natural cosmetics and Skin Care

products and consist of natural polysaccharides which, when mixed and

beaten together with water, produce Gels which protect, moisturise and

soften the skin.

Gels are particularly good to use when active water-based ingredients

need to be diluted before using on the skin. Examples of this are Aloe

Vera Gel, Circulation Gel and Tea Tree Gel.

These Thickening Agents can also be used as secondary âEUR~helpâEUR^

Emulsifiers in Creams and Lotions that contain many different raw

materials, which in turn make the product more difficult to blend and

therefore more likely to separate.

For more ideas and tips, please order Recipe Brochure No 1 'Creams or

Recipe Brochure No 2 Gels'.

*Carrageen Powder* Whisk steadily into warm water, while heating the

water to boiling. It will thicken at boiling point. Can be used as a

natural Gel and Thickener for Liquid Soaps, Shower Gels, Shampoos and

Make-up products. Use 0.5-2%.

*Cellulose Gum <http://www.aromantic.co.uk/Cellulose-Gum.htm>*

*Latin / INCI Name*

Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Sodium Acetate, Aqua Derived from plant fibres,

Cellulose makes a fully clear, transparent and stable Gel and has a

smooth feeling on the skin. Used to make Gels and to stabilise

Emulsions. You can reduce the amount of Cetyl Alcohol in your Creams

when you add Cellulose to your mixture. Can also be used for Shampoos ...



Plant Gel is 100% non-toxic and Biodegradable.

PGL001 One Gallon Gel Packet. 30cc pack of crystals makes one gallon of

Plant Gel. Simply add water and plant food ( coloring if you prefer ).

Comes in one ounce zip-lock pouch.


PGL002 Seven Gallon Gel Packet. 210cc jar of crystals makes seven

gallons of Plant Gel. Simply add water and plant food ( coloring if you

prefer ). Comes in seven ounce amber jar with safety cap. Measuring

spoon included.


PGL003 Twenty-Five Gallon Gel Packet. 750ml jar of crystals makes 25

gallons of Plant Gel. Simply add water and plant food ( coloring if you

prefer ). Comes in wide mouth plastic jar, measuring scoop included.


........................This new powdered form is really neat, use it to

make a cooling gel for the summer, make a transplant slurry for plants,

make " snow " for winter decorations in warm climates, add fragrance to

make " smelly jelly " and many, many other uses.

1 Tablespoon will make one gallon of " jelly " .

PGLP01 One Gallon Powder Gel Pack Crystals


PGLP02 Seven Gallon Powder Gel Pack Crystals


PGLP03 Twenty Five Gallon Powder Gel Pack Crystals




Water gel polymer is an odorless water-absorbing polymer

(polyacrylamide) used everyday.

Water Absorbing Crystal Polymer

*1/2 pound* bulk package (228 grams) MAKES 8 GALLONS $8.50 free


*1 pound* bulk package 12.98.




When water is added to this granular white powder, it instantly expands

to 40 times its original volume, producing a snow-like material. Great

for showing that there is No Law of Conservation of Volume! This

artificial " snow " is fluffy and can be readily poured. When wet, it

adheres well to boots and is very slippery. It was used in

Spielberg's mini-series, Band of Brothers and is becoming popular as an

artificial base for skiers. It even can be used to turn white wine into

snow... hmm! You can carry almost two cubic meters of snow in your

briefcase; just add water! Its MSDS is the same as for sodium

polyacrylate, the 'diaper' polymer! This is a great demonstration of

interest to students and educators of ALL ages and abilities. /We

reserve the right to limit quantities.





Growing Cubes



Same hydrophilic polymer, but made into different cubic shapes that can

be stacked. 50 grams (approx. 290 cubes)



Growing Spheres (Three Sizes)



Place these hard crystals in water and they expand about 300 times,

producing gel-like spheres. Now available in three sizes.



Instant Snow Polymer



When this granular white powder is added to water, it instantly expands

to 40 times its original volume, producing a snow-like material.



Magic Sand



Sand that repels water and never gets wet!



Moon Sand



Moon Sand is sand that feels like regular sand, molds like dough, yet

never dries out. Use it again and again. ** Now with twice the amount

for the same low price!**



Poly-Ox: A Self-Siphoning Gel



Pour this amazing fluid from one beaker into another, and the entire

mass will siphon into the lower beaker on its own.



Sodium Polyacrylate (Diaper Polymer)



The super-absorbent polymer found in disposable baby diapers. Also used

in many " disappearing water " magic tricks.




In current world, there are 3 kinds of seaweed gel, I. E. *Agar*,

*carrageenan *and algin, have wide range of application. Agar is a kind

of nature polysaccharide extracted from red algae and seaweed, it is

chain polymer composed of (1, 3)- ?-D-galactose, (1, 4)-3, 6 inner

ether- & ?-L-galactose etc.

Agar has wide application in food, pharmacy, daily chemistry and


In food industry, it can be used as gelling agent and stabilizer sweet,

jelly, cake, canned food, ham, sausage, etc.;

Thickener and stabilizer of jam, peanut buffer, sesame paste, etc.;

Stabilizer of ice cream, water ice, etc.;

Suspending agent and stabilizer for juice, beverage, etc.

Agar is a nature marine polysaccharide, which contains rich

water-soluble fiber and low calorie. So it has multiple health-care

functions including decreasing blood fat and blood sugar, expelling

foxing, beautifying the face and skin, etc. In pharmacy, agriculture and

biochemistry industry, agar is used widely as a culture media of

bacteria and a carrier for microbe.

Besides, it can be make into agarose, which is a ideal medium for

immunodiffusion and widely used in analysis and research of clinical

diagnose, biochemistry, microbiology and immunology



Super Absorbent Polymer Crystals 10lbs

<http://www.water-keep.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=62 & osCsid=bc1c7a537\


$37.00 Super Absorbent Polymer Crystals 5lbs

<http://www.water-keep.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=61 & osCsid=bc1c7a537\


Super Absorbent Polymer Crystals 5lbs

<http://www.water-keep.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=61 & osCsid=bc1c7a537\


$19.50 Super Absorbent Polymer Crystals 12oz

<http://www.water-keep.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=60 & osCsid=bc1c7a537\


Super Absorbent Polymer Crystals 12oz

<http://www.water-keep.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=60 & osCsid=bc1c7a537\




http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TY0-4T2M5XV-1 & _user=1\

0 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & _docanchor= & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _versio\

n=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=1336d684194821a3057decb57c86b4aa

The hydrogels formed in the solvent mixture with less than 25% DMSO by

volume have irregular large pores of about 10^1 ?m in diameter, typical

for macroporous networks created by the cryogelation technique.

Non-porous hydrogels were obtained in solutions containing 25% DMSO,

while at larger DMSO contents, the structure of the hydrogel networks

consists of aggregates of microspheres,




The most commonly available are polymers of acrylamide and potassium

acrylate. These

polymers have a longer functional life, perhaps up to five years,

compared to other organic hydrogels composed of*starch, gelatin or agar.

These latter hydrogels are commonly used in cosmetic surgery;

polyacrylamide gels are not used for this purpose.*



Consumers expect Aloe Juice to look and feel like Aloe Jelly.Many

consumers believe that the thick jelly on the market came straight from

the plant itself.But in reality the jelly like product is made by adding

a thickener.The most common thickening agent is a combination of

*Carbomer (a.k.a. Carbopol) and TEA (Triethanolamine),* however there a

few on the market that use a gum like Xanthan or Guar Gum.Carbomer and

TEA chemicals that work in conjunction to create a synergetic force that

both thickens and changes the surface tension of any water based

product, thus creating a jelly.





Sodium Carbomer

*Sodium carbomer*

An emulsion <http://en.mimi.hu/beauty/emulsion.html> stabilizer or

thickening agent used in cosmetic products.

Sodium chloride <http://en.mimi.hu/beauty/sodium_chloride.html>

Derived from salt; astringent <http://en.mimi.hu/beauty/astringent.html>

and anti-inflammatory <http://en.mimi.hu/beauty/anti-inflammatory.html>.


Carbomer 980 - 1 lb *$60.60


The addition of TEA is required to adjust the pH and thicken the product

to a stable viscosity. This carbomer is derived from benzoic acid unlike

the other versions of carbomer. This ingredient is primarily used in

making non-foaming gels. Typically used at .5 to 1%, it is sifted into

the water phase and allowed to dissolve over time for best results then

mixed well.

Triethanolamine Specific gravity: 1.124

Triethanolamine - 1 gallon *$24.50

*Triethanolamine is used as a pH balancer in cosmetic preparations in a

variety of different products - ranging from skin lotion, eye gels,

moisturizers, shampoos, shaving foams etc.



You are Here

<http://www.pharma-excipients.com/index.html> » Ointment » Carbomer 934

/ 974

Libraw Pharma - Manufacturer and Exporter of Binding Agent and Coating

Polymers.*Carbomer 934 / 974*Libraw Pharma - Manufacturer and Exporter

of Binding Agent and Coating Polymers.

*Water Soluble Carbomer Fo Thickening, Suspending & Stabilizing *

Libraw Pharma - Manufacturer and Exporter of Binding Agent and Coating

Polymers.*Description *

CARBOMER range are synthetic high molecular weight crosslinked polymers

of acrylic acid, which confirm to USP./INF. specifications as " CARBOMER "

Libraw Pharma - Manufacturer and Exporter of Binding Agent and Coating


CARBOMER range, are water soluble polymer use to :

Thicken To produce wide range of viscosities and flow properties.

Suspend Insoluble ingredients.

Stabilize & Emulsify Emulsions

Libraw Pharma - Manufacturer and Exporter of Binding Agent and Coating

Polymers.*Grade & Applications*

*Grades* *Solvent used in process*

Carbomer 934 / 974

(Benzene free) Benzene

Cyclohexane & ethyl acetate

*Carbomer 934 / 974 - * For thick formulations such as heavy gels,

suspensions, emulsions for topical preparation.

Thickning efficiency High viscosities at low concentrations.

Uniform performance Reproducibility unattainable with natural gums.

Safety Years of successful use of carbomers.

Temperature stability Extended up to 75^0 C heating or cooling

Unaffected by aging Excellent self life.

Microbial resistance Resists bacterial attack and does not support mold


Versatility Although primarily used in aqueous systems with

neutralization. It can also be used in solvent systems, with or without


Elegance Smooth and luxurious feeling.

CARBOMER is a high molecular weight polymer. It is not absorbed by body

tissues and is totally safe for human oral consumption. Test for

toxicological tolerance show that it does not have pronounced

physiological action and is non toxic.



*How to Make a Gel Using Carbomer 940 *

*Carbomer 940 is classed as a gelling agent and forms clear gels. Its

normal use rate is from .25 to 1 % , but you must experiment to find the

correct amount to create the perfect gel for your application. Carbomer

is a water and alcohol soluble polymer. It is a mildly acidic and forms

a loose network when partially neutralized to pH 5-8. /Any base may be

used to neutralize, but triethanolamine

<http://www.snowdriftfarm.com/ph-adjusters.html> leads to clear gels,

where other bases lead to haziness./ *

*Carbomer requires a long time to swell properly for use. It is best to

make a pre-gel before beginning the batch at hand. This recipe will

provide enough pre-gel for 100 to 400 oz. of product, depending upon the

stiffness of the gel that is required.




*Monograph of Carbomer 940*



Molecular Weight


Cas No.



Active level

98 - 100 % pH

Solids (%)

Particle size



Specific gravity

Typical usage level

Ionic character


[CH2CH (CO2H)]n

1 million or greater


9003 - 01 - 4

white free flowing powder

slight acidic odor

98 - 100 %

2.7 - 3.5 @ 0.5% in H2O (typical)

98 - 100 %

2.45 - 4 microns (typical, coulter counter)

14.5 (lbs./cu. ft.)

40,000 - 60,000 (cPs) @ 0.5%

1.4 (approx.)

0.1 - 1.0%


0 - 2%



4 oz ($7.95)

8 oz ($12.95)

16 oz ($21.95)

32 oz ($39.95)

Carbomer, Pre Neutralized

Starting at: $7.95

*Pre Neutralized Carbomer* (PNC) is a pre-neutralized synthetic polymer

that can be used as a thickening agent, suspending agent and stabilizer

in most cosmetic products. It possesses all of the characteristics of a

940-type carbomer without the typical problems of dispersion and

neutralization. Gels made with this *Pre Neutralized Carbomer* (PNC) are

characterized with high viscosity and are crystal clear. Carbomers are

anionic polymers.

Contrary to traditional carbomers, this *Pre Neutralized Carbomer* (PNC)

does not require any pre-dispersion or the making of a Pre Gel. PNC

thickens the formula as soon as it is sprinkled into the water or a

water/alcohol blend (up to 70:30 ratio), giving a clear viscous gel.

Slow addition of the *PNC* powder avoids the formation of lumps and

guarantees quick thickening. There is still plenty of time to continue

on with your formula if the *PNC *is being used in conjunction with

primary emulsifiers such Emulsifying Wax NF or other nonionic or anionic

emulsifiers. During the preparation of Emulsions, *PNC* can be dispersed

into the oil or the water phase before the emulsification step. *PNC*

powder can also be sprinkled directly into the emulsion, stirring until

a homogenous system is obtained.

*PNC* is a very economical product to formulate with because you can

formulate without the expense of a pH meter, neutralization products are

not required, and very little of this Pre Neutralized Carbomer is needed

for thick, viscous, crystal clear gels. /Ex. I used *1/2 teaspoon* of

PNC to *16 fluid oz of distilled water*/aloe vera to create an ULTRA

thick, crystal clear eye gel serum base. Just the addition of a few

drops of various botanical actives and preservative were needed to

customize this serum base for many targeted end uses/.

*The pH achieved at a 0.5% in water is around 7.* If a lower pH is

required, small adjustments are possible by the addition of acids

(citric acid, lactic acid). High amounts of acids should be avoided

however because of the formation of salt that negatively affects the

viscosity of your formulation.

The use of this *Pre Neutralized Carbomer* (PNC) provides several


* Superior handling (low dust)

* Quick dispersion

* Elimination of neutralization phase, ensuring accurate pH product to

product, batch to batch

* Simplification of manufacturing process as no 'pre gel' or

pre-dispersion stage is required

* Ability to modify viscosity of finished products

*Recommended usage & tips*: Contrary to traditional carbomers, this pre

neutralized carbomer does not require any pre-dispersion or the making

of a Pre Gel. *Pre Neutralized Carbomer* (PNC) thickens the formula as

soon as it is sprinkled into the water or a water/alcohol blend (up to

70:30 ratio), giving a clear viscous gel. Slow addition of the *PNC*

powder avoids the formation of lumps and guarantees quick thickening.

There is still plenty of time to continue on with your formula if the

*PNC* is being used in conjunction with more primary emulsifiers such as

BTMS, Incroquat OSC, Inqcroquat CR, or Polawax. During the preparation

of Emulsions, this *PNC* can be dispersed into the oil or the water

phase before the emulsification step. It can also be sprinkled directly

into the emulsion, stirring until a homogenous system is obtained. Usage

levels will vary by formulation end result desired, and range from .2 -


*Try making your OWN thickened Aloe Vera Gel! *

*A.* *Reconstituting Aloe 200X Powder:* Use distilled water, heat water

to 120 F for 20 min to sterilize. Cool water, covering your pot.

*B.* Add one hundred and ninety nine parts of water to one part of Aloe

Vera 200x in a sanitized vessel and stir.

*C.* Add preservatives to appropriate levels if storing in liquid

condition. You will be saving a lot of money no longer shipping water

*D.* *Thickening reconstituted Aloe Juice (or plain water)*: Once you

have made your own Aloe Vera juice, you can now add the Pre Neutralized

Carbomer to create your Aloe Vera Gel. *Use 1/2 teaspoon of

Preneutralized Carbomer to 16 fluid oz of Aloe Vera Juice* (or just

water if you do not have Aloe Juice). Gently stir your PNC into the Aloe

juice and let sit until hydrated. Do not use a stick blender, and be

careful to stir slowly so that air bubbles are not formed. Small white

bits will be visible, slowly disappearing as you give this an gentle

stir. Slowly you will observe your 16 oz of Aloe Vera juice begin to

thicken. This gel will go through several stages of a " clear oatmeal

texture lumpiness " until it transforms into a velvety smooth, crystal

gel, taking about 30 - 45 mins total.

*INCI:* Sodium Carbomer *MSDS *



INCI: Carbomer

Type 940

Chemical name: Carboxyvinyl Polymer; average equivalent weight: ca.76;

Bulk density: 0.20-0.23 g/cm3; pH (0.5% water dispersion): 2.7-3.5

Carbomer is a fine white acrylic powder used in hair gels, and other

gels, lotions, and creams.

It is suitable for formulating sparkling and clear gels as well as

stabilizing emulsions. The typical use level is 0.1-0.5% depending o­n

the type of formulation and final desired viscosity.

It is a cost effective thickener and is pH sensitive. Carbomer must be

thoroughly mixed and hydrated. Increasing the pH to 7.0, gives a gel

structure. Neutralization can be carried out with inorganic bases (such

as NaOH, KOH, NH4OH) or with organic amines (such as TEA, AMP, AMPD). To

neutralize 1 g of Carbomer to pH 7, ca. 0.01 equivalent of base are

required (e.g. 0.4g of NaOH, 0.9g of AMP, 1.5g of TEA). It is advisable

to add strong bases previously diluted into water at a concentration not

higher than 10%.

Carbomer ( 1 oz.) THI02A 1 oz. $8.26

Carbomer ( 4 oz.) THI02B 4 oz. $19.15

Carbomer (8 oz.) THI02C 8 oz. $26.17

Carbomer ( 16 oz.) THI02D 16 oz. $44.62



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>>Below is a message I sent to this list a year ago that I researched even

further back. It does, however give you a clue as to where to begin your

own up-to-date research.

I believe that carbomer is what's used in the 70% DMSO gel available in farm

stores. In the past 2 weeks, one person on one list, commented without

controversey that there's something wrong with carbomer...no details as to

which kind of carbomer and I simply don't remember well enough to quote it

(you can tell how impressed I was. I'm impressed I


Would be great if you'd share what you discover when you do that research.



Yahoo in its infinitely warped wisdom diverted this post to my Spam folder,

so I just found and retrieved it and had to restoe all the links that were

automatically disabled when I dared to unspam it. At least Outlook made that

part easy. I was strongly warned this was had all the earmarks of a phishing

expedition.... At least they didn't just get rid of the links.

I'll have to set aside time to go thru the whole post and all the links as I

can see there's a ton of information here. Initially, without getting into

anything other than an appropriate " neutral " gel carrier for the zinc

solution, I was hoping to find the basic type either used by Zicam or

something similar to it. Haven't really ventured further down that road. I

thought if I could simply get that combination, I'd see how well it worked

compared to Zicam. Then I could look at " improving it. " You may have some

things here that would be appropriate, I'll just have to dig in and see

what's there.

Thanks for the extensive info. Appreciate your effort to assist. If I come

up with something, I'll definitely let you know, but it likely will take

some time. I thought it interesting that when I approached my compounding

pharmacist, I detected a real reluctance to go anywhere with it, but perhaps

with the homeopathic component, it wasn't something they felt doable nor

cost effective. Oh well, there are other ways to skin a cat and make a nasal

spray. >grin<


Sapere Aude - Dare to Know

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Sonie, Not sure if it will help with the links but I can resend to this

e-addy instead of to the group.

Forgive me if I already did that....not at the same computer and can't tell

what I did from here


> **





> >>Below is a message I sent to this list a year ago that I researched even

> further back. It does, however give you a clue as to where to begin your

> own up-to-date research.


> I believe that carbomer is what's used in the 70% DMSO gel available in

> farm

> stores. In the past 2 weeks, one person on one list, commented without

> controversey that there's something wrong with carbomer...no details as to

> which kind of carbomer and I simply don't remember well enough to quote it

> (you can tell how impressed I was. I'm impressed I

> remembered!)


> Would be great if you'd share what you discover when you do that research.

> Saralou<<


> Saralou-


> Yahoo in its infinitely warped wisdom diverted this post to my Spam folder,

> so I just found and retrieved it and had to restoe all the links that were

> automatically disabled when I dared to unspam it. At least Outlook made

> that

> part easy. I was strongly warned this was had all the earmarks of a

> phishing

> expedition.... At least they didn't just get rid of the links.


> I'll have to set aside time to go thru the whole post and all the links as

> I

> can see there's a ton of information here. Initially, without getting into

> anything other than an appropriate " neutral " gel carrier for the zinc

> solution, I was hoping to find the basic type either used by Zicam or

> something similar to it. Haven't really ventured further down that road. I

> thought if I could simply get that combination, I'd see how well it worked

> compared to Zicam. Then I could look at " improving it. " You may have some

> things here that would be appropriate, I'll just have to dig in and see

> what's there.


> Thanks for the extensive info. Appreciate your effort to assist. If I come

> up with something, I'll definitely let you know, but it likely will take

> some time. I thought it interesting that when I approached my compounding

> pharmacist, I detected a real reluctance to go anywhere with it, but

> perhaps

> with the homeopathic component, it wasn't something they felt doable nor

> cost effective. Oh well, there are other ways to skin a cat and make a

> nasal

> spray. >grin<


> Sonie

> Sapere Aude - Dare to Know




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>>Sonie, Not sure if it will help with the links but I can resend to this

e-addy instead of to the group.

Forgive me if I already did that....not at the same computer and can't tell

what I did from here Saralou<<

Thanks, but from what I can see Saralou, it appears all the links are all

there and active. Just the usual html coding has gotten spaced out in some

cases, but I'm pretty sure I have it all. If when I get into it all there's

something that appears to be missing, I'll let you know.

Have an enjoyable day.


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