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Re: DMSO application on wound

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Alone and-or straight is not the best way.

look to commercial preparations .. your Aloe idea is one of them.

Another emollient something that will also absorb is the idea.

Emu and Glycerin are others ---tls

DMSO application on wound

.. I had her put aloe vera on it, but have to think the aloe vera w/ DMSO

would be better. Of course, maybe there's a better choice than that, if so

would like to know.

My main question is just applying DMSO directly to a wound.

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Dianne's suggestion about colloidal silver is a good one. I have always

heard that one is NOT to use DMSO directly on an open wound but it can be

used around the wound (for swelling, etc.) My daughter owns and raises

horses and works at the local vet parttime and uses DMSO on the horses all

the time. We got into a heated discussion about the application of DMSO on

open wounds (she says no.. I say why not? lol).

I had stubbed my toe on a piece of furniture and scrapped off some skin.

It hurt like fury too. I didn't care that you aren't supposed to use DMSO

on an open wound and doused that toe with DMSO like crazy for a few days.

No pain and no swelling two days later.

One thing that is excellent and helps accelerate healing and is

anti-bacterial is sugar. I just read somewhere in the last few days to use

powdered sugar mixed like a paste and cover with gauze and tape it

down etc. It should be reapplied every day or so.

You could probably use vasoline or a & d ointment to make a paste too,


I was in an auto accident years ago and scrapped my ankle down to the bone

(about a 4 " - 5 " square area on the outside). The hospital applied

neosporene powder because the ointment would just slide off. It took a

long, long time to truly heal up and return to a normal color. Wish I had

known about the sugar back then. Lola H.

> **



> Hi Sonie,

> If she's concerned about infection, I'd spray it with colloidal silver,

> and then use DMSO.

> Dianne




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I would NOT use DMSO on open wound, it's irritating enough...


CS, Yes.   I have found two great products from Savvy Herbals, they are salves

and have  have great healing herbs in the products...


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 11:40 AM

Subject: Re: DMSO application on wound

Dianne's suggestion about colloidal silver is a good one.  I have always

heard that one is NOT to use DMSO directly on an open wound but it can be

used around the wound (for swelling, etc.)  My daughter owns and raises

horses and works at the local vet parttime and uses DMSO on the horses all

the time.  We got into a heated discussion about the application of DMSO on

open wounds (she says no.. I say why not? lol).

I had stubbed my toe on a piece of furniture and scrapped off some skin.

It hurt like fury too.  I didn't care that you aren't supposed to use DMSO

on an open wound and doused that toe with DMSO like crazy for a few days.

No pain and no swelling two days later.

One thing that is excellent and helps accelerate healing and is

anti-bacterial is sugar.  I just read somewhere in the last few days to use

powdered sugar mixed like a paste and cover with gauze and tape it

down etc.  It should be reapplied every day or so.

You could probably use vasoline or a & d ointment to make a paste too,


I was in an auto accident years ago and scrapped my ankle down to the bone

(about a 4 " - 5 " square area on the outside).  The hospital applied

neosporene powder because the ointment would just slide off.  It took a

long, long time to truly heal up and return to a normal color.  Wish I had

known about the sugar back then.  Lola H.

> **



> Hi Sonie,

> If she's concerned about infection, I'd spray it with colloidal silver,

> and then use DMSO.

> Dianne




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>>Alone and-or straight is not the best way. look to commercial preparations

... your Aloe idea is one of them.

Another emollient something that will also absorb is the idea. Emu and

Glycerin are others ---tls<<

Do you mean an aloe vera that is specifically meant for wound application

with something like the emu or glycerin added to it?


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>>If she's concerned about infection, I'd spray it with colloidal silver,

and then use DMSO. Dianne<<

Ah yes, should have thought of CS....that's perfect. Tthanks for the


I gather then that DMSO can be put directly on the wound.


Sapere Aude - Dare to Know

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you'd have to play around as to what is best. Even a zinc cream like plain

Desitin for diaper rash. Those type of creams are pretty good overall. DMSO

can kill pathogens on its own, but not everything, so the zinc cd prove very

healing. To use as medicinal rather than just a barrier cream, you dilute it

anyway, so just a dab makes a pound.

DMSO roll-ons come with the igredients mentioned seperately to my knowledge. Go

look how the roll-ons are made and you'll get the idea. Straight aloe for

burn-wounds has to be from fresh-cut leaf is the way I heard it. ... so w/

DMSO just an emollient for sensitive skin ?? Straight on the wrong person turns

the skin a burnt-red for awhile. Stings like the dickens too. Dilute you can

avoid most of this.

We used to put DMSO on cotton balls mized w/ a bit of lugol's overnight for

trick knees. Wrapp up and just go to sleep so it cd do its magic undisturbed.

A few of us had to dilute the mix or live w/ a nice rash for a couple weeks.


RE: DMSO application on wound

Do you mean an aloe vera that is specifically meant for wound application

with something like the emu or glycerin added to it?

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DMSO is used to transport organs and stem cells so I can not fathom why it would

be unwise to apply it to an open wound.

We know that it repairs cell membranes and prevents cell death after trauma so

for me it is absolutely the treatment of choice in ANY trauma situation,

including spinal chord, closed head injury, burns, scrapes, bruises and so on.

Table sugar mixed with Betadine Ointment was found to be superior to known

topical antibiotics in human trials. See the American Farriers Journal for the

original article. Mix to the consistency of runnny peanut butter, it thickens

over night.

List Owner

Janet R. , MA

Wellness Consultant

Austin, TX

Available for Consults


> > **

> >

> >

> > Hi Sonie,

> > If she's concerned about infection, I'd spray it with colloidal silver,

> > and then use DMSO.

> > Dianne

> >

> >

> >

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