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I have ordered piracetam..... actually ordered it close to a month ago from American Nutrition and just recently discovered that pretty much EVERYONE in the US is currently out of stock. I then ordered Nootropil which is a brand name of Piracetam from Antiaging-systems.com in the UK. They promise speedy delivery so we'll see.

I also ordered Aniracetram in the US from Harvest Health (they have it in stock) in the US since this supplement is hard to find at the moment as well.....

I learned of Piracetram from a gal on the apraxiadyspraxiabiomed board (yahoo groups) named Ladyshrink () who also writes on the autism mercury board and is a child psychologist. She used Piracetram successfully on her daughter for fine motor/handwriting.... Within a couple of weeks, her daughters severe handwriting disorder righted itself and she now is assessed at the average levels. She now has her daughter on Aniracetram instead of Piracetam with similiar success. My son's handwriting and organizational skills are his 'last' hold out with his dyspraxia so I am going to give this a decent shot.

I do know that Moms in the Down Syndrome world have been using Piracetram for their children for many years with great success. It improves memory.... People are also using it for early stages of dementia and alzheimers successfully....

My internet research so far..... and much of this is anectdotal from University students using these Smart Drugs to enhance their studying.....

From what I understand..... Piracetram requires far heavier doses to be effective but lasts in the body for about 30 hours (so you take it daily) to maintain levels. Some people report headaches with it which are supposedly alleviated if you take choline alongside it. These supplements are a derrivative of GABA.

Aniracetram has a short life in the body.... it leaves after about 3-4 hours from my internet reading. The effects are slightly different than Piracetram apparently but can be noticed immediately after the first dose (30 - 60 minutes) while Piracetam may take a couple of weeks to get the true effects. Aniracetram is also a lot more expensive then Piracetram and I understand that it keeps some people from sleeping.... so dose it in the morning and early afternoon..... Beyond-a-century carries the powders of both which are very cheaply priced in comparison to other on-line stores. I believe that they may be out of stock with Piracetram as well so you may want to call before ordering.

In addition, I have read that you need to dose Piracetram for 2 days at high doses before it will actually 'kick' in and work. It is completely benign and there are no toxicities associated with it so this is safe to do.... from what I have read in both books and in internet research.

I intend to try both of these supplements on myself prior to my son to see 'exactly' what type of effects to expect.... but I am reading some pretty positive stories on the internet so far.... especially with regards to memory and learning disabilities.

Here is an article by Dorfman... a nutritionalist who has advised many DAN doctors and her take on Piracetam with regards to Dyspraxia/apraxia of speech and Learning Disabilities.... she believes that it can be a wonderful supplement....


There has got to be 'something' to this stuff because.... man... is it hard to find!!! Everyone is sold out!

I too would love to hear some more stories of others who have used these supplements.


Mother of Mark, 13

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