Guest guest Posted August 9, 2012 Report Share Posted August 9, 2012 I didn't want to start down that road Joyce as I usually wind up writing a book before I'm done because fluoride and fluoridation is so alarming to me. Just this morning Mike (Natural News) had a piece on the use (maybe I should say overuse) of cryolite and its impact on the degree of F taken up by grapes from cryolite spraying....never mind just watering with fluoridated water. I had intended to ask you about the source of grapes for grape seed extract since California has such a high use of cryolite (brand name Kryocide....maybe an appropriate name for fluoride genocide). I've gotten very skeptical of getting any grape based foods/supps/wines from CA as a result. Think I'd feel safer with a European grape source. Have you looked into that? What really concerns me is the high level of fluoride found in baby foods and juice. And they wonder why babies and children are coming up with so many diseases and disorders. It's truly a crime of such monumental proportions, I get physically ill contemplating it. If you read Dr. Yiamouyiannis' brilliant and eye opening book " Fluoride: The Aging Factor " you really come to understand how insidious fluoride is in the body and how it does its damage. He explains that fluoride interferes, even inhibits, the group of enzymes called the DNA repair enzyme system which repairs DNA when damage is done to it. He calls fluoride " the aging factor " because it accelerates our again with the type of damage it does. The DNA repair enzyme system normally slows down as we age. This means the damage goes unrepaired and leads to cell damage or death. Damaged or dead cells may then put out products which in turn damage other cells, leading eventually to massive cell death and the degenerative loss of various tissues and organs in a snowballing cycle of aging -> damage -> aging to paraphrase him. He goes on to say, " Serious consequences can also arise if the unrepaired DNA damage occurs in a cell which gives rise to a sperm or egg cell. In these cases, DNA damage in the defective egg or sperm cell will be replicated in every cell of the offspring's body and will lead to a birth defect. If the child with this birth defect survives to maturity and reproduces, this genetic deformity will be passed on from generation to generation. " This is one of the reasons why the number of birth defects increases as maternal age increases. " Dr. Wolfgang Klein and co-workers at the Seibersdorf Research Center in Austria reported that 1 ppm fluoride inhibits DNA repair enzyme activity by 50%, hence fluoride should be expected to lead to an increase in genetic or chromosome damage. " " Unrepaired damage of a segment of the DNA responsible for control of cell growth (brought about by a deficient DNA repair enzyme system) can lead to uncontrolled cell growth or tumors. Many tumors stop growing when they are contained by the cells around them. However, in some cases, tumor cells may release an enzyme, or may be induced by additional genetic damage to release an enzyme which digests the surrounding cells. The result is an invasive or malignant tumor and is more commonly referred to as cancer. " Here we are taking an enormous number of supplements, following a variety of therapies, eating the best foods we can in an attempt to right the wrongs inflicted on our bodies and minds by all this. It's as though we are pushing an enormous fluoride snowball up a steep and endless mountain because with every attempt, we are either ingesting, inhaling, or absorbing vast amounts of fluoride through the air, our drinks, our food (even organic), cleansing our bodies, dentifrices, it's EVERYWHERE and we can't get away from it. We can only attempt to minimize our exposure, a daunting task at best. Every day it pours into and on us causing untold havoc. It sometimes feels to me like slow suicide and I have to steel myself not to get caught up in the feeling of helplessness that it evokes. Think how well our bodies could function if not under the overpowering influence of not only fluoride, but mercury, for instance which goes hand in hand with fluoride particularly in its neurotoxic effects. There are so many toxins we face every day, but I really have to feel after researching so many different areas of cause and effect on our systems, that fluoride may be the most damaging of all. Its ubiquitous and all encompassing nature affects everyone profoundly, yet so differently and chameleonlike, that it can pass under the radar like a stealth bomber. Thankfully we do have miracle medicines like DMSO that are able to transcend those barriers to help in the repair necessary from the onslaught of fluoride, but the effect is compromised with such a challenge. Frequently someone will talk about a great treatment or supplement and they list all the causes of the disorder or ailment, but they fail repeatedly to mention the impact of fluoride. It's as though it doesn't exist. Maybe they just don't know which is hard to believe nowadays. I sometimes think that those who do know simply won't address it as a cause because the challenge of doing anything about it is impossibly overwhelming and convincing people would be virtually impossible. Its unholy propaganda may persist into perpetuity at the rate its dangers are being acknowledged by the general public. Truly sad. Sonie Sapere Aude – Dare to Know “Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian Proverb " I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE >but found Olive Leaf Extract is the to this day, I take OLE 500mg per day to keep the EBV down in my body. < I agree with you Joyce on the OLE. I found it to be a better immune booster than the GSE, though I've learned to take 3 at a time for better results. As expected some brands are more potent than others which determines how well they work. Due to budget constraints, I've settled for lower priced brands of late and they still seem to do the job quite well. To that I often add 2 capsules of Y.S. Eco Bee Pollen and that seems to be a good combo. Interestingly having gone on Lugol's Solution a few years ago, I find my immune system strengthened probably because of the thyroid boost, but any stress and it drops. Sonie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2012 Report Share Posted August 10, 2012 Sonie, I have that same info on the Cryolite and no guarantee on the organic grapes that I sometimes buy...seedless, of course...can't find grapes with seeds, that are genetically modified...maybe the " SEEDS " somehow escape the " F " .....  I think I'll contact the company I buy the Grape Seed from and discuss this's a HUGE crime that has been taken place since 1948 in Grand Rapids, MI.....  The Santa Barbara people are so fortunate, their city officials wanted nothing to do with this POISON in their water....santa monica **sold out** in late Nov 2008, I ended up with hp replacement in late 2010, I believe " F " connected... The results from surgery have been horrible for me...joyce ________________________________ To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 8:25 PM Subject: RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE - fluoride  I didn't want to start down that road Joyce as I usually wind up writing a book before I'm done because fluoride and fluoridation is so alarming to me. Just this morning Mike (Natural News) had a piece on the use (maybe I should say overuse) of cryolite and its impact on the degree of F taken up by grapes from cryolite spraying....never mind just watering with fluoridated water. I had intended to ask you about the source of grapes for grape seed extract since California has such a high use of cryolite (brand name Kryocide....maybe an appropriate name for fluoride genocide). I've gotten very skeptical of getting any grape based foods/supps/wines from CA as a result. Think I'd feel safer with a European grape source. Have you looked into that? What really concerns me is the high level of fluoride found in baby foods and juice. And they wonder why babies and children are coming up with so many diseases and disorders. It's truly a crime of such monumental proportions, I get physically ill contemplating it. If you read Dr. Yiamouyiannis' brilliant and eye opening book " Fluoride: The Aging Factor " you really come to understand how insidious fluoride is in the body and how it does its damage. He explains that fluoride interferes, even inhibits, the group of enzymes called the DNA repair enzyme system which repairs DNA when damage is done to it. He calls fluoride " the aging factor " because it accelerates our again with the type of damage it does. The DNA repair enzyme system normally slows down as we age. This means the damage goes unrepaired and leads to cell damage or death. Damaged or dead cells may then put out products which in turn damage other cells, leading eventually to massive cell death and the degenerative loss of various tissues and organs in a snowballing cycle of aging -> damage -> aging to paraphrase him. He goes on to say, " Serious consequences can also arise if the unrepaired DNA damage occurs in a cell which gives rise to a sperm or egg cell. In these cases, DNA damage in the defective egg or sperm cell will be replicated in every cell of the offspring's body and will lead to a birth defect. If the child with this birth defect survives to maturity and reproduces, this genetic deformity will be passed on from generation to generation. " This is one of the reasons why the number of birth defects increases as maternal age increases. " Dr. Wolfgang Klein and co-workers at the Seibersdorf Research Center in Austria reported that 1 ppm fluoride inhibits DNA repair enzyme activity by 50%, hence fluoride should be expected to lead to an increase in genetic or chromosome damage. " " Unrepaired damage of a segment of the DNA responsible for control of cell growth (brought about by a deficient DNA repair enzyme system) can lead to uncontrolled cell growth or tumors. Many tumors stop growing when they are contained by the cells around them. However, in some cases, tumor cells may release an enzyme, or may be induced by additional genetic damage to release an enzyme which digests the surrounding cells. The result is an invasive or malignant tumor and is more commonly referred to as cancer. " Here we are taking an enormous number of supplements, following a variety of therapies, eating the best foods we can in an attempt to right the wrongs inflicted on our bodies and minds by all this. It's as though we are pushing an enormous fluoride snowball up a steep and endless mountain because with every attempt, we are either ingesting, inhaling, or absorbing vast amounts of fluoride through the air, our drinks, our food (even organic), cleansing our bodies, dentifrices, it's EVERYWHERE and we can't get away from it. We can only attempt to minimize our exposure, a daunting task at best. Every day it pours into and on us causing untold havoc. It sometimes feels to me like slow suicide and I have to steel myself not to get caught up in the feeling of helplessness that it evokes. Think how well our bodies could function if not under the overpowering influence of not only fluoride, but mercury, for instance which goes hand in hand with fluoride particularly in its neurotoxic effects. There are so many toxins we face every day, but I really have to feel after researching so many different areas of cause and effect on our systems, that fluoride may be the most damaging of all. Its ubiquitous and all encompassing nature affects everyone profoundly, yet so differently and chameleonlike, that it can pass under the radar like a stealth bomber. Thankfully we do have miracle medicines like DMSO that are able to transcend those barriers to help in the repair necessary from the onslaught of fluoride, but the effect is compromised with such a challenge. Frequently someone will talk about a great treatment or supplement and they list all the causes of the disorder or ailment, but they fail repeatedly to mention the impact of fluoride. It's as though it doesn't exist. Maybe they just don't know which is hard to believe nowadays. I sometimes think that those who do know simply won't address it as a cause because the challenge of doing anything about it is impossibly overwhelming and convincing people would be virtually impossible. Its unholy propaganda may persist into perpetuity at the rate its dangers are being acknowledged by the general public. Truly sad. Sonie Sapere Aude – Dare to Know “Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian Proverb " I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE >but found Olive Leaf Extract is the to this day, I take OLE 500mg per day to keep the EBV down in my body. < I agree with you Joyce on the OLE. I found it to be a better immune booster than the GSE, though I've learned to take 3 at a time for better results. As expected some brands are more potent than others which determines how well they work. Due to budget constraints, I've settled for lower priced brands of late and they still seem to do the job quite well. To that I often add 2 capsules of Y.S. Eco Bee Pollen and that seems to be a good combo. Interestingly having gone on Lugol's Solution a few years ago, I find my immune system strengthened probably because of the thyroid boost, but any stress and it drops. Sonie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2012 Report Share Posted August 10, 2012 >Sonie, I have that same info on the Cryolite and no guarantee on the organic grapes that I sometimes buy...seedless, of course...can't find grapes with seeds, that are genetically modified...maybe the " SEEDS " somehow escape the " F " .....< I can't seem to find anything about that on the net. Since I'm a member of LEF, I'll ask the advisors about F content in their grape seed extract. They will have a Certificate of Analysis which they'll make available to me. All companies selling supplements are supposed to have this for customers - it's an assay of their product. In June when I wanted to ascertain the amount of F present in green tea extract. I feared the concentration because of dehydration might make the F content high. It's rather amusing to look back on my discussion with the advisor because he had absolutely no idea F could be in it or be a potential problem. At first he looked something up and said it appeared there was 0.5 mg in it. I asked whether that was per bottle or per capsule and that would be dangerously high. He put me on hold to go check and then came back and said they would look into it further and get back to me. It took a week, but finally he left a message on my answering machine saying he had the information and then emailed me the certificate which indicated a far, far lower amount. I can't remember now but it was insignificant, so that eased my mind. I don't know if this is true for other brands, but at least the LEF GTE seems fine. What concerns me more is that organic standards allow for certain use of pesticides apparently despite our thinking they're clean, so we still have to worry about its content. >I think I'll contact the company I buy the Grape Seed from and discuss this's a HUGE crime that has been taken place since 1948 in Grand Rapids, MI.....< Yes, it is a HUGE crime. Don't remind me about the Grand Rapids debacle. That was supposed to be a 15 year study with GR fluoridated and Muskegon used as a control city. I've read that after 4 years they quietly, without public disclosure, disbanded the study and fluoridated Muskegon, so the reports were bogus and conclusions falsified. Caries rates were the same for both cities during that period. After only 4 years, deaths from heart disease, cancer, brain disease, diabetes, hardening of arteries had increased 25-50% over Michigan as a whole. (1950 census) I encourage people to read Waldbott's book " Struggle With Titans " for a closer look at his fight to stop fluoridation. >The Santa Barbara people are so fortunate, their city officials wanted nothing to do with this POISON in their water....santa monica **sold out** in late Nov 2008, I ended up with hp replacement in late 2010, I believe " F " connected... The results from surgery have been horrible for me...joyce< I'm sorry to hear that Joyce....the hip part and Santa , not Santa Barbara. F could very well be the culprit, it is in so many areas and bone disease is a primary affliction. Water fluoridation MUST be stopped EVERYWHERE for it to have a real impact since it's in everything. Just this morning the Fluoride Poisoning list reported that a coalition is once again trying quietly to get Portland fluoridated again.\ uor.html It's interesting that Portland's City Commissioner leaves office in 5 months, so he won't have to be getting any backlash from it. I just have to think their palms are being greased by vested interests....there's just too much evidence of harm to the contrary and no one in their right mind (of course that's another problem) would embrace this anymore unless there was some financial or political advantage. Sonie Sapere Aude - Dare to know ________________________________ To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 8:25 PM Subject: RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE - fluoride I didn't want to start down that road Joyce as I usually wind up writing a book before I'm done because fluoride and fluoridation is so alarming to me. Just this morning Mike (Natural News) had a piece on the use (maybe I should say overuse) of cryolite and its impact on the degree of F taken up by grapes from cryolite spraying....never mind just watering with fluoridated water. I had intended to ask you about the source of grapes for grape seed extract since California has such a high use of cryolite (brand name Kryocide....maybe an appropriate name for fluoride genocide). I've gotten very skeptical of getting any grape based foods/supps/wines from CA as a result. Think I'd feel safer with a European grape source. Have you looked into that? What really concerns me is the high level of fluoride found in baby foods and juice. And they wonder why babies and children are coming up with so many diseases and disorders. It's truly a crime of such monumental proportions, I get physically ill contemplating it. If you read Dr. Yiamouyiannis' brilliant and eye opening book " Fluoride: The Aging Factor " you really come to understand how insidious fluoride is in the body and how it does its damage. He explains that fluoride interferes, even inhibits, the group of enzymes called the DNA repair enzyme system which repairs DNA when damage is done to it. He calls fluoride " the aging factor " because it accelerates our again with the type of damage it does. The DNA repair enzyme system normally slows down as we age. This means the damage goes unrepaired and leads to cell damage or death. Damaged or dead cells may then put out products which in turn damage other cells, leading eventually to massive cell death and the degenerative loss of various tissues and organs in a snowballing cycle of aging -> damage -> aging to paraphrase him. He goes on to say, " Serious consequences can also arise if the unrepaired DNA damage occurs in a cell which gives rise to a sperm or egg cell. In these cases, DNA damage in the defective egg or sperm cell will be replicated in every cell of the offspring's body and will lead to a birth defect. If the child with this birth defect survives to maturity and reproduces, this genetic deformity will be passed on from generation to generation. " This is one of the reasons why the number of birth defects increases as maternal age increases. " Dr. Wolfgang Klein and co-workers at the Seibersdorf Research Center in Austria reported that 1 ppm fluoride inhibits DNA repair enzyme activity by 50%, hence fluoride should be expected to lead to an increase in genetic or chromosome damage. " " Unrepaired damage of a segment of the DNA responsible for control of cell growth (brought about by a deficient DNA repair enzyme system) can lead to uncontrolled cell growth or tumors. Many tumors stop growing when they are contained by the cells around them. However, in some cases, tumor cells may release an enzyme, or may be induced by additional genetic damage to release an enzyme which digests the surrounding cells. The result is an invasive or malignant tumor and is more commonly referred to as cancer. " Here we are taking an enormous number of supplements, following a variety of therapies, eating the best foods we can in an attempt to right the wrongs inflicted on our bodies and minds by all this. It's as though we are pushing an enormous fluoride snowball up a steep and endless mountain because with every attempt, we are either ingesting, inhaling, or absorbing vast amounts of fluoride through the air, our drinks, our food (even organic), cleansing our bodies, dentifrices, it's EVERYWHERE and we can't get away from it. We can only attempt to minimize our exposure, a daunting task at best. Every day it pours into and on us causing untold havoc. It sometimes feels to me like slow suicide and I have to steel myself not to get caught up in the feeling of helplessness that it evokes. Think how well our bodies could function if not under the overpowering influence of not only fluoride, but mercury, for instance which goes hand in hand with fluoride particularly in its neurotoxic effects. There are so many toxins we face every day, but I really have to feel after researching so many different areas of cause and effect on our systems, that fluoride may be the most damaging of all. Its ubiquitous and all encompassing nature affects everyone profoundly, yet so differently and chameleonlike, that it can pass under the radar like a stealth bomber. Thankfully we do have miracle medicines like DMSO that are able to transcend those barriers to help in the repair necessary from the onslaught of fluoride, but the effect is compromised with such a challenge. Frequently someone will talk about a great treatment or supplement and they list all the causes of the disorder or ailment, but they fail repeatedly to mention the impact of fluoride. It's as though it doesn't exist. Maybe they just don't know which is hard to believe nowadays. I sometimes think that those who do know simply won't address it as a cause because the challenge of doing anything about it is impossibly overwhelming and convincing people would be virtually impossible. Its unholy propaganda may persist into perpetuity at the rate its dangers are being acknowledged by the general public. Truly sad. Sonie Sapere Aude – Dare to Know “Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian Proverb " I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE >but found Olive Leaf Extract is the to this day, I take OLE 500mg per day to keep the EBV down in my body. < I agree with you Joyce on the OLE. I found it to be a better immune booster than the GSE, though I've learned to take 3 at a time for better results. As expected some brands are more potent than others which determines how well they work. Due to budget constraints, I've settled for lower priced brands of late and they still seem to do the job quite well. To that I often add 2 capsules of Y.S. Eco Bee Pollen and that seems to be a good combo. Interestingly having gone on Lugol's Solution a few years ago, I find my immune system strengthened probably because of the thyroid boost, but any stress and it drops. Sonie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2012 Report Share Posted August 10, 2012 You know there is a major lawsuit going on concerning San Diego, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties...on the fluoridation, pushed it right thru in spite of major protests.... I don't know where that lawsuit stands now.  I believe it was all started in San Diego with the efforts of Dr. Kennedy and Jeff Green and their group of anti-F...people.  I was in the 3 yr battle here in Santa , and just got rid of a large box of all my letters to editors and all my collected data during those 3 yrs...  You know it's interesting to say the least, 2 of our council members were against " F " our city waters, one member was already on dyalsis and not long after we got fluoridated, this member died...probably all that extra " F " going into the dyalsis equipment.   sooo sad, all of it. ________________________________ To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:49 PM Subject: RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE - fluoride  >Sonie, I have that same info on the Cryolite and no guarantee on the organic grapes that I sometimes buy...seedless, of course...can't find grapes with seeds, that are genetically modified...maybe the " SEEDS " somehow escape the " F " .....< I can't seem to find anything about that on the net. Since I'm a member of LEF, I'll ask the advisors about F content in their grape seed extract. They will have a Certificate of Analysis which they'll make available to me. All companies selling supplements are supposed to have this for customers - it's an assay of their product. In June when I wanted to ascertain the amount of F present in green tea extract. I feared the concentration because of dehydration might make the F content high. It's rather amusing to look back on my discussion with the advisor because he had absolutely no idea F could be in it or be a potential problem. At first he looked something up and said it appeared there was 0.5 mg in it. I asked whether that was per bottle or per capsule and that would be dangerously high. He put me on hold to go check and then came back and said they would look into it further and get back to me. It took a week, but finally he left a message on my answering machine saying he had the information and then emailed me the certificate which indicated a far, far lower amount. I can't remember now but it was insignificant, so that eased my mind. I don't know if this is true for other brands, but at least the LEF GTE seems fine. What concerns me more is that organic standards allow for certain use of pesticides apparently despite our thinking they're clean, so we still have to worry about its content. >I think I'll contact the company I buy the Grape Seed from and discuss this's a HUGE crime that has been taken place since 1948 in Grand Rapids, MI.....< Yes, it is a HUGE crime. Don't remind me about the Grand Rapids debacle. That was supposed to be a 15 year study with GR fluoridated and Muskegon used as a control city. I've read that after 4 years they quietly, without public disclosure, disbanded the study and fluoridated Muskegon, so the reports were bogus and conclusions falsified. Caries rates were the same for both cities during that period. After only 4 years, deaths from heart disease, cancer, brain disease, diabetes, hardening of arteries had increased 25-50% over Michigan as a whole. (1950 census) I encourage people to read Waldbott's book " Struggle With Titans " for a closer look at his fight to stop fluoridation. >The Santa Barbara people are so fortunate, their city officials wanted nothing to do with this POISON in their water....santa monica **sold out** in late Nov 2008, I ended up with hp replacement in late 2010, I believe " F " connected... The results from surgery have been horrible for me...joyce< I'm sorry to hear that Joyce....the hip part and Santa , not Santa Barbara. F could very well be the culprit, it is in so many areas and bone disease is a primary affliction. Water fluoridation MUST be stopped EVERYWHERE for it to have a real impact since it's in everything. Just this morning the Fluoride Poisoning list reported that a coalition is once again trying quietly to get Portland fluoridated again.\ uor.html It's interesting that Portland's City Commissioner leaves office in 5 months, so he won't have to be getting any backlash from it. I just have to think their palms are being greased by vested interests....there's just too much evidence of harm to the contrary and no one in their right mind (of course that's another problem) would embrace this anymore unless there was some financial or political advantage. Sonie Sapere Aude - Dare to know ________________________________ From: Sonie <> To: Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 8:25 PM Subject: RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE - fluoride I didn't want to start down that road Joyce as I usually wind up writing a book before I'm done because fluoride and fluoridation is so alarming to me. Just this morning Mike (Natural News) had a piece on the use (maybe I should say overuse) of cryolite and its impact on the degree of F taken up by grapes from cryolite spraying....never mind just watering with fluoridated water. I had intended to ask you about the source of grapes for grape seed extract since California has such a high use of cryolite (brand name Kryocide....maybe an appropriate name for fluoride genocide). I've gotten very skeptical of getting any grape based foods/supps/wines from CA as a result. Think I'd feel safer with a European grape source. Have you looked into that? What really concerns me is the high level of fluoride found in baby foods and juice. And they wonder why babies and children are coming up with so many diseases and disorders. It's truly a crime of such monumental proportions, I get physically ill contemplating it. If you read Dr. Yiamouyiannis' brilliant and eye opening book " Fluoride: The Aging Factor " you really come to understand how insidious fluoride is in the body and how it does its damage. He explains that fluoride interferes, even inhibits, the group of enzymes called the DNA repair enzyme system which repairs DNA when damage is done to it. He calls fluoride " the aging factor " because it accelerates our again with the type of damage it does. The DNA repair enzyme system normally slows down as we age. This means the damage goes unrepaired and leads to cell damage or death. Damaged or dead cells may then put out products which in turn damage other cells, leading eventually to massive cell death and the degenerative loss of various tissues and organs in a snowballing cycle of aging -> damage -> aging to paraphrase him. He goes on to say, " Serious consequences can also arise if the unrepaired DNA damage occurs in a cell which gives rise to a sperm or egg cell. In these cases, DNA damage in the defective egg or sperm cell will be replicated in every cell of the offspring's body and will lead to a birth defect. If the child with this birth defect survives to maturity and reproduces, this genetic deformity will be passed on from generation to generation. " This is one of the reasons why the number of birth defects increases as maternal age increases. " Dr. Wolfgang Klein and co-workers at the Seibersdorf Research Center in Austria reported that 1 ppm fluoride inhibits DNA repair enzyme activity by 50%, hence fluoride should be expected to lead to an increase in genetic or chromosome damage. " " Unrepaired damage of a segment of the DNA responsible for control of cell growth (brought about by a deficient DNA repair enzyme system) can lead to uncontrolled cell growth or tumors. Many tumors stop growing when they are contained by the cells around them. However, in some cases, tumor cells may release an enzyme, or may be induced by additional genetic damage to release an enzyme which digests the surrounding cells. The result is an invasive or malignant tumor and is more commonly referred to as cancer. " Here we are taking an enormous number of supplements, following a variety of therapies, eating the best foods we can in an attempt to right the wrongs inflicted on our bodies and minds by all this. It's as though we are pushing an enormous fluoride snowball up a steep and endless mountain because with every attempt, we are either ingesting, inhaling, or absorbing vast amounts of fluoride through the air, our drinks, our food (even organic), cleansing our bodies, dentifrices, it's EVERYWHERE and we can't get away from it. We can only attempt to minimize our exposure, a daunting task at best. Every day it pours into and on us causing untold havoc. It sometimes feels to me like slow suicide and I have to steel myself not to get caught up in the feeling of helplessness that it evokes. Think how well our bodies could function if not under the overpowering influence of not only fluoride, but mercury, for instance which goes hand in hand with fluoride particularly in its neurotoxic effects. There are so many toxins we face every day, but I really have to feel after researching so many different areas of cause and effect on our systems, that fluoride may be the most damaging of all. Its ubiquitous and all encompassing nature affects everyone profoundly, yet so differently and chameleonlike, that it can pass under the radar like a stealth bomber. Thankfully we do have miracle medicines like DMSO that are able to transcend those barriers to help in the repair necessary from the onslaught of fluoride, but the effect is compromised with such a challenge. Frequently someone will talk about a great treatment or supplement and they list all the causes of the disorder or ailment, but they fail repeatedly to mention the impact of fluoride. It's as though it doesn't exist. Maybe they just don't know which is hard to believe nowadays. I sometimes think that those who do know simply won't address it as a cause because the challenge of doing anything about it is impossibly overwhelming and convincing people would be virtually impossible. Its unholy propaganda may persist into perpetuity at the rate its dangers are being acknowledged by the general public. Truly sad. Sonie Sapere Aude – Dare to Know “Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian Proverb " I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE >but found Olive Leaf Extract is the to this day, I take OLE 500mg per day to keep the EBV down in my body. < I agree with you Joyce on the OLE. I found it to be a better immune booster than the GSE, though I've learned to take 3 at a time for better results. As expected some brands are more potent than others which determines how well they work. Due to budget constraints, I've settled for lower priced brands of late and they still seem to do the job quite well. To that I often add 2 capsules of Y.S. Eco Bee Pollen and that seems to be a good combo. Interestingly having gone on Lugol's Solution a few years ago, I find my immune system strengthened probably because of the thyroid boost, but any stress and it drops. Sonie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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