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Re: newly discovered thyroiditis

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hi edith, sounds like you have gone thru some of the same problems. it was 5

yrs ago that another endo discovered it and didn't tell me what it meant either.

if it were not for dr. google, i don't know what i'd have done. i diagnosed

myself with google 5 yrs ago too, when i had adrenal insufficiency too.

seems like endo docs, at least in my area, just don't " get it " .

i thank you for sharing and you are indeed a big help. sounds like you need

some help there too. sorry you're not feeling well now either. i do hope we

can get our diseases under control quickly. i'm realizing that i have a lot

more research to do. reading about your experience with the thyroid drugs gives

me a " heads up " and a much better understanding.

thanks so much again for sharing your history with me. so much appreciated.



> Hello

> Lois,

> I’m

> sorry it took me so long to repily but it’s been crazy here.

> You

> are not alone I too did not know I had Hashimoto’s until 5 years later. I


> one endo who tested me for it but never told me 5 years later, my pc told me

> that my TSH was high so I saw another endo doctor who told me I has


> but never told me I was previously tested for it. So I asked he told me that


> wanted to get an ultrasound and blood work so I asked him again about the

> diagnosis and he told be that I did not need to be tested again. I had to find

> out from internet research what the test was called and then I looked it up in

> my medical records and there it was 5 years earlier. I was livid that not just

one doctor didn’t tell me but the

> second one only gave me half the information I needed.

> While

> I was between doctors I stopped taking the synthetic T4 ( levoxyl ) and went


> a natural source



> So

> when I did see a new endo I found out that my TSH was high and my T3 was also

> high so I was getting too much T3 from the natural hormone I was taking the

> natural hormone contains all the hormones that the thyroid makes

> T4,T3,T1 & T2 and I only needed T4 so I went back to the T4 so I kind of

> threw it out of farther whack by taking the natural hormone. So I went from


> to .75 lately I’ve been feeling very off and I’m going to request blood


> sooner than later because I think that my TSH is too low but I won’t know


> fore sure until the blood work is done.

> I

> hope I was helpful to you, I know how hard it can be when doctors aren’t up

> front with you and don’t tell you everything you need to know.

> Edith






> ________________________________


> To: Thyroiditis

> Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 7:09 PM

> Subject: newly discovered thyroiditis






> hi susan,


> i'm replying to the group.  i think that's what i read in the rules.   

the following is a history of my thyroiditis.    although i've had symptoms

for a lifetime,   my T3, T4,  and TSH always came up normal so the docs i

visited just ignored my symptoms.     about 5 yrs ago i saw an endo for

adrenal insufficiency brought on by kenalog injections for epidurals and



> at that time i again brought up my history of hypothyroid symptoms.   he poo

pooed me so i asked if there were any other tests available.    that's when

he ordered the TPO which was positive.    he didn't explain what it meant nor

did he seem concerned,  so i assumed it was nothing to worry about.    now 5

yrs later my tsh is a little elevated to 5. something.    my p.c ordered

levothyroxin 50 mcg,  and after 3 mos my heart began flopping around in my

chest,  so i saw a cardiologist and a different endo who didn't examine me

physically and asked me to come back in 3 mos for more testing.    my heart

tests were all negative,  and he tried 12.5 mcg of synthroid.  


> in the interim i visited a neurosurgeon for an unrelated problem,  who

ordered a ct scan.   it showed enlargement of my left thyroid and nodules.  

on my next visit to the endo i told him about it and he ordered an

ultrasound that showed the enlargement,  and 3 nodules which were negative for

malignancy on needle biopsy.


> when the endo's doc called me back,  about the negative for malignancy,  

i asked if hashimoto's had been reported.  she assured me that it would not

show up on biopsy. after asking how to diagnose hashimotos she went to ask the

endo.   after speaking with him,  she said the doc said that you do have



> i found out from google that it would show up on needle biopsy,  and that the

earlier some treatment is begun,  the more likely the chances of preventing the

gland from growing.    it's so upsetting not to have been informed of it when

i was first tested at my request, 5 yrs ago    if it weren't for the ct

scan,   i still would not know.


> he stopped the synthroid after i began having palpitations and insomnia, but

would not try me on dessicated throid saying it was dangerous.   i also read

on google to start selenium 200 mcgs which i have done.     


> i have joined this group to hopefully learn what others are doing and to

perhaps learn of an endo here in my area who specializes in thyroid

diseases.    most endos in my area are extremely busy with diabetic patients

and don't seem to be tuned in to thyroid desease.


> thanks so much for listening.    lois 


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thanks susan, i'm not real sure of how this system works yet with replying etc,

etc., so i'm sure the more i use it the better i'll get with it.

i need to browse the system and find the files on the foods that have gluten,

etc. i sure do appreciate you sharing all of this with me.

i had vaginitis for years. i'd get cultures done from the gynies all coming

back negative. finally, my brother told me about a silvergen generator. i

began making my own coloidal silver water and drank it for about 5 mos, twice a

day. it not only got rid of my vaginal infection , it also cleared up my

bladder infection. i would have been afraid to try it, but since both my

bros did it without ill effect, i bought the machine on line for about $200.00.

my orignal reason was my dianosis of fibromyalgia. i thought it could be from a

virus and was experimenting. it did nothing to relieve the symptoms of fibro,

so i knew it was not a viral or any kind of infection.

now i read that hashimoto's patients are frequently diagnosed with fibromyalgia

due to the symptoms of muscle and joint pain, headaches, fatigue, lethargy,

brain fog, memory loss, etc., etc.

sure do hope you get better soon and again i thank you so much for taking the

time to help me. lois

> > > >

> > > > hi susan, i'm replying to the group. i think that's what i read in the

rules. the following is a history of my thyroiditis. although i've had

symptoms for a lifetime, my T3, T4, and TSH always came up normal so the docs

i visited just ignored my symptoms. about 5 yrs ago i saw an endo for

adrenal insufficiency brought on by kenalog injections for epidurals and

nucleoplasty. at that time i again brought up my history of hypothyroid

symptoms. he poo pooed me so i asked if there were any other tests available.

that's when he ordered the TPO which was positive. he didn't explain what it

meant nor did he seem concerned, so i assumed it was nothing to worry about.

now 5 yrs later my tsh is a little elevated to 5. something. my p.c ordered

levothyroxin 50 mcg, and after 3 mos my heart began flopping around in my

chest, so i saw a cardiologist and a different endo who didn't examine me

physically and asked me to come back in 3 mos for more testing. my heart

tests were all negative, and he tried 12.5 mcg of synthroid. in the interim i

visited a neurosurgeon for an unrelated problem, who ordered a ct scan. it

showed enlargement of my left thyroid and nodules. on my next visit to the

endo i told him about it and he ordered an ultrasound that showed the

enlargement, and 3 nodules which were negative for malignancy on needle biopsy.

when the endo's doc called me back, about the negative for malignancy, i

asked if hashimoto's had been reported. she assured me that it would not show

up on biopsy. after asking how to diagnose hashimotos she went to ask the endo.

after speaking with him, she said the doc said that you do have hashimoto's. i

found out from google that it would show up on needle biopsy, and that the

earlier some treatment is begun, the more likely the chances of preventing the

gland from growing. it's so upsetting not to have been informed of it when i

was first tested at my request, 5 yrs ago if it weren't for the ct scan, i

still would not know. he stopped the synthroid after i began having palpitations

and insomnia, but would not try me on dessicated throid saying it was dangerous.

i also read on google to start selenium 200 mcgs which i have done. i have

joined this group to hopefully learn what others are doing and to perhaps learn

of an endo here in my area who specializes in thyroid diseases. most endos in

my area are extremely busy with diabetic patients and don't seem to be tuned in

to thyroid desease. thanks so much for listening. lois

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks, Lois, and glad I could be of a little help. That is really interesting

to hear about the colloidal silver but I would probably be afraid to try it.

Just read it reduces absorption of thyroid hormone supplements, by the way...

just an fyi.

The Files and Links sections are in the blue bar on the left side of our home

page at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Thyroiditis/


> thanks susan, i'm not real sure of how this system works yet with replying

etc, etc., so i'm sure the more i use it the better i'll get with it.


> i need to browse the system and find the files on the foods that have gluten,

etc. i sure do appreciate you sharing all of this with me.


> i had vaginitis for years. i'd get cultures done from the gynies all coming

back negative. finally, my brother told me about a silvergen generator. i

began making my own coloidal silver water and drank it for about 5 mos, twice a

day. it not only got rid of my vaginal infection , it also cleared up my

bladder infection. i would have been afraid to try it, but since both my

bros did it without ill effect, i bought the machine on line for about $200.00.

my orignal reason was my dianosis of fibromyalgia. i thought it could be from a

virus and was experimenting. it did nothing to relieve the symptoms of fibro,

so i knew it was not a viral or any kind of infection.


> now i read that hashimoto's patients are frequently diagnosed with

fibromyalgia due to the symptoms of muscle and joint pain, headaches, fatigue,

lethargy, brain fog, memory loss, etc., etc.


> sure do hope you get better soon and again i thank you so much for taking the

time to help me. lois




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Hi Lois,

I was one of many that were diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (FM) and I also was

given the Chronic Fatigue syndrome Dx. This happened about six months after

being put on synthetic T4. When I notified the doc he just gave me a new disease

Dx. It was very fortunate for me that I kept looking for answers otherwise I

would probably still have those impairments and probably other debilitating

diseases as well, such as Alzheimers. I had all the symptoms you mentioned for

FM and more.

When the brain is deprived of T3 the cells suffocate and die, when this happens

for too long brain function deteriorates. Once the brain cells die they are gone

forever. When this happens we can never get prior brain function back. The great

thing is if we get T3 to the brain before all these cells die we can improve our

depression, mood, memory and behavior etc. This is why it is SO IMPORTANT to

have periodic tests for Free T3 done (to prevent brain impairment among other

things). And also, to regain our health even somewhat we should consult and

partner with a doctor who thoroughly understands this.

I like colloidal silver; it is very beneficial for certain things. For example,

it cleared my daughter's eye virus in less than two days. When we discovered it

she had already had the virus in her eyes for a month and had to stay in a dark

room etc. I had already taken her to three eye specialists. It was gone in less

than two days after using the colloidal silver drops. It cleared my niece's acne

and my mom's toenail fungus. We use it a lot on scrapes and cuts.

Best wishes,


> > > > >

> > > > > hi susan, i'm replying to the group. i think that's what i read in

the rules. the following is a history of my thyroiditis. although i've had

symptoms for a lifetime, my T3, T4, and TSH always came up normal so the docs

i visited just ignored my symptoms. about 5 yrs ago i saw an endo for

adrenal insufficiency brought on by kenalog injections for epidurals and

nucleoplasty. at that time i again brought up my history of hypothyroid

symptoms. he poo pooed me so i asked if there were any other tests available.

that's when he ordered the TPO which was positive. he didn't explain what it

meant nor did he seem concerned, so i assumed it was nothing to worry about.

now 5 yrs later my tsh is a little elevated to 5. something. my p.c ordered

levothyroxin 50 mcg, and after 3 mos my heart began flopping around in my

chest, so i saw a cardiologist and a different endo who didn't examine me

physically and asked me to come back in 3 mos for more testing. my heart

tests were all negative, and he tried 12.5 mcg of synthroid. in the interim i

visited a neurosurgeon for an unrelated problem, who ordered a ct scan. it

showed enlargement of my left thyroid and nodules. on my next visit to the

endo i told him about it and he ordered an ultrasound that showed the

enlargement, and 3 nodules which were negative for malignancy on needle biopsy.

when the endo's doc called me back, about the negative for malignancy, i

asked if hashimoto's had been reported. she assured me that it would not show

up on biopsy. after asking how to diagnose hashimotos she went to ask the endo.

after speaking with him, she said the doc said that you do have hashimoto's. i

found out from google that it would show up on needle biopsy, and that the

earlier some treatment is begun, the more likely the chances of preventing the

gland from growing. it's so upsetting not to have been informed of it when i

was first tested at my request, 5 yrs ago if it weren't for the ct scan, i

still would not know. he stopped the synthroid after i began having palpitations

and insomnia, but would not try me on dessicated throid saying it was dangerous.

i also read on google to start selenium 200 mcgs which i have done. i have

joined this group to hopefully learn what others are doing and to perhaps learn

of an endo here in my area who specializes in thyroid diseases. most endos in

my area are extremely busy with diabetic patients and don't seem to be tuned in

to thyroid desease. thanks so much for listening. lois

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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thank you so much bj. that is such valuable information for me. i know i

simply must find a thyroid doc who knows all of this. i will get on the phone

in a couple of days and with the help of google hopefully find one.

i have to go back and look at my thyroid tests. i think my t3 and t4 were

always normal. i have to make sure they were testing the free t3 and 4 tho.

thank you for the explanations in your last email about the free t3 abs. i am

so happy to learn all of this and i thank you so much for sharing your research

with me. also thank you for sharing your experience with the colloidal silver.

if i hadn't dragged the diagnosis out of my current endo, i still wouldn't have

known about the hashi's. on the thyroid.com site that susan shared there's a

video from a doc that says keeping this info from patients is akin to

malpractic. it says they keep it from us because they are under the false

impression that nothing can be done anyway.

my doc is so busy with diabetic pts.(office is overflowing), that i would be

surprised if he's read anything about thyroid since medical school. lois

> > > > > >

> > > > > > hi susan, i'm replying to the group. i think that's what i read in

the rules. the following is a history of my thyroiditis. although i've had

symptoms for a lifetime, my T3, T4, and TSH always came up normal so the docs

i visited just ignored my symptoms. about 5 yrs ago i saw an endo for

adrenal insufficiency brought on by kenalog injections for epidurals and

nucleoplasty. at that time i again brought up my history of hypothyroid

symptoms. he poo pooed me so i asked if there were any other tests available.

that's when he ordered the TPO which was positive. he didn't explain what it

meant nor did he seem concerned, so i assumed it was nothing to worry about.

now 5 yrs later my tsh is a little elevated to 5. something. my p.c ordered

levothyroxin 50 mcg, and after 3 mos my heart began flopping around in my

chest, so i saw a cardiologist and a different endo who didn't examine me

physically and asked me to come back in 3 mos for more testing. my heart

tests were all negative, and he tried 12.5 mcg of synthroid. in the interim i

visited a neurosurgeon for an unrelated problem, who ordered a ct scan. it

showed enlargement of my left thyroid and nodules. on my next visit to the

endo i told him about it and he ordered an ultrasound that showed the

enlargement, and 3 nodules which were negative for malignancy on needle biopsy.

when the endo's doc called me back, about the negative for malignancy, i

asked if hashimoto's had been reported. she assured me that it would not show

up on biopsy. after asking how to diagnose hashimotos she went to ask the endo.

after speaking with him, she said the doc said that you do have hashimoto's. i

found out from google that it would show up on needle biopsy, and that the

earlier some treatment is begun, the more likely the chances of preventing the

gland from growing. it's so upsetting not to have been informed of it when i

was first tested at my request, 5 yrs ago if it weren't for the ct scan, i

still would not know. he stopped the synthroid after i began having palpitations

and insomnia, but would not try me on dessicated throid saying it was dangerous.

i also read on google to start selenium 200 mcgs which i have done. i have

joined this group to hopefully learn what others are doing and to perhaps learn

of an endo here in my area who specializes in thyroid diseases. most endos in

my area are extremely busy with diabetic patients and don't seem to be tuned in

to thyroid desease. thanks so much for listening. lois

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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