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RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE - fluoride - lawsuits & dialysis - struggle

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>> I just sent our council a SHAME email with the renal failure info and their

member who died not long after we were fluoridated and my hip replacement not

long after.....this stuff ANGERS me so much....I see red and hatred for these

people who do this....joyce<<

DITTO!!!! The trouble is it tends to fall on deaf ears. I frequently wind up

having to douse myself with Vervain and Tansy to get my ire over the injustice

of it all under control because of the arrogance, greed and blatant stupidity,

but it feels like a useless waste of emotion. We who want to right the wrongs

simply don't have the power, influence or funds to compete and impact

effectively. Good intentions don't seem to amount to a hill of beans in our


Naturally, we have to keep trying despite the uphill battle. I just wish there

was a sure fire way to start exerting the necessary force to catapult change,

but to date, I haven't figured that out. When somebody has an answer to that, be

sure and let me know.....


Sapere Aude – Dare to Know

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the

last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian


" I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to

savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White

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That is right, we are just set to become Mexico, India, China, etc..  We had a

beautiful country with clean water in the lakes, air that we could bring and get

more oxygen than carbon dioxide,

and the food we ATE was not loaded with enough chemicals to kill every cell in

your body, and cancer was not the disease 1 in 2 will die from.  And for all

this damage they have done, they consider it insulting that they should have to

pay for the damage.  This is the epitomie of stupid, where are you and your

rich family going to go to, for sure do not come to TX, since the Repubs came to

town, we are all sicker, and of course we only want to give you health care

coverage if you are from another country, and think these awful people think it

is not right to contaminate all of TX, with diseases from immigrants  in our

communities and schools, horrible crime from poverty and drugs, and coal powered

plants destroying our water from dead water and zebra muscles, forests being

sold for hardly nothing to private companies,  to the oil companies that still

gets major tax breaks by the state and the govt., while having oil explosions on

water and soil. 

Texas should have got a tax break, for all the oil, gold, forest, minerals, and

water that is being stole from citizens to, but nope, we have the highest taxes

in the county.  Makes me so mad, so sad, that my grandchildren will be begging

for clean water and air, and the only people that can afford to buy it will the

rich that stole it from us.  Of and you do not want me to even get started on

the subject of illness, and lack of medical care in this country.  But there is

hope I read today numerous German studies are showing Marajuna helps MS,

neuropathy, etc...   But most of us already knew this.   I probably will get

kicked off of this site for my comments, but sometimes you just gotta talk.....


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 4:33 PM

Subject: RE: Grapefruit Seed extract - OLE - fluoride - lawsuits &

dialysis - struggle


>> I just sent our council a SHAME email with the renal failure info and their

member who died not long after we were fluoridated and my hip replacement not

long after.....this stuff ANGERS me so much....I see red and hatred for these

people who do this....joyce<<

DITTO!!!! The trouble is it tends to fall on deaf ears. I frequently wind up

having to douse myself with Vervain and Tansy to get my ire over the injustice

of it all under control because of the arrogance, greed and blatant stupidity,

but it feels like a useless waste of emotion. We who want to right the wrongs

simply don't have the power, influence or funds to compete and impact

effectively. Good intentions don't seem to amount to a hill of beans in our


Naturally, we have to keep trying despite the uphill battle. I just wish there

was a sure fire way to start exerting the necessary force to catapult change,

but to date, I haven't figured that out. When somebody has an answer to that, be

sure and let me know.....


Sapere Aude – Dare to Know

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the

last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian


" I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to

savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White

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