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RE: DMSO application on wound - observations

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>>you'd have to play around as to what is best. Even a zinc cream like

plain Desitin for diaper rash. Those type of creams are pretty good

overall. DMSO can kill pathogens on its own, but not everything, so the

zinc cd prove very healing. To use as medicinal rather than just a barrier

cream, you dilute it anyway, so just a dab makes a pound.

DMSO roll-ons come with the igredients mentioned seperately to my knowledge.

Go look how the roll-ons are made and you'll get the idea. Straight aloe

for burn-wounds has to be from fresh-cut leaf is the way I heard it. ...

so w/ DMSO just an emollient for sensitive skin ?? Straight on the wrong

person turns the skin a burnt-red for awhile. Stings like the dickens too.

Dilute you can avoid most of this.<<

I've found that dilute DMSO 70/30 has prevented a lot of the prickling and

some redness I get when applying it. I've pretty much just learned to ignore

it, since it doesn't last. I suppose like so much in life, it's better to

err on the side of caution and experiment slowly, and in small areas, to see

individual response.

>>We used to put DMSO on cotton balls mized w/ a bit of lugol's overnight

for trick knees. Wrapp up and just go to sleep so it cd do its magic

undisturbed. A few of us had to dilute the mix or live w/ a nice rash for a

couple weeks. --tls<<

What strength Lugol's did you use? I have 5% on hand as my source of I/KI

since I'm pretty much following Dr. Brownstein's Iodine Protocol (though I

add 400 IUs of Mixed Tocopherols per Dr. Olree's insistence for

synergistic effect with Se) and take in almost 50 mg daily. I'm curious

about the trick knee remedy since I get that now and then, though rarely

now...maybe because I'm using both DMSO and Lugol's quite regularly in other


I put DMSO on a cotton ball and bandaided it in place overnite when I'd

developed typists cramp a few months back when I was doing a lot of

transcribing and the repetitive motion caused my metatarsal area (back of

hand) to hurt and swell. That turned out not to be a good idea because after

24 hours when I took the compress off, my skin underneath was all hard,

wrinkled and weird with little feeling. The pain took 2 days to subside, but

I felt like I was turning into one of those reptilian creatures in zombie

movies. After about 5 days, the skin went back to normal thankfully, but I'm

not going to try that again.


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Experience Rules ... lol. We live and learn ... My beloved is a PhD chemist

so we made our own Lugol's 7%. Diluting anyway so I doubt it makes that much

difference in this case, At 5%. call it close enough.

He found to all those who'd tried it that infection wd stay away for 6mo or

more. If the aches came back, we just did it again. I did it twice and have

had no problems since .. 2007. We soaked a cotton ball to saturation, then put

a cotton cosmetic pad over that, and wrapped in plastic wrap. If wanting more

heat, you can then wrap an ace bandage... to comfort. 6-8 hours is plenty. My

skin was just slightly pink, nothing else bad. Think our 4oz formula went like

this ..

DMSO 20%

Distilled water 75%

Lugol's 5%

Could be if you add in colloidal silver it would do even better

Boric or Citric acid is another possibility at 1% full strength ..???

Really like the mixed tocopherol idea for oral use. That wd surely make it go

systemic. Great Idea!. --tls

RE: DMSO application on wound - observations

What strength Lugol's did you use? I have 5% on hand as my source of I/KI

since I'm pretty much following Dr. Brownstein's Iodine Protocol (though I

add 400 IUs of Mixed Tocopherols per Dr. Olree's insistence for

synergistic effect with Se) and take in almost 50 mg daily. I'm curious

about the trick knee remedy since I get that now and then, though rarely

now...maybe because I'm using both DMSO and Lugol's quite regularly in other


I put DMSO on a cotton ball and bandaided it in place overnite when I'd

developed typists cramp a few months back when I was doing a lot of

transcribing and the repetitive motion caused my metatarsal area (back of

hand) to hurt and swell. That turned out not to be a good idea because after

24 hours when I took the compress off, my skin underneath was all hard,

wrinkled and weird with little feeling. The pain took 2 days to subside, but

I felt like I was turning into one of those reptilian creatures in zombie

movies. After about 5 days, the skin went back to normal thankfully, but I'm

not going to try that again.

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