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Re: Fw: Cataract recipe - a few comments

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A dowser friend of mine in So Cal back in the mid 90's told me about a cataract

remedy called Pirenoxine, also called Catalin in Japan. She said it was a great

cataract eliminator and swore by it. At the time, I wasn't concerned about

cataracts, but in the interim, I've aged and when I finally decided to get the

drops, she said the company no longer made them and they weren't sold here

anymore. Bummer. That prompted me to start investigating other cataract

remedies. Then I ran across a Russian study confirming the n-acetylcarnosine

efficacy. I finally settled on Vision Clarity. It's so typical that it isn't

highly touted here in the states since it would cut into cataract surgery


I mentioned the product to my own ophthalmologist who originally seemed somewhat

holistically inclined and I thought more highly of him because he finally

diagnosed a chronic tearing problem as meibomitis (inflammation of the meibomian

oil glands on the lid margins) which half a dozen other ophthalmologists could

never figure out for years. However, he discounted the NAC having any real

benefit for cataract reduction/elimination referring to it as being homeopathic

(so much for his knowledge of alternative therapies) and said the glycerin in it

would be soothing so go ahead and use it. It couldn't hurt. How nice. Then, oh

BTW, I should be considering cataract surgery in a few years. Oh sure. It's the

same ole saw that anything that might really be effective but not economically

enhancing for the medical professional is considered of no possible value to the

patient. I've finally decided that it might be in my own best interest to keep

this type of information to myself (only to share with like minded people as

yourselves) because in the long run, if a product like this were to be embraced

by conventional medicine, it likely would wind up as prescription only at

greater expense, probably adulterated so that its efficacy would be questionable

or downgraded and it would no longer do the job OR it would be banned out of

hand. So, to safeguard the welfare of my own eyes, I don't push it's use anymore

except where like here, people are really interested and appreciate the


On a side note, I got a little tip from a friend who suggested that to ensure

the eyedrops don't immediately spill into the tear ducts when first installed,

keep a finger or Kleenex lightly pressed to the inner corner of the eye for that

initial minute after dosing yourself. Just make sure if you use a finger, it's

clean so you don't introduce bacteria and such that could contribute to

infection or irritation.


Sapere Aude – Dare to Know

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the

last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian


" I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to

savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White

Re: Fw: Fw: Cataract recipe - another company

Thanks, Sonie. I ordered some yesterday.

> **



> Here's the link . If you buy them in three's, you save even more.


> http://www.claritycarnosineeyedrops.com/


> Sonie


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Hello Sonie,

Thank you for the story.  Have you seen a change as a result of taking this

product, Vision Clarity?  How far along were your cataracts?



To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2012 10:11 PM

Subject: RE: Fw: Cataract recipe - a few comments


A dowser friend of mine in So Cal back in the mid 90's told me about a cataract

remedy called Pirenoxine, also called Catalin in Japan. She said it was a great

cataract eliminator and swore by it. At the time, I wasn't concerned about

cataracts, but in the interim, I've aged and when I finally decided to get the

drops, she said the company no longer made them and they weren't sold here

anymore. Bummer. That prompted me to start investigating other cataract

remedies. Then I ran across a Russian study confirming the n-acetylcarnosine

efficacy. I finally settled on Vision Clarity. It's so typical that it isn't

highly touted here in the states since it would cut into cataract surgery


I mentioned the product to my own ophthalmologist who originally seemed somewhat

holistically inclined and I thought more highly of him because he finally

diagnosed a chronic tearing problem as meibomitis (inflammation of the meibomian

oil glands on the lid margins) which half a dozen other ophthalmologists could

never figure out for years. However, he discounted the NAC having any real

benefit for cataract reduction/elimination referring to it as being homeopathic

(so much for his knowledge of alternative therapies) and said the glycerin in it

would be soothing so go ahead and use it. It couldn't hurt. How nice. Then, oh

BTW, I should be considering cataract surgery in a few years. Oh sure. It's the

same ole saw that anything that might really be effective but not economically

enhancing for the medical professional is considered of no possible value to the

patient. I've finally decided that it might be in my own best interest to keep

this type of

information to myself (only to share with like minded people as yourselves)

because in the long run, if a product like this were to be embraced by

conventional medicine, it likely would wind up as prescription only at greater

expense, probably adulterated so that its efficacy would be questionable or

downgraded and it would no longer do the job OR it would be banned out of hand.

So, to safeguard the welfare of my own eyes, I don't push it's use anymore

except where like here, people are really interested and appreciate the


On a side note, I got a little tip from a friend who suggested that to ensure

the eyedrops don't immediately spill into the tear ducts when first installed,

keep a finger or Kleenex lightly pressed to the inner corner of the eye for that

initial minute after dosing yourself. Just make sure if you use a finger, it's

clean so you don't introduce bacteria and such that could contribute to

infection or irritation.


Sapere Aude – Dare to Know

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the

last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian


" I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to

savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White

Re: Fw: Fw: Cataract recipe - another company

Thanks, Sonie. I ordered some yesterday.

> **



> Here's the link . If you buy them in three's, you save even more.


> http://www.claritycarnosineeyedrops.com/


> Sonie


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Hi ,

You asked how far along were my cataracts. Not very if at all. At each eye exam

for the past 4-5 years, ophthalmologists would say only that I had some drusen

deposits which are the very early age related yellow debris I was told, that

starts to accumulate in the eyes. There was no evidence of actual cataracts

other than I was warned this would be coming along at some point so to expect

it. That didn't appeal to me much, so I started using the Vision Clarity drops

on an infrequent basis about a year and a half ago more or less as a

preventative which I mentioned before. This last eye exam in Dec. my

ophthalmologist asked me if I was experiencing any halos or glare particularly

at night which I had to think about since it wasn't something I'd paid any

attention to. Decided maybe there was a little bit every now and then though it

seemed to be more related to the viscosity of my tears which because of the

meibomitis tends to get a bit thick and gloppy (is that a word?) at times. This

causes my vision to get a little blurry (also a sign I need to hydrate myself

more), but the NAC drops help greatly to smooth that out and clear my eyesight.

Any bit of glare didn't seem to be related to cataract development at least my

ophthalmologist didn't directly say anything about that. I've never worn

prescription glasses, just use OTC cheaters to read and sew and have no problems

driving at night. I'm only experiencing a little less clarity closeup and in low

light, but that's pretty normal. The ophthalmologist isn't making much money on

me, just my annual appts., so I guess they're looking for ways to increase

profits. So far I'm not being very cooperative. My opthalmologist just said we'd

talk about cataract surgery later and scheduled the next appt for this Dec.

Doesn't sound too urgent with appts a year apart. So now I'm trying to remember

to do the drops twice a day as recommended in the VC instructions. I would love

to go back in and have no evidence of cataracts which is what I keep aiming for.

Then I can give a better report. For now I just have to think the drops are

keeping the cataracts at bay or I would be experiencing more evidence their

presence which I'm not.


Sapere Aude – Dare to Know

“Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the

last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†- Cree Indian


" I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to

savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†- E. B. White

Re: Fw: Fw: Cataract recipe - another company

Thanks, Sonie. I ordered some yesterday.

> **



> Here's the link . If you buy them in three's, you save even more.


> http://www.claritycarnosineeyedrops.com/


> Sonie


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May I ask your age Sonie ?


> **



> Hi ,


> You asked how far along were my cataracts. Not very if at all. At each eye

> exam for the past 4-5 years, ophthalmologists would say only that I had

> some drusen deposits which are the very early age related yellow debris I

> was told, that starts to accumulate in the eyes. There was no evidence of

> actual cataracts other than I was warned this would be coming along at some

> point so to expect it. That didn't appeal to me much, so I started using

> the Vision Clarity drops on an infrequent basis about a year and a half ago

> more or less as a preventative which I mentioned before. This last eye exam

> in Dec. my ophthalmologist asked me if I was experiencing any halos or

> glare particularly at night which I had to think about since it wasn't

> something I'd paid any attention to. Decided maybe there was a little bit

> every now and then though it seemed to be more related to the viscosity of

> my tears which because of the meibomitis tends to get a bit thick and

> gloppy (is that a word?) at times. This causes my vision to get a little

> blurry (also a sign I need to hydrate myself more), but the NAC drops help

> greatly to smooth that out and clear my eyesight. Any bit of glare didn't

> seem to be related to cataract development at least my ophthalmologist

> didn't directly say anything about that. I've never worn prescription

> glasses, just use OTC cheaters to read and sew and have no problems driving

> at night. I'm only experiencing a little less clarity closeup and in low

> light, but that's pretty normal. The ophthalmologist isn't making much

> money on me, just my annual appts., so I guess they're looking for ways to

> increase profits. So far I'm not being very cooperative. My opthalmologist

> just said we'd talk about cataract surgery later and scheduled the next

> appt for this Dec. Doesn't sound too urgent with appts a year apart. So now

> I'm trying to remember to do the drops twice a day as recommended in the VC

> instructions. I would love to go back in and have no evidence of cataracts

> which is what I keep aiming for. Then I can give a better report. For now I

> just have to think the drops are keeping the cataracts at bay or I would be

> experiencing more evidence their presence which I'm not.


> Sonie

> Sapere Aude – Dare to Know


> “Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and

> the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.” - Cree

> Indian Proverb

> " I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a

> desire to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.” - E.

> B. White


> Re: Fw: Fw: Cataract recipe - another company


> Thanks, Sonie. I ordered some yesterday.






> > **

> >

> >

> > Here's the link . If you buy them in three's, you save even more.

> >

> > http://www.claritycarnosineeyedrops.com/

> >

> > Sonie

> >



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Don't you know you're not supposed to ask that?? What about you Smitty?

Being new here I only know how old Joyce is, so I'm at a little


Actually I'm 74 going on 46 thanks to my Advanced Age Regression Program,

the original AARP. You too can join The Program, at any time I might add.

60's good which is when I opted to turn back time. Coupons are available.

Membership by invitation. Every birthday I get a year younger now. I have a

non expiring Sell By Date..... :-)

Maybe this is why the ophthalmologist can't pinpoint any cataracts !?!


Sapere Aude - Dare to Know

" Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the

last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. " - Cree Indian


" I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire

to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day. " - E. B.


Re: Fw: Fw: Cataract recipe - another company


> Thanks, Sonie. I ordered some yesterday.






> > **

> >

> >

> > Here's the link . If you buy them in three's, you save even more.

> >

> > http://www.claritycarnosineeyedrops.com/

> >

> > Sonie

> >



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Both I and a friend tried the N-acetylcarnosine drops. they made no

difference whatsoever. We both ended up doing cataract surgery. They

were supposedly pioneered and developed by a Russian doctor.



> A dowser friend of mine in So Cal back in the mid 90's told me about a

> cataract remedy called Pirenoxine, also called Catalin in Japan. She

> said it was a great cataract eliminator and swore by it. At the time,

> I wasn't concerned about cataracts, but in the interim, I've aged and

> when I finally decided to get the drops, she said the company no

> longer made them and they weren't sold here anymore. Bummer. That

> prompted me to start investigating other cataract remedies. Then I ran

> across a Russian study confirming the n-acetylcarnosine efficacy. I

> finally settled on Vision Clarity. It's so typical that it isn't

> highly touted here in the states since it would cut into cataract

> surgery profits.


> I mentioned the product to my own ophthalmologist who originally

> seemed somewhat holistically inclined and I thought more highly of him

> because he finally diagnosed a chronic tearing problem as meibomitis

> (inflammation of the meibomian oil glands on the lid margins) which

> half a dozen other ophthalmologists could never figure out for years.

> However, he discounted the NAC having any real benefit for cataract

> reduction/elimination referring to it as being homeopathic (so much

> for his knowledge of alternative therapies) and said the glycerin in

> it would be soothing so go ahead and use it. It couldn't hurt. How

> nice. Then, oh BTW, I should be considering cataract surgery in a few

> years. Oh sure. It's the same ole saw that anything that might really

> be effective but not economically enhancing for the medical

> professional is considered of no possible value to the patient. I've

> finally decided that it might be in my own best interest to keep this

> type of information to myself (only to share with like minded people

> as yourselves) because in the long run, if a product like this were to

> be embraced by conventional medicine, it likely would wind up as

> prescription only at greater expense, probably adulterated so that its

> efficacy would be questionable or downgraded and it would no longer do

> the job OR it would be banned out of hand. So, to safeguard the

> welfare of my own eyes, I don't push it's use anymore except where

> like here, people are really interested and appreciate the information.


> On a side note, I got a little tip from a friend who suggested that to

> ensure the eyedrops don't immediately spill into the tear ducts when

> first installed, keep a finger or Kleenex lightly pressed to the inner

> corner of the eye for that initial minute after dosing yourself. Just

> make sure if you use a finger, it's clean so you don't introduce

> bacteria and such that could contribute to infection or irritation.


> Sonie

> Sapere Aude – Dare to Know


> “Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned,

> and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.†-

> Cree Indian Proverb

> " I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a

> desire to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day.†-

> E. B. White


> Re: Fw: Fw: Cataract recipe - another company


> Thanks, Sonie. I ordered some yesterday.




> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Sonie <sonie9@...

> <mailto:sonie9%40sbcglobal.net>> wrote:


> > **

> >

> >

> > Here's the link . If you buy them in three's, you save even more.

> >

> > http://www.claritycarnosineeyedrops.com/

> >

> > Sonie

> >




Necessity may be the mother of invention, but God is the Father of all good


G. Simpkins

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Sonie, 74 very very soon....good memory gal..


I never did join aarp, just a thng with me...


I don't go to the eye doc in these later years, haven't for 5 yrs or so, my eyes

are still doing good considering, and I blame it all on grape seed extract...you

can do a search and read about eye health and grape seed extract....


Most days now I take 200mg three times per day.....have a nice day...joyce


To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO

Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2012 10:07 PM

Subject: RE: Fw: Cataract recipe - a few comments


Don't you know you're not supposed to ask that?? What about you Smitty?

Being new here I only know how old Joyce is, so I'm at a little


Actually I'm 74 going on 46 thanks to my Advanced Age Regression Program,

the original AARP. You too can join The Program, at any time I might add.

60's good which is when I opted to turn back time. Coupons are available.

Membership by invitation. Every birthday I get a year younger now. I have a

non expiring Sell By Date..... :-)

Maybe this is why the ophthalmologist can't pinpoint any cataracts !?!


Sapere Aude - Dare to Know

" Only when the last tree has died, and the last river been poisoned, and the

last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. " - Cree Indian


" I wake up each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire

to savor the world. This makes it very hard to plan the day. " - E. B.


Re: Fw: Fw: Cataract recipe - another company


> Thanks, Sonie. I ordered some yesterday.




> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Sonie <mailto:sonie9%40sbcglobal.net> wrote:


> > **

> >

> >

> > Here's the link . If you buy them in three's, you save even more.

> >

> > http://www.claritycarnosineeyedrops.com/

> >

> > Sonie

> >



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