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Sharon, I totally agree with you. Everyone should start faxing to their

government officials. This is where the change will ultimately take place once

they see just how many of us are ill. If we want change to happen, then we have

to do our part as a whole to make this change. Many are fighting for their

lives with these illnesses, so are we just going to sit here. I am not going

down without a fight. Darlene

snk1955@... wrote:


Yes, quite interesting that the ACOEM Mold Statement came right on the heels

of Congressman Conyers' Bill. The other catalyst that was responsible for

industry's fear of financial liability was the Ballard case. A $32 million

dollar jury award sent shock waves thru those with financial interests in


buildings. While there is nothing wrong with being concerned of one's

financial interest from the matter, it does not give supposed men of medicine


right to KNOWINGLY promote false science for the specific purpose of limiting

financial liability at the expense of the sick and injured. Yet that is

EXACTLY what happened and how national policy was set that still causes to


very day, physicians to say your illnesses " could not be " from mold exposure.

The only way this issue will change and the deceit will go, is if it is done

thru government entities - be that local, state and/or federal. Ginny is

right. If you really want help, then you have to keep the matter in front of

the faces of these entities. While it is good and comforting to post on

Sickbuildings and share knowledge with each other, your fellow members of

Sickbuildings are not the ones who need to know what you know in order to


change. Your elected officials are. Maybe, once a week instead of putting your


on Sickbuildings, put it in fax form and send it to your elected officials.

Congress.org provides the fax address for all of them.

It's sad to me, how many people will post on this board frequently, yet when

someone makes a petition or moves to do an organized effort, there are very

few who actually participate or even take the time to sign their name to a

simple petition. KC and Sharon have given their all to this group over the

past nine (ten?) years. and Ginny and many others have given much, too.


recognize how devastating this issue is to the lives of many. We want to see

change and are willing to work for it. There are now over 2000 members of

this Group. That should be a big enough number to be a powerful force, even if


good number are fighting as hard as they can to keep their heads above

water. And so, like Ginny, I don't mean to be rude, but it's time for some to

stop only saying " Help me, me, me. " and start saying " What can I do to help

others? " And ya know what? THAT is what will ultimately help you and help us



Cut and pasted from Ginny's post:

Thank you very much, and Sharon for your kind words, this is a

lonely war.

Second - the challenge to you all on this board. Put your money and

your efforts where your mouths are! If you can spend the time to

post information and share with your fellow posters, you can get on

the " horn " --- the " phone " and call your elected officials and

schedule a hearing to discuss Indoor Air Quality (or lack thereof),

as a matter of public concern. Don't wait and sit on your rear end

and think someone else is going to do it for you.

My words are harsh, but too bad! I lost may friends (who were really

NOT my friends) when I came " out " about this matter. You may lose a

few in the battle as well. But you will make some wonderful new ones

in the process.

They will call you a " nut " or whatever, but who cares. I don't have

cancer, like many of my colleagues, and maybe God rewarded me, and

spared me to be with my kids, who had to endure the slings and arrows

of the " locals " who were not nice in their discourse, about their

sick mother.

If you are in the workplace, look around and see who has cancer, or

auto immune disease. They may go quietly, but YOU don't have to.

Make noise, make a scene, make a stink, or whatever it takes to raise

awareness on this issue. If you have a home problem, you are in

control, but the workers, and especially school kids, like I was

trying to protect, have NO control, except through the public venue

of the community or public hearing. You PAY union dues. Make your

money work for you.

Don't think what happened in Boston over time, will carry you. It


But YOU can find that special elected person, who can help. YOU know

who has courage in the face of disaster. " We " do not know who is in

YOUR community. In this country, we call America, the town/city

meeting is YOUR right! In 2008, there is a lot more information than

there was in 2001. This forum dates back to the late

1990's. This is a national plague. And, it is great what we did in

Boston, but it is history. Yesterday's news. YOU can make today's

news. Like Smokey the Bear used to say " Only YOU can prevent forest

fires...Only YOU can have your own town/city meeting. "

Maybe WE can come to YOUR hearing!

In a message dated 4/13/2008 9:13:51 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

MLMJ75@... writes:

Dear Sharon,

An excellent summary of THE major problem surrounding mold exposure

and outside influences.

One thing I find most " curious " is the fact that the ACOEM began the

groundwork for their guidelines at the same time back in 2002 when

Congressman Conyers introduced HR 5040, the original US Toxic Mold

Safety and Protection Act, also know as the Melina Bill.

I see it as a time to " circle the wagons " because of Congressman

Conyers efforts to begin a comprehensive approach to dealing with the

problems with deteriorated health and property damage due to mold



> Hello everyone,


> I worked on the Boston City Council hearing in December of 2004.

One of the

> reasons for the hearing was to update the Boston City Council and

those who

> attended on what happened during Mycotic Awareness Week in DC in

September of

> '04 and to garner support for Congressman Conyers' HR 1268, The US

Toxic Mold

> Safety and Protection Act, also known as the Melina Bill.


> It was an amazing hearing with people traveling from California

> (representatives from Schoolmoldhelp. (representatives from Scho

of actually meeting our

> moderator, KC!) , Maine (our own Janet), North Carolina (Dr.

Simone Sommer

> and her son Josh), a few people from DC, including Segal from


> Conyer's office and a representative from Sheetmetal Workers Union

> International) International)<WBR>, Connecticut, New York, Rho

states to discuss mold

> exposure and illnesses, problems in getting diagnosed and treated

for our

> illnesses as well as other topics related to mold. We had

representatives from

> the Boston Teachers Union, including Ginny Lane who arranged for

the use of

> the building), doctors, lawyers, private industry representatives

and those

> sickened by mold in their places of work, schools and homes.


> The hearing was chaired by Boston City Councillor Chuck (an


> man who has worked very hard on this issue for years) and Boston


> Councillor Maura Hennigan (now Clerk of Suffolk Superior Court for

Criminal Business)

> who filed the order for the hearing. A document the size of a

phone book

> was distributed and entered into the record which contained


> testimonies from people across this country who had been harmed by

mold exposure.


> Having been involved in all the hearings the Boston City Council


> conducted over the years on the issue of mold exposure and illness,

I have to say

> from my own personal experience as well as reading about and

talking to people

> around the world whose health has been harmed by mold exposure,

time and

> time again, the frustration by those sickened centered around

their doctors not

> recognizing, diagnosing and treating mold illnesses and it wasn't


> different at the hearing: RECOGNIZING, DIAGNOSING AND



> At the 12.9.04 Boston City Council hearing, this particular

problem was

> addressed by Dr. Johanning, specifically as it pertained to the


> effects the ACOEM Mold Guideline was having on the truth about

mold illnesses.


> Others raised it in a less direct way but the bottom line was the

same: Why

> can't our doctors help us? How can so many of us be sick yet our


> don't seem to understand? How can so many of us be sick but the


> infrastructure doesn't seem to have a clue? I am sorry to say but

it is all about

> money, just like lead paint, asbestos and cigarettes. People out

there are

> protecting stakeholders to the detriment of the health of children

in schools,

> workers in the workplace and residents in their homes.


> At subsequent hearings before the Massachusetts Legislature' A


> Committee on Public Health, the ACOEM paper was discussed and

documents were

> presented to the committee backing up the " prudent man's "

interpretation of the

> validity of these guidelines and the harmful ramifications on all

us who have been

> made ill by mold exposure. And as you all must know by now, the

Wall Street

> Journal (who had the same information) investigated the

allegations and

> backed up common sense and exposed the conflicts of interest with

some doctors

> who chose to take care of clients rather than patients.


> We also are grateful to Senator Kennedy to submitted a request to

the GAO

> for an audit on this very serious health issue. We also await a

hearing before

> congress. Money has to get out of medicine on this and so many

other health

> threats. Whatever happened to " First, do no harm. " ?


> Ginny, you are absolutely right. Other states must take up the

charge and

> address this issue on their own local and state levels. But rest

assured, our

> elected officials on the federal level know about this and the


> conflicts of interest. With all the hard work of many, we WILL

get to the truth.


> Mulvey son

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