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's update - 8.23.2012 (very long post)

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Hi all......

I am about to complete my first week of classes at the University of Tennessee

at Chattanooga tomorrow. I am fortunate that I managed to survive my first week

there. What has helped is knowing that I have the MoSAIC program to access.

UTC is one of 16 colleges and universities in the USA to have a comprehensive

program for college students with ASD.

UTC is the only one that does not cost any money whatsoever. The other 15

programs charge several thousand dollars per semester to use. Keeping my

fingers crossed that MoSAIC doesn't charge me next year. If it does, that is ok

and I will find a way to come up with the money to stay in the program for the

last year. I consider paying to use MoSAIC an investment for my future.

I began my first week in the MoSAIC program, and we used the StrengthsQuest

program to find out where our strengths were. Not surprisingly, my top five

signature themes were the following: Relator, Restorative, Learner,

Responsibility, and Analytical. I looked over my report carefully and presumed

that the mix of the themes were more like someone who is an accountant. The

results from the themes fit me to a T, so I was much pleased by it.

The theme of the third year in the MoSAIC program (which is where I am at) is

totally on employment and employment issues. We'll be going over a lot of

employment-related stuff from week to week. I have a life coach, who is the

director of MoSAIC and the Disability Resource Center. Very soon, I will have a

mentor as well.

The third year in the program is designed to help students with high functioning

autism/Aspergers find an internship. Additionally, we'll have someone shadowing

us during our entire time in the internship. This comes as an immense blessing

for me, as this is something I have needed all along (and it took going back to

college to finally get it).

Just recently, I interviewed for a part-time job with a restaurant in the local

arts district. I was hired on the spot after my second interview with the

restaurant. I will be starting next week there for orientation, and requested

20-25 hours a week on my job application. Given most likely what they will be

paying me (minimum wage), I figured I needed that many hours to get by every

month for expenses (rent, electricity, cell phone, food, etc.).

It's a great opportunity for me for several reasons. First, it's in the

European part of Chattanooga - which I like very much. Second, I have been to

that restaurant in the past and loved the quality of their food. Third, it's

close to where I attend school. Can take one of the city buses to within a

block or two of walking distance.

My classes - I have five classes, plus the MoSAIC class that meets once a week

for an hour (plus my hour weekly with my life coach plus time with whomever my

mentor will be). 13 credit hours for a grade, plus a 3 hour class I am auditing

(university will not let me repeat a class I received in A in previously for a

grade). I received an A in a similar class over 20 years ago, but need a

refresher. Thus, the audited class.

It's a very challenging schedule of classes, and something I look forward to

taking head on every semester. With my part-time job coming up and everything

else I am doing, I won't have much time for really much of anything else.

I am very excited to be at UTC, and feel that I will benefit greatly from the

experiences I gain there. I have all certainty of the additional networking

opportunities I will make while at the university with professors, people in the

accounting field, and more. I have received great advice from my professors

already during my first week of classes.

When I look back at October or November last year, I did not think that the

support system I have in place at the university now would be like this. I

thought it was too good to be true at first. It's real, totally totally real.

I am in a supportive environment where I know I will succeed, and succeed well.

I don't ever recall being at any other college or university where I received

support like I have at this university.

I wish that every college student with ASD - young or old - has the same kind of

opportunity that I have with MoSAIC. To have an opportunity to be involved with

a program like MoSAIC is nothing short of a godsend for me.

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