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Legal question

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I am so, so sorry that your son was not properly diagnosed for

either his plagio or tort. I would also be incensed that his

pediatrician, etc. brushed off my concerns repeately, and now it is

too late for intervention to treat his plagio. Bells are ringing

about a lawsuit where the parents sued for just the reason you are

questioning about. In the Files section here at the group, you can

scroll down to the document titled " lawsuitx.jpg " which is the first

page of a news article about parents suing a doctor for malpractice

for a too late referral. I think I may have searched for other

information about the lawsuit, the lawyer mentioned, and parties

involved on the internet, but I came up empty. Perhaps you might be

able to find out more and use that article as a lead. I'm hoping

one of the more senior Mods with better memories might know what

happened with this lawsuit.

If you're interested, you could go to the Links section, Plagio

Studies and Research folder. There will be different articles and

studies listed, along with their publication dates. You could see

what sort of plagio information your doctors should have been aware

of when you were seeking help for your son, and he was 2 years or


There is also a group at , if you haven't already joined,

called " OlderPlag " - it's for older babies with untreated plagio.

Perhaps someone there has considered a lawsuit, or can provide some


Take care,

Christie (Mom to Repo'd Remy)

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Weber " <pandia29@h...>



> I just found out my son has plagio and tort. After doing some

research it is

> appearent that he has shown strong signs of both since birth. I


> the doctors over and over about the different shaped eyes, the

flat spot and

> his always leaning to one side. They said it was normal and not to


> about it. Now he is 5 1/2 years old and really too old to do

anything about

> it. I had even asked if he needed a helmet and they told me no. I

was nieve

> and did not know better. They all said it would even out on its

own. My

> question is, in your opinion, should I see a lawyer? My son will


> wear the marks of this because these doctors did not diagnose this

and it

> should have easily been seen. Any helpful advice is appriciated.


> mom to 5 y/o with plagio and tort in Ga.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

> http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I am so sorry this has happened to you and your

son. I would go and see an attorney, you don't have anything to lose.

Please let us know if you do and what happens.

Good luck,

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Weber " <pandia29@h...>



> I just found out my son has plagio and tort. After doing some

research it is

> appearent that he has shown strong signs of both since birth. I


> the doctors over and over about the different shaped eyes, the flat

spot and

> his always leaning to one side. They said it was normal and not to


> about it. Now he is 5 1/2 years old and really too old to do

anything about

> it. I had even asked if he needed a helmet and they told me no. I

was nieve

> and did not know better. They all said it would even out on its

own. My

> question is, in your opinion, should I see a lawyer? My son will


> wear the marks of this because these doctors did not diagnose this

and it

> should have easily been seen. Any helpful advice is appriciated.


> mom to 5 y/o with plagio and tort in Ga.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

> http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/

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Hi ....I am so sorry that you and your son have found yourself

in this position. I agree with the others that if I were you i

would seek legal advice. You never lose anything by asking. Please

let us know what you decide and how it goes.

Becky, mom to , repo grad, in Pgh, PA

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Weber " <pandia29@h...>



> I just found out my son has plagio and tort. After doing some

research it is

> appearent that he has shown strong signs of both since birth. I


> the doctors over and over about the different shaped eyes, the

flat spot and

> his always leaning to one side. They said it was normal and not to


> about it. Now he is 5 1/2 years old and really too old to do

anything about

> it. I had even asked if he needed a helmet and they told me no. I

was nieve

> and did not know better. They all said it would even out on its

own. My

> question is, in your opinion, should I see a lawyer? My son will


> wear the marks of this because these doctors did not diagnose this

and it

> should have easily been seen. Any helpful advice is appriciated.


> mom to 5 y/o with plagio and tort in Ga.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

> http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/

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I'm soo sorry to hear this. I cannot believe the peds that are out

there. I would def look into taking a laywer. They will know what

they can do.

As for the torticollis, you can still do something about that. It

will be hard work, but pt / ot / surgery can resolved tort at your

son's age. Let us know how he does.

Sandy Willow's Mom

Cranio Germany Grad

Torticollis resolved


--- In Plagiocephaly , " Weber " <pandia29@h...>



> I just found out my son has plagio and tort. After doing some

research it is

> appearent that he has shown strong signs of both since birth. I


> the doctors over and over about the different shaped eyes, the

flat spot and

> his always leaning to one side. They said it was normal and not to


> about it. Now he is 5 1/2 years old and really too old to do

anything about

> it. I had even asked if he needed a helmet and they told me no. I

was nieve

> and did not know better. They all said it would even out on its

own. My

> question is, in your opinion, should I see a lawyer? My son will


> wear the marks of this because these doctors did not diagnose this

and it

> should have easily been seen. Any helpful advice is appriciated.


> mom to 5 y/o with plagio and tort in Ga.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

> http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/

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  • 11 months later...

Just a suggestion:

It seems that the " Bear Hug " from behind might qualify as unwanted touching.

It looks as Assault and Battery to me. was just trying to defend

herself. Try to obtain all medical certificates you can, including any history


sexual abuse or any kind of abuse experienced in the past. Do not

forget to include IEP's instructions as to what she should or shouldn't

have. 's doctor could also testify as to her condition. You could

suppoena him if you believe he would not be willing to go to testify in Court.

It is also important that you talk to the prosecuting attorney as to

MIchelle's conditions and the circunstances of the " attack " . I am not aware of


circunstances but I would have filed charges for Assault and Battery against the


Good luck


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I think a very good place to start is going to be clear IEP violations.

Plus, hands were placed on her first and perhaps there was a self defense

reaction involved. I think you need to get in touch with these people, if you

can't get a response from them try the agency listed below them:

Pam :)

Luther Granquist, Managing Attorney

Minnesota Disability Law Center

430 First Avenue, N., Suite 300

Minneapolis, MN 55401-1780

(612) 332-1441

Marge Goldberg & a F. Goldberg, Co-Directors

PACER Center, Inc.

4826 Chicago Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55417-1098

(612) 827-2966; (612) 827-7770 (TTY)

(800) 53-PACER (In MN)

E-mail: pacer@...

URL: _http://www.pacer.org_ (http://www.pacer.org/)

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In a message dated 1/16/2006 11:35:38 AM Eastern Standard Time,

disorderlybehavior@... writes:

My problem is, the public defender won't even return my phone calls

do discuss her case, she thinks we should have pled guilty and

followed the sentance.

If I represent myself, does anyone know what legal grounds I

could use to have the charges dropped altogether? I live in MN by the

way. Any help is good, thanks and sorry for the long post.

You should get an atty who is familiar with sped law and disability law.

Not only for the hearing but also for the school. You need someone who will

handle both of these things. you can usually find referrals on this web site

--> _http://www.copaa.net/

Roxanna ô¿ô

Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.

_ (http://www.copaa.net/)

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Do not represent yourself. Get a lawyer, you can call your local Bar

association, explain the problem and get a referral. Your child does not seem

guilty. Self defense eliminates guilt anyway. The lawyer will know what

evidence you must have ready for the hearing.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Has anyone with a worker's comp case for a sick building done the case

without a lawyer? Has anyone contacted their governor/senator for

assistance in settling? How about the Dept. of Insurance for a fraud

investigation? I'm looking into the above options and would appreciate

any help. Also if anyone knows a good WC lawyer in northern CA who

knows about defending people who were injured in sick buildings would

be appreciated.

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Thanks for updating everyone. I hope someday we will get help. My

family's story was included in the packet, will our stories remain with

any new legislation whenever that may be. I would like to update my

story sometime. Just spent a week at my daughters because we lost our

electric for a week. Very weak today as I returned. My 23 year old

daughter was great, but she doesn't understand why I can't work and

wishes her mom was not so fragile and wants the old me back. So do I.

Hello everyone,



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Thanks to everyone for their input.


> Has anyone with a worker's comp case for a sick building done the case

> without a lawyer? Has anyone contacted their governor/senator for

> assistance in settling? How about the Dept. of Insurance for a fraud

> investigation? I'm looking into the above options and would appreciate

> any help. Also if anyone knows a good WC lawyer in northern CA who

> knows about defending people who were injured in sick buildings would

> be appreciated.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

From what I have learned, owning a home should not affect receiving SSI

benefits. The Social Security website is quite helpful.

Legal Question

We are considering purchasing a property with the intention of creating living

accomodation for our adult son outside of the home. Does anyone know if the

property can be in his name or his trust's name without losing his SSI and

Medicaid? We have a call in to our attorney, but am wondering if anyone has any

experience or already done this before we proceed.


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When you own a home AND live in it, SSI and Medicaid are not affecting. If you

move OUT of the home, then there is a problem with SSI and with Medicaid.

From: Colombo <marleney2@...>

Subject: Re: Legal Question


Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 5:38 PM

From what I have learned, owning a home should not affect receiving SSI

benefits. The Social Security website is quite helpful.

Legal Question

We are considering purchasing a property with the intention of creating living

accomodation for our adult son outside of the home. Does anyone know if the

property can be in his name or his trust's name without losing his SSI and

Medicaid? We have a call in to our attorney, but am wondering if anyone has any

experience or already done this before we proceed.


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Just curious if you heard back from your attorney about the purchase of property

for your son?

As I said in an earlier post, according to our experts, Rubin and Sherri

Schneider, as long as your son lives in the house that you purchase, he can

own it and it will not be counted against his SSI and Medicaid.

But the house would be best put in his Special Needs Trust because if he happens

to move out of the residence there are legal ramifications for the property.

SSI and Medicaid may then be in jeopardy as the property is then considered

non-homestead property. If the house is in the SNT, those legal ramifications

do not exist.


Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Legal Question

We are considering purchasing a property with the intention of creating living

accomodation for our adult son outside of the home. Does anyone know if the

property can be in his name or his trust's name without losing his SSI and

Medicaid? We have a call in to our attorney, but am wondering if anyone has any

experience or already done this before we proceed.


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regarding the car...Joe Hen from Ohio, he and his wife had done some

fantastic supports for their daughter, but when it came to the care, the

Hens created a 501-C 3 and IT owned the car. Joe Hen said that way if

anyone wanted to sue due to an accident it would sue the 501 C 3, and it had

the assets of only the car. I thought that was pretty brilliant. Or as

Terry says let the micro board own the car. Cindi

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