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thoughts on baby formula

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hi! so i am due to give birth on sunday, the 4th (yay!). last time i had a crazy hard time breastfeeding - i just didn't produce enough milk to sustain lilah with. i now believe that the early introduction of cow's based formula was partly responsible for lilah's constipation (we used nestle goodstart). i want to have a back-up plan in case i don't produce enough milk again - i am thinking that this time - IF NEED BE - AND ONLY IF NEED BE - that we will use an organic SOY formula. obviously soy can be just as constipating as dairy - but that isn't the issue for newborns. the issue is that the early introduciton of cow's based formula deprives the gut in the future of the ability to break down dairy. anyway, i want to ask everyone their thoughts on this - if anyone has thought about this. thank you all so much for your opinions. dana

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do you have access to raw milk? it's what baby cows drink to fatten up and grow,

i'm thinking it would be good to use for a human baby. at least that's what a

friend of mine did who adopted a newborn since she wasn't able to produce milk

of her own.

---- Dana Hadl wrote:

hi! so i am due to give birth on sunday, the 4th (yay!). last time i had a

crazy hard time breastfeeding - i just didn't produce enough milk to sustain

lilah with. i now believe that the early introduction of cow's based

formula was partly responsible for lilah's constipation (we used nestle

goodstart). i want to have a back-up plan in case i don't produce enough

milk again - i am thinking that this time - IF NEED BE - AND ONLY IF NEED BE

- that we will use an organic SOY formula. obviously soy can be just as

constipating as dairy - but that isn't the issue for newborns. the issue is

that the early introduciton of cow's based formula deprives the gut in the

future of the ability to break down dairy. anyway, i want to ask everyone

their thoughts on this - if anyone has thought about this. thank you all so

much for your opinions. dana

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Hi Dana!


I'm so excited for you & can hardly believe baby is almost here! wow!

First - if you need any La Leche League support - I can connect you

with a women (a friend of mine who I think is now a LLL leader here in

my area) she could either help you in whatever way she can and/or

connect you with someone who's closer to you in proximity. I hope

things will go smoothly with both delivery & with breastfeeding - you

can do it!!

If you need to supplement, have you come across the Nourishing

Traditions cookbook by Sally Fallon? She has a couple homemade baby

formulas in there - one is raw milk based and the other is homemade

broth/liver based. She is not an advocate of soy. I have to say that

I am not a fan of soy either.

Keep us posted on baby's arrival!


> hi! so i am due to give birth on sunday, the 4th (yay!). last time

i had a

> crazy hard time breastfeeding - i just didn't produce enough milk to


> lilah with. i now believe that the early introduction of cow's based

> formula was partly responsible for lilah's constipation (we used nestle

> goodstart). i want to have a back-up plan in case i don't produce


> milk again - i am thinking that this time - IF NEED BE - AND ONLY IF


> - that we will use an organic SOY formula. obviously soy can be just as

> constipating as dairy - but that isn't the issue for newborns. the

issue is

> that the early introduciton of cow's based formula deprives the gut

in the

> future of the ability to break down dairy. anyway, i want to ask


> their thoughts on this - if anyone has thought about this. thank

you all so

> much for your opinions. dana


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Oberwies! There's way too much melamine coming up in the infant formuals and nobody policing it, even if it's made in the USA, now we have to worry about them getting the ingredients from China.................and overseas..........Oberwies milk is bovine growth hormone free, no antibiotic, or pesticides. There's also the Horizon organic milk..........research what to eat that helps produce milk before you give birth

Subject: thoughts on baby formulaTo: miralax Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 10:40 PM

hi! so i am due to give birth on sunday, the 4th (yay!). last time i had a crazy hard time breastfeeding - i just didn't produce enough milk to sustain lilah with. i now believe that the early introduction of cow's based formula was partly responsible for lilah's constipation (we used nestle goodstart). i want to have a back-up plan in case i don't produce enough milk again - i am thinking that this time - IF NEED BE - AND ONLY IF NEED BE - that we will use an organic SOY formula. obviously soy can be just as constipating as dairy - but that isn't the issue for newborns. the issue is that the early introduciton of cow's based formula deprives the gut in the future of the ability to break down dairy. anyway, i want to ask everyone their thoughts on this - if anyone has thought about this. thank you all so much for your opinions. dana

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kristin - thanks so much. i have a super fabulous lactation consultant who works out of the pump station in santa monica. we worked with her last time. i don't think i am going to be making my own formula, though it is a great idea! i just don't see it happening! i am taking 4 months off, but then back to this whole practicing law thing.... i do hope, though, that we don't need to supplement at all. my fingers are crossed.

and to answer your other email - lilah is now pooping on the potty EVERY DAY! i am in absolute shock. i am sort of anticipating some backward steps once we have the baby. but maybe not.... when she is home, she uses the little potty that is on the floor. sort of icky to have to clean - BUT WHO CARES - RIGHT? i guess it is easier for her to " push " when her feet are on the ground. when we are out, she uses big potties - we try to get her a stool - but she is having success even without something under her feet. i am so proud of her and so happy. the constipation seems to be under control. i did notice a big difference in the size of her poos when we started the goodbelly. she has one or two every day (costs a fortune - but right now i don't care) and they help give her " man size poops " as my husband says. it is so impressive. (and stinky!)

so happy birthday to owen - 4 is big! maybe this one will share a birthday with him?

happy new year!

Hi Dana!Hooray!I'm so excited for you & can hardly believe baby is almost here! wow!First - if you need any La Leche League support - I can connect youwith a women (a friend of mine who I think is now a LLL leader here in

my area) she could either help you in whatever way she can and/orconnect you with someone who's closer to you in proximity. I hopethings will go smoothly with both delivery & with breastfeeding - youcan do it!!

If you need to supplement, have you come across the NourishingTraditions cookbook by Sally Fallon? She has a couple homemade babyformulas in there - one is raw milk based and the other is homemadebroth/liver based. She is not an advocate of soy. I have to say that

I am not a fan of soy either.Keep us posted on baby's arrival! best, > hi! so i am due to give birth on sunday, the 4th (yay!). last timei had a> crazy hard time breastfeeding - i just didn't produce enough milk to

sustain> lilah with. i now believe that the early introduction of cow's based> formula was partly responsible for lilah's constipation (we used nestle> goodstart). i want to have a back-up plan in case i don't produce

enough> milk again - i am thinking that this time - IF NEED BE - AND ONLY IFNEED BE> - that we will use an organic SOY formula. obviously soy can be just as> constipating as dairy - but that isn't the issue for newborns. the

issue is> that the early introduciton of cow's based formula deprives the gutin the> future of the ability to break down dairy. anyway, i want to askeveryone> their thoughts on this - if anyone has thought about this. thank

you all so> much for your opinions. dana>

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