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Re: j. crow's 2% lugol's solution

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BJ, Do you know Buist? I know she knew this doctor and went on and got her NP license. She had thyroid cancer and had RAI, later regretting it. Here is some info on her: http://steppingstonesliving.com/ To: Thyroiditis Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:15 PM Subject: Re: j. crow's 2% lugol's solution

Hi Lois,

5-6 mgs of Lugols at 2% is 1 drop (1/2 Iodoral tab)

10-12 mgs Lugols at 2% is 2 drops (1 Iodoral tab)

15-18 mgs Lugols at 2% is 3 drops (1.5 Iodoral tabs)

20-24 mgs Lugols at 2% is 4 drops (2 Iodoral tabs)

30-36 mgs Lugols at 2% is 6 drops (3 Iodoral tabs)

12.5 mgs of Lugols at 5% is 1 drop (1 Iodoral tab)

25 mgs of Lugols at 5% is 2 drops (2 Iodoral tabs)

50 mgs of Lugols at 5% is 4 drops (4 Iodoral tabs) and so on.

Iodine aka Lugols will detox fluoride, bromine etc. This will cause bad symptoms in some people depending on the toxic levels in the body. Dr Brownstein suggests consuming 1/2 - 1.5 teaspoons of unrefined sea salt daily.

During the detox phrase I found drinking 1/2 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt (or other UNrefined sea salt) in 1/2 cup of water every 30-45 minutes during the bad detoxing greatly helped. Remember to immediately drink a full glass of water 12-16 ozs after you drink the sea salt. Do this every time. NOt fun, I know, but it really works.

I have never taken the 50-100 mgs that Dr Brownstein recommends. In fact, I believe the amount of iodine a person needs is highly individualized, even Dr Brownstein stresses that. I increased my Iodoral very slowly and found that one tablet really helps but anything above that I feel is too much. This could an area in which people in general and, of course, Hashis get into trouble with supplementing with too high a dose of Iodoral or Lugol's.

My biochemist doc made this very clear to me and told me that I must begin with small amounts and gradually increase over time. He said that some patients only need a half of one pill while others can take up to 4 or more. He had me SLOWLY increase until I felt awful and then had me go back to where I felt great, which was at one tablet. I have stayed at that amount since, that was over six years ago.

I do NOT suggest increases more often than bi-weekly. The body needs time to adjust.

Also, research by Dr. Brownstein says that if we add vitamins B2 (100 mgs) and B3 (500 mgs) into our daily vitamin regiment we will likely see even better results with the oxidation and organification of iodine.

For poor Adrenal health supplement with 2,000 mgs Vitamin C, 200-400 mgs Magnesium, 200 mcgs of selenium and, of course, a 1/2 teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt. And drink plenty of water. Consider an Adrenal glandular and liver detoxifier such as milk thistle, if needed.

Note: I still consume all these vitamins and minerals everyday with my Iodoral.

Good luck!





> can anyone advise me on the dosage of lugol's that's advised for hashimoto's?


> i ordered a bottle of j. crow's 2% solution from swansonvitamins.com.


> it has no directions on the bottle and i don't recall if dr haskill recommended a dosage.


> there are many different suggestions on google.


> so that i don't have to watch all of his videos again to make sure, i'd appreciate it anyone who knows would be kind enough to share the correct dosage. thanx lois


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hi BJ,

wow! i didn't expect such an accurate graph. can't thank you enough. i

must research your ioderol as well. i am amazed at how you can keep track of

all of this technical stuff. you must be a genious. good thing too that you

are able to do all this for your more serious condition. and good thing for all

of us to be able to benefit from your knowledge. Be Well and thanx again! lois

> >

> >

> > can anyone advise me on the dosage of lugol's that's advised for


> >

> > i ordered a bottle of j. crow's 2% solution from swansonvitamins.com.

> >

> > it has no directions on the bottle and i don't recall if dr haskill

recommended a dosage.

> >

> > there are many different suggestions on google.

> >

> > so that i don't have to watch all of his videos again to make sure, i'd

appreciate it anyone who knows would be kind enough to share the correct

dosage. thanx lois

> >


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Hi Lois,

Thank you for the kind words. I do NOT believe that I have a more serious

thyroid condition than anyone else. However, my daughter does having both

Graves' and Hashis.

I should explain that TSH is the marker that doctors use to assess thyroid

function - the only problem is, it does NOT work! Just last year a study proved

what many critically thinking physicians knew all along, that TSH is NOT

relevant most of the time. When will main stream doctors get a clue?

I will add that vitamin A can be very helpful when taking iodine along with the

previously mentioned supplements - vitamins B2, B3, C, magnesium, selenium, and

sea salt.

Vitamin A aids in efficient absorption of nutrients by strengthening the lining

of the digestive tract. Along with vitamins C and E, Vitamin A strengthens the

immune system and therefore makes the body more resilient to infection from

parasites and yeast overgrowth according to Burton Golberg, author of

Alternative Medicine. Vitamin A is also necessary for the production of

thyroxin (T4) and helps the thyroid to absorb iodine.

Also, hopefully your doctor has tested for adrenal fatigue and heavy metals.

These impairments should be addressed at the same time and often before

supplementing with iodine for a good outcome. My doctor fixed my AF before he

would allow me start Iodoral.

Additionally, I used a product with Humifulvate in it, Complete Metal Cleanse,

by Enzymatic Therapy for heavy metal detoxing. And for AF, I was on HC (Cortef)

for two years before starting the Iodoral. And, of course, I made necessary

dietary changes and replenished minerals and vitamins etc.

I would encourage you to find out your Adrenal status if you have NOT done so

already. To find out do 4x daily saliva test to know if you are hypo/hyper

cortisol and what you need to do to manage it. There are numerous stages of AF

and you can be in any of them - the protocol and management is specific to the

stage you are in - it is NOT a one-size-fits-all scenario.

We need our adrenals in top order to be able to shuttle the T3 into cells. If we

are lacking natural cortisol then T3 will have a very difficult time -sometimes

unable- to get into the cells. This will end up in lower metabolism as well and

often manifesting into hypoglycemia. Thyroid and adrenals are joined at the hip

where adrenals are priority over thyroid in treating the combo condition.

I believe the route of most adrenal fatigue is caused by the food that is

consumed. My adrenal fatigue is mostly gone. It was caused by food intolerances:

MSG, aspartame, corn, gluten... these are in most everything. I also have issues

with some shell fish, which I stay clear of. Food allergen testing has helped

tremendously, too.



> > >

> > >

> > > can anyone advise me on the dosage of lugol's that's advised for


> > >

> > > i ordered a bottle of j. crow's 2% solution from swansonvitamins.com.

> > >

> > > it has no directions on the bottle and i don't recall if dr haskill

recommended a dosage.

> > >

> > > there are many different suggestions on google.

> > >

> > > so that i don't have to watch all of his videos again to make sure, i'd

appreciate it anyone who knows would be kind enough to share the correct

dosage. thanx lois

> > >

> >


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Hi ,

Thanks for the link, however, my computer will NOT allow me access to that

webpage. Possibly, she is the one that runs the iodine group. If so, I have

seen some of her posts at various groups. Mostly, I have just read Dr

Brownstein's books, his blog and literature from many other researchers.

A quick list from memory among the doctors who recommend substantially higher

amounts of iodine than the RDA (that is besides Dr Brownstein) are Dr

Flechas, Dr Guy Abraham, Dr Mark Starr, Dr Garry Gordon and Dr

Schachter. Also, my research on iodine and health in general extends to some

other docs, researchers and writers such as Sheldon Hendler, Earl Mindell, Elson

Haas, Balch, Selene Yeager, Tierra, Yance Jr, Henry

Pasternak, Null, Burton Goldberg, Anne Colbin, Mowrey, and Mark

Sircus etc.



> >

> >

> > can anyone advise me on the dosage of lugol's that's advised for


> >

> > i ordered a bottle of j. crow's 2% solution from swansonvitamins.com.

> >

> > it has no directions on the bottle and i don't recall if dr haskill

recommended a dosage.

> >

> > there are many different suggestions on google.

> >

> > so that i don't have to watch all of his videos again to make sure, i'd

appreciate it anyone who knows would be kind enough to share the correct

dosage. thanx lois

> >


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Hi Lois,

Why were you getting kenalog injections? Acne?

You can get adrenal stress saliva tests without a doctor's Rx online. You order and pay for it via a credit card, they send you the kit, you spit into tubes, then mail it back to the lab and then you get results a couple weeks later.

Other patients say that Canary Club is the cheapest. The testing is done by ZRT labs, but cheaper if ordered via Canary Club. There are other labs such as:http://www.hormonesalivatest.org/adrenals.html http://www.johnleemd.com/store/prod_stest.html http://www.optimalhealthnetwork.com/ http://www.nutritionallyyours.net/store/

Just be sure to check them out as I do NOT know anything about them. Hopefully, one may be a viable option.

As for me, my saliva tests were orders via my doctor. I have used Diagnos-Techs and Genova Diagnostics; both labs have a list of practitioner s they will work with.

http://www.diagnostechs.com/Pages/AdrenalStressIndex.aspx Click on provider overview for more details.


My doctor, also, always tests my DHEA (ZRT does NOT do this), female sex hormones (3 estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone) and melatonin along with cortisol 4X within 24 hours. D-T labs include testing for glucose/insulin handling and IgA/SIgA and gluten in their Adrenal Stress panel.

If you are interested in testing from D-T, you can do it via this website.http://www.integrativepsychiatry.net/adrenal_stress_index.html


> > > > >> > > > > > > > > > can anyone advise me on the dosage of lugol's that's advised for hashimoto's?> > > > > > > > > > i ordered a bottle of j. crow's 2% solution from swansonvitamins.com.> > > > > > > > > > it has no directions on the bottle and i don't recall if dr haskill recommended a dosage. > > > > > > > > > > there are many different suggestions on google. > > > > > > > > > > so that i don't have to watch all of his videos again to make sure, i'd appreciate it anyone who knows would be kind enough to share the correct dosage. thanx lois> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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hi again BJ,

i was getting epidural injections for back pain. the pain manager used

kenalog. it didn't agree with me from the first shot. i became very anxious

and paranoid. i told him, but he just ignored me. the shots continued

every 2 weeks for 3 injections followed 2 weeks later by a forth injection for a


by the 3rd injection, my face was swollen and i was a mess. when i went for

the nucleoplasty i told the doc pre procedure, that i was allergic to the

kenalog and asked him to use something else. he said he couldn't do the

procedure without it, so i said ok.

after that, i had a reaction that was incredible. my whole face was blown up,

my feet were like high pound cakes, etc, etc. that's when i got on the

internet and realized that not only was i not reacting well to kenalog, but

that i had received way too much of it. steroid injections should only be

done no more than 2 or 3 times, 2 to 3 wks apart, once or twice a year (i

was given 4 injections 2 wks apart, with a higher dose the 4th time). i went

to his office and his " brilliant " nurse said that my problem was that i needed

to get back to work.

i went to my pc and told him what i read and he checked my cortisol and it was 0

so he sent me to an endo.

post procedure for the following 2 weeks i was the person i had dreamed of

being; a veritable martha stewart. i did everything i always wanted to do.

cleaned our all my drawers and closets, etc. no more procrastination. it was

amazing. after 2 weeks i took a deep dive and spent the next 3 to 4 mos in

bed. lois

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > can anyone advise me on the dosage of lugol's that's advised

> for hashimoto's?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i ordered a bottle of j. crow's 2% solution from

> swansonvitamins.com.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > it has no directions on the bottle and i don't recall if dr

> haskill recommended a dosage.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > there are many different suggestions on google.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > so that i don't have to watch all of his videos again to make

> sure, i'd appreciate it anyone who knows would be kind enough to share

> the correct dosage. thanx lois

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

Glad I could help! Just a quick word of caution though as I believe it is best

to test. Both HIGH and LOW cortisol has many overlapping symptoms. I have read

about way too many patients that were treated for low cortisol when in fact they

had high cortisol.

Please be careful!


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > can anyone advise me on the dosage of lugol's that's advised for


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > i ordered a bottle of j. crow's 2% solution from


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > it has no directions on the bottle and i don't recall if dr

haskill recommended a dosage.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > there are many different suggestions on google.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > so that i don't have to watch all of his videos again to make

sure, i'd appreciate it anyone who knows would be kind enough to share the

correct dosage. thanx lois

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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