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I am new to this group. My 6 yr old daughter ended up in the ER

w/serious stomach pains...the results were compacted/constipation. She

goes to the bathroom daily-if not more so I was shocked. They had her

take Milk of Magnesia (we did almost the entire bottle with nothing to

show) and then we did an enema which emptied a little..we also did

prunes, prune juice, beans, lots of water, and then some little gentle

tummies laxative stuff. After all of this, she continued to have pain

so we followed up with the Dr. and they put her on miralax. I gave her

ONE dose yesterday and then went online to research it...(yea-kind of

backwards I know.) I came across an article that led me to this group.

I joined and we will not be doing any more miralax. My daughter is

also GFCFSFSF and a million other allergies and also has SPD. Clearly

we are very careful about what she eats and puts into her body. So we

are looking into why my daughter is having these issues and what I am

supposed to do about it now. I don't know HOW to get everything out of

her or WHY she is even constipated. She has been on the GFCF (And more

diet) for about a year now.

Thanks for any help or suggestions,

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Welcome! You know it really amazes me that they handle a problem that probably took days or weeks to occur, and try to handle it in a couple of hours at the hospital? This is why ex-lax states, over night relief!

Everyone has stool in there! They tend to look at an ex-ray and say, "look there's stool" Yea! there's stool, it's the colon? I would tend to think her tummy pain is probably from something she ate? I've had tummy pain that I ended up in the ER with and it was diagnosed as gastritis, which in lay terms is a tummy bug, or bad bacteria that was eaten, i.e. food borne illness....................although, if she's been on an antibiotic lately?, this can be the culprit. Where abouts in the tummy was it hurting?

They aren't aware of the side affects Miralax causes because they don't have time to submit about the drugs they are giving because they are too busy making too much money!

I'm sooo against Miralax and I did take the time to look, and I'll show you why..........................read, really read the FDA adverse reactions, you need to scroll from left to right to see the dose, age, etc.


Go with your gut..........don't give your child a medication that's made up of a string of EG ethylene glycol (Antifreeze) molecules................good thing you found us! There are children that have died and the FDA isn't doing a darn thing about it................. even though I've petitioned them twice!


Subject: New to GroupTo: miralax Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:43 PM

Hello,I am new to this group. My 6 yr old daughter ended up in the ERw/serious stomach pains...the results were compacted/constipat ion. Shegoes to the bathroom daily-if not more so I was shocked. They had hertake Milk of Magnesia (we did almost the entire bottle with nothing toshow) and then we did an enema which emptied a little..we also didprunes, prune juice, beans, lots of water, and then some little gentletummies laxative stuff. After all of this, she continued to have painso we followed up with the Dr. and they put her on miralax. I gave herONE dose yesterday and then went online to research it...(yea-kind ofbackwards I know.) I came across an article that led me to this group.I joined and we will not be doing any more miralax. My daughter isalso GFCFSFSF and a million other allergies and also has SPD. Clearlywe are very careful about what she eats and puts into her body. So weare

looking into why my daughter is having these issues and what I amsupposed to do about it now. I don't know HOW to get everything out ofher or WHY she is even constipated. She has been on the GFCF (And morediet) for about a year now. Thanks for any help or suggestions,

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Thank you Jeanie for the info and thoughts on our situation.

So-My daughter had been complaining of stomach pains on and off for

months-actually through the last year….but I kind of chalked it off…would

tell her to drink more water….(she never drinks water I don’t know

why!) and when she would poop she always seemed to feel better….sometimes

I would tell her to go…etc. Anyway-she would complain of her sides

hurting and that they would feel better after going to the bathroom. We ended

up in the ER b/c she was on the floor in pain and complaining of her stomach

hurting around her belly button. I was worried about anything

else-appendix-etc. so to rule that out we went in. They suggested MoM….she

took it and nothing….a little watery bm…then I did the enema which gave

more water bm and a million other things to try and get her going MORE-she

already goes daily so it never occurred to me she could be backed up….they

said if her stomach pains did not clear up-to follow up with the Ped. So about

a week later I did b/c it was still not going away….that is when we went

in to the Ped. the day after Christmas and they said-oh-very common-take

Miralax for 1 mnth. and clean her out good- but after one dose and some

research I knew we could not do anymore miralax.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about my daughter’s

stomach pains-they come and go all day for months-sometimes it is so bad (just

recently) she can’t sleep at night-we took her in b/c she was on the

floor in pain-she poops daily but the ER Dr said it was compacted-she has had

yeast in her gut in the past (although I think we got it taken care of) and as

an infant/toddler she had a major distended belly (which I attribute to yeast) as

well as GERD and she is now GFCFSFSF for over a year. Often after she poops,

she will say her sides feel better but when she is having the horrible stomach

pains, she complains it is her naval/around her belly button area so I am

guessing after she goes, she feels some relief everywhere. Also-her stomach

pains come on immediately after eating-she can eat raw non dairy vegan ice

cream and get stomach pains from 2 bites…..and she always has a bm right

after a meal which made me think if she was compacted, only what was right at

the end was emptying? She is not and has not been on any med’s for years…

I am so new to all of this. I have been reading up on the links

and miralax files-I have no problem not using it but just in case my daughter

really is compacted-I want to find the best route to help her and understand

why this is happening to her. Because it has been going on for so long, I don’t

think it is a bug. Any thoughts?

Thanks so much,



miralax [mailto:miralax ] On Behalf Of jeanie


Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 4:43 PM

To: miralax

Subject: Re: New to Group


Welcome! You know it really amazes me that they handle a

problem that probably took days or weeks to occur, and try to handle it in a

couple of hours at the hospital? This is why ex-lax states, over night


Everyone has stool in there! They tend to look at an

ex-ray and say, " look there's stool " Yea! there's stool, it's the

colon? I would tend to think her tummy pain is probably from something she

ate? I've had tummy pain that I ended up in the ER with and it was diagnosed

as gastritis, which in lay terms is a tummy bug, or bad bacteria that was

eaten, i.e. food borne illness....................although, if she's been on

an antibiotic lately?, this can be the culprit. Where abouts in the tummy was

it hurting?

They aren't aware of the side affects Miralax causes

because they don't have time to submit about the drugs they are giving

because they are too busy making too much money!

I'm sooo against Miralax and I did take the time to look,

and I'll show you why..........................read, really read the FDA

adverse reactions, you need to scroll from left to right to see the dose,

age, etc.


Go with your gut..........don't give your child a

medication that's made up of a string of EG ethylene glycol (Antifreeze)

molecules................good thing you found us! There are children that

have died and the FDA isn't doing a darn thing about it................. even

though I've petitioned them twice!


From: momof2hrts

Subject: New to Group

To: miralax

Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:43 PM


I am new to this group. My 6 yr old daughter ended up in the ER

w/serious stomach pains...the results were compacted/constipat ion. She

goes to the bathroom daily-if not more so I was shocked. They had her

take Milk of Magnesia (we did almost the entire bottle with nothing to

show) and then we did an enema which emptied a little..we also did

prunes, prune juice, beans, lots of water, and then some little gentle

tummies laxative stuff. After all of this, she continued to have pain

so we followed up with the Dr. and they put her on miralax. I gave her

ONE dose yesterday and then went online to research it...(yea-kind of

backwards I know.) I came across an article that led me to this group.

I joined and we will not be doing any more miralax. My daughter is

also GFCFSFSF and a million other allergies and also has SPD. Clearly

we are very careful about what she eats and puts into her body. So we

are looking into why my daughter is having these issues and what I am

supposed to do about it now. I don't know HOW to get everything out of

her or WHY she is even constipated. She has been on the GFCF (And more

diet) for about a year now.

Thanks for any help or suggestions,

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If she goes right after a meal on a normal basis, then no, this would not be impacted or backed up...............If it's been going on this long, then no it's probably not a bug..............With her being on a vegan diet complicates things a bit because I don't know what her normal diet is? Is there anything you can think of in the last year, when this started that you introduced? different bread? Milk? Something is clearly bothering her...........

Sounds like her tummy is having a hard time digesting something? What's in this non-dairy Ice cream? If that's when it happens........... that's what it is..............discontinue what's in that product completely and see if it goes away.................I was addicted to French Vanilla Coffee Mate Non-Daily creamer, it makes the best cup of coffee, but later found out, it was the coffee mate that was making me feel dizzy through-out the day..................here's what to go by:

What did I eat right before the onset?

Keep a diary of what is eaten and when it happens..........

What did I change? as far as introducing new foods.............

When I hear nondairy........... it screams poly sorbate 80, a bad chemical


From: momof2hrts <doanlawroadrunner (DOT) com>Subject: New to GroupTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:43 PM

Hello,I am new to this group. My 6 yr old daughter ended up in the ERw/serious stomach pains...the results were compacted/constipat ion. Shegoes to the bathroom daily-if not more so I was shocked. They had hertake Milk of Magnesia (we did almost the entire bottle with nothing toshow) and then we did an enema which emptied a little..we also didprunes, prune juice, beans, lots of water, and then some little gentletummies laxative stuff. After all of this, she continued to have painso we followed up with the Dr. and they put her on miralax. I gave herONE dose yesterday and then went online to research it...(yea-kind ofbackwards I know.) I came across an article that led me to this group.I joined and we will not be doing any more miralax. My daughter isalso GFCFSFSF and a million other allergies and also has SPD. Clearlywe are very careful about what she eats and puts into her body.

So weare looking into why my daughter is having these issues and what I amsupposed to do about it now. I don't know HOW to get everything out ofher or WHY she is even constipated. She has been on the GFCF (And morediet) for about a year now. Thanks for any help or suggestions,

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Ok I will look into this….she is not taking/eating anything

not natural but she is gluten/casein, sugar and soy free. The only sweeteners

she eats are agave and stevia instead of sugar but nothing else and she can’t

really eat anything that is processed b/c it is hard to find anything free of

all of the things it needs to be free of so mostly fresh fruits/veggies/meats/etc.…..The

non dairy ice cream is all natural-coconut, agave, I can’t think-like 5

or 6 ingredients….it is a raw organic ice cream with simple ingredients.

I will look into keeping a food diary. I guess I just feel

confused about why he said she was compacted? She had even pooped right before

we went to the ER. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything.

Thanks so much J


miralax [mailto:miralax ] On Behalf Of jeanie


Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 6:37 PM

To: miralax

Subject: RE: New to Group

If she goes right after a meal on a normal basis, then no,

this would not be impacted or backed up...............If it's been going on

this long, then no it's probably not a bug..............With her being on a

vegan diet complicates things a bit because I don't know what her normal diet

is? Is there anything you can think of in the last year, when this started

that you introduced? different bread? Milk? Something is clearly bothering


Sounds like her tummy is having a hard time digesting

something? What's in this non-dairy Ice cream? If that's when it

happens........... that's what it is..............discontinue what's in that

product completely and see if it goes away.................I was addicted to

French Vanilla Coffee Mate Non-Daily creamer, it makes the best cup of coffee,

but later found out, it was the coffee mate that was making me feel dizzy

through-out the day..................here's what to go by:

What did I eat right before the onset?

Keep a diary of what is eaten and when it happens..........

What did I change? as far as introducing new foods.............

When I hear nondairy........... it screams poly sorbate

80, a bad chemical


From: momof2hrts <doanlawroadrunner (DOT) com>

Subject: New to Group

To: miralax@yahoogroups .com

Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:43 PM


I am new to this group. My 6 yr old daughter ended up in the ER

w/serious stomach pains...the results were compacted/constipat ion. She

goes to the bathroom daily-if not more so I was shocked. They had her

take Milk of Magnesia (we did almost the entire bottle with nothing to

show) and then we did an enema which emptied a little..we also did

prunes, prune juice, beans, lots of water, and then some little gentle

tummies laxative stuff. After all of this, she continued to have pain

so we followed up with the Dr. and they put her on miralax. I gave her

ONE dose yesterday and then went online to research it...(yea-kind of

backwards I know.) I came across an article that led me to this group.

I joined and we will not be doing any more miralax. My daughter is

also GFCFSFSF and a million other allergies and also has SPD. Clearly

we are very careful about what she eats and puts into her body. So we

are looking into why my daughter is having these issues and what I am

supposed to do about it now. I don't know HOW to get everything out of

her or WHY she is even constipated. She has been on the GFCF (And more

diet) for about a year now.

Thanks for any help or suggestions,

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Have you considered getting a second opinion regarding the impaction?

Perhaps her gut is in a state of dysbiosis - an imbalance in the

natural gut flora. Coconut milk (and coconut oil) has some natural

antifungal activity and, while very good for people generally, can

cause yeast " die off " issues for some people with candida overgrowth.

Maybe she has trouble with something else in her diet (I know, you've

been trying and restricting a lot this past year - it truly can be a

mystery!). Have you considered trying the SCD (specific carbohydrate

diet) or paleo diet? Some people have a really hard time with grains

in general and perhaps when she went GF (and all her other

restrictions), she started getting more rice, corn, or other grain

that is also bothersome to her. My boys and I are

GF/CF/Soy-free/egg-free and generally corn-free. But, as we tried out

different " GF " flours and grains, we found we cannot do sorghum,

quinoa, or millet. We also get a great deal of distress from the bean

flours (e.g., garbanzo, fava). (We can eat properly soaked and

prepared beans - and I've never tried soaking the bean flour or

soaking beans and making my own flour.)

Maybe your DD is having trouble with one of the GF grains? We ended

up being essentially grain-free for a while and slowly trying one " GF "

grain/flour at a time.

Even with our dietary restrictions (which were an amazing

improvement!), my DS#1 (4 yrs) still needs 500mg magnesium and about

500mg vitamin C every day to keep him going *almost* daily. We also

do a mineral supplement for children (with zinc, iodine, selenium, and

a few other minerals in amounts appropriate for children). We keep

working on reintroducing probiotics, but are having to go slowly on

this one - he used to tolerate big doses just fine, but for some

reason (suspecting yeast) he's having a hard time with them these days.

What really got my DS#1 headed down the poop-almost-every-day-path was

(in addition to GF/CF/EF/SF/corn-free) being grain-free (then slowly

adding in one GF grain at a time to see how he reacted), magnesium (we

currently use a capsule form of magnesium supplement, but initially

used MOM, then mag citrate powder from Kirkman lab) and vitamin C.

We've also used senna (e.g., Senokot) during tough patches. We tried

aloe vera juice - others here seem to have more success with that than

my son did.

Epsom salt baths and baking soda baths also really made a difference

in the beginning and now whenever we have a dietary mishap.

You can try checking her urine and saliva pH - my DS#1's pH is always

out of whack after a dietary infraction - that sets him on a path to

painful poops and crystals in urine (seemingly an oxalate dump-like

phase) and keeping his pH in check really helps during those times.

(baking soda & salt in water to drink (away from meals) can help in

addition to the baking soda in the bath).

Hang in there! You're doing a great job trying to figure all this out

& I know how hard these dietary restrictions can be! You'll get to

the right combination of dietary interventions and supplements at some

point - just have to hang in there!!



> From: momof2hrts <doanlawroadrunner (DOT) com>

> Subject: New to Group

> To: miralax@yahoogroups .com

> Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:43 PM


> Hello,


> I am new to this group. My 6 yr old daughter ended up in the ER

> w/serious stomach pains...the results were compacted/constipat ion. She

> goes to the bathroom daily-if not more so I was shocked. They had her

> take Milk of Magnesia (we did almost the entire bottle with nothing to

> show) and then we did an enema which emptied a little..we also did

> prunes, prune juice, beans, lots of water, and then some little gentle

> tummies laxative stuff. After all of this, she continued to have pain

> so we followed up with the Dr. and they put her on miralax. I gave her

> ONE dose yesterday and then went online to research it...(yea-kind of

> backwards I know.) I came across an article that led me to this group.

> I joined and we will not be doing any more miralax. My daughter is

> also GFCFSFSF and a million other allergies and also has SPD. Clearly

> we are very careful about what she eats and puts into her body. So we

> are looking into why my daughter is having these issues and what I am

> supposed to do about it now. I don't know HOW to get everything out of

> her or WHY she is even constipated. She has been on the GFCF (And more

> diet) for about a year now.


> Thanks for any help or suggestions,




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Have she tried digestive enzymes? My 'aha' moment was when my son

seemed to do so much better when he was having quite a bit of

pineapple. He takes Kirkman EnzymComplete with DPP-IV, although I

have tried other brands too.

2nd thought is gall bladder problems -- and for that I'd suggest

Herb Pharm Healthy Liver Tonic

http://www.iherb.com/ProductDetails.aspx?pid=5189289662434911809 & at=0

Other thought -- I have a friend whose daughter had a twist or kink

in her small intestine that caused a ton of pain -- sounds similar

to your daughter's reaction. However if it that is the situation

they would have seen it on the xray



Other than that you have me stumped!



> From: momof2hrts <doanlawroadrunner (DOT) com>

> Subject: New to Group

> To: miralax@yahoogroups .com

> Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 1:43 PM


> Hello,


> I am new to this group. My 6 yr old daughter ended up in the ER

> w/serious stomach pains...the results were compacted/constipat

ion. She

> goes to the bathroom daily-if not more so I was shocked. They had


> take Milk of Magnesia (we did almost the entire bottle with

nothing to

> show) and then we did an enema which emptied a little..we also did

> prunes, prune juice, beans, lots of water, and then some little


> tummies laxative stuff. After all of this, she continued to have


> so we followed up with the Dr. and they put her on miralax. I gave


> ONE dose yesterday and then went online to research it...(yea-kind


> backwards I know.) I came across an article that led me to this


> I joined and we will not be doing any more miralax. My daughter is

> also GFCFSFSF and a million other allergies and also has SPD.


> we are very careful about what she eats and puts into her body. So


> are looking into why my daughter is having these issues and what I


> supposed to do about it now. I don't know HOW to get everything

out of

> her or WHY she is even constipated. She has been on the GFCF (And


> diet) for about a year now.


> Thanks for any help or suggestions,




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But we haven't vaccinated except 2 doses of DtAP for oldest, we found out about


intolerances early, they were breastfed, no interventions used to get pregnant,


interventions at birth (youngest was born at home),never used Miralax, oldest


had one round of antibiotics - youngest has never had them (except during birth

for both

boys - even the home birth), etc. etc. I feel lucky to have followed intuition

and instincts

on many of these things - esp vaccination (I had to really convince my DH that

after the

two doses of DtAP we couldn't do any more). Am glad I did. I don't know *If*


would've turned out differently for my children but I feel fortunate to not


I have a suspicion that (mild) Aspergers runs in my family - but none of us has



> >

> > ,

> >

> >

> >

> > Where would you go for a 2nd opinion and do you say that b/c you think it is

> > probably sounding like it is " not " impaction? It has been suggested possibly

> > her previous GERD could be a cause to the problems now as well?

> >

> >

> >

> > I did a yeast die off program a while back-almost a year ago to rid her of

> > yeast w/probiotics and grapefruit seed extract-but that was over a year ago.

> > I wonder if we are still dealing w/yeast issues. I wouldn't be surprised as

> > she eats a lot of fruit.

> >

> >

> >

> > I have heard of but don't know much about the SCD or paleo diets so thank

> > you, I will look into this. She does a lot of rice-probably too much and

> > literally none of the grains although I am ready to start introducing some

> > stuff slowly it seems I might have to wait to figure this out first. Because

> > she showed so many intolerances, we removed the majority of stuff to work

> > things back in slowly, one at a time.. Same with many of the bean

> > flours.although she does eat a ton of legumes which I have heard can also

> > cause constipation- seems so ironic!

> >

> >

> >

> > Have YOU tried the Dianne Craft Program-The biology of behavior? She has a

> > supplement program in a specific order to help yeast die off and get things

> > back into the diet right. You might look into this J She suggests many of

> > these same supplements, but in a different order for different reasons

> > thinking that until certain things are under control, other things won't be

> > able to do their job as well? We are def. going to be getting my daughter

> > more supplements after today.

> >

> > http://www.diannecr aft.com/

> >

> > How do you check urine and saliva PH? I have not heard of this.

> >

> > Thank you so much! I really appreciate what everyone has suggested here.

> > Lots of great advice and thought. When did eating and pooping become so

> > complicated? Seriously!!! I have a lot of research and ordering to do today!

> >

> > Thanks Again!!!

> >

> >

> >

> > From: miralax@yahoogroups .com [mailto:miralax@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf


> > littlelief

> > Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:25 PM

> > To: miralax@yahoogroups .com

> > Subject: Re: New to Group

> >

> >

> >

> > <snip>

> >

> > Have you considered getting a second opinion regarding the impaction?

> >

> > Perhaps her gut is in a state of dysbiosis - an imbalance in the

> > natural gut flora. Coconut milk (and coconut oil) has some natural

> > antifungal activity and, while very good for people generally, can

> > cause yeast " die off " issues for some people with candida overgrowth.

> >

> > Have you considered trying the SCD (specific carbohydrate

> > diet) or paleo diet? Some people have a really hard time with grains

> > in general and perhaps when she went GF (and all her other

> > restrictions) , she started getting more rice, corn, or other grain

> > that is also bothersome to her.

> >

> >

> >

> > Even with our dietary restrictions (which were an amazing

> > improvement! ), my DS#1 (4 yrs) still needs 500mg magnesium and about

> > 500mg vitamin C every day to keep him going *almost* daily. We also

> > do a mineral supplement for children (with zinc, iodine, selenium, and

> > a few other minerals in amounts appropriate for children). We keep

> > working on reintroducing probiotics, but are having to go slowly on

> > this one - he used to tolerate big doses just fine, but for some

> > reason (suspecting yeast) he's having a hard time with them these days.

> >

> >

> > You can try checking her urine and saliva pH - my DS#1's pH is always

> > out of whack after a dietary infraction

> >


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yeah, Dtap seems to be the culprit in MANY constipation problems.................I wonder if there's an antidote for it to fix what it did?

Subject: Re: New to GroupTo: miralax Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 8:06 PM

No.But we haven't vaccinated except 2 doses of DtAP for oldest, we found out about food intolerances early, they were breastfed, no interventions used to get pregnant, few interventions at birth (youngest was born at home),never used Miralax, oldest only had one round of antibiotics - youngest has never had them (except during birth for both boys - even the home birth), etc. etc. I feel lucky to have followed intuition and instincts on many of these things - esp vaccination (I had to really convince my DH that after the two doses of DtAP we couldn't do any more). Am glad I did. I don't know *If* things would've turned out differently for my children but I feel fortunate to not wonder.I have a suspicion that (mild) Aspergers runs in my family - but none of us has been diagnosed. > >> > ,> > > > > > > > Where would you go for a 2nd opinion and do you say that b/c you think it is> > probably sounding like it is "not" impaction? It has been suggested possibly> > her previous GERD could be a cause to the problems now as well? > > > > > > > > I did a yeast die off program a while back-almost a year ago to rid her of> > yeast w/probiotics and grapefruit seed extract-but that was over a year ago.> > I wonder if we are still dealing w/yeast issues. I wouldn't be surprised as> > she eats a lot of fruit.> > > > >

> > > I have heard of but don't know much about the SCD or paleo diets so thank> > you, I will look into this. She does a lot of rice-probably too much and> > literally none of the grains although I am ready to start introducing some> > stuff slowly it seems I might have to wait to figure this out first. Because> > she showed so many intolerances, we removed the majority of stuff to work> > things back in slowly, one at a time.. Same with many of the bean> > flours.although she does eat a ton of legumes which I have heard can also> > cause constipation- seems so ironic!> > > > > > > > Have YOU tried the Dianne Craft Program-The biology of behavior? She has a> > supplement program in a specific order to help yeast die off and get things> > back into the diet right. You might look into this J She suggests many

of> > these same supplements, but in a different order for different reasons> > thinking that until certain things are under control, other things won't be> > able to do their job as well? We are def. going to be getting my daughter> > more supplements after today. > > > > http://www.diannecr aft.com/> > > > How do you check urine and saliva PH? I have not heard of this. > > > > Thank you so much! I really appreciate what everyone has suggested here.> > Lots of great advice and thought. When did eating and pooping become so> > complicated? Seriously!!! I have a lot of research and ordering to do today!> > > > Thanks Again!!!> > > > > > > > From: miralax@yahoogroups .com [mailto:miralax@ yahoogroups .com] On

Behalf Of> > littlelief> > Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:25 PM> > To: miralax@yahoogroups .com> > Subject: Re: New to Group> > > > > > > > <snip>> > > > Have you considered getting a second opinion regarding the impaction? > > > > Perhaps her gut is in a state of dysbiosis - an imbalance in the> > natural gut flora. Coconut milk (and coconut oil) has some natural> > antifungal activity and, while very good for people generally, can> > cause yeast "die off" issues for some people with candida overgrowth.> > > > Have you considered trying the SCD (specific carbohydrate> > diet) or paleo diet? Some people have a really hard time with grains> > in general and perhaps when she went GF (and all her other> > restrictions) , she started getting

more rice, corn, or other grain> > that is also bothersome to her. > > > > > > > > Even with our dietary restrictions (which were an amazing> > improvement! ), my DS#1 (4 yrs) still needs 500mg magnesium and about> > 500mg vitamin C every day to keep him going *almost* daily. We also> > do a mineral supplement for children (with zinc, iodine, selenium, and> > a few other minerals in amounts appropriate for children). We keep> > working on reintroducing probiotics, but are having to go slowly on> > this one - he used to tolerate big doses just fine, but for some> > reason (suspecting yeast) he's having a hard time with them these days.> > > > > > You can try checking her urine and saliva pH - my DS#1's pH is always> > out of whack after a dietary infraction>


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