Guest guest Posted April 10, 2012 Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 thanks Bj. I started GF 2 weeks ago but only the obvious gluten (bread, pasta, snacks, etc) and got discouraged as I felt no different in 2 weeks)so caved in one night when I was starving. I am intimidated by all the hidden glutens. Again if it were only me I think I could manage but I have an 8 and 9 year old who live on carbs. The 9 year old has a very limited palate and perhaps would benefit from GF too but no support from DH on that unless I 'prove' it helps me. DH is providing support by being silent but he would never give up carbs. We do like going out to eat and i am unsure if restaurant employees are that knowledgeable on either what hidden glutens are and whether they are in the foods at the restaurant. Some chains are better at this but we love ethnic restaurants too. I also read about cross contamination and get concerned about others' kitchens where I have no control or oversight. I am also embarrased to sound like a freak when ordering if I have to ask 100 questions? How do you manage? Do you have a master list acceptable or unnacceptable products? Do you ever make a mistake or cheat? Do you go out to eat (restaurants or friends) and how do you do that? GF sounds like it is an all or nothing prospect which is also intimidating to me. I also have become very insecure about cooking for my family because it seems to me that all any of them can do is complain. I might be overly sensitive to this. I really HATE cooking for others when that used to be something I loved when I only cooked for myself. I do like cooking for myself and trying new foods. I still eat dairy mostly in the form of greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast and cheese. I try to stay away from overly processed foods as I don't like them. We have a Wegman's locally and a small health food store but Trader Joes is pretty far away. I can't even find time to get to Wegman's 5 miles away but the local grocery is fine for the fresh items like fruits, veggies and meats anyway. I saw Chipotle has GF listed on menu as well as dairy and soy. Are there others? So while I realize that dizziness is common with thyroid problems I just got back from the ENT who told me that I have an unbalanced vestibular gyroscope (or something) in one ear and have to do PT which should help. I have to say that I have been feeling very depressed and uptight. I can't focus at work at anything that requires real brain power. I really have to force myself to do things. DH wants me to go on an antidepressant or something. I'm starting to feel like I need something. I can't find a doctor that is less than 1.5 hours who is more 'natural' in their approach to treatment. I am located in the northern Baltimore suburbs. I would welcome any information or supportive comments or help on how to truely be GF. Hi ,Most of us have experienced your symptoms at one time or another. Hope you get competent help so you can regain your health. Commonly, the American way of eating is the downfall of most peoples' good health. Eating natural unrefined foods has helped me tremendously. My hypoglycemia pretty much resolved itself after I eliminated caffeine and sugar along with high starch foods from my diet. Eating paleo has made ALL the difference. Slightly low ALT is a good thing. Some people have AST levels below the reference range, too. AST is also present in red blood cells, cardiac and skeletal muscle and is therefore not actually specific to the liver. Very low #s stem could from malnutrition that is common in Hashis. Also, alcoholic liver disease is the most common cause of *low* AST and ALT; other causes include uremia and diabetes mellitus. Your doctor should look at *how* low your levels are. If they are only slightly low, then there should be nothing to worry about. Also, in healthy individuals, ALT levels can vary 10 to 30% from one day to the next. ALT levels can fluctuate 45% during a single day, with highest levels occurring in the afternoon and lowest levels at night. Perhaps your doctor can re-test at your next appointment. I would NOT be too concerned if you are NOT having symptoms. Any uncontrolled disease or metabolic disorder that causes an increase in respiration can cause a decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood. Low ESR is usually NOT important, although it can be seen when there is an excess of red blood cells (polycythaemia), too many white cells (leucocytosis) and with some protein abnormalities. Commonly it is used to monitor inflammation or infection. Your iron levels look good. Most experts say that iron should be at least 70 and less than 120. And ideal iron saturation is around 35%. If your ferritin keeps increasing that could indicate infection. I cannot comment on the female hormones as there are lots of variables that are missing. As for gluten, I know being gluten-free has made a GREAT difference in my health. My hubby still eats refined gluten crap food, which is his choice. Until he takes over cooking duties he gets gluten-free meals that are also free of soy and most dairy. Actually, I went through several years of trying to please my family all while my health worsened rather quickly and badly. Notably, my DH is back at his ideal weight and very thankful that I did make these changes. Good luck to you!~Bj >> Timeline by age:> > Teenager: irregular periods so started BCP at 18> 32: tried getting pregnant but had difficulty and 1 MC but had success finally at 34 and second pregnancy came easy 16 months later> 35: After the birth of my second child, felt tired enough to start drinking coffee (prior I was proud I never 'needed' coffee and caffine really affects me) I had night sweats too that went away after several years > 41+: started having enough mental fogginess, forgetfulness, confusion, fatigue, coldness that I started went to GP> 42: Went off BCP which helped migranes, floaters, muscle cramping but mental issues continue, coldness, started getting dizzy upon standing (wrote of to low/normal BP) > > Currently I feel I still am mentally foggy, forgetful, slowly getting depressed, unmotivated, tired, dizzy sometimes even when just standing or sitting, moodiness/PMS, hypoglycemic, cold, anxious/fearful/nervous, > > So over the last year I've seen various doctors, none of whom have really addressed my issues. On prescribed Armour but only based on symptoms and TSH and felt T3 and T4 were merely " academic " . I never tried the Armour though. Another prescribed Synthroid which made me feel so horrible. I was so dizzy I couldn't walk and had ears ringing all day so I stopped that. I just read " Why do I still have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal? " I love the premise but can't find anyone in my area. My current endo is basically on the wait and see plan until things get worse. With ANA and thyroid anitbodies it seems to make sense to me that I have some autoimmune thing going on. I want to go gluten free but concerned with a high gluten household and DH thinks GF is borderline 'quackery.' > > Here are highlights of my labs:> > Weight: good (5'4 " and 140 but this seems to be worsening)> BP: Low/normal around 110/70 I think> Thyroid has small nodule on it> TSH - usally in mid 4's but sometimes lower > FT4 - between .90 and 1.0> FT3 - between 2.8 and 3.3> Thyroglobulin AB 132> TPO 12 (0-34) > ANA screen 1:160 positive speckled> TIBC 258 (250-450)> UIBC 170 (150-375)> Iron, serum 88 (35-155) > Iron sat 34 (15-55)> Ferritin, serum 106 (13-150)> Progesterone <0.5 > Estrogens <50 > Testosterone 9 (2-45)> > I've always wondered things like why is my CO2 always at the bottom of the normal range (21)? Also I've had some fluctuations in several areas like WBC where it went from 6.9 to 5.2 over the last year. Some other labs that decreased significantly (over 18%) over the year were ESR, Westergren and AST/ALT. What does all that mean? Is there something the docs are missing? Where do I find a 'good' doctor who will find the underlying problem and not just treat symptoms? What foods should I stay away from? > > Thanks,> > in land> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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