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ok, i did it, i cross contaminated

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help! we talked about my tv and computer, will be getting rid of

both. but my son also brought all his books! most of them are gone

and the rest are in plastic bins in a closet. but in the mean time i

am sick, and feel the same way i felt at the mold house.

here is my thing - if we cant see the mold how do we know what we are

fighting? its msaking me crazy. there was no visiable mold on any

of the furniture i threw out. there is no visible mold on paper work

i have to were plastic gloves in order to touch. no visible mold


how does one win against these $#@^^# & . Ok here is a funny story:

yesterday I went to our shoprite to food shop. bought my favorite

FROZEN Rays ny style bagels. i go to put them in the freezer and

they have green mold spots all over them/. it was like a bad sci fi

movie! the mold! of course i returned it and was P.O. with the

manager. but he had no clue what he last year of my life has been


back to what do i do. ok. i get rid of the tv and the stand it came

in on and the computer how do i make sure the mycotoxins are gone.

how do i clean them off wood floors in one room and a rug in

another. also the walls and what about the air. i have an air

purifier in my room but it works for awhile then it seems to get

overcome by the mold. i also leave my window fans on outtake. i am

so lost at this point. and so scared.

we have a new couch coming on saturday, i cant take the chance that

it gets contaiminated.

0h and just to as insult to injury i ran my heat a few times since in

moved in this month.

i will not run the central air till i know i am sure the home is clean

as always thank you so much

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> back to what do i do. ok. i get rid of the tv and the stand it came

> in on and the computer how do i make sure the mycotoxins are gone.

> how do i clean them off wood floors in one room and a rug in

> another. also the walls and what about the air. i have an air

> purifier in my room but it works for awhile then it seems to get

> overcome by the mold. i also leave my window fans on outtake. i am

> so lost at this point. and so scared.

Ok, these are just a few suggestions. I don't guarantee this will

work, but you can try.

I found out that, broadly speaking, there are 4 main types of

mycotoxins and MVOCs (Microbial Volatile Ogranic Compounds - also

toxic for us, and we tend to call them mycotoxins although

scientifically they aren't real mycotoxins). I'll call them all " mold

toxins "

1) the first type of mold toxins usually cause neurological problems

such as headaches, chronic fatigue and pain in the lungs / stomach. It

can cause very unpleasant constipation, but in lower concentrations

usually doesn't impact GI tract so much. This type of mold toxins can

effectively be neutralized with AMMONIA.

You can probably buy ammonium hydroxide (solution of ammonia in water)

in a store. Then you dilute it with water to the point that the smell

of ammonia is just mild. Then you put it in a spray bottle and spray

the contaminated surfaces with it.

Note of caution: Ammonia is spectacularly corrosive to all copper

materials which means all electronic equipment can become unusable

only due to ammonia fumes. Try to either ventilate the area well, or

remove all TV sets / computers from the room where ammonia is applied.

2) The second type of mold toxins causes strong GI irritation and

little neurological problems. Usually causes diarrhea, nausea and

vomiting. This type can be destroyed in some cases with hydrogen

peroxide (3 - 10%). Even better, make a preparation of borax in water

and add some hydrogen peroxide - then spray the contaminated surfaces

with it.

3) The third type of mold toxins can be degraded with bleach (sodium

hypochlorite). Just never mix bleach with ammonia - always use them


4) The fourth type is when you can't destroy it with anything listed

above. Here some proprietary mycotoxin binders and neutralizers might

work but I suggest you first try the first three procedures.

Also, sometimes strong disinfectants can get rid of whatever micelia

or spores are still present and might slowly be releasing the toxins -

have you tried any of the quarternary ammonium salts (e.g.

benzalkonium chloride), borax, colloidal silver (very strong and

effective!), or some essential oils with strong antifungal properties?

Btw. mold toxins aren't visible - if you've come to the point where

nothing seems to alleviate the contamination, you're only left with

the choice to trash the thing that has the offending substance.

Avoidance is always the key if none of the chemicals can do the trick.


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Hi Roe,

It isn't necessarily the mold or mycotoxins that are still making you

sick, in your NEW house. Since my first toxic mold exposure, 9 years

ago, I have developed multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). I am

especially sensitive to the off-gassing of chemicals from NEW T.V. sets

and computers. I had to try 4 or five computers, before finding an old

laptop that did not make me sick. The key word here, is ***OLD***.

Recently, I was made deathly ill by the off-gassing of chemicals from 2

NEW T.V.'s which I had to buy, to replace two old T.V.'s which both

stopped working within the same week. or two (spooky). After trying out

a 6 year old T.V. which also made me sick, I finally found a 13 year

old T.V. that does NOT make me sick. Until I found that T.V., I lived

without ANY T.V. for 3 months, until my lungs healed up enough to risk

trying ANY T.V.

I suggest that you try a T.V. elimination " diet " also, when you get rid

of your present T.V. and computer. [Did he really say to live without a

T.V. for 3 months?] After the 3 months, when you are feeling better,

buy a very, very old T.V. If that old T.V. does not make you sick, you

can risk buying a NEW T.V. at a store that has a good RETURNS policy,

in case the NEW T.V. makes you sick.

What I am saying is, that it is possible that your mold/mycotoxin

exposure has given you a case of MCS, just like it did to me. That

could be a possible reason why you are STILL sick, in your NEW house,

after having left your Mold house. You might have brought your sickness

with you, to the NEW house, in the form of MCS to off-gassing chemicals

from your T.V. and/or computer, rather than to any residual

mold/mycotoxins that may still be lingering in these two items.

Finding an OLD computer, is relatively easy. Just go into any computer

repair shop, and buy the oldest, cheapest, USED laptop that they have.

It MUST be a laptop, as experience has taught me. Resist the urge to

let the shop owner talk you into a NEWER laptop, " for only $20 more " .

OLD is good. NEWER is bad. Isn't it great to hear of a " cure " that is

the " cheapest " cure you can find? If none of the above works for you,

in improving your health, at least it will have cost you next to

nothing to try.

If you think that your friends and relatives and doctors have

considered you " crazy " for all your talk about mold, wait until you

tell them that your computer and/or your T.V. is " killing you " . Welcome

to MY world. I hope that you don't have the extreme problems that I

have had, but isn't it nice to know that someone else has " sailed to

the edge of the Earth, and NOT fallen off, BEFORE you begin your





> help! we talked about my tv and computer, will be getting rid of

> both. but my son also brought all his books! most of them are gone

> and the rest are in plastic bins in a closet. but in the mean time i

> am sick, and feel the same way i felt at the mold house.


> here is my thing - if we cant see the mold how do we know what we are

> fighting? its making me crazy.


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