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Re: New and confused

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That's exactly what we're talking about..............this medication is extremely dangerous. you need to spend hours, months reading all the old posts. i.e. one list explained that her dd tried to scratch out her other daughter's eyes.............my own daughter 3.5 at the time, threw a book at her sisters eye (a baby in a car seat) and she still has a scar under her eye. There are reports of kids trying to kick out the windows of the mini van etc. We've had our hands full with behavioral problems and she only took it for 10 days................She never acted this way before Miralax......................this is why we created this group

examples are

major, and I mean Major meltdowns, hysteria almost over insignifigant things

aggressive behavior

hard to focus

constant nervousness

constant picking and chewing on things





isolated behavior

no urine output

excessive urine out put





loss of potassium

heart problems

metabolic acidosis

kidney failure

calcium oxalate present in the urine

burning stinging while urinating

burning stinging rashes from BM

seizes up the bowel

urinary reflux

EE can't pronounce or spell, it's eat away the esophogas



death.....................these are just a few off the top of my head

There are FDA adverse reactions reports to confirm this and many, many Mom's on this group that have shared their testimonies...............we believe that the chemical make up of this drug is somehow breaking down in the body. According to the similarities and it's chemical make up................we believe it's breaking down into EG Ethylene glycol. EG has the exact same side affects...............sad, but true. the chemical make up is just a chain of EG molecule all linked together...............can it happen with just one dose? I'm sure it can, some people absorb more than others and this has not been researched very well, they haven't even realized what happened, is even happening yet...........please read the FDA adverse reactions..............I've petitioned them twice, second time with no answer in almost a year, they are short handed and probably won't do anything about this til we call the media.................This chemical has wreck more

lives than I'd like to think of, especially my dd's......................I have educated 2 Physicians on this and they both say, I'm exactly right and this is no different than what the melamine in the Pet Food did...........



From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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I also forgot to add that there are also 8000 posts and 800 members on here along with the 900 from the FDA.......................that's how many I found!

From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not comfortablehaving

given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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I wonder if it takes time for some of these behaviors to appear. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years but just a few months ago started these behaviors:ticsunconsolable cryingangry outburstsinsomnia (bed @ 7:30, awake till 10 or 11)hyperclingywhinyuncooperative (can hardly get her to do homework and it's sloppy!)regression (wants me to go to the bathroom with her, wants me to carry her)This behavior is certainly different from how she was in the past. She has a twin brother and she's always been the calm one. The one who could play for hours by herself. Very cooperative and cheerful.She's been on antibiotics for a year for recurrent urinary tract infections, I'm sure her stomach lining is compromised so perhaps she has been absorbing more. Could it take so long for the behaviors to show up? It's

so disturbing!Thanks again for all the info!Charith

From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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The Miralax is causing the problem, trust me................you'll now need to give a probiotic to replenish the bacteria or she'll continue to be constipated..............how do these doctors not see this pattern??? Get her off ASAP. It took years for some of these kids to recover from thier stinging pee pee's including mine...............Kirkman chewable probiotic works unbelievable..................

From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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sometimes one doesn't notice the symptoms from Miralax people don't corrolate this odd behavior with something the doctors have all put in our heads that it's not absorbed, my doc says, according to the protocol, they would immediately assume it must be coming from something else, because the protocol states it's not absorbed which is untrue...........and incorrect, people wouldn't be dying from it if it weren't. Also, the lower the dose, the less the symptoms would show, just as drug users

From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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That sounds EXACTLY like my 9 year old son's behavior! Horrible insomnia, very short fuse temper-wise, horrible immune system, cries over nothing. I'm taking him off Miralax as of today.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryFrom: charith varga Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 08:31:04 -0800 (PST)To: <miralax >Subject: RE: New and confused I wonder if it takes time for some of these behaviors to appear. My daughter has been on Miralax for two years but just a few months ago started these behaviors:ticsunconsolable cryingangry outburstsinsomnia (bed @ 7:30, awake till 10 or 11)hyperclingywhinyuncooperative (can hardly get her to do homework and it's sloppy!)regression (wants me to go to the bathroom with her, wants me to carry her)This behavior is certainly different from how she was in the past. She has a twin brother and she's always been the calm one. The one who could play for hours by herself. Very cooperative and cheerful.She's been on antibiotics for a year for recurrent urinary tract infections, I'm sure her stomach lining is compromised so perhaps she has been absorbing more. Could it take so long for the behaviors to show up? It's so disturbing!Thanks again for all the info!CharithFrom: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PMHi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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sorry I forgot

manic behavior, crying over throwing out a bagel etc.

the insomnia means it's affecting their nervous system and it crosses the blood barrier of the brain, per my doctor.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I'm glad you found us..............this is all we could do for now, unless others are willing to stand behind me and not too many want to come forward.................someone needs to call the media and I can't do it alone



From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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I am happy to say that she is on a probiotic. I will make it my main focus to get her off the Miralax. If my biggest fear is that she will get backed up without it, I need to remind myself that she gets backed up anyway, even on it. Charith

From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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I can't believe your doctor actually told you that. I have yet to meet a doctor or nurse who doesn't swear it is not absorbed. It must be nice to have someone validate you. That is interesting about the insomnia. Last night I went into my daughter's room at 10 because I was going to bed. She was sitting up saying she was bored. She'd been in there since 7:30. And yes, manic behavior over little things. Simply, she is just not herself in so many ways. I'm glad I found you too. I am not opposed to coming forward, I just feel I need to do more research so that I can get my mind around all of this. Share with me what you want and give me links. I love research and I am committed to getting my girl healthy. Plus I like being proactive. Otherwise I would just be sad and depressed. At least I feel like I'm doing something, even if it's just learning for


From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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I'm taking my daughter off too. That behavior is just not okay. Especially if it's out of character. So out of character that you can't figure it out. I went to the health food store today and spent a long time talking to one of the employees in the supplement area. He recommended a product called Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Concentrate by Aloe Life and a supplement called Triphala by Himalaya Pure Herbs. The Aloe Vera Concentrate is supposed to be cathartic (gently move the bowels) and is complimentary with probiotics. The Triphala is made up of three berries that are a gentle, natural stimulant. The guy said it doesn't cause cramping or gas. It all sounds good but I have put a call in to the pediatrician and naturopath before I'll give these to my daughter. Anyone heard of using these or had experience with them?Thanks!From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PMHi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years

now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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No, no experience with those yet. Deanna,Fort Worth, TexasMom to Cody age 10, Dx: EE (2/08), Guilliam Barre Syndrome(3/08), Epstein Barr Virus-Mono(6/08), Environmental Allergies (mountain cedar & cats)(3/08), Eczema (since birth).

To: miralax Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:27:26 PMSubject: Re: New and confused

I'm taking my daughter off too. That behavior is just not okay. Especially if it's out of character. So out of character that you can't figure it out. I went to the health food store today and spent a long time talking to one of the employees in the supplement area. He recommended a product called Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Concentrate by Aloe Life and a supplement called Triphala by Himalaya Pure Herbs. The Aloe Vera Concentrate is supposed to be cathartic (gently move the bowels) and is complimentary with probiotics. The Triphala is made up of three berries that are a gentle, natural stimulant. The guy said it doesn't cause cramping or gas. It all sounds good but I have put a call in to the pediatrician and naturopath before I'll give these to my daughter. Anyone heard of using these or had experience with them?Thanks!

From: charithv <charithvyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: New and confusedTo: miralax@yahoogroups .comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:32 PM

Hi,I'm new to the group but not to the issues of encopresis andMiralax use. My daughter (7) has suffered constipation since age 4 andbeen on Miralax for over two years now. Dr. says it can take up to 6months for the system to normalize. Well, we never make it 6 months.We go along for a few months, full of hope and then out of the blueshe gets backed up again. I just don't see a light at the end of thetunnel. We've recently seen a naturopath who is treating my daughterfor yeast (long term antibiotic use) and she is testing her for foodallergies and intolerances. Anyway, here is my question. How do we know that Miralax is bad orabsorbed or pulls things from the body. I've had so many Dr.s andnurse friends tell me that the body absolutely does not absorbMiralax. That it's a miracle and safe for long term use and notaddictive. How can we truly be sure? I am definitely not

comfortablehaving given Miralax to my daughter for over two years. There issomething that doesn't feel right about it. Where do people getevidence it is being absorbed? Is there a blood test? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate the wealth ofknowledge presented on this site and am excited to learn whatever Ican to help my daughter.Thanks!

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