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Re: Re:What causes repetitive speech and fixating thinking?-Rei/Heidi

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actually that is the case with my son the 2 times he received ceftriaxone he

lost pretty much all his symptoms... including the repetitive speech and

fixating thinking for 10/15 days and then started to show slowly again including

biting his shirt and toe walking...

doctors dont pay attention to this, is there any test that I can suggest so they

can found a " cause " and prescribe a treatment? how can I procede to see how we

can I understand why ceftriaxone helps sooooooo much!



> Subject: Re:What causes repetitive speech and

> fixating thinking?

> To: mb12 valtrex

> Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 2:08 PM








> My opinion is impaired digestion from bad microflora from

> bad bacteria, which is often accompanied by yeast. 

> Antibacterials work:  Samento, Cumanda, Resveratrol,

> Stephania, Zithromax, and whatever else people talk about

> to rid bacterial infections in the autism arena.  There

> are some great probiotics out there as well that digest food

> well, like Mindlinx.  I just ordered another product to try

> as well; we'll see how that goes.


> Heidi N




> My son has been very very fixating on certain topic along

> with repetitive speech in the past couple days, driving the

> whole world crazy.... Now, any clue what may be the cause,

> so we can put off the fire or at least get it down???


> Sincerely,


> Rei







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never heard of ceftriaxone. is that an RX?

Re:What causes repetitive speech and> fixating thinking?> To: mb12 valtrex > Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > My opinion is impaired digestion from bad microflora from> bad bacteria, which is often accompanied by yeast. > Antibacterials work: Samento, Cumanda, Resveratrol,> Stephania, Zithromax, and whatever else people talk about> to rid bacterial infections in the autism arena. There> are some great probiotics out there as well that digest food> well, like Mindlinx. I just ordered another product to try> as well; we'll see how that goes.> > Heidi N> > > > My son has been very very fixating on certain topic along> with repetitive speech in the past couple days, driving the> whole world crazy.... Now, any clue what may be the cause,> so we can put off the fire or at least get it down??? > > Sincerely, > > Rei > > > > > > > New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your> destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________>

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that make sense, but how can I test for that? how can I convince MDs to help me

with this?!!! I am sure there is a very important clue there and I am getting

very frustrated not being able to help my son...


> Subject: Re:What causes repetitive speech and fixating


> To: mb12 valtrex

> Date: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 12:30 PM

> I just did a search on ceftriaxone. It is an antibiotic

> called

> Rocephin. My son has been on it. I just found an article

> stating

> that calcium-containing products could cause a

> life-threatening

> interaction when on this drug:


> http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/ceftriaxone/default.htm


> Marked improvements on behavior when a child is on this

> drug suggests

> that there is a nasty bacterial infection that is

> overtaking the

> immune system.






> > >

> > >

> > > Subject: Re:What causes

> repetitive speech and

> > > fixating thinking?

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 2:08 PM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > My opinion is impaired digestion from bad

> microflora from

> > > bad bacteria, which is often accompanied by

> yeast.

> > > Antibacterials work: Samento, Cumanda,

> Resveratrol,

> > > Stephania, Zithromax, and whatever else people

> talk about

> > > to rid bacterial infections in the autism

> arena. There

> > > are some great probiotics out there as well

> that digest food

> > > well, like Mindlinx. I just ordered another

> product to try

> > > as well; we'll see how that goes.

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > My son has been very very fixating on certain

> topic along

> > > with repetitive speech in the past couple days,

> driving the

> > > whole world crazy.... Now, any clue what may be

> the cause,

> > > so we can put off the fire or at least get it

> down???

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > > Rei

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > New MapQuest Local shows what's happening

> at your

> > > destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more.

> Try it out!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> __________________________________________________

> > >

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Hi Heidi, you have mentioned"

" At my house, it was Samento and Resveratrol, and now we are on Samento and Cumanda (not given at the same time), but other things also kill Bartonella, like Stephania, Zithromax, and likely more things as well.".

May you educate us more about these things to kill Bartonenella, my question is which one of them are supplements, and which one of them are prescription? which one of them you will recommend at first. For example, Zithromax, is it prescription? and what doesage should we start with? Samento is supp? and what doesage per day? My son weigh 70lb, I give him OLE 1500mg per day now.

Sincerely, Rei Branch Manager

Network Funding, LP

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Subject: Re:What causes repetitive speech and fixating thinking?-Rei/HeidiTo: mb12 valtrex Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 9:47 AM

To all:

Zithromax kills Bartonella. Bartonella is also known to cause OCD. I wonder if the strep is caused by the Bartonella, since Bartonella cloggs up the immune system, and strep is a bacteria we all have, but when it overgrows, we have problems. Thus, I am thinking about voting its Bartonella. Since Bartonella is a bacteria, it's going to respond to many of the treatments for strep. We have Strep on our skin, but not Bartonella. Also, in the old days, Strep would go away in two weeks. I am thinking the Bartonella is the cause and that its clogging up the immune system, making us more vulnerable to get reinfected with strep. Now, of course, everyone will say, so how do you test for Bartonella. Word is that most labs will only test for two strains, yet there are 32. Fry Labs tests for it. I have no affiliation with this lab, only grateful it picked up the infection in our

family. You can try another, cheaper lab first just to see if that works, but many say they don't. But, I have heard a couple work, can't remember the names. Bartonella is caused by fleas and cats. Thus, the odds of getting it, are pretty good. Its likely also transferred via sex and while pregnant. Thus, we can see how we all got it.

If you google about it, you will see a mixture of reports. Mainstream says it lasts like two weeks or something. But, specialists say it can last forever, doing all kinds of damage, mostly effecting mood, personality, causing things like OCD and autism. I am not saying its the cause of autism, but sure is most likely a large part of it because look at how many of our children have OCD, and how its going away with antibacterials. At my house, when you took OCD away, that was like 50% of their symptoms effecting their life. So its big. There are many postings on the abmd and chelatingkids2 forums on people ridding OCD. Know that its happening quite successfully. So research the files here, and on those boards to learn of all the things that rid it. At my house, it was Samento and Resveratrol, and now we are on Samento and Cumanda (not given at the same time), but other things also kill

Bartonella, like Stephania, Zithromax, and likely more things as well.

The problem with Bartonella is that I am seeing the personality symptoms being rid quickly, but the germ itself appears to take months to years to rid. According to Dr. Schaller, Bartonella hides in a biofilm and attracts heavy metals, so those two things are an issue as well. I do agree that detoxing is helpful, and may be necessary, at least to prevent relapse. These are my opinions which I got from reading doctors reports, of course. I take no credit for inventing any of it.

Rei: As far as MB12. You can get the powder form from www.kirkmanlabs. com and adjust the doseage to go with symptoms. In that if your child starts getting worse in a manner that is difficult to handle, you can lesson the doseage. I did that with my kids. Plus this stuff is quite affordable. I had lab work done which showed my B12 levels very high, which means its getting into my blood. It worked better than the shots for my now 16 year old. The rest of mine just got the powder, and skipped the shots. When they got too much powder, they were quite hyper, halfing the dose, solved the problem. I am really thinking our children need the methyl. There are other methyl supplement choices as well.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

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