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Mold: Underwriters Endorsing CGL to Remove Coverage

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Mold: Underwriters Endorsing CGL to Remove Coverage

Insurance Journal - San Diego,CA*

By J. Boggs, CPCU, ARM

June 11, 2008


Contractors are the target of nearly 2,000 mold-related lawsuits

annually according to a 2003 report from toxlaw.com. When accused or

sued for injuries and damages resulting from mold, contractors look

to their commercial general liability policy to find coverage to

finance their defense and pay any judgment levied against them.


This three-part series was triggered by a judgment handed down

against a central Ohio general contractor in early May and reported

on InsuranceJournal.com. Specific information about the contractor's

insurance coverage is irrelevant; the point of these articles has

been and is to debate protection, if any, afforded by the CGL for

bodily injury or property damage claims caused by mold or defective

construction. Nothing presented in this series is intended to infer

anything about coverage in the impetus case.

Previous articles focused on the four commercial general liability

coverage triggers, and whether the commercial general liability

policy extends coverage for injury or damage arising out of

defective construction. Mold and the CGL's response to and coverage

for bodily injury or property damage caused by mold is the topic of

this final discussion.

Triggering the Need for Coverage

Mold can cause respiratory infections, hypersensitivity in those not

normally prone to allergic reaction, infections and possibly death.

Additionally mold growth can lead to structural damage, destruction

of non-structural real property and the decay of personal property.

Most state statutes hold the general contractor ultimately

responsible for the finished product regardless of who did the work.

Agents with contractor and general contractor clients will be called

upon to find coverage and a source of funds when bodily injury

and/or property damage claims resulting from mold are presented

against their clients. A quick lesson on mold is a necessary

precursor to the coverage debate to follow.

Mold Basics

A food source, optimal temperatures and water (the mold triangle)

must be present for mold to develop, take root and grow. Like the

fire triangle, remove any one of these three legs and mold cannot

exist or prosper.

Food sources are plentiful in new construction and remodeled

structures. Mold thrives on the organic materials present in most

building materials including wood (cellulose) and fiberglass

insulation. The optimal temperature to incubate and support mold

growth is between 60 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (lower and

higher temperatures also allow the establishment and growth of

mold). Little can be done to avoid these two sides of the mold

triangle on a construction site. Food sources and optimal

temperatures common in crawl spaces, basements and vented attics are

unavoidably present.

Proximate Cause

Water infiltration may be the only mold growth factor controllable

by the contractor. Removing moisture from the mold triangle

eliminates the possibility of mold. But at times efforts to block

out water fail and mold develops and grows. When mold " takes root, "

the question of how the water intrusion occurred leads to the

proximate cause of the injury or damage.

Proximate cause is the incident or occurrence (as defined) that

leads to the injury or damage in an unbroken chain of events. In

short, what lead to the water's presence? The proximate cause of

water infiltration can and will have an impact on CGL coverage.

There are essentially four causes for the presence of water in areas

where it is not intended once construction is complete: 1) the use

of defective construction techniques or materials (i.e. improper

flashing, poor sealing methods, use of improper materials, etc.) ;

2) an unintentional error or mistake by the contractor or

subcontractor; 3) an occurrence or incident causes damage allowing

the introduction of water; or 4) the normal wear and tear of

building materials leading to the seepage of water into the

structure. Only the first two are " controllable " by the contractor.

Only when the proximate cause is controllable by the contractor can

they be held legally liable for bodily injury or property damage

caused by mold; but will the CGL be the financing mechanism to

defend and pay the claim? The following paragraphs will offer an

opinion on the availability of coverage in the commercial general

liability policy.

Property Damage Coverage

As stated previously, poor and shoddy workmanship does not qualify

as an " occurrence. " If the proximate cause of the mold is defective

construction methods there must be an accident or repeated exposure

to the same harmful condition exploiting the poor construction

methods or materials to trigger any hope of coverage in the

commercial general liability policy.

Mold damage resulting from substandard means of construction MAY be

considered an " occurrence, " but it is just as likely to be

considered the result of an intentional action, or inaction, of the

insured contractor. Intentional acts are specifically excluded.

Two exclusions will likely preclude property damage coverage if the

mold damage meets the definition of an " occurrence: "

• Damage to Impaired Property or Property not Physically Impaired;


• Damage to " Your Work. "

Both exclusions were detailed in the construction defect discussion.

Effectively, they combine to preclude coverage for any property

damage to the insured contractor's completed work resulting from

defective construction practices and/or mold damage. But these

exclusions don't necessarily remove coverage for damage to personal

property owned by the building owner or homeowner, or damage to work

done by another contractor.

Personal property of others and the work of another contractor

damaged during construction are excluded by the " Impaired Property "

and the " j.(4) " care, custody and control exclusionary wording. But

neither excludes damage to personal property or other real property

once construction is complete.

Only damage to the work of the contractor is excluded by the " Your

Work " wording. We'll use a plumbing contractor for our example,

since it's water that is the main catalyst for mold growth.

Assume the plumbing contractor improperly seals a joint during

construction. The joint is adequate when the water line

is " charged, " and it holds for two months after completion of the

house - making it a " completed operation. " Two months after the

house is completed and is occupied by the new owner, the joint

springs a leak that is not immediately noticeable. A week later, the

homeowner begins to notice discoloration of the wall and the drywall

is spongy and soft to the touch. The water leak is confimed. It has

damaged the insulation, drywall and flooring. What should the

plumbing contractor's policy cover? Everything but the cost to tear

out and replace the piping - which is the plumbing

contractors " work. " A month later, mold growth becomes evident in

the area of the leak and its cause is traced directly back to the

plumbing leak. The mold is directly related to the leak and thus the

cost to remove and repair any property damage should be covered by

the standard commercial general liability policy because there is no

specific exclusion for mold damage in the CGL (mold is not

considered a " pollutant, " so that exclusion does not apply). All

property damage resulting from the leaking pipe is covered by the

policy (with the exception of the plumbers " work " ), including the

cost of fixing the mold damage directly related to the leak.

To find any different is nothing more than torturing the policy to

make it say what you want it to say.

Subcontractors may be extended coverage for property damage in the

unendorsed commercial general liability policy. However, the general

contractor's coverage may not be as broad depending on the

definition of their " work. " If the CG 22 94 (Exclusion-Damage to

Work by Subcontractors) is attached, the entire structure is their

work and no property damage coverage to the structure will be


Damage to personal property of others may be covered under any

contractor's commercial general liability policy. Provided all four

requirements for coverage are satisfied.

Bodily Injury

There is no bodily injury exclusion related to mold in the

commercial general liability policy. The only caveat is that the

mold must be the result of an " occurrence " as defined and detailed


In short, bodily injury claims resulting from the growth and

proliferation of mold will be covered provided all four coverage

triggers are satisfied:

1) There is " bodily injury; "

2) The bodily injury results from an " occurrence; "

3) The insured is held legally liable; and

4) The injury or damage is not the result of a specific exclusion,

an excluded action or an excluded cause.

Whoa! Not So Fast - Exclusions

ISO has promulgated four endorsements that exclude or severely limit

the coverage for injury or damage caused by mold. Two are intended

for use with the commercial general liability policy and two are

designed for the Owners & Contractors Protective Liability (OCP)

policy form.

Both the CG 21 67 used with the CGL and the CG 31 31 for the OCP

entitled " Fungi or Bacteria Exclusion " completely exclude coverage

for bodily injury or property damage as follows " …which would not

have occurred, in whole or in part, but for the actual, alleged or

threatened inhalation of, ingestion of, contact with, exposure to,

existence of, or presence of, any " fungi " or bacteria on or within a

building or structure, including its contents, regardless of whether

any other cause, event, material or product contributed concurrently

or in any sequence to such injury or damage. " The policy goes on to

exclude any cost to test for, monitor or clean up such fungi or


Another two endorsements severely limit the amount of coverage

available for mold or fungi damage. Both the CG 24 25 (used with the

CGL) and the CG 31 32 (attached to the OCP) are titled " Limited

Fungi or Bacteria Coverage. " These endorsements specify an annual

aggregate limit of coverage applicable to claims resulting from mold

or fungi. Limits are usually minimal ranging between $10,000 and

$100,000 in the aggregate.

Underwriters most often use the total fungi or bacteria exclusions

to avoid any exposure to mold. If an agent cannot convince the

underwriter to remove the exclusion completely, negotiate the

limited form; at least the insured will be granted some coverage.


This series has touched on several exclusions related to mold and

defective construction of which agents should be wary. The following

exclusionary endorsements should be removed when possible:

• CG 22 94 - Exclusion-Damage to Work by Subcontractors;

• CG 21 67 - Fungi or Bacteria Exclusion (for the CGL);

• CG 31 31- Fungi or Bacteria Exclusion (when the OCP is used);

• CG 24 25 - Limited Fungi or Bacteria Coverage (used with the CGL);

and the

• CG 31 32 - Limited Fungi or Bacteria Coverage (attached to the


The Limited Fungi or Bacteria Coverage endorsements are acceptable

if they are the only way the underwriter will agree to provide

coverage for damage caused by mold. Otherwise, completely removing

the mold exclusions is the preferred direction.

Mold and defective construction claims and litigation ebbs and flows

with media reports and high jury awards. But regardless of the

external causes, agents must always arm themselves with knowledge of

the exposures and coverage provisions. A close review of your

contractor client's policies to confirm no unknown or unwanted

exclusions exist is required. If the contractor is concerned about

mold exclusions, separate mold coverages are available from many

specialty markets.

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