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Gluten in Fish oil?

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Noticed that my aches and pains are much better since I went off gluten last

month. My knee, in particular, feels a ton better. I have noticed, though, that

I get this back/hip/leg pain on the days I take my fish oil. Is there gluten in

fish oil? Do others react to fish oil that way?

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Hi ,

I am almost 100% positive there is absolutely *NO* Gluten in fishoil. I had

problems with it until I found out I have the IgG delayed reaction to shell

fish, which is in many sources of fishoil. I use salmon oil now for Omega 3





> Noticed that my aches and pains are much better since I went off gluten last

month. My knee, in particular, feels a ton better. I have noticed, though, that

I get this back/hip/leg pain on the days I take my fish oil. Is there gluten in

fish oil? Do others react to fish oil that way?




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Some people with thyroid issues can't take fish oil.   Ray Peat recommends against any polyunsaturated fatty acids, saying that they interfere with thyroid function.   I haven't tried fish oil but I can't take cod liver oil or flax seed oil without triggering massive hair loss.


Noticed that my aches and pains are much better since I went off gluten last month. My knee, in particular, feels a ton better. I have noticed, though, that I get this back/hip/leg pain on the days I take my fish oil. Is there gluten in fish oil? Do others react to fish oil that way?

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Hi ,

I'm not yet totally convinced that *all* polyunsaturated fatty acids aka PUFA

are created equal. And I personally believe that it's no coincidence that

naturally PUFA-rich whole foods also contain significant amounts of nutrients.

Again, I'm not yet convinced that PUFA-rich whole foods eaten whole have the

same affect on humans as PUFA oils, like Peat thinks - mostly due to the gross

lack of evidence.

All of the science that Ray Peat bases his PUFA conclusions on is studies using

un-natural and/or un-whole sources of PUFA. Plus, they were administered in

un-natural amounts and in un-natural contexts — not to mention rats. I'm not

saying that I think Peat is wrong. I don't know if he's right or wrong. I just

think his PUFA conclusions are based on flawed science. Plus, he tends to

reference and interpret studies that just don't always support his respective


There are two major types of omega-3 fatty acids in our diets: One type is

alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in some vegetable oils, such as

soybean, rapeseed (canola), and flaxseed, and in walnuts. ALA is also found in

some green vegetables, such as brussel sprouts, kale, spinach, and salad greens.

The other type, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is

found in fatty fish. The body partially converts ALA to EPA and DHA.

I buy and use the freshest product I can find. Buying direct from a reputable

manufacturer offers the advantage of minimizing storage and transport

time/scenarios. Some research suggests that taking fish oil (in my case salmon

oil) with vitamin E reduces oxidation within the body. I also refrigerate my

supplements to prolong freshness, and use them up in a timely manner.

In my case Omega 3 was my lifesaver until one wonderful doctor found my severely

low T3 and my broken HPT axis (hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid) aka central

hypthyriodism. If it weren't for fish oil I probably would not be here to write





> Some people with thyroid issues can't take fish oil. Ray Peat recommends

> against any polyunsaturated fatty acids, saying that they interfere with

> thyroid function. I haven't tried fish oil but I can't take cod liver oil

> or flax seed oil without triggering massive hair loss.




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