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1st thing's first! Get a new doctor! If they are going to be that resistant to go into such great lengths then they are not on the same path you are on. And obviously not educated on the matter and refuse to believe otherwise. And anything that throws you off course is in your way. If you insist on getting your doctor to understand your views, you could encourage them to read "Changing The Course of Autism." But do not know what good if any it may accomplish. WE ARE "RECOVERING" our children, not "CURING" our children. That is a mis-understanding that makes those in our community look bad. We are recovering, which means improvements are being made. Best of luck to you and stay on track, do not waste your time letting others derail you. We are all here together on this journey...



Together In Autism

www.togetherinautism.orgPlay online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, no registration required and great graphics – check it out!

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Just stay here with us! Dust off, and get going with

or without your doctors help! De-energize that negative

energy! I do not agree with ANYTHING being said about

the chiropractic situation. That's BULL! I know because

my husband is a doctor of Chiropractic and just

finished his training to be a DAN doctor. It is quite

possible your primary doctor is clueless. It is possible,

she doesn't know - that doesn't know.


" If I like you, you'll find out. " wrote:


> I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our


> DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded and

> is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

> vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOT

> treatable. I figured we could have these differences... until now.


> This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to say

> or do...



> " Yes, you have some serious questions.




> Yes, I do have some reservations.




> You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

> chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some


> excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have


> training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

> `education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

> scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of a

> specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,

> some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spend

> thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit


> either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

> resulting treatment.




> Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings.


> of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders


> metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.

> Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

> neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she


> growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.




> That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be


> cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is


> post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia-type mental


> Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there


> no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this


> would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mental

> impairment as she ages.




> I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have


> take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the


> of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that


> is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), then

> nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement that

> surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science


> reported, just belief. "


> I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with


> tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying


> all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

> 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are


> your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctors

> to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> I am so P*SSED right now.

> I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??


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I really feel that if she took the time to contact this DAN! doctor

and TALK with her, see her ideas and her reasons... MAYBE she could

open her mind a bit more. I do not understand people in their oh so

firm beliefs that what they think is RIGHT and anyone who disagrees is

WRONG. I ALWAYS leave my mind open to the fact that someone else

PROBABLY has more information on a topic than I do and if I DO

disagree, I certainly at least respect their right to to feel the way

they do. I am DEF not leaving this group- I REALLY just had had hopes

of knowing what we are dealing with with what is inside Kaelyn..

which, according to her primary, is inconsequential!!

I am just SO upset...

Should i even respond?? What about titers?? WTF

> >

> > I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our

> new

> > DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded and

> > is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

> > vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOT

> > treatable. I figured we could have these differences... until now.

> >

> > This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to say

> > or do...

> >

> >

> > " Yes, you have some serious questions.

> >

> >

> >

> > Yes, I do have some reservations.

> >

> >

> >

> > You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

> > chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some

> are

> > excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have

> rigorous

> > training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

> > `education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

> > scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> > unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of a

> > specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,

> > some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spend

> > thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit

> from

> > either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

> > resulting treatment.

> >

> >

> >

> > Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings.

> Some

> > of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders

> of

> > metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.

> > Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

> > neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she

> is

> > growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.

> >

> >

> >

> > That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be

> a

> > cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is

> a

> > post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia-type mental

> illness.

> > Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there

> is

> > no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this

> diagnosis

> > would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mental

> > impairment as she ages.

> >

> >

> >

> > I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have

> to

> > take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> > adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the

> end

> > of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that

> normal

> > is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), then

> > nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement that

> > surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science

> being

> > reported, just belief. "

> >

> > I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with

> your

> > tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying

> it's

> > all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

> > 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are


> > your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctors

> > to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> > I am so P*SSED right now.

> > I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??

> >


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Doctors have to think this because if they don't, then everything

they learned in school and everything they tell their patients about

vaccines would be wrong. Don't be surprised to hear these things,

and don't be discouraged by them. Just expect it and know that you

are doing what you need to do to help your child. PLEASE do not back

down. I decided that I would recently vaccinate my 5 year old (who's

been on biomed since 2 and made great gains) because he was starting

school. I even tested his titers and only had to give polio and

DTaP. And do you know what happened? He had an hour and a half

seizure and could have died. None of the hospital staff or his docs

will admit that it was the vaccine though he'd never had a seizure in

his life. He wasn't doing anything new or abnormal in biomed either,

just vitamins and enzymes, but they were quick to blame that. Now he

is regressing again and I know exactly what caused it and so does my

DAN. So go to your ped. for sniffles and checkups, but for real help

with autism seek your DAN doctor, and if you don't like that they are

a chiro, get another one, there are lots of regular MDs in the

movement. No one else is going to help you and just take it from me,

they DO HELP, and they know you aren't crazy. For regular doctors

just grin and bear it, and be a pain in the arse when you need to.

They have to believe in their doctrine, but we have to believe in

finding treatment for our kids who are SICK.

My prayers go out to you,


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Shauna- Thank you. And I AM trying to stay focused. I really had

expected better than that from our primary.. she has been SO

understanding and open minded in the past. I knew we were going to

have a run in in Jan when Kaelyn is due for shots and I WILL NOT be

getting them. Here in Maine- I don't know.

Ohh my.. Kaelyn is tearing up a Bible... brb LOL


> 1st thing's first! Get a new doctor! If they are going to be that


> to go into such great lengths then they are not on the same path

you are on.

> And obviously not educated on the matter and refuse to believe

otherwise. And

> anything that throws you off course is in your way. If you insist

on getting

> your doctor to understand your views, you could encourage them to read

> " Changing The Course of Autism. " But do not know what good if any

it may

> accomplish. WE ARE " RECOVERING " our children, not " CURING " our

children. That is a

> mis-understanding that makes those in our community look bad. We

are recovering,

> which means improvements are being made. Best of luck to you and

stay on

> track, do not waste your time letting others derail you. We are all


> together on this journey...


> Sincerely,

> Shauna-Founder

> Together In Autism

> _www.togetherinautism.org_ (http://www.togetherinautism.org)

> **************Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your


> no registration required and great graphics †" check it out!



> http://www.games.com?ncid=emlcntusgame00000001)


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I don't know about anyone else, but I have a tendency to keep my doctors separate. I may disclose to our traditional ped that we also have a DAN doctor and depending on their reaction, I either share more or I don't.

I don't have any expectation that a western medical doctor is going to share my enthusiasm for healing my child. I have a primary care doctor per Medicaid rules (used only for Medicaid needed referrals), I have a DAN doctor for the obvious purposes, and I have a doctor where we live who we see if my child needs some urgent care. We all have limited resources and energy so rather than spending energy trying to convince someone to understand my view, I just find people (doctors) that are already there!

I feel your pain though - had to see the Medicaid doc a couple of weeks ago and we did the whole "vaccination dance".

Subject: DISCOURAGED!!!To: mb12 valtrex Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 8:38 PM

I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our newDAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded andis the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains thatvaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOTtreatable. I figured we could have these differences. .. until now.This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to sayor do..."Yes, you have some serious questions.Yes, I do have some reservations.You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine.. Achiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some areexcellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have rigoroustraining in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their`education' from questionable sources and it does not have anyscientific support. For this reason, they are prone to putunwarranted

importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of aspecific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spendthousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit fromeither the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or theresulting treatment.Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings. Someof the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders ofmetabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of aneurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she isgrowing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be acmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is apost-strep condition

which leads to schizophrenia- type mental illness.Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there isno specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this diagnosiswould lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mentalimpairment as she ages.I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have totake these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn'tadequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the endof treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that normalis present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), thennothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement thatsurround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science beingreported, just belief."I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with yourtests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is

saying it'sall crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are RECOVERINGyour children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctorsto even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??I am so P*SSED right now.I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??

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OH I am STILL planning on seeing the DAN! doc and have NO issues with

her being a chiropractor AT LLL. I assume that people don't just say

" OH! I am a DAN! doctor now " and that's it. She must have had training

to know what she is doing...

There will be NO MORE vaccines. I KNOW that was the cause of her

regression and I can't put her through that anymore.

I was just REALLY hopeful that it wasnt going to be all out of pocket-

as we are pretty financially SCREWED.


> kaelainne,

> Doctors have to think this because if they don't, then everything

> they learned in school and everything they tell their patients about

> vaccines would be wrong. Don't be surprised to hear these things,

> and don't be discouraged by them. Just expect it and know that you

> are doing what you need to do to help your child. PLEASE do not back

> down. I decided that I would recently vaccinate my 5 year old (who's

> been on biomed since 2 and made great gains) because he was starting

> school. I even tested his titers and only had to give polio and

> DTaP. And do you know what happened? He had an hour and a half

> seizure and could have died. None of the hospital staff or his docs

> will admit that it was the vaccine though he'd never had a seizure in

> his life. He wasn't doing anything new or abnormal in biomed either,

> just vitamins and enzymes, but they were quick to blame that. Now he

> is regressing again and I know exactly what caused it and so does my

> DAN. So go to your ped. for sniffles and checkups, but for real help

> with autism seek your DAN doctor, and if you don't like that they are

> a chiro, get another one, there are lots of regular MDs in the

> movement. No one else is going to help you and just take it from me,

> they DO HELP, and they know you aren't crazy. For regular doctors

> just grin and bear it, and be a pain in the arse when you need to.

> They have to believe in their doctrine, but we have to believe in

> finding treatment for our kids who are SICK.

> My prayers go out to you,

> Sara


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Your response really should me minimal. Unless you just HAVE to have

your mainstream ped. be on the bandwagon, you can keep going to her.

But just let her know that you are not going to dismiss the medical

issues going on with your child's autism and if she is not going to

address them, then you'll have to seek specialist help. I would

definitely test titers if shots are an issue. Sometimes it is easier

to ask the DAN to help with this though!

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In the future, I will be keeping the two or three Docs seperate



> Subject: DISCOURAGED!!!

> To: mb12 valtrex

> Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 8:38 PM







> I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our new

> DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded and

> is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

> vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOT

> treatable. I figured we could have these differences. .. until now.


> This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to say

> or do...


> " Yes, you have some serious questions.


> Yes, I do have some reservations.


> You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

> chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some are

> excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have rigorous

> training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

> `education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

> scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of a

> specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,

> some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spend

> thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit from

> either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

> resulting treatment.


> Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings. Some

> of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders of

> metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.

> Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

> neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she is

> growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.


> That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be a

> cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is a

> post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia- type mental illness.

> Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there is

> no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this diagnosis

> would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mental

> impairment as she ages.


> I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have to

> take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the end

> of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that normal

> is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), then

> nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement that

> surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science being

> reported, just belief. "


> I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with your

> tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying it's

> all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

> 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are RECOVERING

> your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctors

> to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> I am so P*SSED right now.

> I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??


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Our pediatrician is the same way. She told me some long story about a

child dying after receiving the flu shot. She said at first they

thought it was the flu shot that killed her, but then they realized

she died because she was no fully vaccinated!! I stood there with my

jaw on the floor! She was telling me this because I haven't (and will

not) vaccinated my 13 month old. Nice to tell me this don't you think?

She also told me that Ruby can't have yeast in her blood, if she did

she'd be very sick...uhhhh yeah...she is idiot. I gave up her and now

my kids see a naturopath and only a naturopath.

I'm sure you can find an open minded doctor, but it's not going to be

easy. Keep going to the 'educate' chiropractor. Man, I love the

quotations your doctor put next to 'education' ugggh.


> I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our new

> DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded and

> is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

> vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOT

> treatable. I figured we could have these differences... until now.


> This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to say

> or do...



> " Yes, you have some serious questions.




> Yes, I do have some reservations.




> You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

> chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some are

> excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have rigorous

> training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

> `education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

> scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of a

> specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,

> some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spend

> thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit from

> either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

> resulting treatment.




> Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings. Some

> of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders of

> metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.

> Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

> neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she is

> growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.




> That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be a

> cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is a

> post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia-type mental illness.

> Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there is

> no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this diagnosis

> would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mental

> impairment as she ages.




> I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have to

> take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the end

> of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that normal

> is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), then

> nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement that

> surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science being

> reported, just belief. "


> I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with your

> tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying it's

> all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

> 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are RECOVERING

> your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctors

> to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> I am so P*SSED right now.

> I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??


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Neither of Kaelyn's doctors mentioned titers, so other than you guys,

I have no idea what that is... how do I get these tests?? She has all

sorts of skin/rash issues, so I am pretty sure the HHV-6 or whatever

IS an issue.


> Your response really should me minimal. Unless you just HAVE to have

> your mainstream ped. be on the bandwagon, you can keep going to her.

> But just let her know that you are not going to dismiss the medical

> issues going on with your child's autism and if she is not going to

> address them, then you'll have to seek specialist help. I would

> definitely test titers if shots are an issue. Sometimes it is easier

> to ask the DAN to help with this though!


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I had to go into my profile and add an alias, then choose the alias

for this group. Looks like you've figured it out though!

-- In mb12 valtrex , Lainna Bracy wrote:


> Is this sassifrassi?? If so, how did you change your name?? I cant

find where mine says " If I like you, you'll know " to change it.





> ________________________________


> To: mb12 valtrex

> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 5:06:56 PM

> Subject: Re: DISCOURAGED!!!



> Our pediatrician is the same way. She told me some long story about a

> child dying after receiving the flu shot. She said at first they

> thought it was the flu shot that killed her, but then they realized

> she died because she was no fully vaccinated!! I stood there with my

> jaw on the floor! She was telling me this because I haven't (and will

> not) vaccinated my 13 month old. Nice to tell me this don't you think?


> She also told me that Ruby can't have yeast in her blood, if she did

> she'd be very sick...uhhhh yeah...she is idiot. I gave up her and now

> my kids see a naturopath and only a naturopath.


> I'm sure you can find an open minded doctor, but it's not going to be

> easy. Keep going to the 'educate' chiropractor. Man, I love the

> quotations your doctor put next to 'education' ugggh.



> >

> > I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our new

> > DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded and

> > is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

> > vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOT

> > treatable. I figured we could have these differences. .. until now.

> >

> > This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to say

> > or do...

> >

> >

> > " Yes, you have some serious questions.

> >

> >

> >

> > Yes, I do have some reservations.

> >

> >

> >

> > You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

> > chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some are

> > excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have rigorous

> > training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

> > `education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

> > scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> > unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of a

> > specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,

> > some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spend

> > thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit from

> > either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

> > resulting treatment.

> >

> >

> >

> > Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings. Some

> > of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders of

> > metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.

> > Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

> > neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she is

> > growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.

> >

> >

> >

> > That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be a

> > cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is a

> > post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia- type mental


> > Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there is

> > no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this diagnosis

> > would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mental

> > impairment as she ages.

> >

> >

> >

> > I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have to

> > take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> > adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the end

> > of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that normal

> > is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), then

> > nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement that

> > surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science being

> > reported, just belief. "

> >

> > I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with your

> > tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying it's

> > all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

> > 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are RECOVERING

> > your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctors

> > to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> > I am so P*SSED right now.

> > I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??

> >


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You have to some how get to your Yahoo ID page through your profile.

On the right there is an option for making an alias. I forget how I

got there though. I googled 'how do I change my Yahoo ID?' haha. It's

in Yahoo answers if you google it.

> > >

> > > I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing

our new

> > > DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded and

> > > is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

> > > vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOT

> > > treatable. I figured we could have these differences. .. until now.

> > >

> > > This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to say

> > > or do...

> > >

> > >

> > > " Yes, you have some serious questions.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Yes, I do have some reservations.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

> > > chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine.

Some are

> > > excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have


> > > training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

> > > `education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

> > > scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> > > unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of a

> > > specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,

> > > some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spend

> > > thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them

benefit from

> > > either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

> > > resulting treatment.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple

settings. Some

> > > of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn

disorders of

> > > metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.

> > > Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

> > > neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids,

she is

> > > growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would

be a

> > > cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS

is a

> > > post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia- type mental

> illness.

> > > Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately

there is

> > > no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this


> > > would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mental

> > > impairment as she ages.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do

have to

> > > take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> > > adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at

the end

> > > of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that


> > > is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), then

> > > nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement that

> > > surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science


> > > reported, just belief. "

> > >

> > > I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you,

with your

> > > tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is

saying it's

> > > all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

> > > 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are


> > > your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctors

> > > to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> > > I am so P*SSED right now.

> > > I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??

> > >

> >


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NEW DOCTOR!! I'm so sorry to hear this. I got the same response

when I went to our primary doctor. He didn't want to do any of the

tests I asked for. Unfortunately, unless you're seeing a DAN, you

probably wont get anywhere with allopathic doctors. They are pretty

much closed to anything other than what they learned in their 4 years

of brainwashing that they claim is medical school.

I fight this battle every day with my dad, who is a retired

orthopaedic surgeon. And because I didn't graduate from medical

school or do a residency at Duke, I know SHIT about all this!!!

> > >

> > > I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing


> > new

> > > DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open

minded and

> > > is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

> > > vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism

is NOT

> > > treatable. I figured we could have these differences... until


> > >

> > > This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what

to say

> > > or do...

> > >

> > >

> > > " Yes, you have some serious questions.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Yes, I do have some reservations.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

> > > chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine.


> > are

> > > excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have

> > rigorous

> > > training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

> > > `education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

> > > scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> > > unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use

of a

> > > specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many


> > > some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness,


> > > thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them


> > from

> > > either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

> > > resulting treatment.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple


> > Some

> > > of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn


> > of

> > > metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of


> > > Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

> > > neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids,


> > is

> > > growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This

would be

> > a

> > > cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies.


> > a

> > > post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia-type mental

> > illness.

> > > Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately


> > is

> > > no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this

> > diagnosis

> > > would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other


> > > impairment as she ages.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do


> > to

> > > take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> > > adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at


> > end

> > > of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that

> > normal

> > > is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks),


> > > nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement


> > > surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no


> > being

> > > reported, just belief. "

> > >

> > > I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you,


> > your

> > > tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is


> > it's

> > > all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

> > > 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are


> > > your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for


> > > to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> > > I am so P*SSED right now.

> > > I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??

> > >

> >


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I was just REALLY hopeful that it wasnt going to be all out of pocket-

> as we are pretty financially SCREWED.


I HEAR YOU! Alot of the tests that DANs run ARE paid by insurance, you

just have to send it to a lab in your insurance network, even if the

DAN is not. (And there are some DANs who do take insurance).

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-She thinks autism is purely neurological. She hates that I don't give

my kids milk and is completely against the diet. The only thing she

did for us was send a stool sample out for yeast and parasites. Both

came back negative. But after seeing the naturopath and having the

Live Blood Analysis done we saw parasites in Ruby's blood, no yeast

though. So all this time I thought Ruby had bad yeast in her blood and

it was millions of parasites instead! I think the yeast is under the

parasites though.

My doctor also told me that parents think kids get autism after the

MMR because that is when autism usually shows up. She said parents

just don't see it before 18 months, like we're all stupid or something.

-- In mb12 valtrex , " sarah_empirhe " wrote:


> > She also told me that Ruby can't have yeast in her blood, if she did

> > she'd be very sick...


> WHAT?! Does she think she's OKAY?!!


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Several ways to respond to this.  My inclination would be to calmly and *respectfully* reply to her e-mail.  But don't do it in a way the suggests you want to debate it with her.  Just tell you her nicely that you and her actually agree.  There is no cure for autism.  But there are a lot of ways to help it and you aren't looking for a cure, you're looking to do the best you can to help your child.  While she's right, he's a chiropractor and not an MD, he was trained by MD's to understand the DAN protocol and treat it within his means.  But unfortunately he is a chiropractor so his means are limited and some things need an MD or DO. Tell her that you thank her for taking the time to read this over and getting back to you and leave it at that while you find a doc that's actually willing to order these things.  You may want to contact another DAN and see if you can do a Skype consult.  Dr. Woeller does them and I do believe there are a few others that will do it, too.  But of course, it will cost as it will not be covered by insurance.Someone else suggested that you give her the book Changing the Course of Autism and while I think it's a good idea, it might not lead to much.  It's definitely something you would have to buy for her as she's not likely to buy it herself. Cheryl~Check out my blog:  http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com/ On Oct 28, 2008, at 1:38 PM, If I like you, you'll find out. wrote:I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our newDAN! doctors wants done.  Now, our primary is great, open minded andis the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains thatvaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOTtreatable.  I figured we could have these differences... until now.This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to sayor do..."Yes, you have some serious questions.Yes, I do have some reservations.You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. Achiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some areexcellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have rigoroustraining in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their`education' from questionable sources and it does not have anyscientific support.  For this reason, they are prone to putunwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of aspecific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spendthousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit fromeither the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or theresulting treatment.Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings. Someof the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders ofmetabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of aneurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she isgrowing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be acmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is apost-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia-type mental illness.Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there isno specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this diagnosiswould lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mentalimpairment as she ages.I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have totake these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn'tadequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the endof treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that normalis present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), thennothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement thatsurround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science beingreported, just belief."I feel like I just got kicked in the gut.  I see all of you, with yourtests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying it'sall crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!!  I watched Stan's video! I read's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are RECOVERINGyour children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE.  Why is it so damn hard for doctorsto even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??I am so P*SSED right now.I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??------------------------------------

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Well, I def agree with your response toher- though at the moment I an just TOO P*SSED OFF to respond in any way that will not have scathing remarks hidden between the lines. SO I am waiting and I would like to hear from the DAN! doc that I have chosen as to what she thinks I should try...There is another DAN! doc that isnt as highly recommended to me, but DOES take my daughter;s insurance, but doesn't go for the testing, so my plan is to utilize BOTH DAN! docs and find a new ped.To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 6:15:21 PMSubject: Re: DISCOURAGED!!!

Several ways to respond to this. My inclination would be to calmly and *respectfully* reply to her e-mail. But don't do it in a way the suggests you want to debate it with her. Just tell you her nicely that you and her actually agree. There is no cure for autism. But there are a lot of ways to help it and you aren't looking for a cure, you're looking to do the best you can to help your child. While she's right, he's a chiropractor and not an MD, he was trained by MD's to understand the DAN protocol and treat it within his means. But unfortunately he is a chiropractor so his means are limited and some things need an MD or DO. Tell her that you thank her for taking the time to read this over and getting back to you and leave it at that while you find a doc that's actually willing to order these things. You may want to contact another DAN and see if you can do a Skype consult. Dr. Woeller does them and I

do believe there are a few others that will do it, too. But of course, it will cost as it will not be covered by insurance.Someone else suggested that you give her the book Changing the Course of Autism and while I think it's a good idea, it might not lead to much. It's definitely something you would have to buy for her as she's not likely to buy it herself. Cheryl~Check out my blog: http://www.gryffins -tail.blogspot. com/ On Oct 28, 2008, at 1:38 PM, If I like you, you'll find out. wrote:I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our newDAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded andis the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains thatvaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOTtreatable. I figured we could have these differences. .. until now.This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to sayor do..."Yes, you have some serious questions.Yes, I do have some reservations.You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. Achiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some areexcellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have rigoroustraining in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their`education' from questionable sources and it does not have anyscientific support. For this reason, they are prone to putunwarranted importance on

non-standard testing, hence her use of aspecific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spendthousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit fromeither the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or theresulting treatment.Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings. Someof the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders ofmetabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of aneurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she isgrowing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.That being

said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be acmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is apost-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia- type mental illness.Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there isno specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this diagnosiswould lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mentalimpairment as she ages.I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have totake these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn'tadequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the endof treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that normalis present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), thennothing has been proven.

When I read the anecdotal statement thatsurround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science beingreported, just belief."I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with yourtests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying it'sall crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are RECOVERINGyour children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctorsto even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??I am so P*SSED right now.I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??------------ --------- ---------


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unforchantly you are seeking medical advise via this jean from someone who is NOT open to DAN protical and hasn't read that the american academy of pediatrics supporting DAN protical. the AAP has found that autism is being greatly improved to the point THEY recommend looking at it from that point of view as well. INCLUDING some of the testing Dr Jane is recommending.


For immediate release: April 1, 2008 CHICAGO - The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports World Autism Day (April 2) as a way to bring together groups that are committed to finding the causes of, and successful treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders, which now affect an estimated 1 in 150 children in the United States. Thousands of children, parents and families are coping with what can be a devastating diagnosis with lifelong consequences.

Pediatricians care for children with autism and their families every day. They are passionate advocates on behalf of these families and recognize that autism is a significant challenge to the health of the nation's children. Pediatricians emphasize that early diagnosis is critical. The AAP promotes regular screening for autism at the appropriate well-child visits, as well as treatments tailored to meet the needs of an individual child. In 2007, the AAP published the Autism Toolkit, which includes clinical guidance to help pediatricians identify and manage children with autism, to refer them to therapeutic services, and to provide parents with information and resources. The AAP also offers a host of resources for parents on its Web site, Autism Health Topics Page.

"We know many parents are searching for answers," said AAP President R. , MD, FAAP. "The AAP has supported research into the causes of autism and will continue to do so." Pediatrics, the Academy's peer-reviewed, scientific journal, has included dozens of studies on the associated factors, management and impact of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The AAP recognizes the best way to address the needs of children with autism and children overall is through a partnership among pediatricians, parents and researchers. The AAP has met with leaders of advocacy groups, such as Autism Speaks and the Autism Society of America, which include parents of children with autism. Most recently, the AAP met with representatives of Defeat Autism Now! (a program of the Autism Research Institute) in an effort to facilitate communication between pediatricians, parents and researchers about the diagnosis and treatment of children with autism. All advocates for these children agree that further research is needed regarding causes as well as safe and effective treatment.

"We are pleased the AAP reached out recently to Defeat Autism Now! in order to better understand the treatments and interventions that we have found beneficial to children with autism," said Stan Kurtz, executive council member of Defeat Autism Now! "We are full of hope that this is the beginning of a thoughtful partnership that will further explore factors that might cause or contribute to autism, as well as examine safe and effective treatment approaches for families coping with this condition."

"Autism is a challenge for pediatricians, their patients and families. By working together, we stand the best chance of helping these children to realize their full potential,” Dr. said. “The Academy is committed to working with researchers and treatment groups like Defeat Autism Now! to get closer to finding answers to the multiple causes of autism and determining effective therapies.

For more information about autism, visit www.aap.org.

# # #

The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 60,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.

The Autism Research Institute (ARI) is a non-profit organization established in 1967 that fosters scientific research on autism triggers as well as diagnostic, treatment, and prevention methods. Through its Defeat Autism Now! program, ARI provides research-based information to parents, clinicians, and researchers worldwide, through its Web site (autism.com), call center, parent groups, conferences, science-based publications, and think tanks.

also PANDAS is also treatable under the NAMI sight (national institute of mental health.) again showing she ISN'T up to educational par with this as well. DAN protical IS a learned practice, requireing classes, and continueing education as well. (grounded in science and biomedical training) you have asked for advice from some one who isn't really interested in helping you, they may be there in 10 years but do you really want to wait 10 years to have THEM help you???

here is the credentialing process for DAN (just like regular dr's go through)

Well, thanks to the awesome Dr. DeMio in Ohio, we now have the American Medical Autism Board, a board-certifying agency, just like your traditional MD's have.Thanks Dr. DeMio for helping to take DAN! one step further into "mainstream"!!!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++http://www.ageofautism.com/2008/09/american-medica.htmlAmerican Medical Autism Board LaunchedDr. C. DeMio, Chairman of the American Medical Autism Board, announced the commencement of the newly founded American Medical Autism Board (www.asdboards.org) at the US Autism & Asperger Association annual conference this past week in Austin, Texas. "This is the first of its kind board / diplomate certification program for medical doctors specializing in biomedical treatment of autism and related disorders," explained Dr. DeMio. "Medical doctors who become certified by the American Medical Autism Board (AMAB) show that they specialize in biomedical treatment of autism spectrum disorders, and will have met the Board's high levels of criteria for training and experience, and will have passed its rigorous certification examination," said Dr. DeMio. "The biomedical concept means that autism and the autism spectrum disorders are not primary psychiatric or behavioral disorders, rather they are medical diseases with a biologic basis to their cause and to their ongoing manifestations (such as pain, gastrointestinal problems, and immune dysfunction)."AMAB board-certified members provide biomedical evaluation and/or treatment to individuals of all ages diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, AD/HD, OCD, and PDD's. Through its credentialing process, AMAB offers both the public and private sectors an avenue for identifying well-qualified professionals trained and experienced in the biomedical assessment and treatment of autism spectrum disorders.Thousands of families that have an affected child will now have access to certified specialists in biomedical autism treatments; verification that AMAB physicians are up to date on the newest treatments and research; dedication to high quality patient care; and, verification of exceptional knowledge, experience, and skills in their specialty.*****About American Medical Autism Board:The American Medical Autism Board® (AMAB) is an independent non-profit incorporated certifying organization. The mission of the American Medical Autism Board is to promote safe, ethical, efficacious medical autism treatment to the public by maintaining high standards for the examination and certification of physicians as autism medical specialists.The mission of AMAB is to contribute to understanding the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, with the goal of improving the lives of affected individuals and their loved ones.

if you are looking for hope in autism you will need to run after those OFFERING hope, or you will get only what the medical community has to offer you, nothing! there is NO pharmacutical things to treat there for no DAN NEEDS pharacutical training. it's all based on biology and biological treatments which is WHY mainstream medical ISN"T finding the answers. they are trying to create a medcine to treat, when it's the BODY and what is going wrong with it, that needs treating, NATURALLY....hope this helps to clairify things


Recovering from Autism is a marathonNOT a sprint, but FULLY possible!Read more about it on my BLOGs athttp://www.myspace.com/christelkinghttp://foggyrock.com/MyPage/recoveringwisheshttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=677063169


Several ways to respond to this. My inclination would be to calmly and *respectfully* reply to her e-mail. But don't do it in a way the suggests you want to debate it with her. Just tell you her nicely that you and her actually agree. There is no cure for autism. But there are a lot of ways to help it and you aren't looking for a cure, you're looking to do the best you can to help your child. While she's right, he's a chiropractor and not an MD, he was trained by MD's to understand the DAN protocol and treat it within his means. But unfortunately he is a chiropractor so his means are limited and some things need an MD or DO. Tell her that you thank her for taking the time to read this over and getting back to you and leave it at that while you find a doc that's actually willing to order these things. You may want to contact another DAN and see if you can do a Skype consult. Dr. Woeller does them and I do believe there are a few others that will do it, too. But of course, it will cost as it will not be covered by insurance.

Someone else suggested that you give her the book Changing the Course of Autism and while I think it's a good idea, it might not lead to much. It's definitely something you would have to buy for her as she's not likely to buy it herself.


~Check out my blog: http://www.gryffins -tail.blogspot. com/

On Oct 28, 2008, at 1:38 PM, If I like you, you'll find out. wrote:

I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing our new

DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open minded and

is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains that

vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism is NOT

treatable. I figured we could have these differences. .. until now.

This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what to say

or do...

"Yes, you have some serious questions.

Yes, I do have some reservations.

You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic medicine. A

chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine. Some are

excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have rigorous

training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get their

`education' from questionable sources and it does not have any

scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use of a

specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many patients,

some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness, spend

thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them benefit from

either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or the

resulting treatment.

Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple settings. Some

of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn disorders of

metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years of life.

Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying of a

neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these kids, she is

growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies, etc.

That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This would be a

cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies. PANDAS is a

post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia- type mental illness.

Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately there is

no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this diagnosis

would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other mental

impairment as she ages.

I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I do have to

take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at the end

of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard that normal

is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks), then

nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement that

surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no science being

reported, just belief."

I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you, with your

tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is saying it's

all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I read

's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are RECOVERING

your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for doctors

to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

I am so P*SSED right now.

I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??

------------ --------- --------- ------

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We waited 8 weeks for an appointment with a neurologist. It lasted

less than 15 minutes and he basically said, i won't take the case,

and i knew in two seconds he had autism. Pathetic.

Conversely, our DAN! doctor Kurt Woeller,D.O. told us to read about

Stan Kurtz's son because he knew we needed encouragement. We have

been to the worst, and now we are with the best.


> > > >

> > > > I emailed my daughter's primary doctor with a list of testing

> our

> > > new

> > > > DAN! doctors wants done. Now, our primary is great, open

> minded and

> > > > is the one who set us on GFCF path.. HOWEVER- she maintains


> > > > vaccines ARE completely safe (I do NOT agree) and that Autism

> is NOT

> > > > treatable. I figured we could have these differences. ..


> now.

> > > >

> > > > This is the response I just got and I simply do not know what

> to say

> > > > or do...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " Yes, you have some serious questions.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Yes, I do have some reservations.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > You are seeking advice from a doctor of chiropractic

medicine. A

> > > > chiropractor should be well trained in manipulative medicine.

> Some

> > > are

> > > > excellent at this. I go to one myself. BUT…. They do not have

> > > rigorous

> > > > training in chemistry, physiology, pharmacology. Many get


> > > > `education' from questionable sources and it does not have


> > > > scientific support. For this reason, they are prone to put

> > > > unwarranted importance on non-standard testing, hence her use

> of a

> > > > specific lab, not one in this community. I have seen many

> patients,

> > > > some desperate to treat their cancer or other fatal illness,

> spend

> > > > thousands on non-standard testing. Never have I seen them

> benefit

> > > from

> > > > either the testing, what the test purportedly told them, or


> > > > resulting treatment.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Autism, like many other diseases, can occur in multiple

> settings.

> > > Some

> > > > of the tests that were recommended to you are for inborn

> disorders

> > > of

> > > > metabolism which are fatal within the first couple of years


> life.

> > > > Behavior changes, of course, go with an infant who is dying

of a

> > > > neurologic disease. Kaelainne clearly isn't one of these


> she

> > > is

> > > > growing, not dying. Likewise, kids with immune deficiencies,

> etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > That being said, a couple of the tests do have merit. This

> would be

> > > a

> > > > cmp (comprehensive chemistry panel) and strep antibodies.


> > > a

> > > > post-strep condition which leads to schizophrenia- type


> > > illness.

> > > > Certainly this is something she could acquire. Unfortunately

> there

> > > is

> > > > no specific treatment for it, so I am not certain what this

> > > diagnosis

> > > > would lead to except knowing the potential is there for other

> mental

> > > > impairment as she ages.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I know that you would like a cure. I would, too. However, I


> have

> > > to

> > > > take these `cures' with a grain of salt. If the person wasn't

> > > > adequately tested at the beginning, or isn't really normal at

> the

> > > end

> > > > of treatment (no matter whether the parent wishes so hard


> > > normal

> > > > is present, so dismisses disease as idiosyncracy and quirks),

> then

> > > > nothing has been proven. When I read the anecdotal statement

> that

> > > > surround a rare `cure' for autism, generally there is no

> science

> > > being

> > > > reported, just belief. "

> > > >

> > > > I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I see all of you,

> with

> > > your

> > > > tests giving you the direction to go in.. and my doctor is

> saying

> > > it's

> > > > all crap- I DO NOT BELIEVE HER!! I watched Stan's video! I


> > > > 's book, I read EVERY post in this group. YOu all are


> > > > your children!!! I KNOW YOU ARE. Why is it so damn hard for

> doctors

> > > > to even CONSIDER that there MAY be another way??

> > > > I am so P*SSED right now.

> > > > I'm sure many of you faced this- what do I do now??

> > > >

> > >

> >


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If your child had a fungal infection of the brain, she would be in a

fog and stimming. Obviously, that's not the case.

What a complete MORON!



> Yeah THAT is effed up. The thing that REALLY gets me- is in say..

10 years, this will all be normal and typical and it will be TOO LATE

for our children.





> ________________________________


> To: mb12 valtrex

> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 5:50:05 PM

> Subject: Re: DISCOURAGED!!!



> > She also told me that Ruby can't have yeast in her blood, if she


> > she'd be very sick...


> WHAT?! Does she think she's OKAY?!!


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