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Health risks posed by flood become big concern

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Health risks posed by flood become big concern

The Reporter - Fond du Lac,WI*

By Amie Jo Schaenzer


June 18, 2008



So far, those affected by flooding in Fond du Lac County have

bypassed major injury and disease, officials said Tuesday.

But that doesn't mean residents are completely out of the water —

so to speak.

There are plenty of things people should monitor with their health,

avoid while cleaning up and prepare for as Fond du Lac works its way

back to normal, said Fond du Lac County Health Department Officer

Diane Cappozzo.

So far, no major health issues have been reported to the Health

Department, she said.

St. Agnes Hospital has seen about 25 people with minor flood-related

injuries, said Haberman, senior public relations associate

for Agnesian HealthCare.

" We've had everything from sprains to rashes to cuts to a puncture

wound to a foot from someone who stepped on a nail, " she

said. " We've had knee injuries and some dislocations because of

falls. "

While most of the flooding on roads has receded, standing water

remains in some areas, including basements. That water could contain

a variety of contaminants, most notably sewage, and could pose

health problems if people do not practice proper hygiene and take

proper measures to clean up, Cappozzo said.

Get the spores out

If there's standing water in the basement, chances are mold has

started to take root, Cappozzo said.

Breathing in mold spores could cause sneezing, eye irritation and

nasal congestion or more serious concerns for people who have

respiratory problems, such as asthma. Young children and the elderly

should stay out of such areas, Cappozzo said.

Drywall, insulation, carpeting and all other building material

affected by contaminated water must be torn out, discarded and the

area should be completely dried.

The Center for Disease Control says mold could be in the affected

area if people notice discoloring to walls or ceilings and/or a

musty or foul stench. Check

www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/mold/protect.asp for more information on

how to deal with or detect mold.

Cappozzo recommends investing in a N95 face mask, available at local

hardware and home improvement stores, when working in an area that

may be contaminated with mold.

Contaminated water

For those still in clean-up mode there are plenty of precautions to

keep in mind when dealing with items affected by contaminated water.

Practice proper hygiene and avoid direct contact with contaminated

water by wearing work boots and eye and hand protection, officials


Gastrointestinal illnesses can occur, such as vomiting and diarrhea,

in those who come in contact with water contaminated with, among

other things, sewage.

If food came in contact with floodwaters, throw it out. It's best to

throw out photographs, documents and basically any type of paper or

cardboard product, Cappozzo said.

" Any porous materials that cannot be dried in 48 hours should be

discarded, " she said.

Other items need to be cleaned thoroughly with a bleach a solution.

A 20-page booklet is available online from the EPA that gives simple

instructions for safely cleaning a home after a flood.


Cappozzo also urges people not to forget their pets.

" Give them a good bath because there could be bacteria on their

fur, " she said. " If an animal gets sick, pet owners should be

cautious in cleaning up their messes. Be sure to wash your hands

thoroughly after cleaning up after animals. "


A swarm of mosquitoes could drop on Fond du Lac County in coming

weeks, Cappozzo said.

" We are going to have a bumper crop of mosquitoes because of the

standing water, " she said. " Everyone should be aware of that and try

to avoid going outside in the early morning and late evening hours.

And be sure to use repellant. "

While mosquitoes cannot transfer disease picked up by floodwaters to

humans, the large influx of disease could increase the likelihood of

diseases such as West Nile Virus being brought to the area.


Hidden health concerns include managing the stress from the damage,

said Colleen Zietlow, licensed marriage and family therapist with

Agnesian HealthCare.

" Any type of crisis causes loss. You have a loss of sense of

control, loss of sense of security and fairness. Obviously, there is

a lot of personal loss, " Zietlow said. " For some, they might even

lose their trust in God. "

They might not immediately realize all the emotions they are going

through as they try to clean up following a flood, she said, with

signs of depression, anxiety and even post-traumatic stress syndrome

surfacing later.

" Immediately following a disaster, a lot of people are in the 'let's

take care of what we need to take care of' mode, " Zietlow

said. " After that, it can turn into anger over what has happened to

them. "

People should try to maintain their normal schedule, she said.

" This is important for your children, too. Even if you can't be in

your normal home, keeping their meal time and bed times gives them

some sort of normalcy, " she said.

Talk with your children about what happened, also, she said.

For adults, professional help should be sought by those having a

hard time managing the stress.

The Fond du Lac County Department of Community Programs Crisis

Intervention Services Hotline is available for anyone experiencing

mental health issues. For help call (920) 929-3535.

CO and shots

Don't keep generators in an enclosed area. Avoid carbon monoxide

poisoning by keeping it outside and far away from a building,

Cappozzo said.

" Otherwise, that can turn things into a life or death situation

pretty quickly, " she said.

Have puncture injuries or abrasions received while cleaning up

checked to see if a tetanus shot is needed, Cappozzo said. Free

tetanus boosters are available at the Health Department this week on

a walk-in basis, she said.

Stay safe, Cappozzo said, by staying out of the Fond du Lac River.

" Though the river is receding, the river is not a good place for

people to be recreating, " she said. " Do not kayak or canoe down it. "

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