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Fw: Rages from my daughter

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----- Forwarded Message ----To: miralax Sent: Mon, August 8, 2011 9:48:38 AMSubject: Re: Rages from my daughter

Welcome, yes, we can relate! This is exactly what we're talking about. I'm going to send a few things to the group which are in the files section already............please read the files section. I've been researching this medication for 10 years and we have 1500 members on here now. There are 1,966 FDA adverse reactions now and we see stories like yours everyday. Push water to flush kidney's, we've found that fresh lemonade helps with the urinary issues.

Things that helped..................

Reading the files section. LeeAnn has "what worked for us"

***Natural Calm or Kid Calm sold at vitamin shops, health food stores **works well***


herblax by Shaklee all natural

epsom salt baths (magnesium)

diet changes

***Childrens probiotics (Kirkman Labs makes a good one, chewable, and tastes great) Note; if you don't see results right away, try a different one. Lactobacillus Rhamous seems to be recommended for constipation or fixing the gut)

Sometimes, a simple probiotic alone will correct constipation. We use Kirkman, needs to be refrigerated..........especially if ex-lax isn't doing the job???

Ask your Physician for alternatives also.

To: miralax Sent: Mon, August 8, 2011 8:29:44 AMSubject: Rages from my daughter

Hello! I'm new to the group and just wanted to share our story. My daughter is 6 and was severely constipated and also has wetting issues. We met with the first GI ped back on March 29th, who put my daughter on three adult doses of ex-lax for 6 months, after the initial clean out. This didn't seem to help at all and I also read that ex-lax is both dependent and can cause learn term liver damage. Such a strong dose for such a little kid seemed crazy. On May 13th, we went to a clinic that specializes in treating kids with soil and wetting issues. The behavioral advice was good -- getting a watch to remind my daughter to go every 2 hours and teaching her how to relax on the potty, not push. But then, after the initial clean-out, they put her on Miralax, saying my 40 pound daughter should have half a cap to a capful a day. They said it was safe and that she wouldn't become dependent on it.I didn't connect the dots right away, but my

daughter started having these awful rages, pretty much out of the blue. Just really terrible tantrums that were worse than when she was two. It was very out of character and while I read 6 could be a difficult year, it seemed much more extreme than what the books said to expect. I really noticed it when we were on vacation in the middle of June. She was still severely constipated, so I upped her dosage to a full capful as the clinician suggested, and it was both frightening and exhausting to see my usual sunny daughter so enraged and out of control.She also started to have terrible problems going to sleep at night, saying over and over that she had too much energy. She would also hug me in a way that actually hurt. It was really scarey.Fortunately, the clinic had also suggested we do a two day clean out with magnesium citrate when she was constipated and at least every month. I began to notice that she acted much more like her self after

the second day of being off Miralax -- only to go right back to these rages when she was on it.I also found this group, which gave me the courage to ignore my doc's recommendation and take her off Miralax on July 30th. After a little over a week off the Miralax, I feel very fortunate to have my daughter back. The whole things was terrifying. We are trying a new ped GI later this month. I also have put her on half a dose of ex-lax, which seems to work as long as she drinks her water and does her behavioral therapy. I'd love to find an alternative to ex-lax, and welcome suggestions. Thanks for letting me share and giving me the courage to trust my instincts.

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