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Re: Fw : Prednisone Information from Drugs.com

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" Prednisone can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to

get an infection. Steroids can also worsen an infection you already

have, or reactivate an infection you recently had. Before taking

prednisone, tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have

had within the past several weeks. "

Yes it does. That is why you don't just jump off of Prednisone. You

must gradually wean. The Adrenal gland must be working near 100% for

you before you jump ship. While on Prednisone for any length of time,

your Adrenals shut down, leaving you without a good working immune

system. As you wean off Prednisone very very slowly, your Adrenal is

waking up and taking over. So the last few months/weeks can be pretty

tough. And even right after totally getting off of Prednisone, you're

more vulnerable to infections because the Adrenal is not working 100%

quite yet.


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I was disturbed to read this since so many people may have a systemic

fungal infection and Prednisone is not indicated in this regard.

People are not getting proper diagnoses of fungal infections and

steroids are just thrown at them as a matter of course. Steroids are

just a band-aid on a problem that might be greater and may cause more

problems than they solve.

If docs were following a responsible protocol for diagnosis, there

would not be the possibility of all these subsequent complications

like bone loss, diabetes, weight gain, etc. I am not a doctor, but

read a lot of this stuff and common sense would tell anyone that the

" root cause " needs to be addressed not just a tranquilizer and

steroids and no competent investigation of the workplace, school or

residence. But, they don't want to treat a mold exposure competently

and aggressively so that worse things don't happen to your system

causing cancer, leukemia or some auto immune disease.

The mold/toxins can weaken your immune system so that it completely

breaks down. It would seem that this is the worse possible scenario.

It took me nearly 3 years to get a competent diagnosis, after going

from doctor to doctor and back around the block again. Is this what

" managed care " really means? Instead of treating " symptomatically " in

my view, they need to treat the " whole enchilada " the exposed person

and the environment which caused it.

I chose not to take the steroids, as I felt it was a poor choice for

me, and the " easy way out " for them. [Giving them a 'way out' was not

in my vocabulary] I would not place my self at greater health risk,

as I spent my life taking good care of myself. It turned out to be the

best choice because they did not know what they were dealing with

until there was a diagnosis and the steroids would have only " masked "

the symptoms. I knew the mold made me sick, but the docs did not want

to hear it, because then they would be forced to " treat it " with

anti-fungals which gave me great relief.

Shame on the medical profession, as it is easier to get anti-fungals

for nail fungus for cosmetic purposes or " vanity medicine " as I call

it. There is shame everywhere. On the disreputable IAQ people ( not

the good ones who report honestly), on the docs, who brush off sick

people (not the good ones who try to help), on the companies who fire

and harass those who are sick in their workplaces, and on government,

who fail to " put up their umbrella " over those who need protection.


> " Prednisone can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to

> get an infection. Steroids can also worsen an infection you already

> have, or reactivate an infection you recently had. Before taking

> prednisone, tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have

> had within the past several weeks. "


> Yes it does. That is why you don't just jump off of Prednisone. You

> must gradually wean. The Adrenal gland must be working near 100% for

> you before you jump ship. While on Prednisone for any length of time,

> your Adrenals shut down, leaving you without a good working immune

> system. As you wean off Prednisone very very slowly, your Adrenal is

> waking up and taking over. So the last few months/weeks can be pretty

> tough. And even right after totally getting off of Prednisone, you're

> more vulnerable to infections because the Adrenal is not working 100%

> quite yet.

> llaci


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Hello everyone I am new to this group. I was diagnosed with ABPA

allergic broniopulminary aspergilosis in Oct 2007. I have been on

prednisone ever since never gettin ght dosage below 30 mg without

falling ill again. I also have asthma and severe allergies. The

prednisone has cause Cushings syndrome and I have not been more

miserable in my life.

My asthma return seven years ago after a bout with pnemonia. I was

asthma free for years. I was hospitalized amd given intense steroid

therepy. Since than I can not count the times I have been ill and

hospitalized and put on steriods over and over. My life has

drastically changed. I cannot work any longer I have problem with

mobility, cognitive thinking and resoning , emotional difficaultes

depression, anxiety. My work performance gradually suffered as the

yeas went by until now I am on unpaid medical leave and have lost

almost everything.

Noone can tell me where I encountered Aspergilosis. I cannot be

tested correstly with so much steriods in me. The insurance company

wont pay me long term disability because I dont have proper testing

stating why I can not work. They are saying preexsisting because I

took prednisone of asthma before.

Well I am rambling on sorry for the abrasive introducion of myself. I

just get livid when I see the word steriod it has permently altered

my live. I am 48 and I feel 70 years old. I have gained 100 pounds

god know what is happening to my intenal organs!

Thank you


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-Welcome Kimmy, So sorry for your illness. Many of us here can

relate in one way or another so you have come to a good place to

share, get advice and ideas that can hopefully help you to regain

some of your health. I too am 48, my mind and heart still want to

feel 20 but my body has also been severly affected. I would suggest

if you can afford it to see a naturopathic Dr. or do your own

research regarding diet and try to get on sequestering agents such as

charcoal, bentonite clay and cholestyramine, the last of which you

have to get through a M.D. My Dr. also has me taking omega 3 fatty

acid (Carlsons fish oil, the best, from health food store) and CoQ10.

Try to keep your thoughts as positive as possible, I know its not

easy at times. And walking or other forms of mild exercise help

also. I force myself to walk- and I pray alot also. Hang in there.

Sincerely, Laurie

- In , " kim " <kmarie0308@...> wrote:


> Hello everyone I am new to this group. I was diagnosed with ABPA

> allergic broniopulminary aspergilosis in Oct 2007. I have been on

> prednisone ever since never gettin ght dosage below 30 mg without

> falling ill again. I also have asthma and severe allergies. The

> prednisone has cause Cushings syndrome and I have not been more

> miserable in my life.

> My asthma return seven years ago after a bout with pnemonia. I was

> asthma free for years. I was hospitalized amd given intense steroid

> therepy. Since than I can not count the times I have been ill and

> hospitalized and put on steriods over and over. My life has

> drastically changed. I cannot work any longer I have problem with

> mobility, cognitive thinking and resoning , emotional difficaultes

> depression, anxiety. My work performance gradually suffered as the

> yeas went by until now I am on unpaid medical leave and have lost

> almost everything.

> Noone can tell me where I encountered Aspergilosis. I cannot be

> tested correstly with so much steriods in me. The insurance company

> wont pay me long term disability because I dont have proper testing

> stating why I can not work. They are saying preexsisting because I

> took prednisone of asthma before.

> Well I am rambling on sorry for the abrasive introducion of myself.


> just get livid when I see the word steriod it has permently altered

> my live. I am 48 and I feel 70 years old. I have gained 100 pounds

> god know what is happening to my intenal organs!


> Thank you

> Kimmy


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So sorry for all that you have gone through and are going through. Do you have

anyway of doing ozone therapy for your pathogens or Rife or MMS or even

salt/vitc protocols? Do not give up though it may be very hard. I have been sick

for close to 4 decades. I should not be here and I am tired of fighting but it

is worth it. Have you joined groups that have what you have? Any ideas from

them? I know what it is like to be broke and sick. Just ideas.

I know that ozone does well with fungus. I have fungus battles. Maybe someone in

the ozone groups or rife groups lives near you and you could try it? Do research

on it when your brain can handle it. I know that one too although I think you

did a good job in expressing yourself and explaining. I know that MMS is cheap

and has been quite effective for many.

Never give up

reach out


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Yes, today's medicine is 'symptom management'. All it does is make

you 'happier about being sick', i.e. make sickness less painful, even

if it worsens it. It's not the doctor's fault. This is what they are

taught in medical schools now. Books are paid for and many times

written by pharmacy industry.


> I was disturbed to read this since so many people may have a systemic

> fungal infection and Prednisone is not indicated in this regard.


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I was just diagnosed with bacterial bronchitis (probably brought on by

my defogging for gnats) and was put on antibiotics plus a very low

dose packet of prednisolone to help give my antibiotics a kick start.


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OH MY GAWD. this posting about Prednisone weakening the immune system

really hit home with me. i posted here on the 18th that i had been

taking Prednisone for about a week to possibly help with my hair loss.

the side effects that the doctor (dermatologist) told me were weight

gain and swollen cheeks. i got more side effects out of the pharmacist

when i had the prescription filled--weight gain, mood changes, insomnia.

earlier this week (after being on it for a couple of weeks now), i

just felt something was amiss. i've probably gained a couple of

pounds, but didn't care going in because i know i can always lose it.

my sleeping patterns have also changed in that my eyes will pop open

every couple of hours. arghhhh! then there's the irritability! and i

had even told a couple of good friends that i FEEL weaker like my

strength has been zapped by 10-15%. at this point, weighing what it's

doing to me, taking this drug is so not worth it.

i have my follow-up appointment next week, but after reading this

posting, i'm going to call him tomorrow and tell him i do not want to

continue taking it.

thank u all for sharing!!!


> " Prednisone can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to

> get an infection. Steroids can also worsen an infection you already

> have, or reactivate an infection you recently had. Before taking

> prednisone, tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have

> had within the past several weeks. "


> Yes it does. That is why you don't just jump off of Prednisone. You

> must gradually wean. The Adrenal gland must be working near 100% for

> you before you jump ship. While on Prednisone for any length of time,

> your Adrenals shut down, leaving you without a good working immune

> system. As you wean off Prednisone very very slowly, your Adrenal is

> waking up and taking over. So the last few months/weeks can be pretty

> tough. And even right after totally getting off of Prednisone, you're

> more vulnerable to infections because the Adrenal is not working 100%

> quite yet.

> llaci


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had my follow-up appt with the dermatologist today. basically because

i'm having these side effects (i also recently had numbness on my

right hand/forearm for a few minutes every other day), he agreed with

me that i probably should stop taking Prednisone altogether.

unfortunately, he didn't offer any other alternatives, even when i

inquired if there is anything i could apply topically.

the last thing he said is to take a " wait and see " (if my hair grows

back) approach. argh. :-( the interesting thing is that he didn't

think the hair follicle/root was dead. anyone here who's experienced

hair loss and it has since grown back? what did u do?

> >

> > " Prednisone can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to

> > get an infection. Steroids can also worsen an infection you already

> > have, or reactivate an infection you recently had. Before taking

> > prednisone, tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have

> > had within the past several weeks. "

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