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OT: Natural nerve repair and Neurontin

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Hello all and happy new year! I haven't posted in quite a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been around, reading :) I am happy to report that I am doing much better these days, the antimicrobial herbs and other supplements (L-tryptophan, Vitamins B, etc) have slowly - very slowly! - but surely been improving many of my symptoms. I still struggle, but I have more good days now than bad :)

One thing I still really struggle with is nerve sensitivity and muscle sensitivity/fatigue. My sister also has a lot of nerve issues (she was in a car accident several years ago) and her doctors have her on Neurontin, which she has come to hate because of the awful side effects it gives her. I wondered if anyone here has ever been on Neurontin and could share their experience... I also wondered if anyone has information on natural ways to treat/repair the nerves? Any help is appreciated!

Thanks so much,--

Mauldin de Baldovinos

Casa Ariki - San del Sur



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I do not think that Red Root and Blood Root are one in the same in light of the

herbs used by Buchner. The botanical name for Red Root is Ceanothus Americanus

and for Blood Root is Sanguinaria Canadensis. You ALWAYS need to refer to the

botanical names since there are similarities in the " nicknames " but they are not

always the same herb. This can cause serious problems and complications. For

Lymph Detox it is best to go with Red Root as recommended by Buchner.

Blessings, Meo


> yes it is two names for the same herb, both common names for it .It is a lymph

detox herb that helps remove neurotoxins from the body.I use capsule form not

the tincture myself because the taste sucks in tincture form


>  Re: OT: Natural nerve repair and Neurontin     Posted by: " Mau

>     Posted by: " j1o2yl "  4blessings4us@... j1o2yl

>     Date: Mon Jan 2, 2012 5:23 pm ((PST))


> Jan,

> When you say red root, do you mean blood root?


> " Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything


> really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth ,and

to dare to love completely. " -R. Buckminster Fuller


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