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dr bad decision

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All the information you need should have been generated to you upon approval of joining. Was the files section of the group generated to you upon being approved for this group? There is a 28 page petition that has 66 attachments and the NY times did an article on the use of miralax that made front page. There are adverse reactions that grew from 7 people in 2001 to 2,257 in 2012. There's a wealth of information in the files section. Please let me know if you received this upon joining.............To answer your question, yes, many Physician's will suggest this product as it went over the counter now, even without seeing the patient as they are unaware of the

side effects people are reporting. The fda is reviewing and did hold a drug oversight board meeting on this, it's in the files section but will attach as you definitely need to see this document. The Drug Safety Oversight Board discussed reports of metabolic acidosis, metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap, and neuropsychiatric adverse events in children using polyethylene glycol (PEG) products. Metabolic acidosis is a disturbance in the body's acid-base balance and causes too much acid in the blood. In some situations, metabolic acidosis can be a mild, chronic condition; however, it may lead to shock or death in severe cases. Neuropsychiatric adverse events may include seizures, tremors, tics, headache, anxiety, lethargy, sedation, aggression, rages, obsessive-compulsive behaviors

including repetitive chewing and sucking, paranoia and mood swings. http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/CDER/ucm171059.htm http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/miralax/files/ Jeanie From: LiL MaMa To: miralax Sent: Sun, July 15, 2012 6:58:47 AMSubject: dr bad decision

My pediatician decided to give me daughter miralax after her father claimed she was constipated. He had only had her for about a day and claimed that I do not feed her right. In my opinion, if she was backed up, since she had not had the symptoms before she left for the weekend, giving a child something that I have only herd of old people whom are dieing and have no energy to releive themselv known fores, is a bit much! Has anyone know for it to be normal that a pediatrician would perscribe this medication for symptoms lasting only one day? Without an appointment? The request was sent to the pediatrician via the online network availible for patients to contact the hospitals and drs. I was told she would have to stay on it for a few weeks. I have herd that your body can grown a dependancy for the drug, and that the drug itself is a cousin to antifreeze! Are there natural remedies that could have been tried first instead of pushing drugs? I do

believe that this is just another attack to try and make me look like a bad mom. Its not the first time he has lied to the dr. I have an appointment set up for Monday and wish to stop the mirilax. I am researching more information of the dangers and came across this group. Any information it appriciated thanks!

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