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Re: Fw : chi27-6.pdf (application/pdf Object)

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g> First, if the medical profession can invade our colons for colon

g> cancer screening which makes the profession a gazillion dollars,

g> why are they not using the same " endoscopy " for lungs that were

g> breathing the " dust " and debris from the World Trade Center?

I never had one done because I understand it's very risky. Maybe

they've improved the procedure over the past 10 years.

g> Second, Why are they treating the after effects with steroids and

g> shrinks? 

Because most doctors don't have the answers and would rather just

poison you or assert that you're crazy so that one day you'll be

picked up and collected to be sent to a FEMA concentration camp.

g> Third, Are they afraid of what a lung-wash would show?  They are

g> washing out America's colons as a cancer screening, without any

g> symptoms.  Why are they not washing out sick lungs who have

g> symptoms?

I've never heard of a lung wash. Nebulization might be more like it.

Pharmaceutical lobbyists are the ones who keep the AMA blinded and who

make the rules through the inept FDA. It's we who need to change

things and educate the world.


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Lung wash (lavage) - I did have one and felt unbelievable when I woke

up...so cleaned out and could breathe so much better...of course, it

did not last forever. What was in my lungs was analyzed and confirmed

what I was exposed to (aspergillus fumigatus) and was an exact match

for what was in my classroom.

Colonoscopy - all this hype ( and I am ALL for screening) but if the

same basic technology (a tube, light and a camera) are used ONLY for

screening purposes, why is it not standard procedure as it is in the

farm context to use bronchoscopy/biopsy and lavage, for competent


The " debris " from WTC or workplaces...is it possible that there were

illegal products used in construction that, if, discovered by lavage

or bronchoscopy/biopsy that are making WTC workers and occupants sick,

why are they being treated " symptomatically " rather than

" diagnostically " - there is absolute hostility in my opinion, against

discovering what is really going on here.

I think the analogy is very appropriate for this situation. Docs

can't wait - and will chase you - if you are 50 and have not have

the great " butt invasion " but you have to chase them if you have

respiratory issues and refuse to invade your lungs to wash them out,

and help get a real diagnosis and treatment.

Pulmonologists need to get in on the " gravy train " that they " butt "

brothers/sisters are cleaning up on. They could make this procedure -

and I don't mean to joke about this, but it just strikes me as

ridiculous that it took nearly 3 years and the " run around " that

almost anyone I know with building illness (who is still alive) to get

what is offered in other illness (farm) contexts.


> g> First, if the medical profession can invade our colons for colon

> g> cancer screening which makes the profession a gazillion dollars,

> g> why are they not using the same " endoscopy " for lungs that were

> g> breathing the " dust " and debris from the World Trade Center?


> I never had one done because I understand it's very risky. Maybe

> they've improved the procedure over the past 10 years.


> g> Second, Why are they treating the after effects with steroids and

> g> shrinks?


> Because most doctors don't have the answers and would rather just

> poison you or assert that you're crazy so that one day you'll be

> picked up and collected to be sent to a FEMA concentration camp.


> g> Third, Are they afraid of what a lung-wash would show? They are

> g> washing out America's colons as a cancer screening, without any

> g> symptoms. Why are they not washing out sick lungs who have

> g> symptoms?


> I've never heard of a lung wash. Nebulization might be more like it.


> Pharmaceutical lobbyists are the ones who keep the AMA blinded and who

> make the rules through the inept FDA. It's we who need to change

> things and educate the world.


> Pat


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I read somewhere that a colonopsy can show the damage this illness

can cause to the lineings of the colon and a good doctor that really

looking can see the difference as in raw lineing damage pink vs.

healthy lineing pink. to bad the colonopsy i had was a mayo clinic

assembly line colonopsy and no, they dont bother to record it. so if

you get one, getting checked for canser or whatever it's worth a try

to get them to pay close attn. to the colon lineing and see if they

can record it or go somewhere that does. I couldn't believe they

didn't do that. they also did a uktrasound of my liver,stomach and

lower lung area and didn't record that either. thats messed up.

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I so agree, there really is no reason why we could not get proper

diagnoses with the right testing. it's just crazy that in this day

and age our doctors dont know how to do proper testing,diagnosing and

treatment. thats why I just dont believe they are ignorant, I think

they are just shoved to far up the political/industrial butookiss.and

how dare the acoem try to cry their way out of trouble after all the

suffering they have caused. you know, I have called many doctors in

this area over these last years and I've had some hang up on me when

I brought up toxic mold. and I had no resorces but to educate myself.

and try to manage my disease myself, I diagnosed myself and now have

a pretty good understanding of what has happened to my body. I

recently tried again to make phine calls and find a doctor who will

see me and I refuse to even act like I believe there bs line of crap

they dish out when I tell them I have been exposed to toxic molds.

the last one I talked two that I talked to were out of st. louis and

I had to hang up on them. they started the line of bs and I just

interupted them and said " thanks for nothing " and hung up on them.

I refuse to waist money I cant afford to drag my sick butt around to

set in moldy waiting rooms only to get misdiagnosed by rude doctors

that suddenly hate you because of what your trying to tell them and

get upset when you dont treat them like the know it all gods that

they like to think they are. and when their waiting room funiture and

carpet reeks of mold and causes me to become severly ill it's only

logical to realize how many poor mold sick people have went there for

help and not recieved it but either get misdiagnosed and given drugs

that harm them worse or get told they are just crazy and nothing is

wring with them. nothing makes me lose respect for a doctor quicker

than to know many have suffered by his lack of careing about his

patients or his oath. I actually went to a infectious disease doctor

awhile back and his staff even checked first and told me yes, he

treated mold illnesses, he acted all nice the first visit but he

totally ignired the effects his waiting room had on me, he waited for

the second visit the next week to start trying to tell me my illness

was vaused by stress. I spent over 3 weeks in bed because of his

waiting room and I couldn't force myself to go again, it didn't help

that the pain killers he gave me had a very bad reaction and he would

not prescribe me something else to help the bad patch I was suffering

from going to him in the first place. what a disappointment. I just

cant take no more of that. I guess if I wanted to speed up my slow

death process I could just spend all my time in doctors offices and

moldy hospitals.

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It does make sense, what you said about detecting intestinal damage

from the mold by-products.

It is a good tool (colonoscopy) but it is SO INCONSISTENT, to have

" standards of care " in one area of medicine, and completely IGNORE

other areas, because it is not " politically correct " to be sick as a

result of mold. Too bad. It is what it is. Poison. Poison they

would find with a bronchoscopy-biopsy and lavage. I would do it

again. Today.

The docs may have been brainwashed, or whatever to ignore this issue.

And it speaks poorly of the profession that we all looked up to. Some

know people are suffering and do care but their hands are tied so

public policy and medical standards need to be " equalized " across the

board to become competent in this area. That is a " top down " job.

Patients have to stay strong in their resolve not to be " beaten back "

by whomever, because the truth IS setting us free. It is biotoxin

illness - plain and simple. The implications of the government and

the medical profession admitting their incompetence are mind boggling

and far-reaching. Biotoxin illness reaches into many areas. Warfare,

commerce and education. They are in BIG trouble and they KNOW it.

Stay strong and try not to get discouraged. They only fight when you

are winning.


> I read somewhere that a colonopsy can show the damage this illness

> can cause to the lineings of the colon and a good doctor that really

> looking can see the difference as in raw lineing damage pink vs.

> healthy lineing pink. to bad the colonopsy i had was a mayo clinic

> assembly line colonopsy and no, they dont bother to record it. so if

> you get one, getting checked for canser or whatever it's worth a try

> to get them to pay close attn. to the colon lineing and see if they

> can record it or go somewhere that does. I couldn't believe they

> didn't do that. they also did a uktrasound of my liver,stomach and

> lower lung area and didn't record that either. thats messed up.


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