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Hepatits B infection & arthralgias: Selenium proves as powerful anti-cancer medicine

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The mineral selenium proves itself as powerful anti-cancer medicine

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 by: is Black | Key concepts: selenium, cancer

and nutrition

One of the most effective naturally occurring

weapons against cancer is, like most healthy things, something many of

us are not getting enough of. The mineral selenium has been shown in

multiple studies to be an effective tool in warding off various types

of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach, prostate, liver and

bladder cancers. Not many people get the recommended dose of 200

micrograms a day. Most Americans only get between 60 and 100 micrograms

of selenium daily from dietary sources, according to the Life Extension

Foundation's Disease Prevention and Treatment. That means daily supplements

might be worth considering.

Selenium was first used in conventional medicine as a treatment for

dandruff, but our understanding of the mineral has come a long way

since then. Today, research shows selenium, especially when used in conjunction

with vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, works to block chemical reactions

that create free radicals in the body (which can damage DNA and cause

degenerative change in cells, leading to cancer).

Selenium also helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing. In

other words, selenium acts to prevent tumors from developing. " It

contributes towards the death of cancerous and pre-cancer cells. Their

death appears to occur before they replicate, thus helping stop cancer

before it gets started, " says Dr. Howenstine in A Physician's Guide to

Natural Health Products That Work.

Selenium makes chemotherapy safer, more effective

In addition to preventing the onset of the disease, selenium has also

been shown to aid in slowing cancer's progression in patients that

already have it. According to the Life Extension Foundation, the use of

selenium during chemotherapy in combination with vitamin A and vitamin E can

reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs.

The mineral also helps " enhance the effectiveness of chemo, radiation,

and hyperthermia while minimizing damage to the patient's normal cells;

thus making therapy more of a 'selective toxin,' " says Quillin

in Beating Cancer with Nutrition.

A 1996 study by Dr. Larry of the University of Arizona showed

just how effective selenium can be in protecting against cancer. In the

study of 1,300 older people, the occurrence of cancer among those who

took 200 micrograms of selenium daily for about seven years was reduced

by 42 percent compared to those given a placebo. Cancer deaths for those taking

the selenium were cut almost in half, according to the study that was published

in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

While the study concluded the mineral helped protect against all types

of cancer, it had particularly powerful impacts on prostate, colorectal

and lung cancers. Carper, in Miracle Cures,

called Dr. 's findings an " unprecedented cancer intervention

study " that " bumped up the respectability of using supplements against

cancer several notches. "

Food sources of seleniumAlthough too much selenium can

actually be toxic to the system, research indicates the majority of the

population is not getting enough of the essential mineral. So, how can

we up our intake of selenium and help our bodies fight cancer? The good

news is there are some good dietary sources of selenium: Mushrooms, egg

yolks, seafood, poultry and kidney, liver and muscle meats contain the mineral.

Vegetables -- garlic, onions, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes and others -- as

well as whole grains and seeds can also be good sources of selenium.

However, because the amount of selenium in vegetables

and grains depends on the selenium content in the soil in which they

are grown, it can be hard for average consumers to know how much of the

mineral they are actually getting in their diets.

" The selenium content of food is largely dependent on the content of

volcanic ash in the soil on which the food was grown, with higher

volcanic ash content yielding higher selenium levels. Soil that is

irrigated by seawater, such as much of California's cropland, also

contains higher levels of selenium, " says Sue Gebo in What's Left to Eat. Gebo

adds that, in general, soil in the western United States is richer in selenium

than soil in the eastern part of the country.

Accordingly, geography can have a significant impact on diet. In Antioxidants

Against Cancer,

author Ralph Moss PhD, says one theory for why cancer rates are so high

in Linxian, China, dubbed " the 'world capital' of cancer, " is that the

soil is deficient in the essential minerals selenium and zinc. In Earl Mindell's

Supplement Bible, Earl Mindell RPh PhD, suggests part of the reason American men

are five times more likely than Japanese men to die from prostate cancer could

be because, in general, " the Asian diet contains four times the amount of

selenium as the average American diet. "

Another reason it seems to be difficult for Americans to get enough

selenium is the processing many of our foods go through before they

make it onto grocery store shelves. Mindell points out, for example,

that processing wheat into white flour strips it of a great deal of its

selenium. One way to get more selenium in your diet might be to eat

more organically grown foods, which some studies have shown to contain

more selenium as well as higher levels of beta carotene and vitamin E. These two

work together with selenium in cancer prevention, according to Alternative

Medicine author Burton Goldberg.

Perhaps a more surefire way to boost your selenium intake is to add

supplements to your diet. Mindell advocates the use of supplements,

saying, " To me, taking selenium supplements, in addition to eating

selenium-rich foods, is good insurance against disease. " However, for

those who oppose taking pills, Dr. Weil in Ask Dr. Weil says eating just

one shelled Brazil

nut -- grown in the selenium-rich soil of central Brazil -- provides

120 micrograms of the mineral, getting you that much closer to the

daily target of 200 micrograms.

Although extremely high doses of selenium can have toxic

effects, most people are not at risk for such an overdose, and could,

in fact, use more of the mineral. Simply adding more selenium-rich

foods, such as organically grown vegetables and fruits

to your diet, along with supplements, can help reduce your risk of

cancer. And another positive side effect of selenium, according to Eat and Heal,

by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, is that it can actually

improve your mood. Those editors write, " People who don't eat enough

selenium-rich foods tend to be grumpier than people with a high dietary

intake, according to recent research. " So, go ahead and crack a Brazil

nut open and smile.

The experts speak on selenium and cancer

Selenium MechanismsThere are several possible mechanisms

for the protective effect of selenium. Selenium activates an enzyme in

the body called gluthathione peroxidase that protects against the

formation of free radicals—those loose molecular cannons that can

damage DNA. In this situation, selenium may work interchangeably (and

in synergy) with vitamin E. In test tube studies, selenium inhibited

tumor growth and regulated the natural life span

of cells, ensuring that they died when they were supposed to instead of

turning " immortal " and hence malignant. Because of this particular

action, the University of Arizona researchers say that selenium could

be effective within a fairly short time frame.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207Numerous

studies suggest that an inverse association exists between selenium

levels and cancer incidence (Hocman, 1988; Willett and Stampfer, 1986;

Milner, 1985). Associations appear to be particularly strong with

cancers that are also associated with high-fat, low-fiber diets (i.e.,

breast, colon, prostrate, etc.). The mechanism for selenium's reported

protective effects is likely due to its function in antioxidant synthesis.

Glutathione peroxidase, the primary enzyme that converts hydrogen

peroxide to water (and thus prevents lipid peroxidation) is

selenium-dependent. Inhibition of lipid or bile acid oxidation may

account for its protective role (reviewed by Linder 1991:496-7).

Selenium may also act as an immune stimulant. Selenium deficiency

inhibits macrophage-mediated tumor destruction, and inhibits tumor

necrosis factor-alpha production in animals (Kiremidjian-Schumacher et

al., 1992). Dietary supplementation with selenium produced the opposite


Cancer And Natural Medicine by Boik, page 146

The safest antioxidants

are vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and beta-carotene. Together, they

block the chemical reactions that create free radicals, which can

damage DNA and promote a variety of degenerative changes in cells.

Chemotherapy and radiation generate free radicals; that is how they

kill dividing cells.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 47

At the Yunnan Tin Corporation in China there is a very high rate of lung cancer

among the miners. Forty healthy miners were given selenium supplements

for a year. The selenium, which increased in their blood, boosted a key

detoxifying enzyme system while simultaneously decreasing dangerous

lipid peroxide levels by nearly 75 percent. It also protected against

cancer-causing substances and ultraviolet radiation. Doctors at the

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences concluded that selenium supplements

were a safe and effective food supplement for people.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112Numerous

mechanisms have been explored to explain the modulation of

carcinogenesis by selenium (Medina 1986, El-Bayoumy 1991). The best

characterized function of selenium in mammalian cells is as a component

of the seleno- enzyme, glutathione

peroxi-dase. This enzyme is localized in the cytosol and mitochondrial

matrix, and it eliminates organic peroxides from the cell (Medina

1986). However, available evidence suggests that the prevention of

carcinogenesis by selenium is not related to its function in

glutathione peroxidase (Medina 1986). Other seleno- proteins have been

identified, but their impact on carcinogenesis is not defined (Medina

1986). There is some evidence that selenium may alter the metabolism of


or the interaction of chemical carcinogens with DNA, but there is

considerable controversy in the literature (Medina 1986). Additional

mechanistic studies suggest that selenium may alter cell proliferation

and/or immunologic responses (Medina 1986, El-Bayoumy 1991). Further

research is needed to understand the mechanisms whereby selenium

prevents cancer.

Carcinogens Human Diet by National Research Council, page 100Selenium

is needed to produce glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme that

protects the body from free radical damage. It is also important in preventing

cancer and cardiomegaly an enlargement of the heart that causes premature aging

and early death.

Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Null PhD, page 11

The best known functions of selenium at nutritionally adequate, but not

at excessive, levels are its role as a part of the enzyme glutathione

peroxidase and its interaction with heavy metals.

Glutathione peroxidase destroys hydroperoxides and lipoperoxides,

thereby protecting the constituents of the cells against free radical

damage. Ip and Sinha (1981) have shown that selenium, through its

function in glutathione peroxidase, could well be involved in

protecting against cancer induced by high intakes of fat, especially

polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Glutathione peroxidase activity in human blood increases with

increasing selenium intakes, but reaches a plateau at intakes well

below those customary in the United States (Thomson and ,

1980). Thus, if the antitumorigenic effect of selenium is mediated

through its function in glutathione peroxidase, attempts to increase

the enzyme activity by selenium supplementation, superimposed on an

adequate diet in the United States, would not be successful. The second

function of selenium is to protect against acute and chronic toxicity of certain

heavy metals. Although selenium is known to interact with cadmium and mercury,

the mechanism of action is not known. Selenium does not cause an

increased elimination of the toxic elements, but, rather, an increased

accumulation in some nontoxic form (National Academy of Sciences,

1971). It is conceivable that carcinogenic effects of these, and

perhaps other heavy metals, could be counteracted by selenium, in a

manner similar to its protection against their general toxicity.

Diet Nutrition Cancer by National Research Council, page 168

Selenium's main function in the body is to convert hydrogen peroxide to water,

which is important for cellular health.

Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by R Yance Jr, page 193

All of the body's tissues contain selenium, but it is most plentiful in the

liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas,

and testes. Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to protect

tissues and cell membranes, aid in the production of antibodies, and

help maintain a healthy heart and liver

Prescription For Dietary Wellness by Phyllis A Balch, page 44

Selenium Dosage/AdministrationIt has been reported that

selenium doses of about 250-300 micrograms a day (diet and supplements)

would be helpful in preventing cancer. If an average person consumes

125 to 150 micrograms of selenium a day, an additional supplemental

amount of 100 micrograms is unlikely to produce any major side effects.

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Recommendation: Take selenium aspartate in a dose of 100 to 200 micrograms


Doctors Complete Guide Vitamins Minerals by D Eades MD, page 496

Selenium is a mineral with anticancer activity. But the anticancer

effects of selenium are greatly reduced when there is an insufficient

intake of vitamin E. Rats who receive a normal amount of vitamin E in

their diets showed a 45 percent decrease in tumors when they were given

selenium. But they only had a 25 percent decrease if their diet was low

in vitamin E. In fact, vitamin E was considered more important than

selenium in decreasing " oxidant stress " to the fat of the breast.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 74In

the treatment of cancer the dosage is generally about 10,000

micrograms, still nearly one hundred times the National Academy of

Science's recommended dose. Revici's treatment is more complicated than

just organic selenium. He only uses selenium in patients whom he deems

to be in a " catabolic, " as opposed to an " anabolic, " state. He has

devised a number of urine tests to find whether a patient is in one

condition or the other. Selenium is given when the urine has a low

specific gravity, a high surface tension and a pH above 6.0. The

alkalinity of the urine is supposed to reflect the state of the body's

defenses against tumors.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112Selenium

levels show a U-shaped correlation with prostate cancer. In other

words, both low and high blood levels of selenium increase risk. This

simply means that we need enough selenium to maintain good health, yet

too much can be dangerous. A practical compromise is to use a

supplement that provides 100 I.U. of vitamin E (up to 400 I.U. would be

fine), and about 50 micrograms of selenium.

20 Natural Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer By Scala PHD, page


selenomethionine, which is incorporated into protein in place of

methionine, SMSC is not incorporated into any protein, thereby offering

a completely bioavailable compound. In animal studies, SMSC has been

shown to be 10 times less toxic than any other known form of selenium.

The recommended dose of Se-methylselenocysteine (SMSC) is 200-400 mcg a

day for cancer patients.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 316

Selenium Sources

You need just three Brazil nuts

to get the 200 micro-grams of selenium that studies have shown to have

a potent anti-cancer effect. As a bonus, when you eat Brazil nuts,

which grow best in the Amazon rain forest, you support the conservation

of one of my favorite places on earth. So you're not only protecting

your body, you're saving the environment.

Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 90

The Garlic Connection. It has long been noted that people who ate garlic, onion,


and whole grains had a reduced risk of cancer. It turns out that all of

these foods are rich in selenium, in fact, selenium is one of the

reasons that these particular foods are so healthful for us.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 77If

you're not fond of popping pills, you can get 120 micrograms of

selenium in just one Brazil nut. Buy the shelled kind—they're grown in

a central region of Brazil where the soil is richest in the mineral.

Other good sources are tuna fish, seafood, wheat germ, and bran.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207One

good food source is Brazil nuts, which happen also to contain at least

one other anticancer substance, ellagic acid. One large nut can provide

over 50 mcg of selenium. When Cornell scientist J. Lisk and his

colleagues ate six Brazil nuts a day for three weeks, their blood

levels of selenium rose between 100 and 350 percent.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 122

Selenium—An essential trace mineral found in fruits and vegetables,

selenium helps the body produce functional glutathione peroxidase, an

enzyme essential for detoxification. Low dietary levels of selenium

have been correlated with a higher incidence of cancer; accordingly,

supplementation of this nutrient acts as a deterrent against cancer in


Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 591

Red clover is also rich in calcium,

manganese, and selenium, which is a key cancer-fighting antioxidant. I

munch the flower heads, but not everyone likes them. Some people dry

the flower heads, turn them into a powder, and add them to soups.

Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 61

The debate continues regarding the active ingredients in garlic, but they may

include amino acids

(like the branched chain amino acids of leucine and isoleucine),

S-allyl cysteine, allicin, and organically-bound selenium…Garlic grown

on selenium-rich soil was more effective than selenium supplements at

inhibiting carcinogen-induced tumors in animals. A study published in

the Journal of the National Medical Association referred to garlic as

" ..a potent, non-specific biologic response modifier. "

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 147A

particularly worthy form of selenium is Se-methylselenocysteine,

currently available and attracting positive attention. This is the form

of selenium found naturally in plants such as broccoli and garlic. A

suggested selenium dosage (as a preventive) is 200 mcg a day. The

optimal dose for the cancer patient is unknown at this time, but

suggestions have ranged from 200-400 mcg a day. Depending upon the

selenium content of the soil, foods considered to be good sources of

selenium include Brazil nuts, grains, onions, tomatoes, broccoli,

chicken, eggs, garlic, liver, seafood, and wheat germ. Americans

typically get from 60-100 mcg of selenium a day from dietary sources.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 243

Cann, associate researcher at the University of British Columbia, gives

advice to women who want to fight breast cancer

with diet, " Eat different types of seaweed. " These include wakame,

kombu, and the more common nori — sea vegetables that might fight

cancer because of their iodine

and selenium. " We think it's very important for the breast, " Cann says

about iodine. This mineral, he believes, may prevent and even shrink

breast tumors by combining with certain fatty acids and stopping

cancerous cells from multiplying. And without the selenium, iodine

doesn't do its job properly.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 317

In parts of Europe, pumpkin seeds are the standard treatment for benign prostate

enlargement. The seeds are rich in zinc,

selenium and other minerals that have been shown to reduce prostate

cancer risk. Typical daily dosage: Eat one-quarter cup of the seeds.

Bottom Line Yearbook 2002 by Bottom Line Personnel, page 76The

intake of selenium and other nutrients from plant foods may be

influenced by the type of farming practices used. In a preliminary

investigation, organically grown foods were, in some cases,

nutritionally superior to conventionally grown foods (, 1993).

Cancer And Natural Medicine by Boik, page 147

The Journal of Nutrition reported that selenium-enriched broccoli is protective

against chemically induced mammary and colon cancer

in rats ( et al. 2002). Note: While selenium is contributing to

the lower incidence of malignancy, the anticancer affects of broccoli

should also be factored into the defense.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

You can find selenium in grains, shellfish, poultry, garlic, and egg yolks.

Natural Cures And Gentle Medicines by The Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing,

page 266

Commercial preparations of selenium include inorganic selenium (sodium

se-lenite) and various organic compounds of selenium. It has been

reported that sodium selenite is not absorbed adequately, whereas

organic selenium, including yeast-selenium, is absorbed very well. For

this reason, yeast-selenium is considered best for human consumption

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Throughout history and around the world, people from Mexico to Russia have given


magical powers. In reality, there's nothing miraculous about these

fungi at all, but they can make you healthier. Although mushrooms are

largely made up of water, they are also high in protein, carbohydrates,

and fiber. They are a potent source of vitamin D, riboflavin, and

niacin, plus minerals like potassium, selenium, and copper.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 252

In addition, some foods, such as lima beans, soy beans, and other soy

products, seem to have medicinal capabilities because of the presence

of isoflavones and phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens. These substances actually

curb the activity of the excess estrogen

in the body's tissues. Phytoestrogens can also be found in other

vegetables and in fruits, along with useful amounts of nonsoluble

fiber, beta-carotene, and selenium.

Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Null PhD, page 72

A new approach is now being explored: how to enrich our food with

antioxidant and protective agents. The simpler approach is to add

antioxidant vitamins to basic foods. Studies address the genetic engineering of

food to prevent heart disease

and cancer [105], and such measures as growing garlic with selenium

fertilization [95]. The authors of these studies state that " in view of

the impossible task of persuading the public to eat only those foods

that are presumably good for their health . . . the time has come to

enrich our foods with known cancer preventive agents so that their

benefit can be realized fully over the life span of the individual. "

Every Persons Guide To Antioxidants by R Smythies MD, page 103

Plentiful in poultry, selenium may help to protect against cancer, cataracts,

heart disease, and macular degeneration. Dark-meat turkey is

particularly high in this mineral (3 ounces of cooked turkey have 35mcg

of selenium, or 50% of the Daily Value).

Fight Back With Food by Readers Digest, page 73

To get more selenium in your diet, try tuna; a three-ounce can serves

up a full 99 micrograms. Or treat yourself to an ounce of baked

tortilla chips for a whopping 284 micrograms.

Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 64Selenium

comes from the soil, and fruits and vegetables that come from

selenium-rich soil are more likely to contain the mineral.

Natures Medicines by Gale Maleskey, page 363If

you eat a normal diet with plenty of unprocessed foods, you should be

fine. You'll find selenium in many grains, nuts, and vegetables; meat,

especially organ meats like liver; and seafood.

Natural Cures And Gentle Medicines by The Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing,

page 242A

new form of selenium is Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC), a naturally

occurring selenium compound found to be an effective chemopreventive

agent. SeMC is a selenoamino acid that is synthesized by plants such as

garlic and broccoli.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 277

Essiac formula was given to nurse Rene Caisse more than 80 years ago by

a woman whose breast cancer had been healed by this Ojibway Indian

herbal preparation. The formula is composed of four herbs (burdock

root, slippery elm, sheep sorrel, and Indian rhubarb). The burdock root

contains inulin, which improves the function of white blood cells. This

root also contains Vitamin A and selenium, which scavenge free radicals

and chromium which regulates blood sugar levels.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 156

Selenium Anti-Cancer Effects

Some forms of cancer are the result of free radical oxidation that

destroys or damages the part of the DNA that regulates cell

multiplication. When that happens, the cells can begin to multiply

abnormally, damaging the healthy tissue until your whole body is

invaded by these wildly proliferating cells. Since selenium can protect

you from free radical oxidation, one way to minimize your risk of

developing this type of cancer is to eat selenium-rich foods like whole

grains or their products with each meal. If you already have cancer,

selenium may be useful in slowing its progression. A way to get it in

even more concentrated doses than in foods is to take brewer's yeast or


Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483

Laboratory studies have shown that selenium can inhibit the growth of breast,

cervical, colon, and skin cancer.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 79Regular

intake of yellow and green vegetables, as well as foods containing

calcium, selenium and other micro-nutrients, lowers the risk of colon


Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 197

Selenium is protective against many types of cancers, promotes

apoptosis, is a powerful antioxidant, and improves quality of life

during aggressive cancer therapies According to P.D. Whanger (professor

of agricultural chemistry), nearly 200 animal studies have been

conducted to evaluate the effects of supernutritional levels of

selenium on experimental carcinogenesis using chemical, viral, and

transplantable tumor models. Two thirds of the studies found that high

levels of selenium reduced the development of tumors at least

moderately (14-35% compared to controls) and, in most cases,

significantly (by more than 35%) (Whanger 1998).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

Selenium has been used in combination with vitamin A

and vitamin E to reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs,

particularly Adriamycin (Faure et al. 1996; Vanella et al. 1997). The

synergistic effect of vitamin E and selenium together to enhance the immune


is greater than either alone. A new form of selenium is

Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC), a naturally occurring selenium compound

found to be an effective chemopreventive agent. SeMC is a selenoamino

acid that is synthesized by plants such as garlic and broccoli. SeMC

has been shown to induce apoptosis in certain ovarian cancer cells

(Yeo et al. 2002) and to be effective against breast cancer cell growth

both in vivo and in vitro (Sinha et al. 1999). SeMC has also

demonstrated significant anticarcinogenic activity against mammary

tumorigenesis (Sinha et al. 1997). Moreover, a study has demonstrated

that SeMC is one of the most effective selenium chemopreventive

compounds, inducing apoptosis in leukemia HL-60 cell lines (Jung et al.

2001a). Some of the most impressive data suggest that exposure to SeMC

blocks clonal expansion of premalignant lesions at an early stage. This

is achieved by simultaneously modulating certain molecular pathways

that are responsible for inhibiting cell proliferation and enhancing

apoptosis (Ip et al. 2001). Unlike selenomethionine, which is

incorporated into protein in place of methionine, SeMC is not

incorporated into any protein, thereby offering a completely

bioavailable compound for preventing cancer. Therefore, 200—400 mcg of

SeMC a day is suggested for cancer patients. Please note that selenium

also possesses antioxidant properties, so its use before, during, or

immediately after chemotherapy could theoretically inhibit the actions

of certain chemotherapy drugs.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page


have confirmed that vitamins C and E along with the mineral selenium

afford some prostate cancer prevention. This is not surprising to

anyone who understands diet, biochemistry, and how antioxidants work.

Glutathione peroxidase destroys free radicals and superoxides. Its name

means that it destroys peroxides (the potent oxidants that form in

tissues) and uses glutathione as a helper. Glutathione requires

selenium to function; and wherever selenium is at work, vitamin E can't

be far away because they function together.

20 Natural Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer By Scala PHD, page


For prostate cancer management, stay on a low fat diet, eat tomato

products often, take a multivitamin, vitamins C, E and selenium.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 151

Men with higher intakes of antioxi-dants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and the

trace mineral selenium have lower levels of prostate cancer.

Alternative Cures by Bill Gottlieb, page 519

Selenium Statistics

In a December 1996 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association,

Dr. Larry presented evidence that supplemental selenium could

reduce cancer death rates by as much as 50%. 1,312 patients were given

200 mcg. of selenium daily. The patients receiving selenium had a rise

of 67% in their blood selenium level.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 148The

patients receiving selenium had a 67% decrease in cancer of the

prostate, a 58 percent decrease in colon or rectal cancer and a 45%

decrease in lung cancer. This suggests that possibly up to 100,000

lives a year might be saved in the USA by the simple addition of

selenium to the diet.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 149An

article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by

et al. (1996) showed that 200 mcg of supplemental selenium a day

reduced overall cancer mortality

by 50% in humans compared to a placebo group not receiving supplemental

selenium. This 9-year study demonstrated that a low-cost mineral

supplement could cut the risk of dying from cancer in half in certain


Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1255In

a recent five-year study of nearly 30,000 rural Chinese people,

researchers from the NCI found that daily doses of these three

nutrients reduced cancer deaths by 13%.

Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 590But

what if you already have cancer? Again, the research shows a

prolongation of lifespan with proper supplementation. In a study in

Cancer Letters (Evangelou et al. 1997), animals with malignant tumors

given high doses of vitamins C and E and selenium manifested a

significant prolongation of the mean survival time. Complete remission

of tumors developed in 16.8% of the animals.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1256Dr.

Shamberger was also among the first to discover the link

between low selenium content in the soil and increasing numbers of

deaths from cancer. In 1976, he pointed out that the cities and states

with high selenium content in the soil also had significantly lower

rates of cancer, especially of the digestive and urinary systems.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 77A

Powerful Antioxidant " selenium is a crucial mineral in the battle

against prostate cancer, " says Dr. Schachter. In one study of hundreds

of men, a daily intake of 200 micrograms of selenium cut the incidence

of prostate cancer by 60 percent.

Alternative Cures by Bill Gottlieb, page 518The

statistics for breast cancer are particularly striking. " The higher the

selenium, the lower the breast cancer, " said Prof. Ladas. Similar

associations have been found with leukemia, as well as cancers of the

intestines, rectum, ovary, prostate, lung, pancreas, skin and bladder.

In Yugoslavia, scientists studied 33 patients with breast cancer. These

women had selenium levels in their bloodstream only half those of

healthy volunteers.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112Although

the study failed to show the effectiveness of selenium in altering the

course of either basal or squamous cell carcinoma, selenium impacted

the incidence of other types of malignancies with amazing success

( et al. 1996). The overall reduction in cancer incidence was 37%

in the selenium-supplemented group; a 50% reduction in cancer mortality

was observed over a 10-year period. The following are the site-specific

reductions in cancer incidence observed in the study: colon-rectal

cancers (58%), lung cancer (46%), and prostate cancer (63%). A selenium

deficiency appears to increase the risk of prostate cancer fourfold to

fivefold. It was determined that, as the male population ages, selenium

levels decrease, paralleling an increase in prostate cancer ( et

al. 2001).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

In a study published in the journal of the National Cancer Institute,

the relationship between serum levels of selenium and the development

of upper digestive tract cancer was explored (Mark et al, 2000). The relative


of esophageal cancer was 0.56 in individuals in the highest quartile of

selenium level compared with those in the lowest quartile. The

corresponding relative risk of gastric cardia cancer was 0.47. Based on

the data, the researchers calculate that 26.4% of esophageal and

gastric cardia cancers are attributable to low selenium levels.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

Selenium RecommendationsThe Recommended Daily Allowance

(RDA) is 50 to 100 micrograms (not milligrams) but few people get even

that much. Selenium is so important that I believe that practically

every adult should take a 200 microgram selenium supplement every day.

This is readily available in health food stores at a minimal price.

Organic selenium derived from yeast may be better absorbed man the

mineral form, sodium selenite. Very high doses of either can be toxic,

however, and should only be taken under a doctor's prescription. To

summarize: selenium has a strong ability to prevent cancers, especially

of the internal organs. There is no evidence that selenium interferes

with chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of both. On the contrary,

there is evidence that it decreases the side effects of such treatments

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 81The

supplements that I'd recommend for cancer prevention are the

antioxidants: vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and the mineral


Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 90

Moderate doses of zinc, beta-carotene, selenium and vitamin E are safe

and inexpensive. I believe these results are valid and are an accurate

reflection of what antioxidants can do. The finding that two terrible

cancers could be prevented by a few pennies worth of supplements

received little attention in the mainstream media.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 83

The National Academy of Sciences advises that no more than 150

micrograms of selenium be taken orally daily. But Revici's " bivalent

negative selenium " — a combination of the mineral with various organic

substances, such as the fatty acids of sesame oil—is said to be so

non-toxic that huge amounts, up to one million micrograms, have been

injected (in the treatment of drug addiction), apparently without any

ill effects. In the treatment of cancer the dosage is generally about

10,000 micrograms, still nearly one hundred times the National Academy

of Science's recommended dose.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112But

in the meantime, I will continue to take my 200 micrograms of selenium

a day—the same dose used in the study—and I suggest that you do, too.

Excess selenium has been associated with toxicity, so don't go

overboard. If you're not fond of popping pills, you can get 120

micrograms of selenium in just one Brazil nut. Buy the shelled

kind—they're grown in a central region of Brazil where the soil is

richest in the mineral. Other good sources are tuna fish, seafood,

wheat germ, and bran.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207While

everyone needs selenium on an everyday basis, there are certain

situations in which the human need for selenium may be increased, or in

which additional selenium may be helpful in the treatment of a disease.

If you are a male, your selenium needs are greater than if you are

female. If you suffer from heart disease or muscular disorders,

additional selenium may help you. The same can be said if you suffer

from cataracts, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, liver necrosis, iron

deficiency anemia, joint problems, heavy metal poisoning, or cancer.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 479Now,

Dr. Mark A. , a professor and researcher at the Arizona Cancer

Center, says, " The Nutritional Prevention of Cancer (NPC) Trial tripled

the intake and suggests that higher levels of selenium may be necessary

for cancer prevention. " Until nutritionists conduct more research,

though, no one can recommend the best, safest amount you should get.

Experts warn selenium is a toxic mineral, which means too much of it,

especially from supplements, is unsafe.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 98Doctors

at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences concluded that selenium

supplements were a safe and effective food supplement for people. There

have also been a number of reports of selenium's toxicity or even its

alleged ability to cause cancer. There is no question that excess

selenium in the soil (in the form of its compounds, selenite or

selenate) can kill grazing animals and could probably in sufficiently

large doses kill humans as well. The symptoms of selenium poisoning are

readily apparent without a doctor's assistance, according to Dr.

Gerhard Schrauzer, a world expert on the topic. These symptoms include

a heavy garlic odor, pallor, nervousness, depression, a metallic taste,

skin eruptions, irritability, discolored teeth and hair loss. There is

some doubt about the carcinogenicity studies. For instance, one study

showed toxic effects for inorganic, but not organic, forms of the


Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112

General / History of Selenium

Selenium (Se) is a metal that is chemically similar to sulfur. It was

first discovered in 1817 and because of its silvery color was named for

Selene, the ancient goddess of the moon. Selenium is an essential

component of two important antioxidant enzymes and is also the helpmate

of vitamin E.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 76

Initially, selenium's importance in human health was underrated. In

fact, its main use in conventional medicine was as a treatment for


Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 76Strange

as it may seem, toenail levels of selenium are considered a good

indicator of long-term selenium intake. They found that the people

whose toenails had the highest levels of selenium had half of the rate

of lung cancer compared with those whose toe-nails were low in


Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 143Emmanuel

Revici, MD based his treatment on correcting an imbalance between fatty

acids and sterols in the cancer patient; called " biological dualism " .

Revici was considered a very dedicated physician and developer of

selenium as an anti-cancer agent. -Ewan Cameron, MD, a ish surgeon

first popularized the use of high dose vitamin C in terminal cancer


Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 45

Some scientists still do not accept the need for selenium supplements

and argue against its protective effect against cancer and other

diseases. Others endorse the value of moderate amounts of selenium

added to the diet. In the laboratory, selenium has shown a wide range

of anticancer effects.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 109Aside

from Revici's work, little has been done to investigate the use of this

mineral as a cancer treatment. In 1911, Prof. August von Wasserrman

achieved growth inhibition, shrinkage and eventually the disappearance

of tumors by injecting selenium directly into mouse tumors. Four years

later, two doctors

caused the shrinkage and the eventual disappearance of small tumors in

cancer patients, although larger tumors failed to respond.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112After

critically examining this book, I came to the conclusion that Dr.

Revici is an innovative medical genius, outstanding chemist and a

highly creative thinker [emphasis added]. I also realized that few of

his medical colleagues would be able to follow his train of thought and

thus would be all too willing to dismiss his work. Because of my own

professional interest in selenium, let me merely focus on this aspect

of his work. Selenium containing medications were introduced into cancer therapy

as early as 1911 by none less than the great physician August von

Wasserman. Working with experimental animals, von Wasserman was able to

show his selenium compounds produced liquefactive necrosis of solid

tumors, an unheard of event at the time, hailed as a major success.

However, von Wasserman's compounds were too toxic and thus could not be

employed in the treatment of human cancer. Dr. Revici deserves credit

for having discovered pharmacologically active selenium compounds of

very low toxicity. The same was achieved years later by one other great

physician, Dr. Klaus Schwarz, in collaboration with a leading organic

chemist, Dr. Arne Fredga, of Uppsala University. The National Cancer

Institute has recognized the importance of selenium only within the

past few years. Would one thus not have to conclude that Dr. Revici, in

this one instance, was 40 years ahead of his time? The same could be

said for many of his other researches which form the basis of his


Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 614

Dr. Gerbhard Schauzer, a biochemist at the University of California in San

Diego, … believes that if every woman in America

began taking selenium supplements today or followed a diet high in

selenium, the breast cancer rate in this country would decline

drastically in a few years.

Miracle Medicine Herbs by M Lucas, page 16Asia

has considerable quantities of selenium in its soil, making the Asian

diet rich in the mineral; not surprisingly, cancer and heart disease

occur considerably less often in Asian cultures than in the West.

Optimum Health by T Sinatra MD, page 123

Additional Benefits of Selenium

Antioxidants, like beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium

appear to enhance the effectiveness of chemo, radiation, and

hyperthermia while minimizing damage to the patient's normal cells;

thus making therapy more of a " selective toxin. " An optimally nourished

cancer patient can better tolerate the rigors of cytotoxic therapy.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 18Patients

with advanced rectal cancer were treated with a combination of

selenium, the drug 5-FU, and radiation. Scientists reported a

protective effect of selenium on quality of life.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 80Selenium-deficient

animals have more heart damage from the chemo drug, adriamycin.43

Supplements of selenium and vitamin E in humans did not reduce the

efficacy of the chemo drugs against ovarian and cervical cancer.

Animals with implanted tumors who were then treated with selenium and

cisplatin (chemo drug) had reduced toxicity to the drug with no change

in anti-cancer activity. Selenium supplements helped repair DNA damage

from a carcinogen in animals. Selenium was selectively toxic to human leukemia

cells in culture.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 56

While most nutritionists agree on the importance of growth

(proliferative) nutrients, few nutritionists respect the importance for

anti-proliferative nutrients. For every force in the body, there must

be an opposing force to regulate that mechanism. There are agents that

cause fluid loss from the kidneys (diuresis) and other agents that stem

this fluid loss when it is excessive (anti-diuretic hormone). Just as

there is a need for nutrients to augment growth, there is a need for

nutrients to control excessive growth and shut down the process.

Selenium, fish oil, garlic, Cat's claw, Maitake D-fraction, vitamin E

succinate, vitamin K, quercetin, genistein, and bovine cartilage all

may assist the cancer patient in this manner.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 80Vitamin

E and selenium supplements in animals helped to reduce the heart

toxicity from adriamycin. Selenium and vitamin E supplements were given

to 41 women undergoing cytotoxic therapy for ovarian and cervical

cancers, with a resulting drop in the toxicity-related rise in creatine


Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 107One

of the foremost selenium investigators, Gerhard Schrauzer of the

University of California at San Diego, says: Apart from its functions

as an essential micronutrient, selenium also appears to have other

physiological functions in which it acts as a physiological resistance

factor [emphasis added]. Its cancer protecting effects fall into this

category. In addition, selenium protects against free radicals,

mutagens, toxic heavy metals and certain bacterial, fungal and viral

pathogens. The selenium requirement increases under stress, just as the

requirement for certain vitamins increases during infections. Selenium,

according to Schrauzer, is most effective as a form of nutritional

cancer prophylaxis. In animal research, its protective effect is

greater the earlier in life it is given, and its shielding effect

against virally induced cancer disappears if the nutrient is no longer

fed to the animal. Nevertheless, selenium does have an effect on

slowing the rate of growth of established spontaneous or transplanted

breast tumors in animals, and in reversing the development of some

malignant cell lines when used at pharmacological levels. Further,

selenium has shown a general capacity to stimulate the immune system in

several animal models, which may add to its anticancer effects. It is

of special relevance to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy that

selenium " has by now been shown to prevent or retard tumorigenesis

induced by virtually all the major known carcinogens, " probably,

Schrauzer believes, " by modulating the rate of cell division. "

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Just as selenium protects you against toxic metal poisoning, it can

also protect you against radiation, whether you are exposed to it

through the environment or more directly through medical treatments. A

particularly effective form of selenium for this purpose is

selenoaminoacid compounds (selenium plus amino acids). Selenium also

protects you against compounds called epoxides, as it breaks them down.

What are epoxides? Formed when an enzyme named aryl hydrocarbon

hydroxylase binds with a carcinogenic substance, epoxides could be

called the immediate cause of cancer. The carcinogens cause your body

to produce them, and then cancer may ensue.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483Reports

from Germany indicate that selenium supplementation in patients

undergoing radiation therapy for rectal cancer improved quality of life

and reduced the appearance of secondary cancers (Hehr et al. 1997) It

appears that selenium acts as an immunologic response modifier,

normalizing every component of the immune system (Life Extension Report


Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page


garbagemen of the bloodstream—are capable of keeping your body clear of

tumor cells. Also, since they produce interferon, they can help

eliminate the viruses that cause some forms of cancer. But to do their

job properly, they need adequate selenium.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483Some

of the known natural compounds that can reduce insulin resistance

include omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, flavonoids, selenium, and

vitamin E. Dietary risk factors must be managed. Therefore, besides

restricting dietary sugars, individuals should eat an adequate amount

of fruits and vegetables because phytochemicals in fruits and

vegetables act as potent anticancer agents.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 598Selenium

can prevent solar damage, pigmentation and dark spots, but because the

selenium content of soil varies across the country, not everyone is

getting enough to be beneficial, " says Dr. Burke, citing the Southeast

in particular as an area deficient in selenium. To quench the free

radicals caused by sun exposure and to prevent skin damage, Dr. Burke

recommends daily supplements of 50 to 200 micrograms of selenium in the

form of 1-selenomethionine, depending on where you live and your family

history of cancer. Selenium can be toxic in doses exceeding 100

micrograms, so if you'd like to try this therapy to protect your skin,

you should discuss it with your doctor.

Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 64

The importance of selenium to cardiovascular health was demonstrated in

the provinces of China where the mineral was deficient. This

correlation can be seen throughout the world. Ray Shamberger, M.D., and

Willis, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, reported in 1976

that people who live in low-selenium areas have three times more heart

disease than those living in areas where the soil and water are rich in

the mineral.

Saturated Fat May Save Your Life by Bruce Fife ND, page 142Selenium

also appears to help stimulate antibody formation in response to

vaccines. This immunostimulating effect is also enhanced by vitamin E;

the presence of these two nutrients can increase antibody formation by

20-30 times, as shown by research.

Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Elson M Haas MD, page 213

Selenium may also aid in protein synthesis, growth and development, and

fertility, especially in the male. It has been shown to improve sperm production

and motility. Thus, selenium may prevent male infertility;

however, we do not know whether selenium deficiency will actually cause

male infertility. These are only some of the conjectures about other

selenium functions.

Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Elson M Haas MD, page 213

Selenium InteractionsCertain metals such as lead, cadmium,

arsenic, mercury and silver block the action of selenium. . . . Recent

laboratory experiments have shown that high doses of zinc block the

action of selenium. Therefore, one has to be careful about taking

excessive amounts of zinc (over 20 milligrams per day from diet and

supplements) while taking selenium [emphasis added].

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619I

think the selenium and saffron complement one another. Selensaff, a

product made by Scientific Botanicals (see Resources), is used in

cancer therapy to create a redox effect—a process of improving cell

function by enhancing both oxygen uptake and the excretion of oxygen waste.

Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by R Yance Jr, page 148

Zinc is important because it is an antagonist to selenium and may in

itself enhance or inhibit different tumors. Selenium in minute

quantities is essential to human health. According to Prasad, among the

minerals, " only selenium has been shown to have a role in cancer

prevention " :

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619

Vitamin E and selenium protected animals against the potent carcinogenic effects

of DMBA from tobacco.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 164Selenium

acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the body's immune defense

system. Thus, many of the effects which are produced by vitamin E

deficiency can be reversed or prevented by selenium. Some laboratory

experiments have suggested that the combination of vitamin E and

selenium is more effective in preventing cancer than either of them


Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619However,

one experiment has demonstrated increased susceptibility to

DMBA-induced tumors when selenium deficiency was aggravated by high

dietary levels of polyunsatu-rated fatty acids, and protection by a

physiological supplement of selenium (0.1 pg/g) to the diet (Ip and

Sinha, 1981). The interpretation of these results is further

complicated because of the varied protocols used in these experiments

and the knowledge that selenium interacts with many other nutrients,

such as heavy metals in the diet.

Diet Nutrition Cancer by National Research Council, page 169

In some experiments, dietary zinc exceeding nutritional requirements

has been shown to suppress chemically induced tumors in rats and

hamsters, but when given in drinking water it counteracts the

protective effect of selenium in mice...While the evidence on the

effect of zinc on tumor development is complex, it strongly suggests

that, in general, one should be cautious about taking zinc supplements

if one has cancer. And since selenium has a wide spectrum of

demonstrable anticancer effects, cancer patients should be particularly

cautious with zinc, since it is a selenium antagonist. I have seen many

cancer patients taking moderately large amounts of zinc as part of a

comprehensive megavitamin nutritional supplement

program. In view of the available scientific evidence, this is another

critical example of an area where uninformed nutritional

supplementation may do harm.

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612In

addition, statistically significant protection from high levels of

selenium and alpha-tocopherol occurred only when gamma- tocopherol

concentrations were also high (Helzl-sourer et al. 2000).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 258Selenium

and co-enzyme Q-10. Exhibits anticancer activity especially in blocking

development of colon cancer and spread of breast cancer.

Food Your Miracle Medicine by Carper, page 481


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Guest guest

My apologies for the formatting of the last email, which accidentally went out

before editing!

One of the most effective naturally occurring

weapons against cancer is, like most healthy things, something many of

us are not getting enough of. The mineral selenium has been shown in

multiple studies to be an effective tool in warding off various types

of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach, prostate, liver and

bladder cancers. Not many people get the recommended dose of 200

micrograms a day. Most Americans only get between 60 and 100 micrograms

of selenium daily from dietary sources, according to the Life Extension

Foundation's Disease Prevention and Treatment. That means daily supplements

might be worth considering.

Selenium was first used in conventional medicine as a treatment for

dandruff, but our understanding of the mineral has come a long way

since then. Today, research shows selenium, especially when used in conjunction

with vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, works to block chemical reactions

that create free radicals in the body (which can damage DNA and cause

degenerative change in cells, leading to cancer).

Selenium also helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing. In

other words, selenium acts to prevent tumors from developing. " It

contributes towards the death of cancerous and pre-cancer cells. Their

death appears to occur before they replicate, thus helping stop cancer

before it gets started, " says Dr. Howenstine in A Physician's Guide to

Natural Health Products That Work.

Selenium makes chemotherapy safer, more effective

In addition to preventing the onset of the disease, selenium has also

been shown to aid in slowing cancer's progression in patients that

already have it. According to the Life Extension Foundation, the use of

selenium during chemotherapy in combination with vitamin A and vitamin E can

reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs.

The mineral also helps " enhance the effectiveness of chemo, radiation,

and hyperthermia while minimizing damage to the patient's normal cells;

thus making therapy more of a 'selective toxin,' " says Quillin

in Beating Cancer with Nutrition.

A 1996 study by Dr. Larry of the University of Arizona showed

just how effective selenium can be in protecting against cancer. In the

study of 1,300 older people, the occurrence of cancer among those who

took 200 micrograms of selenium daily for about seven years was reduced

by 42 percent compared to those given a placebo. Cancer deaths for those taking

the selenium were cut almost in half, according to the study that was published

in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

While the study concluded the mineral helped protect against all types

of cancer, it had particularly powerful impacts on prostate, colorectal

and lung cancers. Carper, in Miracle Cures,

called Dr. 's findings an " unprecedented cancer intervention

study " that " bumped up the respectability of using supplements against

cancer several notches. "

Food sources of selenium

Although too much selenium can

actually be toxic to the system, research indicates the majority of the

population is not getting enough of the essential mineral. So, how can

we up our intake of selenium and help our bodies fight cancer? The good

news is there are some good dietary sources of selenium: Mushrooms, egg

yolks, seafood, poultry and kidney, liver and muscle meats contain the mineral.

Vegetables -- garlic, onions, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes and others -- as

well as whole grains and seeds can also be good sources of selenium.

However, because the amount of selenium in vegetables

and grains depends on the selenium content in the soil in which they

are grown, it can be hard for average consumers to know how much of the

mineral they are actually getting in their diets.

" The selenium content of food is largely dependent on the content of

volcanic ash in the soil on which the food was grown, with higher

volcanic ash content yielding higher selenium levels. Soil that is

irrigated by seawater, such as much of California's cropland, also

contains higher levels of selenium, " says Sue Gebo in What's Left to Eat. Gebo

adds that, in general, soil in the western United States is richer in selenium

than soil in the eastern part of the country.

Accordingly, geography can have a significant impact on diet. In Antioxidants

Against Cancer,

author Ralph Moss PhD, says one theory for why cancer rates are so high

in Linxian, China, dubbed " the 'world capital' of cancer, " is that the

soil is deficient in the essential minerals selenium and zinc. In Earl Mindell's

Supplement Bible, Earl Mindell RPh PhD, suggests part of the reason American men

are five times more likely than Japanese men to die from prostate cancer could

be because, in general, " the Asian diet contains four times the amount of

selenium as the average American diet. "

Another reason it seems to be difficult for Americans to get enough

selenium is the processing many of our foods go through before they

make it onto grocery store shelves. Mindell points out, for example,

that processing wheat into white flour strips it of a great deal of its

selenium. One way to get more selenium in your diet might be to eat

more organically grown foods, which some studies have shown to contain

more selenium as well as higher levels of beta carotene and vitamin E. These two

work together with selenium in cancer prevention, according to Alternative

Medicine author Burton Goldberg.

Perhaps a more surefire way to boost your selenium intake is to add

supplements to your diet. Mindell advocates the use of supplements,

saying, " To me, taking selenium supplements, in addition to eating

selenium-rich foods, is good insurance against disease. " However, for

those who oppose taking pills, Dr. Weil in Ask Dr. Weil says eating just

one shelled Brazil

nut -- grown in the selenium-rich soil of central Brazil -- provides

120 micrograms of the mineral, getting you that much closer to the

daily target of 200 micrograms.

Although extremely high doses of selenium can have toxic

effects, most people are not at risk for such an overdose, and could,

in fact, use more of the mineral. Simply adding more selenium-rich

foods, such as organically grown vegetables and fruits

to your diet, along with supplements, can help reduce your risk of

cancer. And another positive side effect of selenium, according to Eat and Heal,

by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, is that it can actually

improve your mood. Those editors write, " People who don't eat enough

selenium-rich foods tend to be grumpier than people with a high dietary

intake, according to recent research. " So, go ahead and crack a Brazil

nut open and smile.

The experts speak on selenium and cancer

Selenium Mechanisms

There are several possible mechanisms

for the protective effect of selenium. Selenium activates an enzyme in

the body called gluthathione peroxidase that protects against the

formation of free radicals—those loose molecular cannons that can

damage DNA. In this situation, selenium may work interchangeably (and

in synergy) with vitamin E. In test tube studies, selenium inhibited

tumor growth and regulated the natural life span

of cells, ensuring that they died when they were supposed to instead of

turning " immortal " and hence malignant. Because of this particular

action, the University of Arizona researchers say that selenium could

be effective within a fairly short time frame.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207


studies suggest that an inverse association exists between selenium

levels and cancer incidence (Hocman, 1988; Willett and Stampfer, 1986;

Milner, 1985). Associations appear to be particularly strong with

cancers that are also associated with high-fat, low-fiber diets (i.e.,

breast, colon, prostrate, etc.). The mechanism for selenium's reported

protective effects is likely due to its function in antioxidant synthesis.

Glutathione peroxidase, the primary enzyme that converts hydrogen

peroxide to water (and thus prevents lipid peroxidation) is

selenium-dependent. Inhibition of lipid or bile acid oxidation may

account for its protective role (reviewed by Linder 1991:496-7).

Selenium may also act as an immune stimulant. Selenium deficiency

inhibits macrophage-mediated tumor destruction, and inhibits tumor

necrosis factor-alpha production in animals (Kiremidjian-Schumacher et

al., 1992). Dietary supplementation with selenium produced the opposite


Cancer And Natural Medicine by Boik, page 146

The safest antioxidants

are vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and beta-carotene. Together, they

block the chemical reactions that create free radicals, which can

damage DNA and promote a variety of degenerative changes in cells.

Chemotherapy and radiation generate free radicals; that is how they

kill dividing cells.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 47

At the Yunnan Tin Corporation in China there is a very high rate of lung cancer

among the miners. Forty healthy miners were given selenium supplements

for a year. The selenium, which increased in their blood, boosted a key

detoxifying enzyme system while simultaneously decreasing dangerous

lipid peroxide levels by nearly 75 percent. It also protected against

cancer-causing substances and ultraviolet radiation. Doctors at the

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences concluded that selenium supplements

were a safe and effective food supplement for people.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112


mechanisms have been explored to explain the modulation of

carcinogenesis by selenium (Medina 1986, El-Bayoumy 1991). The best

characterized function of selenium in mammalian cells is as a component

of the seleno- enzyme, glutathione

peroxi-dase. This enzyme is localized in the cytosol and mitochondrial

matrix, and it eliminates organic peroxides from the cell (Medina

1986). However, available evidence suggests that the prevention of

carcinogenesis by selenium is not related to its function in

glutathione peroxidase (Medina 1986). Other seleno- proteins have been

identified, but their impact on carcinogenesis is not defined (Medina

1986). There is some evidence that selenium may alter the metabolism of


or the interaction of chemical carcinogens with DNA, but there is

considerable controversy in the literature (Medina 1986). Additional

mechanistic studies suggest that selenium may alter cell proliferation

and/or immunologic responses (Medina 1986, El-Bayoumy 1991). Further

research is needed to understand the mechanisms whereby selenium

prevents cancer.

Carcinogens Human Diet by National Research Council, page 100


is needed to produce glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme that

protects the body from free radical damage. It is also important in preventing

cancer and cardiomegaly an enlargement of the heart that causes premature aging

and early death.

Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Null PhD, page 11

The best known functions of selenium at nutritionally adequate, but not

at excessive, levels are its role as a part of the enzyme glutathione

peroxidase and its interaction with heavy metals.

Glutathione peroxidase destroys hydroperoxides and lipoperoxides,

thereby protecting the constituents of the cells against free radical

damage. Ip and Sinha (1981) have shown that selenium, through its

function in glutathione peroxidase, could well be involved in

protecting against cancer induced by high intakes of fat, especially

polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Glutathione peroxidase activity in human blood increases with

increasing selenium intakes, but reaches a plateau at intakes well

below those customary in the United States (Thomson and ,

1980). Thus, if the antitumorigenic effect of selenium is mediated

through its function in glutathione peroxidase, attempts to increase

the enzyme activity by selenium supplementation, superimposed on an

adequate diet in the United States, would not be successful. The second

function of selenium is to protect against acute and chronic toxicity of certain

heavy metals. Although selenium is known to interact with cadmium and mercury,

the mechanism of action is not known. Selenium does not cause an

increased elimination of the toxic elements, but, rather, an increased

accumulation in some nontoxic form (National Academy of Sciences,

1971). It is conceivable that carcinogenic effects of these, and

perhaps other heavy metals, could be counteracted by selenium, in a

manner similar to its protection against their general toxicity.

Diet Nutrition Cancer by National Research Council, page 168

Selenium's main function in the body is to convert hydrogen peroxide to water,

which is important for cellular health. Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by

R Yance Jr, page 193

All of the body's tissues contain selenium, but it is most plentiful in the

liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas,

and testes. Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to protect

tissues and cell membranes, aid in the production of antibodies, and

help maintain a healthy heart and liver

Prescription For Dietary Wellness by Phyllis A Balch, page 44

Selenium Dosage/Administration

It has been reported that

selenium doses of about 250-300 micrograms a day (diet and supplements)

would be helpful in preventing cancer. If an average person consumes

125 to 150 micrograms of selenium a day, an additional supplemental

amount of 100 micrograms is unlikely to produce any major side effects.

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Recommendation: Take selenium aspartate in a dose of 100 to 200 micrograms


Doctors Complete Guide Vitamins Minerals by D Eades MD, page 496

Selenium is a mineral with anticancer activity. But the anticancer

effects of selenium are greatly reduced when there is an insufficient

intake of vitamin E. Rats who receive a normal amount of vitamin E in

their diets showed a 45 percent decrease in tumors when they were given

selenium. But they only had a 25 percent decrease if their diet was low

in vitamin E. In fact, vitamin E was considered more important than

selenium in decreasing " oxidant stress " to the fat of the breast.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 74


the treatment of cancer the dosage is generally about 10,000

micrograms, still nearly one hundred times the National Academy of

Science's recommended dose. Revici's treatment is more complicated than

just organic selenium. He only uses selenium in patients whom he deems

to be in a " catabolic, " as opposed to an " anabolic, " state. He has

devised a number of urine tests to find whether a patient is in one

condition or the other. Selenium is given when the urine has a low

specific gravity, a high surface tension and a pH above 6.0. The

alkalinity of the urine is supposed to reflect the state of the body's

defenses against tumors.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112


levels show a U-shaped correlation with prostate cancer. In other

words, both low and high blood levels of selenium increase risk. This

simply means that we need enough selenium to maintain good health, yet

too much can be dangerous. A practical compromise is to use a

supplement that provides 100 I.U. of vitamin E (up to 400 I.U. would be

fine), and about 50 micrograms of selenium.

20 Natural Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer By Scala PHD, page



selenomethionine, which is incorporated into protein in place of

methionine, SMSC is not incorporated into any protein, thereby offering

a completely bioavailable compound. In animal studies, SMSC has been

shown to be 10 times less toxic than any other known form of selenium.

The recommended dose of Se-methylselenocysteine (SMSC) is 200-400 mcg a

day for cancer patients.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 316

Selenium Sources

You need just three Brazil nuts

to get the 200 micro-grams of selenium that studies have shown to have

a potent anti-cancer effect. As a bonus, when you eat Brazil nuts,

which grow best in the Amazon rain forest, you support the conservation

of one of my favorite places on earth. So you're not only protecting

your body, you're saving the environment.

Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 90

The Garlic Connection. It has long been noted that people who ate garlic, onion,


and whole grains had a reduced risk of cancer. It turns out that all of

these foods are rich in selenium, in fact, selenium is one of the

reasons that these particular foods are so healthful for us.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 77


you're not fond of popping pills, you can get 120 micrograms of

selenium in just one Brazil nut. Buy the shelled kind—they're grown in

a central region of Brazil where the soil is richest in the mineral.

Other good sources are tuna fish, seafood, wheat germ, and bran.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207


good food source is Brazil nuts, which happen also to contain at least

one other anticancer substance, ellagic acid. One large nut can provide

over 50 mcg of selenium. When Cornell scientist J. Lisk and his

colleagues ate six Brazil nuts a day for three weeks, their blood

levels of selenium rose between 100 and 350 percent.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 122

Selenium—An essential trace mineral found in fruits and vegetables,

selenium helps the body produce functional glutathione peroxidase, an

enzyme essential for detoxification. Low dietary levels of selenium

have been correlated with a higher incidence of cancer; accordingly,

supplementation of this nutrient acts as a deterrent against cancer in


Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 591

Red clover is also rich in calcium,

manganese, and selenium, which is a key cancer-fighting antioxidant. I

munch the flower heads, but not everyone likes them. Some people dry

the flower heads, turn them into a powder, and add them to soups.

Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 61

The debate continues regarding the active ingredients in garlic, but they may

include amino acids

(like the branched chain amino acids of leucine and isoleucine),

S-allyl cysteine, allicin, and organically-bound selenium…Garlic grown

on selenium-rich soil was more effective than selenium supplements at

inhibiting carcinogen-induced tumors in animals. A study published in

the Journal of the National Medical Association referred to garlic as

" ..a potent, non-specific biologic response modifier. "

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 147


particularly worthy form of selenium is Se-methylselenocysteine,

currently available and attracting positive attention. This is the form

of selenium found naturally in plants such as broccoli and garlic. A

suggested selenium dosage (as a preventive) is 200 mcg a day. The

optimal dose for the cancer patient is unknown at this time, but

suggestions have ranged from 200-400 mcg a day. Depending upon the

selenium content of the soil, foods considered to be good sources of

selenium include Brazil nuts, grains, onions, tomatoes, broccoli,

chicken, eggs, garlic, liver, seafood, and wheat germ. Americans

typically get from 60-100 mcg of selenium a day from dietary sources.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 243

Cann, associate researcher at the University of British Columbia, gives

advice to women who want to fight breast cancer

with diet, " Eat different types of seaweed. " These include wakame,

kombu, and the more common nori — sea vegetables that might fight

cancer because of their iodine

and selenium. " We think it's very important for the breast, " Cann says

about iodine. This mineral, he believes, may prevent and even shrink

breast tumors by combining with certain fatty acids and stopping

cancerous cells from multiplying. And without the selenium, iodine

doesn't do its job properly.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 317

In parts of Europe, pumpkin seeds are the standard treatment for benign prostate

enlargement. The seeds are rich in zinc,

selenium and other minerals that have been shown to reduce prostate

cancer risk. Typical daily dosage: Eat one-quarter cup of the seeds.

Bottom Line Yearbook 2002 by Bottom Line Personnel, page 76


intake of selenium and other nutrients from plant foods may be

influenced by the type of farming practices used. In a preliminary

investigation, organically grown foods were, in some cases,

nutritionally superior to conventionally grown foods (, 1993).

Cancer And Natural Medicine by Boik, page 147

The Journal of Nutrition reported that selenium-enriched broccoli is protective

against chemically induced mammary and colon cancer

in rats ( et al. 2002). Note: While selenium is contributing to

the lower incidence of malignancy, the anticancer affects of broccoli

should also be factored into the defense.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

You can find selenium in grains, shellfish, poultry, garlic, and egg yolks.

Natural Cures And Gentle Medicines by The Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing,

page 266

Commercial preparations of selenium include inorganic selenium (sodium

se-lenite) and various organic compounds of selenium. It has been

reported that sodium selenite is not absorbed adequately, whereas

organic selenium, including yeast-selenium, is absorbed very well. For

this reason, yeast-selenium is considered best for human consumption

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Throughout history and around the world, people from Mexico to Russia have given


magical powers. In reality, there's nothing miraculous about these

fungi at all, but they can make you healthier. Although mushrooms are

largely made up of water, they are also high in protein, carbohydrates,

and fiber. They are a potent source of vitamin D, riboflavin, and

niacin, plus minerals like potassium, selenium, and copper.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 252

In addition, some foods, such as lima beans, soy beans, and other soy

products, seem to have medicinal capabilities because of the presence

of isoflavones and phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens. These substances actually

curb the activity of the excess estrogen

in the body's tissues. Phytoestrogens can also be found in other

vegetables and in fruits, along with useful amounts of nonsoluble

fiber, beta-carotene, and selenium.

Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Null PhD, page 72

A new approach is now being explored: how to enrich our food with

antioxidant and protective agents. The simpler approach is to add

antioxidant vitamins to basic foods. Studies address the genetic engineering of

food to prevent heart disease

and cancer [105], and such measures as growing garlic with selenium

fertilization [95]. The authors of these studies state that " in view of

the impossible task of persuading the public to eat only those foods

that are presumably good for their health . . . the time has come to

enrich our foods with known cancer preventive agents so that their

benefit can be realized fully over the life span of the individual. "

Every Persons Guide To Antioxidants by R Smythies MD, page 103

Plentiful in poultry, selenium may help to protect against cancer, cataracts,

heart disease, and macular degeneration. Dark-meat turkey is

particularly high in this mineral (3 ounces of cooked turkey have 35mcg

of selenium, or 50% of the Daily Value).

Fight Back With Food by Readers Digest, page 73

To get more selenium in your diet, try tuna; a three-ounce can serves

up a full 99 micrograms. Or treat yourself to an ounce of baked

tortilla chips for a whopping 284 micrograms.

Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 64


comes from the soil, and fruits and vegetables that come from

selenium-rich soil are more likely to contain the mineral.

Natures Medicines by Gale Maleskey, page 363


you eat a normal diet with plenty of unprocessed foods, you should be

fine. You'll find selenium in many grains, nuts, and vegetables; meat,

especially organ meats like liver; and seafood.

Natural Cures And Gentle Medicines by The Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing,

page 242


new form of selenium is Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC), a naturally

occurring selenium compound found to be an effective chemopreventive

agent. SeMC is a selenoamino acid that is synthesized by plants such as

garlic and broccoli.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 277

Essiac formula was given to nurse Rene Caisse more than 80 years ago by

a woman whose breast cancer had been healed by this Ojibway Indian

herbal preparation. The formula is composed of four herbs (burdock

root, slippery elm, sheep sorrel, and Indian rhubarb). The burdock root

contains inulin, which improves the function of white blood cells. This

root also contains Vitamin A and selenium, which scavenge free radicals

and chromium which regulates blood sugar levels.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 156

Selenium Anti-Cancer Effects

Some forms of cancer are the result of free radical oxidation that

destroys or damages the part of the DNA that regulates cell

multiplication. When that happens, the cells can begin to multiply

abnormally, damaging the healthy tissue until your whole body is

invaded by these wildly proliferating cells. Since selenium can protect

you from free radical oxidation, one way to minimize your risk of

developing this type of cancer is to eat selenium-rich foods like whole

grains or their products with each meal. If you already have cancer,

selenium may be useful in slowing its progression. A way to get it in

even more concentrated doses than in foods is to take brewer's yeast or


Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483

Laboratory studies have shown that selenium can inhibit the growth of breast,

cervical, colon, and skin cancer.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 79


intake of yellow and green vegetables, as well as foods containing

calcium, selenium and other micro-nutrients, lowers the risk of colon


Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 197

Selenium is protective against many types of cancers, promotes

apoptosis, is a powerful antioxidant, and improves quality of life

during aggressive cancer therapies According to P.D. Whanger (professor

of agricultural chemistry), nearly 200 animal studies have been

conducted to evaluate the effects of supernutritional levels of

selenium on experimental carcinogenesis using chemical, viral, and

transplantable tumor models. Two thirds of the studies found that high

levels of selenium reduced the development of tumors at least

moderately (14-35% compared to controls) and, in most cases,

significantly (by more than 35%) (Whanger 1998).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

Selenium has been used in combination with vitamin A

and vitamin E to reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs,

particularly Adriamycin (Faure et al. 1996; Vanella et al. 1997). The

synergistic effect of vitamin E and selenium together to enhance the immune


is greater than either alone. A new form of selenium is

Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC), a naturally occurring selenium compound

found to be an effective chemopreventive agent. SeMC is a selenoamino

acid that is synthesized by plants such as garlic and broccoli. SeMC

has been shown to induce apoptosis in certain ovarian cancer cells

(Yeo et al. 2002) and to be effective against breast cancer cell growth

both in vivo and in vitro (Sinha et al. 1999). SeMC has also

demonstrated significant anticarcinogenic activity against mammary

tumorigenesis (Sinha et al. 1997). Moreover, a study has demonstrated

that SeMC is one of the most effective selenium chemopreventive

compounds, inducing apoptosis in leukemia HL-60 cell lines (Jung et al.

2001a). Some of the most impressive data suggest that exposure to SeMC

blocks clonal expansion of premalignant lesions at an early stage. This

is achieved by simultaneously modulating certain molecular pathways

that are responsible for inhibiting cell proliferation and enhancing

apoptosis (Ip et al. 2001). Unlike selenomethionine, which is

incorporated into protein in place of methionine, SeMC is not

incorporated into any protein, thereby offering a completely

bioavailable compound for preventing cancer. Therefore, 200—400 mcg of

SeMC a day is suggested for cancer patients. Please note that selenium

also possesses antioxidant properties, so its use before, during, or

immediately after chemotherapy could theoretically inhibit the actions

of certain chemotherapy drugs.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 277


have confirmed that vitamins C and E along with the mineral selenium

afford some prostate cancer prevention. This is not surprising to

anyone who understands diet, biochemistry, and how antioxidants work.

Glutathione peroxidase destroys free radicals and superoxides. Its name

means that it destroys peroxides (the potent oxidants that form in

tissues) and uses glutathione as a helper. Glutathione requires

selenium to function; and wherever selenium is at work, vitamin E can't

be far away because they function together.

20 Natural Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer By Scala PHD, page


For prostate cancer management, stay on a low fat diet, eat tomato

products often, take a multivitamin, vitamins C, E and selenium.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 151

Men with higher intakes of antioxi-dants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and the

trace mineral selenium have lower levels of prostate cancer.

Alternative Cures by Bill Gottlieb, page 519

Selenium Statistics

In a December 1996 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association,

Dr. Larry presented evidence that supplemental selenium could

reduce cancer death rates by as much as 50%. 1,312 patients were given

200 mcg. of selenium daily. The patients receiving selenium had a rise

of 67% in their blood selenium level.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 148


patients receiving selenium had a 67% decrease in cancer of the

prostate, a 58 percent decrease in colon or rectal cancer and a 45%

decrease in lung cancer. This suggests that possibly up to 100,000

lives a year might be saved in the USA by the simple addition of

selenium to the diet.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 149


article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by

et al. (1996) showed that 200 mcg of supplemental selenium a day

reduced overall cancer mortality

by 50% in humans compared to a placebo group not receiving supplemental

selenium. This 9-year study demonstrated that a low-cost mineral

supplement could cut the risk of dying from cancer in half in certain


Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1255


a recent five-year study of nearly 30,000 rural Chinese people,

researchers from the NCI found that daily doses of these three

nutrients reduced cancer deaths by 13%.

Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 590


what if you already have cancer? Again, the research shows a

prolongation of lifespan with proper supplementation. In a study in

Cancer Letters (Evangelou et al. 1997), animals with malignant tumors

given high doses of vitamins C and E and selenium manifested a

significant prolongation of the mean survival time. Complete remission

of tumors developed in 16.8% of the animals.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1256


Shamberger was also among the first to discover the link

between low selenium content in the soil and increasing numbers of

deaths from cancer. In 1976, he pointed out that the cities and states

with high selenium content in the soil also had significantly lower

rates of cancer, especially of the digestive and urinary systems.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 77


Powerful Antioxidant " selenium is a crucial mineral in the battle

against prostate cancer, " says Dr. Schachter. In one study of hundreds

of men, a daily intake of 200 micrograms of selenium cut the incidence

of prostate cancer by 60 percent.

Alternative Cures by Bill Gottlieb, page 518


statistics for breast cancer are particularly striking. " The higher the

selenium, the lower the breast cancer, " said Prof. Ladas. Similar

associations have been found with leukemia, as well as cancers of the

intestines, rectum, ovary, prostate, lung, pancreas, skin and bladder.

In Yugoslavia, scientists studied 33 patients with breast cancer. These

women had selenium levels in their bloodstream only half those of

healthy volunteers.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112


the study failed to show the effectiveness of selenium in altering the

course of either basal or squamous cell carcinoma, selenium impacted

the incidence of other types of malignancies with amazing success

( et al. 1996). The overall reduction in cancer incidence was 37%

in the selenium-supplemented group; a 50% reduction in cancer mortality

was observed over a 10-year period. The following are the site-specific

reductions in cancer incidence observed in the study: colon-rectal

cancers (58%), lung cancer (46%), and prostate cancer (63%). A selenium

deficiency appears to increase the risk of prostate cancer fourfold to

fivefold. It was determined that, as the male population ages, selenium

levels decrease, paralleling an increase in prostate cancer ( et

al. 2001).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

In a study published in the journal of the National Cancer Institute,

the relationship between serum levels of selenium and the development

of upper digestive tract cancer was explored (Mark et al, 2000). The relative


of esophageal cancer was 0.56 in individuals in the highest quartile of

selenium level compared with those in the lowest quartile. The

corresponding relative risk of gastric cardia cancer was 0.47. Based on

the data, the researchers calculate that 26.4% of esophageal and

gastric cardia cancers are attributable to low selenium levels.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

Selenium Recommendations

The Recommended Daily Allowance

(RDA) is 50 to 100 micrograms (not milligrams) but few people get even

that much. Selenium is so important that I believe that practically

every adult should take a 200 microgram selenium supplement every day.

This is readily available in health food stores at a minimal price.

Organic selenium derived from yeast may be better absorbed man the

mineral form, sodium selenite. Very high doses of either can be toxic,

however, and should only be taken under a doctor's prescription. To

summarize: selenium has a strong ability to prevent cancers, especially

of the internal organs. There is no evidence that selenium interferes

with chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of both. On the contrary,

there is evidence that it decreases the side effects of such treatments

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 81


supplements that I'd recommend for cancer prevention are the

antioxidants: vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and the mineral


Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 90

Moderate doses of zinc, beta-carotene, selenium and vitamin E are safe

and inexpensive. I believe these results are valid and are an accurate

reflection of what antioxidants can do. The finding that two terrible

cancers could be prevented by a few pennies worth of supplements

received little attention in the mainstream media.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 83

The National Academy of Sciences advises that no more than 150

micrograms of selenium be taken orally daily. But Revici's " bivalent

negative selenium " — a combination of the mineral with various organic

substances, such as the fatty acids of sesame oil—is said to be so

non-toxic that huge amounts, up to one million micrograms, have been

injected (in the treatment of drug addiction), apparently without any

ill effects. In the treatment of cancer the dosage is generally about

10,000 micrograms, still nearly one hundred times the National Academy

of Science's recommended dose.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112


in the meantime, I will continue to take my 200 micrograms of selenium

a day—the same dose used in the study—and I suggest that you do, too.

Excess selenium has been associated with toxicity, so don't go

overboard. If you're not fond of popping pills, you can get 120

micrograms of selenium in just one Brazil nut. Buy the shelled

kind—they're grown in a central region of Brazil where the soil is

richest in the mineral. Other good sources are tuna fish, seafood,

wheat germ, and bran.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207


everyone needs selenium on an everyday basis, there are certain

situations in which the human need for selenium may be increased, or in

which additional selenium may be helpful in the treatment of a disease.

If you are a male, your selenium needs are greater than if you are

female. If you suffer from heart disease or muscular disorders,

additional selenium may help you. The same can be said if you suffer

from cataracts, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, liver necrosis, iron

deficiency anemia, joint problems, heavy metal poisoning, or cancer.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 479


Dr. Mark A. , a professor and researcher at the Arizona Cancer

Center, says, " The Nutritional Prevention of Cancer (NPC) Trial tripled

the intake and suggests that higher levels of selenium may be necessary

for cancer prevention. " Until nutritionists conduct more research,

though, no one can recommend the best, safest amount you should get.

Experts warn selenium is a toxic mineral, which means too much of it,

especially from supplements, is unsafe.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 98


at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences concluded that selenium

supplements were a safe and effective food supplement for people. There

have also been a number of reports of selenium's toxicity or even its

alleged ability to cause cancer. There is no question that excess

selenium in the soil (in the form of its compounds, selenite or

selenate) can kill grazing animals and could probably in sufficiently

large doses kill humans as well. The symptoms of selenium poisoning are

readily apparent without a doctor's assistance, according to Dr.

Gerhard Schrauzer, a world expert on the topic. These symptoms include

a heavy garlic odor, pallor, nervousness, depression, a metallic taste,

skin eruptions, irritability, discolored teeth and hair loss. There is

some doubt about the carcinogenicity studies. For instance, one study

showed toxic effects for inorganic, but not organic, forms of the


Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112

General / History of Selenium

Selenium (Se) is a metal that is chemically similar to sulfur. It was

first discovered in 1817 and because of its silvery color was named for

Selene, the ancient goddess of the moon. Selenium is an essential

component of two important antioxidant enzymes and is also the helpmate

of vitamin E.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 76

Initially, selenium's importance in human health was underrated. In

fact, its main use in conventional medicine was as a treatment for


Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 76


as it may seem, toenail levels of selenium are considered a good

indicator of long-term selenium intake. They found that the people

whose toenails had the highest levels of selenium had half of the rate

of lung cancer compared with those whose toe-nails were low in


Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 143


Revici, MD based his treatment on correcting an imbalance between fatty

acids and sterols in the cancer patient; called " biological dualism " .

Revici was considered a very dedicated physician and developer of

selenium as an anti-cancer agent. -Ewan Cameron, MD, a ish surgeon

first popularized the use of high dose vitamin C in terminal cancer


Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 45

Some scientists still do not accept the need for selenium supplements

and argue against its protective effect against cancer and other

diseases. Others endorse the value of moderate amounts of selenium

added to the diet. In the laboratory, selenium has shown a wide range

of anticancer effects.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 109


from Revici's work, little has been done to investigate the use of this

mineral as a cancer treatment. In 1911, Prof. August von Wasserrman

achieved growth inhibition, shrinkage and eventually the disappearance

of tumors by injecting selenium directly into mouse tumors. Four years

later, two doctors

caused the shrinkage and the eventual disappearance of small tumors in

cancer patients, although larger tumors failed to respond.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112


critically examining this book, I came to the conclusion that Dr.

Revici is an innovative medical genius, outstanding chemist and a

highly creative thinker [emphasis added]. I also realized that few of

his medical colleagues would be able to follow his train of thought and

thus would be all too willing to dismiss his work. Because of my own

professional interest in selenium, let me merely focus on this aspect

of his work. Selenium containing medications were introduced into cancer therapy

as early as 1911 by none less than the great physician August von

Wasserman. Working with experimental animals, von Wasserman was able to

show his selenium compounds produced liquefactive necrosis of solid

tumors, an unheard of event at the time, hailed as a major success.

However, von Wasserman's compounds were too toxic and thus could not be

employed in the treatment of human cancer. Dr. Revici deserves credit

for having discovered pharmacologically active selenium compounds of

very low toxicity. The same was achieved years later by one other great

physician, Dr. Klaus Schwarz, in collaboration with a leading organic

chemist, Dr. Arne Fredga, of Uppsala University. The National Cancer

Institute has recognized the importance of selenium only within the

past few years. Would one thus not have to conclude that Dr. Revici, in

this one instance, was 40 years ahead of his time? The same could be

said for many of his other researches which form the basis of his


Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 614

Dr. Gerbhard Schauzer, a biochemist at the University of California in San

Diego, … believes that if every woman in America

began taking selenium supplements today or followed a diet high in

selenium, the breast cancer rate in this country would decline

drastically in a few years.

Miracle Medicine Herbs by M Lucas, page 16


has considerable quantities of selenium in its soil, making the Asian

diet rich in the mineral; not surprisingly, cancer and heart disease

occur considerably less often in Asian cultures than in the West.

Optimum Health by T Sinatra MD, page 123

Additional Benefits of Selenium

Antioxidants, like beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium

appear to enhance the effectiveness of chemo, radiation, and

hyperthermia while minimizing damage to the patient's normal cells;

thus making therapy more of a " selective toxin. " An optimally nourished

cancer patient can better tolerate the rigors of cytotoxic therapy.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 18


with advanced rectal cancer were treated with a combination of

selenium, the drug 5-FU, and radiation. Scientists reported a

protective effect of selenium on quality of life.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 80


animals have more heart damage from the chemo drug, adriamycin.43

Supplements of selenium and vitamin E in humans did not reduce the

efficacy of the chemo drugs against ovarian and cervical cancer.

Animals with implanted tumors who were then treated with selenium and

cisplatin (chemo drug) had reduced toxicity to the drug with no change

in anti-cancer activity. Selenium supplements helped repair DNA damage

from a carcinogen in animals. Selenium was selectively toxic to human leukemia

cells in culture.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 56

While most nutritionists agree on the importance of growth

(proliferative) nutrients, few nutritionists respect the importance for

anti-proliferative nutrients. For every force in the body, there must

be an opposing force to regulate that mechanism. There are agents that

cause fluid loss from the kidneys (diuresis) and other agents that stem

this fluid loss when it is excessive (anti-diuretic hormone). Just as

there is a need for nutrients to augment growth, there is a need for

nutrients to control excessive growth and shut down the process.

Selenium, fish oil, garlic, Cat's claw, Maitake D-fraction, vitamin E

succinate, vitamin K, quercetin, genistein, and bovine cartilage all

may assist the cancer patient in this manner.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 80


E and selenium supplements in animals helped to reduce the heart

toxicity from adriamycin. Selenium and vitamin E supplements were given

to 41 women undergoing cytotoxic therapy for ovarian and cervical

cancers, with a resulting drop in the toxicity-related rise in creatine


Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 107


of the foremost selenium investigators, Gerhard Schrauzer of the

University of California at San Diego, says: Apart from its functions

as an essential micronutrient, selenium also appears to have other

physiological functions in which it acts as a physiological resistance

factor [emphasis added]. Its cancer protecting effects fall into this

category. In addition, selenium protects against free radicals,

mutagens, toxic heavy metals and certain bacterial, fungal and viral

pathogens. The selenium requirement increases under stress, just as the

requirement for certain vitamins increases during infections. Selenium,

according to Schrauzer, is most effective as a form of nutritional

cancer prophylaxis. In animal research, its protective effect is

greater the earlier in life it is given, and its shielding effect

against virally induced cancer disappears if the nutrient is no longer

fed to the animal. Nevertheless, selenium does have an effect on

slowing the rate of growth of established spontaneous or transplanted

breast tumors in animals, and in reversing the development of some

malignant cell lines when used at pharmacological levels. Further,

selenium has shown a general capacity to stimulate the immune system in

several animal models, which may add to its anticancer effects. It is

of special relevance to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy that

selenium " has by now been shown to prevent or retard tumorigenesis

induced by virtually all the major known carcinogens, " probably,

Schrauzer believes, " by modulating the rate of cell division. "

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Just as selenium protects you against toxic metal poisoning, it can

also protect you against radiation, whether you are exposed to it

through the environment or more directly through medical treatments. A

particularly effective form of selenium for this purpose is

selenoaminoacid compounds (selenium plus amino acids). Selenium also

protects you against compounds called epoxides, as it breaks them down.

What are epoxides? Formed when an enzyme named aryl hydrocarbon

hydroxylase binds with a carcinogenic substance, epoxides could be

called the immediate cause of cancer. The carcinogens cause your body

to produce them, and then cancer may ensue.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483


from Germany indicate that selenium supplementation in patients

undergoing radiation therapy for rectal cancer improved quality of life

and reduced the appearance of secondary cancers (Hehr et al. 1997) It

appears that selenium acts as an immunologic response modifier,

normalizing every component of the immune system (Life Extension Report


Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 243


garbagemen of the bloodstream—are capable of keeping your body clear of

tumor cells. Also, since they produce interferon, they can help

eliminate the viruses that cause some forms of cancer. But to do their

job properly, they need adequate selenium.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483


of the known natural compounds that can reduce insulin resistance

include omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, flavonoids, selenium, and

vitamin E. Dietary risk factors must be managed. Therefore, besides

restricting dietary sugars, individuals should eat an adequate amount

of fruits and vegetables because phytochemicals in fruits and

vegetables act as potent anticancer agents.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 598


can prevent solar damage, pigmentation and dark spots, but because the

selenium content of soil varies across the country, not everyone is

getting enough to be beneficial, " says Dr. Burke, citing the Southeast

in particular as an area deficient in selenium. To quench the free

radicals caused by sun exposure and to prevent skin damage, Dr. Burke

recommends daily supplements of 50 to 200 micrograms of selenium in the

form of 1-selenomethionine, depending on where you live and your family

history of cancer. Selenium can be toxic in doses exceeding 100

micrograms, so if you'd like to try this therapy to protect your skin,

you should discuss it with your doctor.

Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 64

The importance of selenium to cardiovascular health was demonstrated in

the provinces of China where the mineral was deficient. This

correlation can be seen throughout the world. Ray Shamberger, M.D., and

Willis, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, reported in 1976

that people who live in low-selenium areas have three times more heart

disease than those living in areas where the soil and water are rich in

the mineral.

Saturated Fat May Save Your Life by Bruce Fife ND, page 142


also appears to help stimulate antibody formation in response to

vaccines. This immunostimulating effect is also enhanced by vitamin E;

the presence of these two nutrients can increase antibody formation by

20-30 times, as shown by research.

Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Elson M Haas MD, page 213

Selenium may also aid in protein synthesis, growth and development, and

fertility, especially in the male. It has been shown to improve sperm production

and motility. Thus, selenium may prevent male infertility;

however, we do not know whether selenium deficiency will actually cause

male infertility. These are only some of the conjectures about other

selenium functions.

Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Elson M Haas MD, page 213

Selenium Interactions

Certain metals such as lead, cadmium,

arsenic, mercury and silver block the action of selenium. . . . Recent

laboratory experiments have shown that high doses of zinc block the

action of selenium. Therefore, one has to be careful about taking

excessive amounts of zinc (over 20 milligrams per day from diet and

supplements) while taking selenium [emphasis added].

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619


think the selenium and saffron complement one another. Selensaff, a

product made by Scientific Botanicals (see Resources), is used in

cancer therapy to create a redox effect—a process of improving cell

function by enhancing both oxygen uptake and the excretion of oxygen waste.

Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by R Yance Jr, page 148

Zinc is important because it is an antagonist to selenium and may in

itself enhance or inhibit different tumors. Selenium in minute

quantities is essential to human health. According to Prasad, among the

minerals, " only selenium has been shown to have a role in cancer

prevention " :

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619

Vitamin E and selenium protected animals against the potent carcinogenic effects

of DMBA from tobacco.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 164


acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the body's immune defense

system. Thus, many of the effects which are produced by vitamin E

deficiency can be reversed or prevented by selenium. Some laboratory

experiments have suggested that the combination of vitamin E and

selenium is more effective in preventing cancer than either of them


Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619


one experiment has demonstrated increased susceptibility to

DMBA-induced tumors when selenium deficiency was aggravated by high

dietary levels of polyunsatu-rated fatty acids, and protection by a

physiological supplement of selenium (0.1 pg/g) to the diet (Ip and

Sinha, 1981). The interpretation of these results is further

complicated because of the varied protocols used in these experiments

and the knowledge that selenium interacts with many other nutrients,

such as heavy metals in the diet.

Diet Nutrition Cancer by National Research Council, page 169

In some experiments, dietary zinc exceeding nutritional requirements

has been shown to suppress chemically induced tumors in rats and

hamsters, but when given in drinking water it counteracts the

protective effect of selenium in mice...While the evidence on the

effect of zinc on tumor development is complex, it strongly suggests

that, in general, one should be cautious about taking zinc supplements

if one has cancer. And since selenium has a wide spectrum of

demonstrable anticancer effects, cancer patients should be particularly

cautious with zinc, since it is a selenium antagonist. I have seen many

cancer patients taking moderately large amounts of zinc as part of a

comprehensive megavitamin nutritional supplement

program. In view of the available scientific evidence, this is another

critical example of an area where uninformed nutritional

supplementation may do harm.

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612


addition, statistically significant protection from high levels of

selenium and alpha-tocopherol occurred only when gamma- tocopherol

concentrations were also high (Helzl-sourer et al. 2000).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 258


and co-enzyme Q-10. Exhibits anticancer activity especially in blocking

development of colon cancer and spread of breast cancer.

Food Your Miracle Medicine by Carper, page 481


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• Secrets of soil nutrition: Why the minerals in soil determine the success or

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selenium, cancer, nutrition, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Breast cancer,

Prostate cancer, Heart disease, Depression, High cholesterol, Osteoporosis,

Vaccines, Autism, ADHD, Infertility, Weight loss, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Trans

fats, Acrylamides, Fluoride, Mercury

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Thought this might be important to this group as well since it is an immune



The mineral selenium proves itself as powerful anti-cancer medicine

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 by: is Black | Key concepts: selenium, cancer

and nutrition

One of the most effective naturally occurring

weapons against cancer is, like most healthy things, something many of

us are not getting enough of. The mineral selenium has been shown in

multiple studies to be an effective tool in warding off various types

of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach, prostate, liver and

bladder cancers. Not many people get the recommended dose of 200

micrograms a day. Most Americans only get between 60 and 100 micrograms

of selenium daily from dietary sources, according to the Life Extension

Foundation's Disease Prevention and Treatment. That means daily supplements

might be worth considering.

Selenium was first used in conventional medicine as a treatment for

dandruff, but our understanding of the mineral has come a long way

since then. Today, research shows selenium, especially when used in conjunction

with vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, works to block chemical reactions

that create free radicals in the body (which can damage DNA and cause

degenerative change in cells, leading to cancer).

Selenium also helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing. In

other words, selenium acts to prevent tumors from developing. " It

contributes towards the death of cancerous and pre-cancer cells. Their

death appears to occur before they replicate, thus helping stop cancer

before it gets started, " says Dr. Howenstine in A Physician's

Guide to Natural Health Products That Work.

Selenium makes chemotherapy safer, more effective

In addition to preventing the onset of the disease, selenium has also

been shown to aid in slowing cancer's progression in patients that

already have it. According to the Life Extension Foundation, the use of

selenium during chemotherapy in combination with vitamin A and vitamin E can

reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs.

The mineral also helps " enhance the effectiveness of chemo, radiation,

and hyperthermia while minimizing damage to the patient's normal cells;

thus making therapy more of a 'selective toxin,' " says


in Beating Cancer with Nutrition.

A 1996 study by Dr. Larry of the University of Arizona showed

just how effective selenium can be in protecting against cancer. In the

study of 1,300 older people, the occurrence of cancer among those who

took 200 micrograms of selenium daily for about seven years was reduced

by 42 percent compared to those given a placebo. Cancer deaths for those taking

the selenium were cut almost in half, according to the study that was published

in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

While the study concluded the mineral helped protect against all types

of cancer, it had particularly powerful impacts on prostate, colorectal

and lung cancers. Carper, in Miracle Cures,

called Dr. 's findings an " unprecedented cancer intervention

study " that " bumped up the respectability of using supplements


cancer several notches. "

Food sources of seleniumAlthough too much selenium can

actually be toxic to the system, research indicates the majority of the

population is not getting enough of the essential mineral. So, how can

we up our intake of selenium and help our bodies fight cancer? The good

news is there are some good dietary sources of selenium: Mushrooms, egg

yolks, seafood, poultry and kidney, liver and muscle meats contain the mineral.

Vegetables -- garlic, onions, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes and others -- as

well as whole grains and seeds can also be good sources of selenium.

However, because the amount of selenium in vegetables

and grains depends on the selenium content in the soil in which they

are grown, it can be hard for average consumers to know how much of the

mineral they are actually getting in their diets.

" The selenium content of food is largely dependent on the content of

volcanic ash in the soil on which the food was grown, with higher

volcanic ash content yielding higher selenium levels. Soil that is

irrigated by seawater, such as much of California's cropland, also

contains higher levels of selenium, " says Sue Gebo in What's Left to

Eat. Gebo adds that, in general, soil in the western United States is richer in

selenium than soil in the eastern part of the country.

Accordingly, geography can have a significant impact on diet. In Antioxidants

Against Cancer,

author Ralph Moss PhD, says one theory for why cancer rates are so high

in Linxian, China, dubbed " the 'world capital' of cancer, " is

that the

soil is deficient in the essential minerals selenium and zinc. In Earl

Mindell's Supplement Bible, Earl Mindell RPh PhD, suggests part of the

reason American men are five times more likely than Japanese men to die from

prostate cancer could be because, in general, " the Asian diet contains

four times the amount of selenium as the average American diet. "

Another reason it seems to be difficult for Americans to get enough

selenium is the processing many of our foods go through before they

make it onto grocery store shelves. Mindell points out, for example,

that processing wheat into white flour strips it of a great deal of its

selenium. One way to get more selenium in your diet might be to eat

more organically grown foods, which some studies have shown to contain

more selenium as well as higher levels of beta carotene and vitamin E. These

two work together with selenium in cancer prevention, according to Alternative

Medicine author Burton Goldberg.

Perhaps a more surefire way to boost your selenium intake is to add

supplements to your diet. Mindell advocates the use of supplements,

saying, " To me, taking selenium supplements, in addition to eating

selenium-rich foods, is good insurance against disease. " However, for

those who oppose taking pills, Dr. Weil in Ask Dr. Weil says eating just

one shelled Brazil

nut -- grown in the selenium-rich soil of central Brazil -- provides

120 micrograms of the mineral, getting you that much closer to the

daily target of 200 micrograms.

Although extremely high doses of selenium can have toxic

effects, most people are not at risk for such an overdose, and could,

in fact, use more of the mineral. Simply adding more selenium-rich

foods, such as organically grown vegetables and fruits

to your diet, along with supplements, can help reduce your risk of

cancer. And another positive side effect of selenium, according to Eat and


by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, is that it can actually

improve your mood. Those editors write, " People who don't eat enough

selenium-rich foods tend to be grumpier than people with a high dietary

intake, according to recent research. " So, go ahead and crack a Brazil

nut open and smile.

The experts speak on selenium and cancer

Selenium MechanismsThere are several possible mechanisms

for the protective effect of selenium. Selenium activates an enzyme in

the body called gluthathione peroxidase that protects against the

formation of free radicals—those loose molecular cannons that can

damage DNA. In this situation, selenium may work interchangeably (and

in synergy) with vitamin E. In test tube studies, selenium inhibited

tumor growth and regulated the natural life span

of cells, ensuring that they died when they were supposed to instead of

turning " immortal " and hence malignant. Because of this particular

action, the University of Arizona researchers say that selenium could

be effective within a fairly short time frame.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207Numerous

studies suggest that an inverse association exists between selenium

levels and cancer incidence (Hocman, 1988; Willett and Stampfer, 1986;

Milner, 1985). Associations appear to be particularly strong with

cancers that are also associated with high-fat, low-fiber diets (i.e.,

breast, colon, prostrate, etc.). The mechanism for selenium's reported

protective effects is likely due to its function in antioxidant synthesis.

Glutathione peroxidase, the primary enzyme that converts hydrogen

peroxide to water (and thus prevents lipid peroxidation) is

selenium-dependent. Inhibition of lipid or bile acid oxidation may

account for its protective role (reviewed by Linder 1991:496-7).

Selenium may also act as an immune stimulant. Selenium deficiency

inhibits macrophage-mediated tumor destruction, and inhibits tumor

necrosis factor-alpha production in animals (Kiremidjian-Schumacher et

al., 1992). Dietary supplementation with selenium produced the opposite


Cancer And Natural Medicine by Boik, page 146

The safest antioxidants

are vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and beta-carotene. Together, they

block the chemical reactions that create free radicals, which can

damage DNA and promote a variety of degenerative changes in cells.

Chemotherapy and radiation generate free radicals; that is how they

kill dividing cells.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 47

At the Yunnan Tin Corporation in China there is a very high rate of lung cancer

among the miners. Forty healthy miners were given selenium supplements

for a year. The selenium, which increased in their blood, boosted a key

detoxifying enzyme system while simultaneously decreasing dangerous

lipid peroxide levels by nearly 75 percent. It also protected against

cancer-causing substances and ultraviolet radiation. Doctors at the

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences concluded that selenium supplements

were a safe and effective food supplement for people.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112Numerous

mechanisms have been explored to explain the modulation of

carcinogenesis by selenium (Medina 1986, El-Bayoumy 1991). The best

characterized function of selenium in mammalian cells is as a component

of the seleno- enzyme, glutathione

peroxi-dase. This enzyme is localized in the cytosol and mitochondrial

matrix, and it eliminates organic peroxides from the cell (Medina

1986). However, available evidence suggests that the prevention of

carcinogenesis by selenium is not related to its function in

glutathione peroxidase (Medina 1986). Other seleno- proteins have been

identified, but their impact on carcinogenesis is not defined (Medina

1986). There is some evidence that selenium may alter the metabolism of


or the interaction of chemical carcinogens with DNA, but there is

considerable controversy in the literature (Medina 1986). Additional

mechanistic studies suggest that selenium may alter cell proliferation

and/or immunologic responses (Medina 1986, El-Bayoumy 1991). Further

research is needed to understand the mechanisms whereby selenium

prevents cancer.

Carcinogens Human Diet by National Research Council, page 100Selenium

is needed to produce glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme that

protects the body from free radical damage. It is also important in preventing

cancer and cardiomegaly an enlargement of the heart that causes premature aging

and early death.

Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Null PhD, page 11

The best known functions of selenium at nutritionally adequate, but not

at excessive, levels are its role as a part of the enzyme glutathione

peroxidase and its interaction with heavy metals.

Glutathione peroxidase destroys hydroperoxides and lipoperoxides,

thereby protecting the constituents of the cells against free radical

damage. Ip and Sinha (1981) have shown that selenium, through its

function in glutathione peroxidase, could well be involved in

protecting against cancer induced by high intakes of fat, especially

polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Glutathione peroxidase activity in human blood increases with

increasing selenium intakes, but reaches a plateau at intakes well

below those customary in the United States (Thomson and ,

1980). Thus, if the antitumorigenic effect of selenium is mediated

through its function in glutathione peroxidase, attempts to increase

the enzyme activity by selenium supplementation, superimposed on an

adequate diet in the United States, would not be successful. The second

function of selenium is to protect against acute and chronic toxicity of

certain heavy metals. Although selenium is known to interact with cadmium and


the mechanism of action is not known. Selenium does not cause an

increased elimination of the toxic elements, but, rather, an increased

accumulation in some nontoxic form (National Academy of Sciences,

1971). It is conceivable that carcinogenic effects of these, and

perhaps other heavy metals, could be counteracted by selenium, in a

manner similar to its protection against their general toxicity.

Diet Nutrition Cancer by National Research Council, page 168

Selenium's main function in the body is to convert hydrogen peroxide to

water, which is important for cellular health.

Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by R Yance Jr, page 193

All of the body's tissues contain selenium, but it is most plentiful in the

liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas,

and testes. Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to protect

tissues and cell membranes, aid in the production of antibodies, and

help maintain a healthy heart and liver

Prescription For Dietary Wellness by Phyllis A Balch, page 44

Selenium Dosage/AdministrationIt has been reported that

selenium doses of about 250-300 micrograms a day (diet and supplements)

would be helpful in preventing cancer. If an average person consumes

125 to 150 micrograms of selenium a day, an additional supplemental

amount of 100 micrograms is unlikely to produce any major side effects.

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Recommendation: Take selenium aspartate in a dose of 100 to 200 micrograms


Doctors Complete Guide Vitamins Minerals by D Eades MD, page 496

Selenium is a mineral with anticancer activity. But the anticancer

effects of selenium are greatly reduced when there is an insufficient

intake of vitamin E. Rats who receive a normal amount of vitamin E in

their diets showed a 45 percent decrease in tumors when they were given

selenium. But they only had a 25 percent decrease if their diet was low

in vitamin E. In fact, vitamin E was considered more important than

selenium in decreasing " oxidant stress " to the fat of the breast.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 74In

the treatment of cancer the dosage is generally about 10,000

micrograms, still nearly one hundred times the National Academy of

Science's recommended dose. Revici's treatment is more complicated than

just organic selenium. He only uses selenium in patients whom he deems

to be in a " catabolic, " as opposed to an " anabolic, " state.

He has

devised a number of urine tests to find whether a patient is in one

condition or the other. Selenium is given when the urine has a low

specific gravity, a high surface tension and a pH above 6.0. The

alkalinity of the urine is supposed to reflect the state of the body's

defenses against tumors.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112Selenium

levels show a U-shaped correlation with prostate cancer. In other

words, both low and high blood levels of selenium increase risk. This

simply means that we need enough selenium to maintain good health, yet

too much can be dangerous. A practical compromise is to use a

supplement that provides 100 I.U. of vitamin E (up to 400 I.U. would be

fine), and about 50 micrograms of selenium.

20 Natural Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer By Scala PHD, page


selenomethionine, which is incorporated into protein in place of

methionine, SMSC is not incorporated into any protein, thereby offering

a completely bioavailable compound. In animal studies, SMSC has been

shown to be 10 times less toxic than any other known form of selenium.

The recommended dose of Se-methylselenocysteine (SMSC) is 200-400 mcg a

day for cancer patients.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 316

Selenium Sources

You need just three Brazil nuts

to get the 200 micro-grams of selenium that studies have shown to have

a potent anti-cancer effect. As a bonus, when you eat Brazil nuts,

which grow best in the Amazon rain forest, you support the conservation

of one of my favorite places on earth. So you're not only protecting

your body, you're saving the environment.

Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 90

The Garlic Connection. It has long been noted that people who ate garlic,

onion, broccoli,

and whole grains had a reduced risk of cancer. It turns out that all of

these foods are rich in selenium, in fact, selenium is one of the

reasons that these particular foods are so healthful for us.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 77If

you're not fond of popping pills, you can get 120 micrograms of

selenium in just one Brazil nut. Buy the shelled kind—they're grown in

a central region of Brazil where the soil is richest in the mineral.

Other good sources are tuna fish, seafood, wheat germ, and bran.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207One

good food source is Brazil nuts, which happen also to contain at least

one other anticancer substance, ellagic acid. One large nut can provide

over 50 mcg of selenium. When Cornell scientist J. Lisk and his

colleagues ate six Brazil nuts a day for three weeks, their blood

levels of selenium rose between 100 and 350 percent.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 122

Selenium—An essential trace mineral found in fruits and vegetables,

selenium helps the body produce functional glutathione peroxidase, an

enzyme essential for detoxification. Low dietary levels of selenium

have been correlated with a higher incidence of cancer; accordingly,

supplementation of this nutrient acts as a deterrent against cancer in


Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 591

Red clover is also rich in calcium,

manganese, and selenium, which is a key cancer-fighting antioxidant. I

munch the flower heads, but not everyone likes them. Some people dry

the flower heads, turn them into a powder, and add them to soups.

Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 61

The debate continues regarding the active ingredients in garlic, but they may

include amino acids

(like the branched chain amino acids of leucine and isoleucine),

S-allyl cysteine, allicin, and organically-bound selenium…Garlic grown

on selenium-rich soil was more effective than selenium supplements at

inhibiting carcinogen-induced tumors in animals. A study published in

the Journal of the National Medical Association referred to garlic as

" ..a potent, non-specific biologic response modifier. "

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 147A

particularly worthy form of selenium is Se-methylselenocysteine,

currently available and attracting positive attention. This is the form

of selenium found naturally in plants such as broccoli and garlic. A

suggested selenium dosage (as a preventive) is 200 mcg a day. The

optimal dose for the cancer patient is unknown at this time, but

suggestions have ranged from 200-400 mcg a day. Depending upon the

selenium content of the soil, foods considered to be good sources of

selenium include Brazil nuts, grains, onions, tomatoes, broccoli,

chicken, eggs, garlic, liver, seafood, and wheat germ. Americans

typically get from 60-100 mcg of selenium a day from dietary sources.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 243

Cann, associate researcher at the University of British Columbia, gives

advice to women who want to fight breast cancer

with diet, " Eat different types of seaweed. " These include wakame,

kombu, and the more common nori — sea vegetables that might fight

cancer because of their iodine

and selenium. " We think it's very important for the breast, " Cann


about iodine. This mineral, he believes, may prevent and even shrink

breast tumors by combining with certain fatty acids and stopping

cancerous cells from multiplying. And without the selenium, iodine

doesn't do its job properly.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 317

In parts of Europe, pumpkin seeds are the standard treatment for benign

prostate enlargement. The seeds are rich in zinc,

selenium and other minerals that have been shown to reduce prostate

cancer risk. Typical daily dosage: Eat one-quarter cup of the seeds.

Bottom Line Yearbook 2002 by Bottom Line Personnel, page 76The

intake of selenium and other nutrients from plant foods may be

influenced by the type of farming practices used. In a preliminary

investigation, organically grown foods were, in some cases,

nutritionally superior to conventionally grown foods (, 1993).

Cancer And Natural Medicine by Boik, page 147

The Journal of Nutrition reported that selenium-enriched broccoli is protective

against chemically induced mammary and colon cancer

in rats ( et al. 2002). Note: While selenium is contributing to

the lower incidence of malignancy, the anticancer affects of broccoli

should also be factored into the defense.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

You can find selenium in grains, shellfish, poultry, garlic, and egg yolks.

Natural Cures And Gentle Medicines by The Editors of FC & A Medical

Publishing, page 266

Commercial preparations of selenium include inorganic selenium (sodium

se-lenite) and various organic compounds of selenium. It has been

reported that sodium selenite is not absorbed adequately, whereas

organic selenium, including yeast-selenium, is absorbed very well. For

this reason, yeast-selenium is considered best for human consumption

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Throughout history and around the world, people from Mexico to Russia have

given mushrooms

magical powers. In reality, there's nothing miraculous about these

fungi at all, but they can make you healthier. Although mushrooms are

largely made up of water, they are also high in protein, carbohydrates,

and fiber. They are a potent source of vitamin D, riboflavin, and

niacin, plus minerals like potassium, selenium, and copper.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 252

In addition, some foods, such as lima beans, soy beans, and other soy

products, seem to have medicinal capabilities because of the presence

of isoflavones and phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens. These substances

actually curb the activity of the excess estrogen

in the body's tissues. Phytoestrogens can also be found in other

vegetables and in fruits, along with useful amounts of nonsoluble

fiber, beta-carotene, and selenium.

Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Null PhD, page 72

A new approach is now being explored: how to enrich our food with

antioxidant and protective agents. The simpler approach is to add

antioxidant vitamins to basic foods. Studies address the genetic engineering of

food to prevent heart disease

and cancer [105], and such measures as growing garlic with selenium

fertilization [95]. The authors of these studies state that " in view of

the impossible task of persuading the public to eat only those foods

that are presumably good for their health . . . the time has come to

enrich our foods with known cancer preventive agents so that their

benefit can be realized fully over the life span of the individual. "

Every Persons Guide To Antioxidants by R Smythies MD, page 103

Plentiful in poultry, selenium may help to protect against cancer, cataracts,

heart disease, and macular degeneration. Dark-meat turkey is

particularly high in this mineral (3 ounces of cooked turkey have 35mcg

of selenium, or 50% of the Daily Value).

Fight Back With Food by Readers Digest, page 73

To get more selenium in your diet, try tuna; a three-ounce can serves

up a full 99 micrograms. Or treat yourself to an ounce of baked

tortilla chips for a whopping 284 micrograms.

Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 64Selenium

comes from the soil, and fruits and vegetables that come from

selenium-rich soil are more likely to contain the mineral.

Natures Medicines by Gale Maleskey, page 363If

you eat a normal diet with plenty of unprocessed foods, you should be

fine. You'll find selenium in many grains, nuts, and vegetables; meat,

especially organ meats like liver; and seafood.

Natural Cures And Gentle Medicines by The Editors of FC & A Medical

Publishing, page 242A

new form of selenium is Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC), a naturally

occurring selenium compound found to be an effective chemopreventive

agent. SeMC is a selenoamino acid that is synthesized by plants such as

garlic and broccoli.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 277

Essiac formula was given to nurse Rene Caisse more than 80 years ago by

a woman whose breast cancer had been healed by this Ojibway Indian

herbal preparation. The formula is composed of four herbs (burdock

root, slippery elm, sheep sorrel, and Indian rhubarb). The burdock root

contains inulin, which improves the function of white blood cells. This

root also contains Vitamin A and selenium, which scavenge free radicals

and chromium which regulates blood sugar levels.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 156

Selenium Anti-Cancer Effects

Some forms of cancer are the result of free radical oxidation that

destroys or damages the part of the DNA that regulates cell

multiplication. When that happens, the cells can begin to multiply

abnormally, damaging the healthy tissue until your whole body is

invaded by these wildly proliferating cells. Since selenium can protect

you from free radical oxidation, one way to minimize your risk of

developing this type of cancer is to eat selenium-rich foods like whole

grains or their products with each meal. If you already have cancer,

selenium may be useful in slowing its progression. A way to get it in

even more concentrated doses than in foods is to take brewer's yeast or


Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483

Laboratory studies have shown that selenium can inhibit the growth of breast,

cervical, colon, and skin cancer.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 79Regular

intake of yellow and green vegetables, as well as foods containing

calcium, selenium and other micro-nutrients, lowers the risk of colon


Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 197

Selenium is protective against many types of cancers, promotes

apoptosis, is a powerful antioxidant, and improves quality of life

during aggressive cancer therapies According to P.D. Whanger (professor

of agricultural chemistry), nearly 200 animal studies have been

conducted to evaluate the effects of supernutritional levels of

selenium on experimental carcinogenesis using chemical, viral, and

transplantable tumor models. Two thirds of the studies found that high

levels of selenium reduced the development of tumors at least

moderately (14-35% compared to controls) and, in most cases,

significantly (by more than 35%) (Whanger 1998).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

Selenium has been used in combination with vitamin A

and vitamin E to reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs,

particularly Adriamycin (Faure et al. 1996; Vanella et al. 1997). The

synergistic effect of vitamin E and selenium together to enhance the immune


is greater than either alone. A new form of selenium is

Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC), a naturally occurring selenium compound

found to be an effective chemopreventive agent. SeMC is a selenoamino

acid that is synthesized by plants such as garlic and broccoli. SeMC

has been shown to induce apoptosis in certain ovarian cancer cells

(Yeo et al. 2002) and to be effective against breast cancer cell growth

both in vivo and in vitro (Sinha et al. 1999). SeMC has also

demonstrated significant anticarcinogenic activity against mammary

tumorigenesis (Sinha et al. 1997). Moreover, a study has demonstrated

that SeMC is one of the most effective selenium chemopreventive

compounds, inducing apoptosis in leukemia HL-60 cell lines (Jung et al.

2001a). Some of the most impressive data suggest that exposure to SeMC

blocks clonal expansion of premalignant lesions at an early stage. This

is achieved by simultaneously modulating certain molecular pathways

that are responsible for inhibiting cell proliferation and enhancing

apoptosis (Ip et al. 2001). Unlike selenomethionine, which is

incorporated into protein in place of methionine, SeMC is not

incorporated into any protein, thereby offering a completely

bioavailable compound for preventing cancer. Therefore, 200—400 mcg of

SeMC a day is suggested for cancer patients. Please note that selenium

also possesses antioxidant properties, so its use before, during, or

immediately after chemotherapy could theoretically inhibit the actions

of certain chemotherapy drugs.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page


have confirmed that vitamins C and E along with the mineral selenium

afford some prostate cancer prevention. This is not surprising to

anyone who understands diet, biochemistry, and how antioxidants work.

Glutathione peroxidase destroys free radicals and superoxides. Its name

means that it destroys peroxides (the potent oxidants that form in

tissues) and uses glutathione as a helper. Glutathione requires

selenium to function; and wherever selenium is at work, vitamin E can't

be far away because they function together.

20 Natural Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer By Scala PHD, page


For prostate cancer management, stay on a low fat diet, eat tomato

products often, take a multivitamin, vitamins C, E and selenium.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 151

Men with higher intakes of antioxi-dants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and the

trace mineral selenium have lower levels of prostate cancer.

Alternative Cures by Bill Gottlieb, page 519

Selenium Statistics

In a December 1996 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association,

Dr. Larry presented evidence that supplemental selenium could

reduce cancer death rates by as much as 50%. 1,312 patients were given

200 mcg. of selenium daily. The patients receiving selenium had a rise

of 67% in their blood selenium level.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 148The

patients receiving selenium had a 67% decrease in cancer of the

prostate, a 58 percent decrease in colon or rectal cancer and a 45%

decrease in lung cancer. This suggests that possibly up to 100,000

lives a year might be saved in the USA by the simple addition of

selenium to the diet.

A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By Howenstine MD,

page 149An

article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by

et al. (1996) showed that 200 mcg of supplemental selenium a day

reduced overall cancer mortality

by 50% in humans compared to a placebo group not receiving supplemental

selenium. This 9-year study demonstrated that a low-cost mineral

supplement could cut the risk of dying from cancer in half in certain


Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1255In

a recent five-year study of nearly 30,000 rural Chinese people,

researchers from the NCI found that daily doses of these three

nutrients reduced cancer deaths by 13%.

Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 590But

what if you already have cancer? Again, the research shows a

prolongation of lifespan with proper supplementation. In a study in

Cancer Letters (Evangelou et al. 1997), animals with malignant tumors

given high doses of vitamins C and E and selenium manifested a

significant prolongation of the mean survival time. Complete remission

of tumors developed in 16.8% of the animals.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1256Dr.

Shamberger was also among the first to discover the link

between low selenium content in the soil and increasing numbers of

deaths from cancer. In 1976, he pointed out that the cities and states

with high selenium content in the soil also had significantly lower

rates of cancer, especially of the digestive and urinary systems.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 77A

Powerful Antioxidant " selenium is a crucial mineral in the battle

against prostate cancer, " says Dr. Schachter. In one study of hundreds

of men, a daily intake of 200 micrograms of selenium cut the incidence

of prostate cancer by 60 percent.

Alternative Cures by Bill Gottlieb, page 518The

statistics for breast cancer are particularly striking. " The higher the

selenium, the lower the breast cancer, " said Prof. Ladas. Similar

associations have been found with leukemia, as well as cancers of the

intestines, rectum, ovary, prostate, lung, pancreas, skin and bladder.

In Yugoslavia, scientists studied 33 patients with breast cancer. These

women had selenium levels in their bloodstream only half those of

healthy volunteers.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112Although

the study failed to show the effectiveness of selenium in altering the

course of either basal or squamous cell carcinoma, selenium impacted

the incidence of other types of malignancies with amazing success

( et al. 1996). The overall reduction in cancer incidence was 37%

in the selenium-supplemented group; a 50% reduction in cancer mortality

was observed over a 10-year period. The following are the site-specific

reductions in cancer incidence observed in the study: colon-rectal

cancers (58%), lung cancer (46%), and prostate cancer (63%). A selenium

deficiency appears to increase the risk of prostate cancer fourfold to

fivefold. It was determined that, as the male population ages, selenium

levels decrease, paralleling an increase in prostate cancer ( et

al. 2001).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

In a study published in the journal of the National Cancer Institute,

the relationship between serum levels of selenium and the development

of upper digestive tract cancer was explored (Mark et al, 2000). The relative


of esophageal cancer was 0.56 in individuals in the highest quartile of

selenium level compared with those in the lowest quartile. The

corresponding relative risk of gastric cardia cancer was 0.47. Based on

the data, the researchers calculate that 26.4% of esophageal and

gastric cardia cancers are attributable to low selenium levels.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242

Selenium RecommendationsThe Recommended Daily Allowance

(RDA) is 50 to 100 micrograms (not milligrams) but few people get even

that much. Selenium is so important that I believe that practically

every adult should take a 200 microgram selenium supplement every day.

This is readily available in health food stores at a minimal price.

Organic selenium derived from yeast may be better absorbed man the

mineral form, sodium selenite. Very high doses of either can be toxic,

however, and should only be taken under a doctor's prescription. To

summarize: selenium has a strong ability to prevent cancers, especially

of the internal organs. There is no evidence that selenium interferes

with chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of both. On the contrary,

there is evidence that it decreases the side effects of such treatments

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 81The

supplements that I'd recommend for cancer prevention are the

antioxidants: vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and the mineral


Anti-Aging Prescriptions by Duke PhD, page 90

Moderate doses of zinc, beta-carotene, selenium and vitamin E are safe

and inexpensive. I believe these results are valid and are an accurate

reflection of what antioxidants can do. The finding that two terrible

cancers could be prevented by a few pennies worth of supplements

received little attention in the mainstream media.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 83

The National Academy of Sciences advises that no more than 150

micrograms of selenium be taken orally daily. But Revici's " bivalent

negative selenium " — a combination of the mineral with various organic

substances, such as the fatty acids of sesame oil—is said to be so

non-toxic that huge amounts, up to one million micrograms, have been

injected (in the treatment of drug addiction), apparently without any

ill effects. In the treatment of cancer the dosage is generally about

10,000 micrograms, still nearly one hundred times the National Academy

of Science's recommended dose.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112But

in the meantime, I will continue to take my 200 micrograms of selenium

a day—the same dose used in the study—and I suggest that you do, too.

Excess selenium has been associated with toxicity, so don't go

overboard. If you're not fond of popping pills, you can get 120

micrograms of selenium in just one Brazil nut. Buy the shelled

kind—they're grown in a central region of Brazil where the soil is

richest in the mineral. Other good sources are tuna fish, seafood,

wheat germ, and bran.

Ask Dr Weil by Weil MD, page 207While

everyone needs selenium on an everyday basis, there are certain

situations in which the human need for selenium may be increased, or in

which additional selenium may be helpful in the treatment of a disease.

If you are a male, your selenium needs are greater than if you are

female. If you suffer from heart disease or muscular disorders,

additional selenium may help you. The same can be said if you suffer

from cataracts, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, liver necrosis, iron

deficiency anemia, joint problems, heavy metal poisoning, or cancer.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 479Now,

Dr. Mark A. , a professor and researcher at the Arizona Cancer

Center, says, " The Nutritional Prevention of Cancer (NPC) Trial tripled

the intake and suggests that higher levels of selenium may be necessary

for cancer prevention. " Until nutritionists conduct more research,

though, no one can recommend the best, safest amount you should get.

Experts warn selenium is a toxic mineral, which means too much of it,

especially from supplements, is unsafe.

Eat and Heal by the Editors of FC & A Medical Publishing, page 98Doctors

at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences concluded that selenium

supplements were a safe and effective food supplement for people. There

have also been a number of reports of selenium's toxicity or even its

alleged ability to cause cancer. There is no question that excess

selenium in the soil (in the form of its compounds, selenite or

selenate) can kill grazing animals and could probably in sufficiently

large doses kill humans as well. The symptoms of selenium poisoning are

readily apparent without a doctor's assistance, according to Dr.

Gerhard Schrauzer, a world expert on the topic. These symptoms include

a heavy garlic odor, pallor, nervousness, depression, a metallic taste,

skin eruptions, irritability, discolored teeth and hair loss. There is

some doubt about the carcinogenicity studies. For instance, one study

showed toxic effects for inorganic, but not organic, forms of the


Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112

General / History of Selenium

Selenium (Se) is a metal that is chemically similar to sulfur. It was

first discovered in 1817 and because of its silvery color was named for

Selene, the ancient goddess of the moon. Selenium is an essential

component of two important antioxidant enzymes and is also the helpmate

of vitamin E.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 76

Initially, selenium's importance in human health was underrated. In

fact, its main use in conventional medicine was as a treatment for


Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 76Strange

as it may seem, toenail levels of selenium are considered a good

indicator of long-term selenium intake. They found that the people

whose toenails had the highest levels of selenium had half of the rate

of lung cancer compared with those whose toe-nails were low in


Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 143Emmanuel

Revici, MD based his treatment on correcting an imbalance between fatty

acids and sterols in the cancer patient; called " biological dualism " .

Revici was considered a very dedicated physician and developer of

selenium as an anti-cancer agent. -Ewan Cameron, MD, a ish surgeon

first popularized the use of high dose vitamin C in terminal cancer


Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 45

Some scientists still do not accept the need for selenium supplements

and argue against its protective effect against cancer and other

diseases. Others endorse the value of moderate amounts of selenium

added to the diet. In the laboratory, selenium has shown a wide range

of anticancer effects.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 109Aside

from Revici's work, little has been done to investigate the use of this

mineral as a cancer treatment. In 1911, Prof. August von Wasserrman

achieved growth inhibition, shrinkage and eventually the disappearance

of tumors by injecting selenium directly into mouse tumors. Four years

later, two doctors

caused the shrinkage and the eventual disappearance of small tumors in

cancer patients, although larger tumors failed to respond.

Cancer Therapy by Ralph W Moss PhD, page 112After

critically examining this book, I came to the conclusion that Dr.

Revici is an innovative medical genius, outstanding chemist and a

highly creative thinker [emphasis added]. I also realized that few of

his medical colleagues would be able to follow his train of thought and

thus would be all too willing to dismiss his work. Because of my own

professional interest in selenium, let me merely focus on this aspect

of his work. Selenium containing medications were introduced into cancer


as early as 1911 by none less than the great physician August von

Wasserman. Working with experimental animals, von Wasserman was able to

show his selenium compounds produced liquefactive necrosis of solid

tumors, an unheard of event at the time, hailed as a major success.

However, von Wasserman's compounds were too toxic and thus could not be

employed in the treatment of human cancer. Dr. Revici deserves credit

for having discovered pharmacologically active selenium compounds of

very low toxicity. The same was achieved years later by one other great

physician, Dr. Klaus Schwarz, in collaboration with a leading organic

chemist, Dr. Arne Fredga, of Uppsala University. The National Cancer

Institute has recognized the importance of selenium only within the

past few years. Would one thus not have to conclude that Dr. Revici, in

this one instance, was 40 years ahead of his time? The same could be

said for many of his other researches which form the basis of his


Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 614

Dr. Gerbhard Schauzer, a biochemist at the University of California in San

Diego, … believes that if every woman in America

began taking selenium supplements today or followed a diet high in

selenium, the breast cancer rate in this country would decline

drastically in a few years.

Miracle Medicine Herbs by M Lucas, page 16Asia

has considerable quantities of selenium in its soil, making the Asian

diet rich in the mineral; not surprisingly, cancer and heart disease

occur considerably less often in Asian cultures than in the West.

Optimum Health by T Sinatra MD, page 123

Additional Benefits of Selenium

Antioxidants, like beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium

appear to enhance the effectiveness of chemo, radiation, and

hyperthermia while minimizing damage to the patient's normal cells;

thus making therapy more of a " selective toxin. " An optimally


cancer patient can better tolerate the rigors of cytotoxic therapy.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 18Patients

with advanced rectal cancer were treated with a combination of

selenium, the drug 5-FU, and radiation. Scientists reported a

protective effect of selenium on quality of life.

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph Moss PhD, page 80Selenium-deficient

animals have more heart damage from the chemo drug, adriamycin.43

Supplements of selenium and vitamin E in humans did not reduce the

efficacy of the chemo drugs against ovarian and cervical cancer.

Animals with implanted tumors who were then treated with selenium and

cisplatin (chemo drug) had reduced toxicity to the drug with no change

in anti-cancer activity. Selenium supplements helped repair DNA damage

from a carcinogen in animals. Selenium was selectively toxic to human leukemia

cells in culture.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 56

While most nutritionists agree on the importance of growth

(proliferative) nutrients, few nutritionists respect the importance for

anti-proliferative nutrients. For every force in the body, there must

be an opposing force to regulate that mechanism. There are agents that

cause fluid loss from the kidneys (diuresis) and other agents that stem

this fluid loss when it is excessive (anti-diuretic hormone). Just as

there is a need for nutrients to augment growth, there is a need for

nutrients to control excessive growth and shut down the process.

Selenium, fish oil, garlic, Cat's claw, Maitake D-fraction, vitamin E

succinate, vitamin K, quercetin, genistein, and bovine cartilage all

may assist the cancer patient in this manner.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 80Vitamin

E and selenium supplements in animals helped to reduce the heart

toxicity from adriamycin. Selenium and vitamin E supplements were given

to 41 women undergoing cytotoxic therapy for ovarian and cervical

cancers, with a resulting drop in the toxicity-related rise in creatine


Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 107One

of the foremost selenium investigators, Gerhard Schrauzer of the

University of California at San Diego, says: Apart from its functions

as an essential micronutrient, selenium also appears to have other

physiological functions in which it acts as a physiological resistance

factor [emphasis added]. Its cancer protecting effects fall into this

category. In addition, selenium protects against free radicals,

mutagens, toxic heavy metals and certain bacterial, fungal and viral

pathogens. The selenium requirement increases under stress, just as the

requirement for certain vitamins increases during infections. Selenium,

according to Schrauzer, is most effective as a form of nutritional

cancer prophylaxis. In animal research, its protective effect is

greater the earlier in life it is given, and its shielding effect

against virally induced cancer disappears if the nutrient is no longer

fed to the animal. Nevertheless, selenium does have an effect on

slowing the rate of growth of established spontaneous or transplanted

breast tumors in animals, and in reversing the development of some

malignant cell lines when used at pharmacological levels. Further,

selenium has shown a general capacity to stimulate the immune system in

several animal models, which may add to its anticancer effects. It is

of special relevance to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy that

selenium " has by now been shown to prevent or retard tumorigenesis

induced by virtually all the major known carcinogens, " probably,

Schrauzer believes, " by modulating the rate of cell division. "

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612

Just as selenium protects you against toxic metal poisoning, it can

also protect you against radiation, whether you are exposed to it

through the environment or more directly through medical treatments. A

particularly effective form of selenium for this purpose is

selenoaminoacid compounds (selenium plus amino acids). Selenium also

protects you against compounds called epoxides, as it breaks them down.

What are epoxides? Formed when an enzyme named aryl hydrocarbon

hydroxylase binds with a carcinogenic substance, epoxides could be

called the immediate cause of cancer. The carcinogens cause your body

to produce them, and then cancer may ensue.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483Reports

from Germany indicate that selenium supplementation in patients

undergoing radiation therapy for rectal cancer improved quality of life

and reduced the appearance of secondary cancers (Hehr et al. 1997) It

appears that selenium acts as an immunologic response modifier,

normalizing every component of the immune system (Life Extension Report


Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page


garbagemen of the bloodstream—are capable of keeping your body clear of

tumor cells. Also, since they produce interferon, they can help

eliminate the viruses that cause some forms of cancer. But to do their

job properly, they need adequate selenium.

Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Null, page 483Some

of the known natural compounds that can reduce insulin resistance

include omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, flavonoids, selenium, and

vitamin E. Dietary risk factors must be managed. Therefore, besides

restricting dietary sugars, individuals should eat an adequate amount

of fruits and vegetables because phytochemicals in fruits and

vegetables act as potent anticancer agents.

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 598Selenium

can prevent solar damage, pigmentation and dark spots, but because the

selenium content of soil varies across the country, not everyone is

getting enough to be beneficial, " says Dr. Burke, citing the Southeast

in particular as an area deficient in selenium. To quench the free

radicals caused by sun exposure and to prevent skin damage, Dr. Burke

recommends daily supplements of 50 to 200 micrograms of selenium in the

form of 1-selenomethionine, depending on where you live and your family

history of cancer. Selenium can be toxic in doses exceeding 100

micrograms, so if you'd like to try this therapy to protect your skin,

you should discuss it with your doctor.

Healing With Vitamins by Alice Feinstein, page 64

The importance of selenium to cardiovascular health was demonstrated in

the provinces of China where the mineral was deficient. This

correlation can be seen throughout the world. Ray Shamberger, M.D., and

Willis, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, reported in 1976

that people who live in low-selenium areas have three times more heart

disease than those living in areas where the soil and water are rich in

the mineral.

Saturated Fat May Save Your Life by Bruce Fife ND, page 142Selenium

also appears to help stimulate antibody formation in response to

vaccines. This immunostimulating effect is also enhanced by vitamin E;

the presence of these two nutrients can increase antibody formation by

20-30 times, as shown by research.

Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Elson M Haas MD, page 213

Selenium may also aid in protein synthesis, growth and development, and

fertility, especially in the male. It has been shown to improve sperm

production and motility. Thus, selenium may prevent male infertility;

however, we do not know whether selenium deficiency will actually cause

male infertility. These are only some of the conjectures about other

selenium functions.

Staying Healthy With Nutrition by Elson M Haas MD, page 213

Selenium InteractionsCertain metals such as lead, cadmium,

arsenic, mercury and silver block the action of selenium. . . . Recent

laboratory experiments have shown that high doses of zinc block the

action of selenium. Therefore, one has to be careful about taking

excessive amounts of zinc (over 20 milligrams per day from diet and

supplements) while taking selenium [emphasis added].

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619I

think the selenium and saffron complement one another. Selensaff, a

product made by Scientific Botanicals (see Resources), is used in

cancer therapy to create a redox effect—a process of improving cell

function by enhancing both oxygen uptake and the excretion of oxygen waste.

Herbal Medicine Healing Cancer by R Yance Jr, page 148

Zinc is important because it is an antagonist to selenium and may in

itself enhance or inhibit different tumors. Selenium in minute

quantities is essential to human health. According to Prasad, among the

minerals, " only selenium has been shown to have a role in cancer

prevention " :

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619

Vitamin E and selenium protected animals against the potent carcinogenic

effects of DMBA from tobacco.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition by Quillin, page 164Selenium

acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the body's immune defense

system. Thus, many of the effects which are produced by vitamin E

deficiency can be reversed or prevented by selenium. Some laboratory

experiments have suggested that the combination of vitamin E and

selenium is more effective in preventing cancer than either of them


Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 619However,

one experiment has demonstrated increased susceptibility to

DMBA-induced tumors when selenium deficiency was aggravated by high

dietary levels of polyunsatu-rated fatty acids, and protection by a

physiological supplement of selenium (0.1 pg/g) to the diet (Ip and

Sinha, 1981). The interpretation of these results is further

complicated because of the varied protocols used in these experiments

and the knowledge that selenium interacts with many other nutrients,

such as heavy metals in the diet.

Diet Nutrition Cancer by National Research Council, page 169

In some experiments, dietary zinc exceeding nutritional requirements

has been shown to suppress chemically induced tumors in rats and

hamsters, but when given in drinking water it counteracts the

protective effect of selenium in mice...While the evidence on the

effect of zinc on tumor development is complex, it strongly suggests

that, in general, one should be cautious about taking zinc supplements

if one has cancer. And since selenium has a wide spectrum of

demonstrable anticancer effects, cancer patients should be particularly

cautious with zinc, since it is a selenium antagonist. I have seen many

cancer patients taking moderately large amounts of zinc as part of a

comprehensive megavitamin nutritional supplement

program. In view of the available scientific evidence, this is another

critical example of an area where uninformed nutritional

supplementation may do harm.

Choices In Healing by Lerner, page 612In

addition, statistically significant protection from high levels of

selenium and alpha-tocopherol occurred only when gamma- tocopherol

concentrations were also high (Helzl-sourer et al. 2000).

Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 258Selenium

and co-enzyme Q-10. Exhibits anticancer activity especially in blocking

development of colon cancer and spread of breast cancer.

Food Your Miracle Medicine by Carper, page 481



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