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In a message dated 7/24/2008 12:46:04 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

wiedb@... writes:


I am so very sorry you have had to endure this kind of crap! This

article should be used in journalism classes as a prime example of

yellow journalism.


Thank you, Sherry. I am blown away. I know for a fact this writer spoke

with Armstrong of the WSJ and Kennedy's office. The picture that was

suppose to represent my family of long ago and a better time before I became

someone who hangs out in the dark, decrepit office, is from merely two years

ago. It was a family vacation to Lake . I couldn't keep a trailer in my

drive, even if I wanted to. It is against the HOA policy. We were getting

" ole betsy " ready for a short camping trip. He also failed to mention that

our insurer sued us and we were forced to counter sue. We received nearly a

half a million dollars from the suit. The writer also knows that I was writing

of Dr. Kelman trying to distance the ACOEM paper from the Chamber paper once

force to discuss them in front of a jury. What is funny about the article,

is that he calls one a " lay translation " of the other. A statement Kelman

heavily refutes.

This is just so obvious that it is a hit piece, that it almost helps my

cause. But it is quite scary that this kind of thing can occur in the USA.

C'est la vie. I am not shutting up. Nor am I crazy. The science is on my side

and your side. We are getting there, no matter what!


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Hang in there Sharon,stay proud and strong girl,you know we are

winning this war when the crreps come out and show their behinds.



> In a message dated 7/24/2008 12:46:04 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> wiedb@... writes:


> Sharon,

> I am so very sorry you have had to endure this kind of crap! This

> article should be used in journalism classes as a prime example of

> yellow journalism.

> Sherry




> Thank you, Sherry. I am blown away. I know for a fact this

writer spoke

> with Armstrong of the WSJ and Kennedy's office. The picture

that was

> suppose to represent my family of long ago and a better time

before I became

> someone who hangs out in the dark, decrepit office, is from merely

two years

> ago. It was a family vacation to Lake . I couldn't keep a

trailer in my

> drive, even if I wanted to. It is against the HOA policy. We

were getting

> " ole betsy " ready for a short camping trip. He also failed to

mention that

> our insurer sued us and we were forced to counter sue. We

received nearly a

> half a million dollars from the suit. The writer also knows that I

was writing

> of Dr. Kelman trying to distance the ACOEM paper from the Chamber

paper once

> force to discuss them in front of a jury. What is funny about the


> is that he calls one a " lay translation " of the other. A

statement Kelman

> heavily refutes.


> This is just so obvious that it is a hit piece, that it almost

helps my

> cause. But it is quite scary that this kind of thing can occur in

the USA.

> C'est la vie. I am not shutting up. Nor am I crazy. The science

is on my side

> and your side. We are getting there, no matter what!


> Sharon




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Is it that same company that (in NYC) did a series of extremely

biased articles about Bianca Jagger's lawsuit about mold in her Park Ave.

apartment? (that her then-landlord refused to clean up..)

It might be.

They have 'free' newspapers all around the US, and they all take a sneaky,

very biased attitude on local issues, while trying to appear semi-progressive.

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Newspapers are businesses and their advertisers like to hear that

the concept of liability always gets shot down, preferably in flames.


--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> Is it that same company that (in NYC) did a series of extremely

> biased articles about Bianca Jagger's lawsuit about mold in her

Park Ave.

> apartment? (that her then-landlord refused to clean up..)


> It might be.


> They have 'free' newspapers all around the US, and they all take a


> very biased attitude on local issues, while trying to appear semi-



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Its interesting to read the LAWeekly article knowing what the real facts are

with regard to many of the issues and see exactly WHAT and WHERE they

decided to spin things.

That is an education in itself.

Clearly, trying to make people think mold is harmless is a major goal here..

I have a friend who was recently home shopping and he told me that he was

shocked how many homes have mold problems.. many foreclosed homes sat

unmaintained and now they have serious issues that are not going to be easy

to fix.. They are time bombs basically..



What is going to be done with them?

That is a big, ugly question...

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 9:52 PM, agasaya <agasaya@...> wrote:

> Newspapers are businesses and their advertisers like to hear that

> the concept of liability always gets shot down, preferably in flames.


> Barb



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Thank you for your kind words. I hope what many of us already know the

matter, while help to jump start your efforts to regain your health and typical


And...contrary to the article. I am NOT the " queen of mold " . We are just a

lot of people, working together from a variety of aspects of the issue, to

do the right thing. I just happen to have chosen exposing the conflicts of

interest in medical societies and industry friendly orgs as my area.

Unfortunately, it is the most contentious area.

C'est la vie! All of us Kings and Queens (or trailer trash if you believe

the LAWeekly) will not be silenced.

Sharon K

In a message dated 7/25/2008 12:02:46 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

bonniel215@... writes:


As you know I am new to this group, so I really don't know you, but I

feel the need to let you know that I'm applaud that someone so

uninformed would write such a slanderous article about you and your

efforts to help millions of people who are sick, fighting for their

lives, unable to get the treatments they so desperately need, not to

mention those who's lives are in danger but don't even know it

because their doctors are so woefully uninformed.

I am so sorry to see you attacked like that. I would love to be able

to rebut that butthead but I don't have anywhere near the knowledge

to grind him to the ground like he should be.

However there was one person who responded (I think the name was

NoMoreMold) who did a great job pointing out that facts of

enviromental illness. I commend whoever that was.

Sharon the article was clearly bias... Anyone can see that... And

it's reprehensible that the LA Weekly would print such trash.

I just want to say... I salute you our " Queen of Mold " , and thank you

and your family from the bottom of my heart for all your sacrifics

and hard work for so many people.



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There is no need to defend yourself against these destructive assholes. They

have only

launched a personal attack toward you. just like depositions I have attended,

they are

simply looking for a reaction.... period.

They have no facts to back up their vicious attack. Again, I wonder how many of


family members are being affected by mold. I am sure that a few are.

They are scared and we have no idea who has paid them by either cash or promises


publish such a horrible article.

You keep on 'truckin' as we say in the South. We need you.. and we appreciate





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Sharon: as much as it obviously hurts to read these falsehood in the paper,

there are untold numbers of people who can read through the bunk and see the

article for what it is: a personal attack of you and not an truly

well-research investigative article bringing facts to the table. From what I

gather, the

reporter is not a full time employee of the paper but wrote this as a

special to the paper. I have no idea how long he actually " investigated " the


but from what I can gather, it was at least 6 months. It's amazing that

Armstrong from the Wall Street Journal can use six months to come up with

one set of facts and the reporter from the LA Weekly comes up with another

set of " facts. " Who would any person with common sense believe?

What also is disturbing about the article is the fact that the reporter

clearly had an agenda to attempt to destroy Sharon's reputation, which he did


as far as those who seek the truth are concerned. It was so very clear that

he was attempting to do that. Here is a woman who has dedicated so much of

her life to bring facts to the table as we all deal with indoor air quality

problems and he chose to use his backpack of verbage to insult and demonize

her. He apparently wasn't all that observant on so many levels because he made

so many mistakes on facts, including seeing things that weren't there, such

as a dirty rug on her floor when she has tile, a trailer in the front of her

house and red lipstick, not to mention misquoting people or making it appear

he had actually interviewed people when he didn't. It goes without saying

that the very worst thing that he did was the potential harm he may have caused

to so many who are battling mold illnesses.

The reporter has done a lot of writing on problems in the foster care system

in California, strongly advocating for these children. It's too bad that he

seemed to have had blinders on with so many cries for help coming from

children who are sick in their homes and schools from biological contamination.

All he had to do during his fact finding was go to schoolmoldhelp.org right in

his state to get reality information on the subject.....right in his own


No one is perfect and some really good reporters usually have a couple of

stories under their belts that they wish they could retract because they found

out after the story was published that they didn't give the right information

to their readership because of not thoroughly checking facts or being

snookered.....and boy oh boy was he snookered! I can't believe that he just

totally bought into the " facts " he was presented by those who wish to stop


Kramer and others from bringing truth and balance to the medicine and science

of mold illnesses. I am having a hard time believing that the reporter would

do something intentionally that would harm children. What the heck was he

thinking and for that matter, what was the LA Weekly thinking?

I am still in a state of shock that a story like this could have been

written in this day and age. This story could be used to define the word

" ignorance. "

Mulvey son

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In a message dated 7/26/2008 6:24:49 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

quackadillian@... writes:


That is what I was thinking. Ultimately, the shallowness and pettiness

of the article actually makes you look good.

Many people will read it and realize that they are not alone. Lots of

people realize the slant of the publisher already.

There are sooooooo many false statements in that article that the author

knows are false. And I have the emails to prove it. I am in the process of

requesting a retraction to the article.

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That is what I was thinking. Ultimately, the shallowness and pettiness

of the article actually makes you look good.

Many people will read it and realize that they are not alone. Lots of

people realize the slant of the publisher already.

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Good point Quack,

....but rational, informative comments left on blogs and newspapers

educates many who would never have looked anything up to form a

personal 'informed' opinion. They wait for others to give them

their opinions on a brass platter (no silver here). So we can do

the same, showing folks how to learn about their world. You don't

hear back from many but I have seen quite a few posts from people

who appreciated my comments or citations in such web columns.

While I have had many letters to the editor printed in newspapers,

most don't get printed and 'go to waste', although editors do use

them to determine future story directions - they have told me that

in replies. A lot of people reading these web comments may do it for

entertainment value since a lot of nuts reply like that...but then

you can turn the discussion serious. I can't think or write quickly

any longer but my compilations of research and older letters stored

on my website, serve as good templates for fairly quick retrieval of

information on a few subjects. This allows me to post in a timely

fashion on some days. Those are getting fewer and farther between,


When I see someone who is stupidly malicious like that idiot

signing 'Kramer hater', I post right after with something to the

effect that " I will not be responding to provocative statements made

anonymously purely for the entertainment value of the author. I

will try to get back here to see any serious questions or

disagreements which are expressed in a civil manner. These are

important topics for serious people to discuss. "

It tones down the nonsense and also discourages good people from

getting into dumb arguments with the anencephalics who troll the

web. Just don't lose your cool people and stick to the facts!

Barb Rubin


--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> Sharon,


> That is what I was thinking. Ultimately, the shallowness and


> of the article actually makes you look good.

> Many people will read it and realize that they are not alone. Lots


> people realize the slant of the publisher already.


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You are now the 6th person to say that he either misquoted them or did not

speak to them at all.

I am beginning to wonder who really wrote this article. " Mold consultancy

company " is a false term you hear in court? How would Heimpel know to use

that term?

Although very shoddy a questionable journalism with too many errors to put

on (I am up to page 18)..I think whoever wrote your quote for you

did a stellar job with the words they put in your mouth.

" She is doing something more people should be doing, " says Grimes... " She´s

speaking out against what she knows isn´t right. "


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Quackadillion, Sharon/ALL:

Quackadillion, I totally understand your thoughts concerning Sharon Kramer and

your feelings toward what this article implicates to its readers, however, if I

have learned one thing and one thing only over the past almost 10 years studying

micro fungi and the adverse affects these vicious microorganisms have on human

health, and now nearly 22 years in the molecular sciences, is that the public

reads the article for what the article states about the subject matter and

content, and rarely, but rarely, reads anything else into the article. For

instance, if a congressman is " alleged " to have done something wrong, the writer

is taken at " face value " while the " congressman " is " believed " to " actually "

have done something wrong. That is why in your case Sharon, we really need to

continue to focus our attack on the inaccuracy of the article and the deliberate

and complete ignorance of this pathetic " so-called " investigative author. That

is nothing less that slander in print, and unfortunately general readers that

are not interested in molds or anything to do with them look at this writing as

more garbage they don't want to deal with. For those that are interested in this

particular websites' articles and/or subscribe to it, their only mission is in

waiting for someone to discredit those who work hard to promote the fact that

molds, yeasts, and the mycotoxins they produce can and do cause diseases and

death. We need to counter these articles aggressively with scientific facts and

resource websites to rip the authors to shreds. We have not done this much with

VeriTox, Dr. Saxton, Dr. Sudakin, and some of the other SOBs that

are waging this kind of trash. Have a Blessed day,

Doug Haney

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Exactly Doug. That is why I posted this additional comment on the LA

weekly (page 3) as follows:

Those who prefer not to think can enjoy taking `sides' between

Kramer and Kelman. This article misses the mark if it hoped to cover

that issue as the author obviously hasn't bothered to read the

original material himself. No, it is about one of many types of

environmentally induced illnesses that the legal (defense)

profession has declared to be `idiopathic'. That means the cause is

unknown. Until it is known, at which point it receives a new name

accordingly which might involved fungal disease related to mold


No court is going to hand out money unless a compelling medical

argument is offered with suitable proofs. It doesn't matter if there

is one victim or a million, the legal system - and ignorant

bystanders who do not understand the purposes of the legal system

for legitimate grievances - may not determine that `idiopathic

illness' is a category unto itself, with the sole members in that

class being litigants. The objective in referring to proven ailments

as idiopathic is money. The objective in referring to idiopathic

ailments as worth monetary awards is money. Either side can be at

fault but only a stupid lawyer goes to court on a bad case (unless

being paid by the hour).

Look at the evidence, not at personalities and malicious gossip

under the guise of journalism. Journalism does not editorialize to

the extent of this `article' and it is unworthy of this paper. If

there were legitimate points to be made, the evidence would have

been offered without the distractions of innuendo and petty

references to appearances.

Yes, mold has been around since the beginning of time but not in the

airtight, unventilated buildings introduced in the 70's. Mold,

concentrated in tight places will behave differently on human

systems than in a forest. Fire has been around a long time as well

but the World Health Organization (WHO) will tell you that wood

burning fuels have been a significant cause of mortality and injury

in the third world because smoke is harmful to your lungs. Period.

If it is coming out of a faulty wood stove, most of the people

writing here would be calling their lawyers when they develop

pneumonitis as a result. Research and learn. Make any opinions you

reach `informed' opinions. Bickering is pointless. Let's not pretend

this is about any particular individual.

Posted on Saturday, July 26, at 11:51 am by Barbara Rubin


the public reads the article for what the article states about the

subject matter and content, and rarely, but rarely, reads anything

else into the article.

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The article should have brought up that many of the same characters who are

trying to deny the dangers of water damaged buildings

are veterans of the TOBACCO wars.

That says SO much right there.

Its all about MONEY.

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Doug and group,

Speaking of slander, how about fabriction of quotes and old

fashioned lying.

Carl Grimes, president of Healthy Habitats, a mold

consultancy company that makes money telling people

how to get rid of " dangerous " mold, is also a Kramer fan.

" She is doing something more people should be doing, "

says Grimes, who claims he couldn´t work for years

because of mold spores and bacteria in his home. " She´s

speaking out against what she knows isn´t right.

The only thing they got right is my name and the name of my

company. I am quoted in the story but no one ever talked to me

so I have no idea where " my " words came from, but can guess. I

am not a mold consultancy company but an indoor environmental

consulting company. While mold is one important component it is

but one of many components, as members of this group, readers

of my book and of my very public writings well know. Mold spores

and bacteria were not the cause of my ill health as they claimed.

According to the logic of the author of this article as supported by

their editor, making money consulting with people is wrong but

making money fabricating quotes and facts in newpapers is right.

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC


> Quackadillion, Sharon/ALL:


> Quackadillion, I totally understand your thoughts concerning

Sharon Kramer and your feelings toward what this article

implicates to its readers, however, if I have learned one thing and

one thing only over the past almost 10 years studying micro fungi

and the adverse affects these vicious microorganisms have on

human health, and now nearly 22 years in the molecular

sciences, is that the public reads the article for what the article

states about the subject matter and content, and rarely, but

rarely, reads anything else into the article. For instance, if a

congressman is " alleged " to have done something wrong, the

writer is taken at " face value " while the " congressman " is

" believed " to " actually " have done something wrong. That is why

in your case Sharon, we really need to continue to focus our

attack on the inaccuracy of the article and the deliberate and

complete ignorance of this pathetic " so-called " investigative

author. That is nothing less that slander in print, and unfortunately

general readers that ar


> Doug Haney

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Carl: My friend, actors sue magazines all the time and win huge settlements for

that exact same thing. This guy is a real piece of work. Actually, as with both

you and Sharon, this was an illicit act across state lines and I would be that

some federal communications act violations are possible should you decide to

look into the matter.

Keep doing the absolute great " work " you are very much " able and quite capable "

of doing, as you are highly respected for it by me and many others.

God Bless and take care.

Doug Haney

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I want to echo many of the comments made on this topic.  Sharon Kramer, KC and

so many others have sacrificed so much for this fight.  Kudos to all of you, and

don't let these dirt bags get you down!!

The author of this article is way out of line.  I imagine he was paid big money

for writing the article.  

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Sharon and group,

Correction: After reviewing my e-mails (I keep everything) I found

one e-mail between myself and the author of the acticle, Mr

Heimpel, setting up a phone interview.

So, my previous statement that I was never interviewed is not

quite correct. Our phone conversation lasted less than five

minutes, last January, and wasn't an interview. There was no

follow-up and no fact-checking. My statements, even if accurate,

were given in an entirely different context than as they were

presented in the article. So my claim of being (at least) misquoted


Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC



> Carl,


> You are now the 6th person to say that he either misquoted them or did not

> speak to them at all.


> I am beginning to wonder who really wrote this article. " Mold consultancy

> company " is a false term you hear in court? How would Heimpel know to use

> that term?


> Although very shoddy a questionable journalism with too many errors to put

> on (I am up to page 18)..I think whoever wrote your quote for


> did a stellar job with the words they put in your mouth.


> " She is doing something more people should be doing, " says Grimes... " She´s

> speaking out against what she knows isn´t right. "







> ------------------------------------





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Very good point. Very good point. How could he get SIX interviews wrong?

What I find just so further outrageous about the reporter is the fact that

he did an " expose " on the problems with the foster child system in California

yet in his travels " investigating " the issue of lack of truth in mold

illnesses, he doesn't mention once the collateral damage children suffer due to


exposure in their homes and schools. I just don't get him but hope the

truth about how this story came to being comes out.

I do want to compliment Barbara Rubin's posting at the newspaper's blog

site. Excellent. So many of you posted and I was heartened to see all the

support and all the facts come out that apparently the reporter didn't even


Mulvey son

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Your " Additional Comment " to the LA article is excellent. However I would like

to comment further on it, hopefully without being intrusive and very respefully

of your efforts. My understanding of the " idiopathic disease " label that the

medical field (and especially, as you indicate, defence attorneys) is that it is

a disease of " unknown cause; unknown cure. " Fibromyalgia is one of those

diseases most recognized by people on this planet. My personal definition is

somewhat different after nearly 22 years in following the day-by-day discoveries

of the Molecular Sciences fields. It goes something like this: " An 'idiopathic

disease' consists of a disease unknown to the " general public " to be caused by

anything the medical profession does not want to disclose as being too expensive

to change the American economy over. What this all means is that products having

high levels of live mold, bacteria cells, unhealthy particulates, and other

mutated live cells created by artificial genetically-incorporated means, as well

as currently legalized deadly consummable items such as tobacco and alcohol

(which combined kill an average of 580 thousand Americans each year) would have

to undergo massive changes and prohibitive cost in

regulation, government monitoring, and industrial instrument detection and

extraction adjustments to erradicate (at leaset more efficiently control) the


all there and the scientific and medical fields put more and more of it out on

the Internet daily, including in many clinical cases images of it all, that

inless you are a " high-scale " molecular scientist, you miss. And to boot,

certainly the average medical doctor is not taught much of it; especially, how

to technically research and correlate the facts in medical school curriculum.

After attending school and other forms of education for nearly a quarter to a

third of their lives, medical doctors are not too excited to have to bury their

heads into keeping up with the Molecular Sciences fields, therefore " idiopathic "

remains " idiopathic disease " until the world catches the medical field on old

beliefs and outdated practices enough to suddenly realize... " Oh, we never

realized that 'molds and yeasts' were actually not allergens, but actually live

celled pathogenic microorganisms that UNLIKE their counterpart " DECOMPOSERS "

bacteria, are structually, chemically, and genetically closest to human cells,

and are therefore able to work subtly in their colonization (i.e., physical

colony live-growth process), chemical strength (i.g., mycotoxin , a mutagenic

(genetic weakening and transversing) capabilities. What I am saying to you is

that because mold exposures have a distinct correlation with human diseases, are

extremely hard to detect and eliminate in the disease process once they become

mutagenic and destructive, they threaten to destroy much of the credibility of

the medical field and force government to spend literally hundreds of trillions

of dollars in revising the American economy to control the situation. This

doesn't even go into the the enormous loss that would take place in the

pharmaceutical industry as useless drugs that are used today have to be replaced

by just a few hundred drugs in comparison that actually would be far more

effective against cancers and other forms of serious neurologic and progressive

diseases. That is why I call this, " THE 'REAL' AMERICAN WAR WITHIN, and it is

far more subversive than what I experienced in Vietnam. Now you can readily see

why " nonsense; unscientific research articles " that criticized and demean

outstanding humans such as Sharon Kramer and others, must be disputed and

challenged vigorously.

Have a Blessed day. R. Haney

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I just think it's time for a major class action against akk those

involved in trying to keep this from being reconized. they have hurt

many, kept them from getting medical help or any kind of help and

continue to labal us as crazy. they have dincrimanated against us in

the worst way and it's time to make them put up and shut up.

the list of players on this band wagon seem pretty clear.

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In another post I touched on this subject of fighting this war for

our health and our rights to be healthly but I like the way you

phrased it and termed it; " The Real American War Within " . And that's

excatly what this is! And Toxic Mold Exposure is just one part of

this ... " war within " .



> Agasaya/ALL:


> Your " Additional Comment " to the LA article is excellent. However

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