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Wet weather brings on the dreaded black mold

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Wet weather brings on the dreaded black mold

Portsmouth Herald News - Portsmouth,NH*

By Jeanné McCartin

August 07, 2008



Drywall carpeting.

" It's black! " my friend " " says into the phone, panic barely in

check. " I'm getting the baby and me out of here right now. I'm

coming over. I'm sorry. I know you have the kitchen torn apart,

people staying over, a column due, costumes to complete and a

splitting headache. But it's black. I have to take the baby out of

here and I have nowhere to go. "

Actually I had two stories due. Pretty much everything else was


As babbled on I heard only half the conversation. I was

listening with my headset, while sipping coffee and wiping some mold

that formed overnight on the side of the fridge that is obviously

set too close to the counter for this monsoon weather we've been

experiencing. My mold was black too.

" Listen . Not all black molds are dangerous. Calm down. Just

don't let the baby lick it, for heaven's sake, " I said calmly,

praying I could hold her off.

" Are you positive, " she asked, the punctuation an exclamation rather

than a question mark.

" Well, I'm fairly sure, " I responded.

" I'm coming over, " she said. The phone went dead.

Just then I heard the company returning from their breakfast

downtown — all five of them. I knew I had to think fast or there

would be seven extras, one a wailing child, in my moderately sized

home while I was trying to meet a number of deadlines.

My fingers started dialing frantically. Seemed no one had the

answer, but everyone had mold. It's a bumper crop year thanks to the

nearly never-ending rain and high humidity.

Finally I was directed to North, air toxics program manager

for the N.H. Department of Environmental Services and finally to an


" There are thousands of different kinds of molds. Some can cause

health problems, but most are allergens, " she says. That translates

to, they only affect people who are actually allergic to the spores

produced by a mold.

The reaction can be to both dormant as well as living spores. The

degree of reaction is determined by a person's sensitivity. Symptoms

may include nasal congestion, post nasal drip, throat clearing, and

itchy watery eyes. It also can exacerbate asthma.

What about this " black mold. " Does my friend have something to fear?

Well like any smart person, North couldn't give a definitive answer

over the phone. Even if she were there to see it she couldn't answer

that question, she says. It requires a laboratory test. At some

point all mold appears black.

So what does one do to rid themselves of this scourge? " If you see

it just clean it off with detergent, water and elbows grease. Now

make it dry, " says North.

I waited. That was it. Wash and dry.

" To take care of them you want to make sure things stay dry, " she

adds. " Without moisture and a source of food mold won't grow. "

Food? " Yes, could be wallboard, could be wood ...; it could be

anything. " Some are partial to rugs and dry wall; mold isn't a picky


So that's it. Clean it and keep it dry. The latter, given the

weather this year may be tough, but it's the answer. North suggests

you keep an eye on trouble spots for that reason, places that tend

to stay moist — condensation on windows, in the bathroom; under

sinks, on and around the refrigerator and maybe the laundry room.

What about this black mold?

Well in very specific situations a certain molds may produce what's

known as myco toxins, which are in fact very unhealthy, she says.

" It's a chemical that's produced by the mold ...; only under very

specific conditions, specific for the types of mold that produces

it. You might have a dangerous mold but it may not be producing it. "

Like any of its kind it requires the right moisture and food.

" But you don't want any mold. If you see it, clean it off. Don't let

any get out of hand, " says North.

She suggests if you do experience flooding or a water pipe burst and

the water/moisture sits for any time, you might want to get a

professional estimate for cleaning and drying the place out so it's

thorough. And the brochure does suggest if the mold spans more than

10 square feet you call a pro. Sound advice as far as I'm concerned!

" We do have brochure available that gives tips to homeowners, how to

take care of mold, and when to call someone and what questions to

ask, " she says.

I of course downloaded it immediately and handed it to the

minute she came through the door. I gave her a cup of coffee, kissed

the baby on the check and sent them on their way. Some of us fear

deadlines more than mold — though I did take the time to face a fan

between the counter and fridge before heading to the computer.

Brochure available at: www.des.state.nh.us; search for indoor air

quality or hit most asked questions on the home page and click on


House Detective Jeanné McCartin can be reached at


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