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Re: Degnerative Disc Disease and Gluten

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I'd sure like to see any answers to

this post.

I have Graves and Hashimoto's as well as type 1 diabetes and a few

other things. I have a lot of degenerative disc problems.

Yesterday the doctor I am seeing for the thyroid suggested gluten

free diet and I don't even know how to begin such.

I have digestive problems, which I never discussed with the doctor

but if gluten free would help that it would be worth it. As for

the thyroid problems I don't think it is. I didn't realize until

after I had left the doctor's office, looking at the papers she

gave me didn't even realize she had suggested gluten free. Don't

know anything about celiac problems.

Looking for comments to this.


Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems

such as degenerative discs are related to automimmune

diseases like Hashimoto's or Celiac. If so, does a

gluten-free diet help the back?


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Oops, I'm not sure if I included the link! Here is the gluten-free website:



> >

> > Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as

> > degenerative discs are related to automimmune diseases like

> > Hashimoto's or Celiac. If so, does a gluten-free diet help the back?

> >

> > __._,


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Definately! To: "Thyroiditis " <Thyroiditis > Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 11:04 PM Subject: Re: Degnerative Disc Disease and Gluten

hi i was diagnosised with thyroid cancer and hashimotis now i do not have a thryoid but have stomach issues should i be watching stuff like gluten as well. Thanks Lori To: "Thyroiditis "

<Thyroiditis > Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 5:11:49 PM Subject: Re:

Degnerative Disc Disease and Gluten

Betty, I would strongly recommend reading the Wheat Belly book, or at the least, go to wheatbellyblog.com. It tells you how to rid yourself of wheat and other grains. The main points of eating this way is also there. Search around the site. I think you will be very surprised by all the things it can help. I've lost weight, gotten rid of my arthritis, gotten rid of my low blood sugar problems,have clearer thinking,and feel so much happier since I started this way of eating.I will never go back to eating grains. Just don't eat the gluten-free foods that are out there. They are full of junk. Try it for at least 4 weeks and you will see what I mean. Let me know of your progress if you

do. To: Thyroiditis Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 4:02 PM Subject: Re: Degnerative Disc Disease and Gluten

I'd sure like to see any answers to

this post.

I have Graves and Hashimoto's as well as type 1 diabetes and a few

other things. I have a lot of degenerative disc problems.

Yesterday the doctor I am seeing for the thyroid suggested gluten

free diet and I don't even know how to begin such.

I have digestive problems, which I never discussed with the doctor

but if gluten free would help that it would be worth it. As for

the thyroid problems I don't think it is. I didn't realize until

after I had left the doctor's office, looking at the papers she

gave me didn't even realize she had suggested gluten free. Don't

know anything about celiac problems.

Looking for comments to this.


Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems

such as degenerative discs are related to automimmune

diseases like Hashimoto's or Celiac. If so, does a

gluten-free diet help the back?


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I would like to caution everyone on some of the grains that are considered gluten-free but in reality they are NOT. There are websites that provide gluten-free advice and recipes. These sites, including the Gluten-free Goddess do **not** seem to understand that **all grains** contain gluten to various extents.

Gluten-free doesn't always mean healthy! Gluten-free products likely contain as many calories as gluten options, because a gram of sorghum, corn, oat or rice flour appears to be metabolically similar to a gram of wheat flour. Many gluten-free packaged products also contain lots of sugar, soy and bad fats.

I stopped eating wheat, barley and rye gluten in 2006 and feft somewhat better. Last November I started a Paleo Diet aka Caveman/woman Diet and eliminated all grains, starches etc and feel so much better. The problem is I thought I was eating Gluten-free but I wasn't.

Gluten is a mixture of proteins found in grains. It is composed of two subfractions named prolamines and glutelins. The prolamine called gliadin is the most studied gluten subfraction in the medical literature, which relates to Celiac disease. BUT all grains besides wheat, barley and rye contain gluten including all rice, oats, corn, maize, millet, sorghum, and buckwheat etc.

Gluten is found in the endosperm of grass plants as well as other flowering plants, all grass plants or grains contain gluten proteins of some level. Wheat contains the largest percentage while rice contains the least. Newer studies are showing this, but the general public and some health conscience sites are still in the dark.

Checkout at these websites that understand this at:




and Betty, DDD is among the over 200 problems or diseases that can occur in someone with gluten intolerance.


I am not saying that the Gluten-free Goddess is not of value, I use them sometimes but modify them. Just beware that the recipes for bread, cake, cookies, desserts and comfort foods because her recipes call for other "gluten protein flours" that many are unaware of but may be damaging. Plus, all (at least most) baking recipes call for sugar (all sugar even organic sugarcane or honey can be damaging to the body) and other refined products. I always replace sugar in recipes with Whey Low or real Stevia, and the bad fats with olive or coconut oil, which sometimes Katrina uses.



PS - Also, if you oppose genetically engineered foods, help stop the Monsanto rider on the 2013 Agricultural Appropriations bill that is in Congress right now... http://www.citizens.org/?p=3069

> > Â > >Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as degenerative discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or Celiac. If so, does a gluten-free diet help the back?> >> > > >__._,> > > Â >

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check out Sulfation and Methylation /metabolic enzyme pathways.

Sulfation is 1 branch of the seriously important and complex Methylation

pathway. all our cells do these 'chemical reactions' many times all in the same

millisecond all day every day.

Sulfation is a process used by our production/ metabolizing of thryoid hormoens

sulfation and 1000 other chemicals botn ENDogenous and EXogenous.

Sulfation is also key for GUT HEALTH. and preventing LEaky Gut.

and Sulfatin/methylatino is key to COnnective tissue including Discs.

also if your Sulfation or methylation pathways are not working optimally in all

our cells?

the brain /CNS? upregulatres the entire HPA Axis and ALL the stress hormoens

AND will often DEcrease the LIver (and other cells) production of Thryoid

hormone = T3 (and the other ones too)

including Vasopressin (oru water balance hormoen that directly affects our Spine

, spinal fluid and discs . and cartilidge etc.

check out some links like these


Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplementation to treat symptomatic disc

degeneration: Biochemical rationale and case report;

including this bit:

The matrix in dics resembles that in other articular cartilages, being composed

of hyaluran-bound proteoglycans, strengthened by collagen fibres [26,27]. Most

of the matrix mass consists of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), i.e. very long chains

of sugar units, negatively charged by many carboxyl-

and **sulfate groups.


GAGs are what causes Hypothyroid patients to Fail the

" Thyroid PINCH SKIN Test " !

SULFATION and MEthylation (which also TURNS ON GENES (Such as AUtoimmune GEnes)

are the KEY to all the COMMON diseases

includign heart disease


and being HypOthryoid cuz of unoptimal LIVER T3 or Rt3



> Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as degenerative

discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or Celiac. If so,

does a gluten-free diet help the back?


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Our Wegman's carries a lot of GF items, they have a whole section devoted to it

and things marked thru out the store as it! Ruth

> >

> >  

> > >Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as

degenerative discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or

Celiac. If so, does a gluten-free diet help the back?

> > >

> > >

> > >__._,

> > >

> >  

> >


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No such place in the High Desert. Stater Brothers, Walmart, Target, Costco,

Winco and a couple little places is pretty much all that is left.

> > >

> > >  

> > > >Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as

degenerative discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or

Celiac. If so, does a gluten-free diet help the back?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >__._,

> > > >

> > >  

> > >

> >


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I don't quite understand this , does this mean that glucosamine and chondroitin

contribute to the glycosamioglycans which in turn contribute to myxedema?

should we then avoid gucosamine/chondroitin?



Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplementation to treat symptomatic disc

degeneration: Biochemical rationale and case report;

including this bit:

The matrix in dics resembles that in other articular cartilages, being composed

of hyaluran-bound proteoglycans, strengthened by collagen fibres [26,27]. Most

of the matrix mass consists of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), i.e. very long chains

of sugar units, negatively charged by many carboxyl-

and **sulfate groups.

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Hi - what kinds of gluten-free things are you looking for, considering

you don't eat much gluten already? Bread? I find Udi's is the best and most

prevalent - try this link:


Many things are naturally gluten-free, of course. Btw, I eat oats almost every

day - and they are not gluten-free oats, just high-quality, steel-cut, organic

oats and I've never had a problem. I do rinse them but not sure that really

makes a difference anyway. Removing wheat, barley and rye alone made a dramatic

difference for me.

> > > >

> > > >  

> > > > >Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as

degenerative discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or

Celiac. If so, does a gluten-free diet help the back?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >__._,

> > > > >

> > > >  

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Tried the locator before. BJ's is local (11 miles) but they only have one or

two items like snacks. Cerials I eat are oat based with little of any of the

gluten grains. I have added gluten free Chex but haven't noticed any

difference. Also eat oatmeal but again, not gluten free so I don't know if

there is or is not gluten. I am looking for various things but bread is

something I would like to locate. I will have to check out one of the other

places to see if they sell food items or are an restaurant. Couldn't find

anything at the Winco.

> > > > >

> > > > >  

> > > > > >Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as

degenerative discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or

Celiac. If so, does a gluten-free diet help the back?

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >__._,

> > > > > >

> > > > >  

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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THANK YOU CAROL! that is fascinating information. wish i was educated

enough to really understand the details.

i appreciate knowing that the automimmune system attacks the discs too.

i'm going to send for the glucosamine/chondroitin and start taking it again.

i used to take it for my knees years ago, and it did work.

thank you again for this very important info and that excellent link as well.


> >

> > Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as degenerative

discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or Celiac. If so,

does a gluten-free diet help the back?

> >


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sure thing

but focus on learning about sulfation and methylation

as much as 'just' looking at glucosamine/Chon supplements


becuz we HYPOTs hashis have imbalances in our methylatino and sulfation


that is what TUrns ON the Autoimmuen genes

and also causes Leaky Gut (which then means foods can 'hurt' us cuz they get int

our body Before being properly broken down

adds to the immune system problems and the 'stress chemcials

and " inflammation

remember Oxidative stress is 'inflammation'

AND Oxidative stress IS PART of the MEthylation PATHWWAY!


and GAGs have to be SULFATED :()

which means you have to have the Methylatino/sulfation pathways workign in


and Optimally

oh and the Most common GAG imbalance that HYPOTHYROID patients have?

Hyaluronic Acid (note the H word in the linked text)

HA is why HYPOTS /many/ have Myxedemic " swelling'

and fial our Thyroid-SKin PInch Test!!

gotta be able to Sulfate our GAGs /all/ Preoprly

(NOTE: it COULD be that some people with Connective tissue disoreders /

including discs or ETC

are Sulfating their GAGS TOO MUCH!


you will have to do some reading

and bring these points to a decent doctor

1 who is willing to do some Homework " :

> > >

> > > Does anyone know if there's evidence that back problems such as

degenerative discs are related to automimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or

Celiac. If so, does a gluten-free diet help the back?

> > >

> >


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nope not what that paragraph meant.

that paragraph

that i pasted there

merely explains how the normal human body should be working.

and GAGs /especially HA =Hyalurnoic Acid- is what

causes Myxdema (google for more on this and HYPOT)

anyway; turns out that we HYPOTS who fail teh Skin Pinch test

do so cuz our cells are not SULFATING our " GAGs " properly..

you can google for more on GAGs and the Extra Cellualr matrix

but suffice it to say:

SULFATION aka Sulfonation

is KEY metabolic enzyme " Pathways "

(SULFATION also detoxifies OLD thryoid hromoens

ever had a bad reaction to taking T3/ NTH when you were FIRST taking it?

also IF one's SUlfation is not working optimally

it is VERY common that other parts of the MEthylation pathway are not working



oxdiative stress causes Damage to cells

cells of connective tissues

cells of discs

cells of Cardiovascular system

and MEthylation Pathway is what TURNS ON SILENCED GENES



see the first Picture/flwo chart?

look for the word

Oxidative INflammatory Disease (left hand side in that 'box)

and down on the Right hand lower Corner of that " Flow chart "


your body has to have enough energy and " Co factors " to turn the


into SulfITE

and then ON into SulfATE

and the body needs a LOT of SulfATE to do many many jobs

(including Sulfationg THRYOID HORMOENS

and Sulfating your intestinal lining to keep cells healthy adn PRevent LEAKY


and Detorixy Old hormones


SulfATE is requried for healthy Connective Tissues, skin ligaments discs etc



CBS upregulatin GENES (GOOGLE!)

pipes way too much sulfUR down the sulfation pathway

but body can't Convert ALL the SulfUR

into SulfATE

build up of SulfITEs and sulfUR

is BAD!

what does Brain/CNS do when the Sulfaiton pathway is

messed up/IMbalanced????

IT tells the HPA Axis to make more stress hormoens!!!

High cortisol

till Some folks " Adrenal Glands " Fatigue

and they have " low Cortisol "

doctors are talking about this stuff with a de3cent understadning of the Big


WARNING: most doctors are ONLY focusing on

homocysteine (FIND that name in the LInked " flow chard "

MTHFR gene

and its " metabolize " called HOMOCYSTEINE

IS being Tested by regular doctors!!


heart disease (eg clooged arteries and Heart BYpass )

silly doctors ..

My " regular " PCP complimented my on my Low_Normal Homocysteine


my Alternative Functional medicine doctor then tested my CYSTEINE.

and it was LOW!!!!

which means my tuarine and Glutahione and Sulfation pathways

do NOT have enough 'ingredient'

to do THEIR important jobs!!!


> I don't quite understand this , does this mean that glucosamine and

chondroitin contribute to the glycosamioglycans which in turn contribute to



> should we then avoid gucosamine/chondroitin?


> thanks,

> Lydia



> Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplementation to treat symptomatic disc

degeneration: Biochemical rationale and case report;


> including this bit:

> The matrix in dics resembles that in other articular cartilages, being

composed of hyaluran-bound proteoglycans, strengthened by collagen fibres

[26,27]. Most of the matrix mass consists of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), i.e.

very long chains of sugar units, negatively charged by many carboxyl-

> and **sulfate groups.


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