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_http://laweekly.com/_ (http://laweekly.com/)

_LA Weekly - The Essential Online Resource for Los Angeles_


My comments regarding this article:

For the record:

1. I do not keep a trailer in my front yard. While I do have two dogs, my

home is not filthy.

2. Writer Heimpel left out some key phrases of what I was required to sign

before the suit was dropped. Namely: " To my knowledge, their testimony and

advice are based on their expertise and objective understanding of the

underlying scientific data. " In other words, they want me to commit perjury and


about what I know of the " science " they promote in the courtroom. They wanted

me to endorse their science, before they would drop the suit.

3. The phrase in question in the press release is " altered his under oath

statements " . I was writing of Dr. Kelman trying to distance the ACOEM Mold

Statement - a purportedly unbiased, scientific work, from the version that was

paid for US Chamber of Commerce. This version ends in the sentence,“Thus the

notion that ‘toxic mold’ is an insidious secret ‘killer’ as so many


reports and trial lawyers would claim is ‘Junk Science’ unsupported by


scientific study.†Hardly unbiased or scientific.

4. The Wall Street Journal has written of the Conflicts of Interest in the

science that Dr. Kelman and others promote over the mold issue. The article is

titled, “Court of Opinion, Amid Suits Over Mold, Experts Wear Two Hats. It

goes into detail of how the medical policy-writing body, the American College

of Occupational and Environmental Medicine specifically brought into the

organization, litigation defense expert to author their position paper on mold.

Dr. Kelman’s name may be found extensively in the UCSF tobacco legacy


He is an old expert witness for and RJReynolds. One may read

the article here: _http://moldwarriors.com/SK/WSJOnlineJan92007.pdf_


5. My “snappy-dressing law professor at USC†attorney, Mr. Bandlow, is

currently working this lawsuit on a volunteer basis because it has cost me all


defend myself while attempting to unravel the false science of ACOEM and the

US Chamber. Mr. Bandlow understands how many lives are being devastated by

the litigation defense science being allowed to permeate national health

policy over the mold issue. I am extremely appreciative of his continued help.

6. The Federal GAO audit ordered into this issue will be completed shortly

after Labor Day. I am extremely appreciative of Senator Kennedy initiating

this audit so that we may untangle the web of industry exhibiting far to much

influence of the mold issue and other environmental exposures.

7. The paragraph from my press release that they would prefer not come to

greater public and legislative light is: “In 2003, with the involvement of


US Chamber of Commerce and ex-developer, US Congressman (R-CA),

the GlobalTox paper was disseminated to the real estate, mortgage and building

industries' associations. A version of the Manhattan Institute commissioned

piece may also be found as a position statement on the website of a United

States medical policy-writing body, the American College of Occupational and

Environmental Medicine.†I was the first to publicly write of a litigation

defense argument being wrongfully legitimized by a medical association with a

dubious history (read " Doubt is their Product " , by Dr. s) and then

promoted by the US Chamber of Commerce and a conservative think-tank, the

Manhattan Institute.

8. And last, but certainly not least: For me to speak out about a deceit in

medicine that is harming the lives of so many has been a hardship on my

family. I am extremely appreciative of their longstanding and continued


Sincerely, Mrs. Sharon Noonan Kramer Snk1955@... 760-822-8026

Posted on Thursday, July 24, at 3:39 am by Mrs. Sharon Noonan Kramer

The outrageous demand these deliberate obfuscators of science who parade

their 'credentials' while hiding their commercial agendas before the courts as

they grind down the innocent victims of their uncaring agenda would even TRY

to force Mrs. Kramer deny all that she has worked for, is completely

outrageous. Mrs. Kramer has worked so tirelessly for so many years at such

great cost

to her and her family on behalf of the tens of thousands of others who suffer

unheard. She is to be admired for such courage and strength in this cruel

and unrelenting process. Fortunately, she is unafraid to let us see it from the


Posted on Thursday, July 24, at 5:25 am by Margaret Maizel

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I am so very sorry you have had to endure this kind of crap! This

article should be used in journalism classes as a prime example of

yellow journalism.


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I posted these comments on the site:

If you wish to manufacture controversy about this issue, you will

have to hire a journalist capable of presenting a factual account of

this and related issues. Without even referring to the Kramer suit

(in which her choice was to end her own persecution or commit

perjury by negating her own statements), the author has contradicted

himself at every turn. Why refer to mold using the term 'toxic'

unless it is known to be harmful? No one has alleged that all molds,

in all amounts, qualifies for that adjective. It is admitted that

certain molds can be extremely harmful to individuals, but fails to

mention the millions at risk. In the USA, there are more than 50

million persons with allergies and some 35 million with lung

diseases/conditions. Then there are the fragile systems of the very

young and old, along with the rest of the infirmed population. The

US census indicated that some 20 percent of the population has a

chronic ailment.

This article calls for denial and ridicule versus unbiased

investigation. It ignores the fact that courts demand a level of

proof for claims that far exceeds the ability of most people to

obtain. The testing of environments and individuals for

enviromentally induced conditions is highly unusual in a medical

culture that prefers to treat people for emotional stress instead of

looking for the physiological stressors present in modern, complex


When the EPA tells us indoor air is two to five times more polluted

than outdoor air, it is time to begin the systematic assessment of

what is in our homes and examine the industries that put it there.

If tenant negligence is at fault, that too will be revealed. If the

sole concern rests in economics instead of science, the public will

continue to shoulder the entire burden of environmental illness

through lost productivity and the ever-rising costs of disability

and health care.

If a few people win in court, then the public wins. Fair rulings

are the only way that standards for competent construction and the

manufacture of safe products (can you say Katrina trailers?) will

once again represent a level of quality required by consumers.

Products must be made to serve the needs of people; we are not here

to serve vendors.

Barbara Rubin



> Sharon,

> I am so very sorry you have had to endure this kind of crap! This

> article should be used in journalism classes as a prime example of

> yellow journalism.

> Sherry


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Sharron, this is the most outrageous and disgusting this I have seen to date.

" second only to sex as a hot sales tactic " " daughter as a starring victim "

" innocuous to the healthy " " outraged gadfly " " Kramer’s role as the queen of

mold " " Brockovichesque heroine " " The victims aren’t uneducated people " " The

imagery of poor black babies trapped in an environmental wasteland in middle

America " " California Mom Helps Fuel an Obsession " " Her backers know her mostly

from her voluminous postings " " Kramer walks toward her front door — to smoke a

cigarette. Her watery eyes scan her own home’s filthy carpet, the bare walls and

the cobwebs that cling to a ceiling fan high above. " " Carl Grimes, president of

Healthy Habitats, a mold consultancy company that makes money telling people how

to get rid of “dangerous” mold, is also a Kramer fan. “She is doing something

more people should be doing,” says Grimes, who claims he couldn’t work for years


of mold spores and bacteria in his home. “She’s speaking out against what she

knows isn’t right.”

Not only are these phrases degrating, unprofesional and down right provoking

statements then they go on to say this.

" In 1998, Kramer’s daughter , who has suffered from cystic fibrosis since

early childhood, was a freshman in high school. Because of the cystic fibrosis,

her immune system was weak. Her lungs were coated with thick mucus, in which one

genus of mold, Aspergillus, thrives.

, then 14, is among a very small population believed to be susceptible to

mold allergies and other mold-related health problems. During a remodeling at

her high school, she fell ill. She was admitted to Thornton Hospital in La

Jolla, where her breathing difficulty went from bad to worse. " " “The toxins

produced by fungi are among the most potent toxins known to humans,” says Ken

Hudnell, a researcher with 23 years’ experience at the EPA. “If you have

colonization of mold inside you, you are in danger of rapid death.”

Hudnell says Kelman’s study did not look into long durations of acute exposure

in healthy people. "

And then they close with this un nessesary provocative statment;

" Later, at Kramer’s much more modest current home, the phone rings. Surrounded

by dust and her piles of paperwork, she answers. It’s the City Attorney’s

Office. Mike will have to pay the $500 parking fine but won’t have a misdemeanor

on his record. For now, the mold queen has a victory. "

I an as shocked and discussted at this outrageous display of reckless writing as

you are. I am dumbfounded at the reference of you and your " mold warriors " Si am

am going to sit here and grind my teeth in discust before I fire off at the

mouth being as how I am so un educated and all Y'all.....


My heart goes out to you and your family and the rest mentioned and not

mentioned in this enflaming piece of trash.



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WOW, very nice. You are well spoken and I am impressed. Thank you for so nicely

representing Sharron and the cause itself.

Absolutely great job.

Thank you


From: agasaya <agasaya@...>


utter shock!

Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 4:29 PM

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As you know I am new to this group, so I really don't know you, but I

feel the need to let you know that I'm applaud that someone so

uninformed would write such a slanderous article about you and your

efforts to help millions of people who are sick, fighting for their

lives, unable to get the treatments they so desperately need, not to

mention those who's lives are in danger but don't even know it

because their doctors are so woefully uninformed.

I am so sorry to see you attacked like that. I would love to be able

to rebut that butthead but I don't have anywhere near the knowledge

to grind him to the ground like he should be.

However there was one person who responded (I think the name was

NoMoreMold) who did a great job pointing out that facts of

enviromental illness. I commend whoever that was.

Sharon the article was clearly bias... Anyone can see that... And

it's reprehensible that the LA Weekly would print such trash.

I just want to say... I salute you our " Queen of Mold " , and thank you

and your family from the bottom of my heart for all your sacrifics

and hard work for so many people.



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