Guest guest Posted July 7, 2008 Report Share Posted July 7, 2008 (07-06) 04:00 PDT Trona, San Bernardino County -- It was the dead birds that set Rita off. Her husband, Steve, had been ill for years, with oozing sores on his skin, shortness of breath and mental confusion. She suspected that it all was tied to a Mojave Desert chemical plant where they both had worked. The company, now named Searles Valley Minerals, fiercely denied that working there made Steve gravely ill, and by 2000, Rita 's hunt for answers had turned up little, despite all her letters and calls to regulators. That was before she learned of the largely unpublicized deaths of thousands of migratory birds that landed on a lake created by the plant's discharges at its desolate site northeast of Los Angeles. " When I was a girl, I read about miners dying in the coal mines, and it is a known fact, if the birds are dying, there is something wrong in the mine, " Rita said. " At that plant, the birds were a first warning there was a hazard there, something wasn't safe. " Soon, would begin an assault against the plant in a campaign reminiscent of those waged by crusaders Silkwood and Brockovich, whose battles against corporate giants in the 1970s and 1990s became subjects of Hollywood films. Sometimes crude, always relentless, would investigate the plant's operations stretching back for decades. She would pore over thousands of documents and pester regulators. She would hear harrowing stories of sick workers and persuade some of them to file claims against the plant alleging health problems caused by exposure to toxic substances. This is the story of Rita 's decadelong journey, from the exhilarating high of her husband's eventual court victory over the company to a devastating low that she did not see coming. For its part, the company assails the 50-year-old , who lost a 1995 sexual harassment lawsuit against the plant, as someone entirely lacking in credibility. The company says she has waged a baseless campaign, spewing false allegations about the plant that no regulatory agency has seen fit to act on. Today, the state says the company's injury claim and illness rates are lower than the industry average, and air, water and toxic- substances regulators say the company's record has improved considerably in recent years. The company says there is no cancer cluster in the area and no prevalence of illness evident among its workers. It adds that a review of Steve 's records " did not support the finding that our facility was somehow linked to chemical toxicity in Mr. . " In extensive answers the company provided in response to dozens of Chronicle questions, it maintained that it has an excellent safety program, that it has spent millions reducing its emissions and tackling its bird problem, and that there is nothing about the plant's operations that should be considered harmful for workers or neighboring residents. " ly, the wild assertions that reflect on our local community and the background and regulatory framework of our operations are shameful, " Searles Valley Minerals' executive director, Arzell Hale, told The Chronicle. In her campaign, Rita has undeniably hurt herself with her outbursts. She speaks of " toothless, useless-as-tits-on-a-boar regulators " and wants plant executives arrested for murder. So far, she has failed to persuade any agency to file environmental or labor-safety charges against the plant. But some experts, asked by The Chronicle to review her allegations, say she raises some valid concerns that merit investigation. In the past two decades, the companies owning the plant have paid out more than $2 million to state and federal agencies to settle air, waste, wildlife and water-related problems, including a turbine modification that for more than a decade sent 40-plus tons of smog- forming nitrogen oxide into the air each year. The plant is also one of the state's biggest industrial air polluters, ranking in 2006 among the top 10 emitters of lung-damaging particulate matter and nitrogen oxide. remains unconvinced the plant has changed its ways. " People work to provide for their families and bam! They get sick, " said. " That is my bitch with the damned state - that we are kept too ignorant about the hazards coming from these corporations. It's criminal. " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Fleeing a bad marriage, Rita arrived in the Searles Valley in 1989. She left behind a painful period in her life that culminated with several months in prison for her conviction in a case involving possession of marijuana for sale. In Trona, she lived with her sister, right next to the plant site, where mining operations have been conducted by a string of companies for more than a century. In 1993, at a local Mexican restaurant, Rita was introduced to Steve , a fellow worker she had never met because they were based in different parts of the sprawling plant. They were soon married. Though Trona sits 170 miles northeast of Los Angeles, it feels as if it were thousands of miles from anywhere: It faces a windswept vista of sand and stark mountains that border the barren, rock-strewn valley. What attracted miners in the 19th century were the minerals deposited in the valley over millions of years. Today, Trona has only about 1,885 residents, and many structures are boarded up. Bits and pieces of people's lives - machine parts, broken cars, a toppled ornamental fountain - are strewn about in many front yards. Searles Valley has a shimmering lake spread out over 2 square miles. The lake exists only because of discharges from the plant. In a nonstop loop, the plant pumps millions of gallons of brine - a highly saline mixture of water and minerals - into the plant from a groundwater basin underlying the valley. After targeted minerals are extracted, spent brine is pumped to the lake surface or into the basin below. The company employs 640 workers and produces almost 2 million tons of products annually, including soda ash, boron minerals and sodium sulfate. Its products show up in everyday items such as glass, detergent and carbonated drinks. Rita was hired at the plant in January 1990. She operated machinery and sometimes worked on a spill cleanup crew. Steve operated equipment, shoveled up spills, cleaned out chutes and did testing in the laboratory. Daily, the couple said, they got splashed with " product " - which they said could be anything from a fine dust to a coarse, wet material, all coming from processed chemicals. " The equipment leaked, spewing product and brine, " Rita said. " The brine would get on my face. I would breathe it in, and sometimes it would burn my damn nose and my eyeballs. " After had worked at the plant for almost 3 1/2 years, she said, the company terminated her in 1995 while she was off work because of an on-the-job back injury. The company denies it fired her, saying that rather than expect her to work while she was in pain, it " removed her from duty " and provided her with occupational training funding through its insurance company. By 1998, when he had put in 19 years on the job, Steve said he was too sick to work - suffering from oozing sores, exhaustion, full- body nerve spasms, painful tingling in his limbs and shortness of breath. Rita was angry over what she saw as the company's refusal to pay for all her husband's needed medical treatments, including tests to pinpoint what was wrong with his nervous system. She wanted answers about why Steve was ill. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- At first, Rita 's detective work moved slowly. But her search accelerated in 2000, when the state Fish and Game Department began looking into bird deaths at the lake. Initially, it appeared that the deaths were tied to an oil spill from the plant, but Fish and Game noticed that some of the dying birds didn't seem to have oil on them. The agency investigated and concluded that the primary cause of death was the high salt content of the lake, though the company cited other factors, such as the dehydration of migrating birds. " Salt toxicosis kills these birds within hours or days, " said Steve Hampton, the department's resource economist. " When the birds drink the brine, the high salt levels impact the birds' neurological and other systems. The levels of other contaminants that might be out there in the lake are unlikely to kill the birds this quickly. " The state tested the birds for some toxic substances, but not others. said the state should have tested for every possible chemical in the brine. There would be no lake for the birds to land on if the plant did not pump brine onto what otherwise would be a mostly dry lakebed. But such pumping has gone on for more than 90 years. The company says its return of depleted brine to the lake is the only way it can comply with a U.S. Interior Department requirement aimed at conserving the resource. The company also asserts that although it has devoted " extensive resources to determining " why the birds die, " we have not secured a definitive statement to answer that question. " It says some birds apparently die because they are old or succumb to predators or illness. Since 2000, when Fish and Game began tracking dead or dying birds at the lake, the department says about 4,000 birds have died there - mostly ducks, grebes and loons. To , the bird deaths underscored her gnawing question: What chemicals are in the brine that plant employees have worked with for decades, and how do the chemicals, when mixed together, affect human health? Marty, chief of the air toxicology and epidemiology branch of the state's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, said that even if the state has identified high salt levels as the cause of the birds' deaths, such a finding is a separate issue from the question of what potential health problems the brine's contents might pose for workers. In 2001, Fish and Game expressed concern about the arsenic in the brine in a letter to the state Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, which regulates waste discharges from more than 1,400 public and nonpublic entities in eastern California. The letter stated that arsenic and several other substances in the brine " should be expressly addressed " by the board's regulatory actions, particularly because those substances are hard to clean up " when accumulated over time. " Arsenic was not put in the brine by the company. " Through geologic time, arsenic - a naturally occurring element in the earth's crust - was carried by water down to Searles Lake. The arsenic in the brine today is there because it dissolved from the sediments where it had been deposited as a result of the evaporation of the water in the lake, " said Carl Hauge, the former chief hydro-geologist for the state's Department of Water Resources. Lahontan's top officer, Harold Singer, said the chemicals in the spent brine pumped back to the lake " are below hazardous waste levels, except for naturally occurring arsenic. " He added that the board " allows the arsenic discharge under an exemption provided for in state law " for such a naturally occurring element. Singer says that because the plant doesn't increase the level of arsenic already pre-existing in the brine, " there is no regulatory purpose to setting arsenic limits because they aren't changing the naturally occurring level in the brine. " In 1978, more than two decades before Fish and Game raised its concern with the water board, the federal government had adopted a revised standard for arsenic in the workplace, citing the cancer risk it posed for workers. In 1985, the plant owner, then Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp., issued an employee safety handbook that made no mention of arsenic in the brine. The handbook reassured workers that company products producing airborne dust " are all water soluble " and " even heavy airborne concentrations are not known to have a harmful effect on your health now or at any time in the future. " A year later, a Lahontan board engineer wrote a memo to his boss recounting his conversation with the Kerr-McGee plant's environmental coordinator. The memo suggests that at that point, the company's environmental coordinator knew about arsenic's contribution to the lake's toxicity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- To this day, the company argues that there is no need to alert workers about arsenic because skin exposure is not viewed as a hazard and because " the brine does not pose an exposure (risk) for workers as it cannot be ingested. " It also maintains that brine " cannot evaporate into the air where it can be inhaled. " Ten ex-workers told The Chronicle, however, that sometimes brine got splashed in their mouths. Many also said that both wet brine and dried product from the brine got on their skin and clothes. The company counters that any of the foul-tasting brine entering a worker's mouth would be spit out immediately, and that the small amount involved would not pose a risk. The company adds that dermal contamination isn't a problem, either, because the skin acts as a barrier. Based on the figure provided by the company on the amount of arsenic in the brine, the level is 10,000 times greater than the federal limit for arsenic in drinking water, which is 10 parts per billion. But the company says that because no one drinks the brine, its arsenic level " does not suggest a toxic exposure simply because it exceeds drinking water standards. " The company points to a 1985 state probe that sampled the plant's air and brine and concluded there was no evidence of overexposure to airborne arsenic or any pattern of arsenic-related illnesses evident at the plant. Searles Valley Minerals also says it sharply cut its arsenic emissions into the atmosphere - by 90 percent from 1989 to 1996 alone. The company says its reduction of several pollutants' emission levels in recent years helped cut the nearby community's possible cancer risk from such emissions to an extremely low level. For Marty, of the state's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, one central question is workers' possible inhalation of contaminants in the brine. Marty said that if dry brine regularly gets on workers and is often blown about in the air by desert winds, " the question is how much arsenic and other chemicals from the brine are getting inhaled by the workers, and how much take-home exposure is occurring when these workers go home and change their clothes and track the stuff around. " Though the plant does have some showers, the company says there are " no formal employee change or central shower areas, and we are not required to provide them as there is nothing in our work environment that would require those facilities. " On the issue of worker exposure inside the plant, , a senior toxicologist in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, said: " It comes down to whom you believe. " If the workers do have routine and repeated contact with brine that has elevated concentrations of arsenic, either through inhalation or ingestion, then a lot of us in the scientific community would have concern about the long-term impacts of that contact, " said. " But if the company runs a clean shop and exposure to arsenic in brine is well controlled and workers have access to personal protective equipment and the protection of state labor regulations, then it would be difficult to make a connection between any illnesses that are currently observed and historical exposure to arsenic. " As Rita sees it, anyone talking about the arsenic in the brine " can say it's 'naturally occurring' all they want to, but if they don't let you know how potent it is, then they killed your ass intentionally because it's admitted it's one of the most toxic substances known to man. " Experts consulted by The Chronicle say that arsenic is no chemical to be underestimated. They add that arsenic contamination typically occurs through ingestion or inhalation. " Arsenic is a very powerful carcinogen, " said arsenic expert Froines, director of UCLA's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. " There is significant risk of cancer from arsenic down to the part per trillion level, and further investigations of possible arsenic exposures at the plant are very much in order. " One expert also noted that even though the plant has achieved a sharp drop in its arsenic emissions, the arsenic in the brine remains a concern. Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany in New York, said: " Arsenic is listed by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry as the No. 1 dangerous contaminant, and this reported level of arsenic in the brine is very high. " Any arsenic exposure increases the risk of cancer, " Carpenter said. " Having a brine with a high level of arsenic in the mouth, even if spit out quickly, and on clothes certainly increases the risk of cancer and other diseases associated with arsenic exposure. " The EPA's added that tests done now cannot reflect levels of arsenic exposure that occurred a decade or more ago. He said: " Following exposure, there is a latency period before symptoms develop - it can be 10, 15 or 20 years later. " Arsenic isn't the only matter at the plant that has received attention. In 2002, the Lahontan board approved a settlement with the company under which the plant - while admitting no liability or fault - paid the state $250,000 and agreed to complete other environmental projects that the state estimated cost $1.75 million. The settlement cited company waste discharge " that may have contributed to detrimental responses in birds, " violations exceeding discharge limits on petroleum hydrocarbons, and illegal discharges of spent brine from pipe breaks. At the time, Lahontan's executive officer, Harold Singer, said the settlement was one of the largest " in many, many years. " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- In 2003, Steve got sicker. His weight plummeted from 215 to 155 in only a few months. " Steve didn't want to live anymore - he was ready to put a gun to his head and kill himself, " Rita said. The company was refusing to pay for doctors who are experts in caring for chemical workers, she said. The company said it would pay for any of the s' medical bills approved by the workers' compensation system. Angry at the company, Rita returned to Trona in 2003 to hunt for the cause of Steve's illness. As the daughter of a construction worker who grew up in a small North Carolina town, felt at ease with workers and their families. Going door to door in Trona, got people to write down their families' illnesses and deaths. One woman, the wife of an ex-plant worker, wrote that she had lost three sons - 20, 41 and 44. She added that two died of cancer and one of a heart attack. said the woman told her that her sons had worked in the plant. It is impossible to know whether their plant work contributed to their deaths, and the woman wouldn't talk to The Chronicle. But some who had worked in the plant did. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- In 2004, at Kristy's Family Restaurant in Ridgecrest, sat down with Avery to hear his story. A tall man with gray hair and a wide grin, Avery was hired at the plant in 1978, when the company was owned by Kerr-McGee. He worked there for 17 years, mainly in shipping. Some days, he said, he would go home looking like a snowman with product all over him. In 1994, when he had pneumonia, Avery's doctors told him that although he was 38, he had the lungs of a man who was 78. In January 1996, Avery said the company terminated him and falsely claimed he had not shown a desire to return to work after being out ill. The company said it received a letter from Avery stating he would like to return to work eventually, but it said Avery himself acknowledged he was not physically able to work at that time. Avery, now 51, told the Chronicle that in the 1980s, he was on a crew assigned to spray pesticide - he doesn't remember which pesticide - onto pallets used to ship product overseas. " This pesticide I used was full strength out of the five-gallon bucket. It was later learned that this insecticide should have been applied with rubber boots, disposable gloves, disposable coveralls and a special respirator the company didn't even own. " Asked about Avery's account, the company quoted a longtime shipping department manager who " does not recall any form of pesticides being applied to our pallets " before 2004, when spraying began being required in some cases and the plant bought pretreated pallets. But a co-worker of Avery's at the time, Don Huggins, confirmed Avery's story. Avery also said that in the company's lunchrooms, it was often so windy that he could taste " chemical dust from plant operations " as he ate his sandwich. Philip Harber, the chief of occupational and environmental medicine at UCLA who was Avery's doctor, said, " Based on what Mr. Avery described and the properties of what was involved, it appears likely his occupational exposure contributed significantly to his lung problem. " Citing respiratory, internal and spine injuries, Avery eventually won a $657,000 settlement after negotiations between his lawyer and the insurance company administering the plant's workers' compensation claims. The company notes that Avery's settlement was reached in the workers' compensation system, which compensates injured workers without regard to fault. Avery also recently filed a new claim with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, alleging he suffered " extreme cumulative chemical and toxin exposure " in his years at the plant. The claim, which seeks a financial award for " serious and willful misconduct " by the company, alleges that chemicals from " leaking pipes, lines, pumps and valves would fall upon " Avery as he worked at the plant. The company said it has no record of Avery voicing concerns about toxic exposure previously. Avery says it was only recently that he had his blood tested and learned that his body had high levels of chemicals not normally found in the general population. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- The San Bernardino County district attorney's office told Rita in 2004 that it was rejecting her request to prosecute the company. The office concluded there was insufficient evidence of environmental or other crimes. Some state Fish and Game Department personnel had a different opinion. Two retired warden supervisors told The Chronicle that they advocated the company be prosecuted for bird deaths. Mark Caywood, a retired patrol lieutenant, said state Fish and Game management " inferred that pushing the issue or prosecuting the company would result in the closing of the plant. But the game wardens knowledgeable about pollution who worked out there say it's a crime - the company is killing birds. " Donna , the other retired patrol lieutenant, said: " There was no doubt there was a violation. There was no doubt that we had dead birds and the company was the cause of the deaths. " But, she added, " There were a lot of politics involved in the County of San Bernardino, and the politics in the county were they couldn't afford to lose that tax base of the plant because that was money in the county's pocket. " and Caywood said they were taken off the case, and a prosecution never happened. " We had freezers full of dead birds, " said. " It makes you sick to your stomach when these ducks have a convulsion and die in your arms. " Fish and Game's spokesman, Steve Martarano, said and Caywood were moved to other projects after the investigation was over, and it was not a transfer to silence them. He added that the department settled the case by requiring the plant to do several things, including rescuing and rehabilitating birds and creating a new wetlands for birds in the Owens Valley, about 55 miles north of Searles Lake. " The department believes the number of birds protected or saved by the new wetlands area at Owens Valley will fully offset the number of birds dying at Searles Lake, " Martarano said. Bill Sellers, an investigator for the county district attorney's office, said he did not find evidence supporting 's claims of criminal conduct by the plant. According to , Sellers told her that workers have to prove an injury was caused by the chemicals. said she responded: " Excuse me, do people walk around with laboratories attached to their damned asses? " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- One evening in January 2005, Rita was at home watching a " CSI " show on television when she heard a character mention a toxicological investigation into someone's death. Immediately, she knew she had a new tool in her own investigation. She wanted to have her husband's fat tissue tested for a precise picture of his contamination levels. She started hunting for experts who could tell her where her husband could get these tests. Later, almost as an afterthought, she got tested, too. That's when the mystery deepened. Rita , who had fought for so many years to learn why her husband was ill, found out she was contaminated herself - with one of the most toxic compounds on the planet. ABOUT THE SERIES Rita first called The Chronicle wanting to tell her story in 2002. She told an editorial assistant who answered the phone that her husband, a former chemical plant worker, was very sick after working at a plant in the San Bernardino County town of Trona in the Mojave Desert. She said thousands of birds had died near the plant - then named IMC Chemicals Inc. The details were sketchy. The notes taken by the editorial assistant were passed on to Chronicle reporter Sward. Over the next few years, Sward listened to tell bits and pieces of her story over the phone, and more than a year ago, Sward began pursuing the story. During her investigation, Sward interviewed more than 100 people - plant supervisors, former and current plant workers, some of their families, regulators, scientists, professors and Trona residents. She traveled twice to Trona. She asked the company dozens of questions about its operations. The company, now named Searles Valley Minerals, responded with hundreds of pages of detailed answers. Today Rita , a former employee of a chemical plant in the Mojave desert, wages a campaign to learn why her husband, who also worked there, had become so ill. Monday After struggling for years to understand her husband's ailments, Rita receives alarming news about her own health. Chronicle research librarians Kathleen and Lois Jermyn contributed to this report. E-mail Sward at ssward@.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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