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one more thing

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In a message dated 7/24/2003 10:09:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, djs611@... writes:

Yesterday when I went in to check on

Xavier during his nap he was sleeping on his side and on his left

side at that (his right is the flat side). I was so happy and I know

its something only a plagio parent could understand


Your so right- we are thrilled to hear the good news!! I cried when my son laid on my stomach facing left- he could never do that until he was about 8 mnths old!!!!! Small victories for some, major milestones for us!!!! So glad to read the good news!!!!


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That is such a good thing Donna! We know exactly what you're talking

about. lol

> I knew you all would appreciated this because the people I have


> already are like so what - LOL! Yesterday when I went in to check


> Xavier during his nap he was sleeping on his side and on his left

> side at that (his right is the flat side). I was so happy and I


> its something only a plagio parent could understand! He is also


> really good moving his neck both ways so hopefully we wont have to

> worry about him and tort.

> Donna momma to Xavier

> Arizona

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  • 2 years later...


We didn't use STARbands, but I don't think it's crooked. Check out

getting a good fit " in the files section.

It is going to shift a little bit because it can't sit real snuggly on

her head. Is that why the lip is off a little bit?


> I just wanted to add that when we first got Isabelle's band and I

> decorated it I had originally put the kiss right in the middle of


> forehead and it was lined up with her nose. As you can see it isn't

> any more.


> Thanks again


> Isabelle 6mos STARband 1/31/06


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We didn't use STARbands, but I don't think it's crooked. Check out

getting a good fit " in the files section.

It is going to shift a little bit because it can't sit real snuggly on

her head. Is that why the lip is off a little bit?


> I just wanted to add that when we first got Isabelle's band and I

> decorated it I had originally put the kiss right in the middle of


> forehead and it was lined up with her nose. As you can see it isn't

> any more.


> Thanks again


> Isabelle 6mos STARband 1/31/06


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The most worrisome, to me, is the 27 drops of td-dmps, all at once. I wasn't

going to answer this, then saw the crossed eye post, are you using the every

other day protocol?

Please read why this is not a good idea. Switch to the every 8 hour protocol.

[ ] one more thing

He has also been crossing his eyes a LOT lately. Why would he do that?


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,As they correct some babies bands will twist a bit to one side, but it sits better after adjustments. That is what I was telling you about Dominick's bands. Click on this link and it will bring up a picture of Dominick and you will see how he twisted his bands. Dominick


>> I just wanted to add that when we first got Isabelle's band and I > decorated it I had originally put the kiss right in the middle of her > forehead and it was lined up with her nose. As you can see it isn't > any more.> > Thanks again> > Isabelle 6mos STARband 1/31/06>

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,As they correct some babies bands will twist a bit to one side, but it sits better after adjustments. That is what I was telling you about Dominick's bands. Click on this link and it will bring up a picture of Dominick and you will see how he twisted his bands. Dominick


>> I just wanted to add that when we first got Isabelle's band and I > decorated it I had originally put the kiss right in the middle of her > forehead and it was lined up with her nose. As you can see it isn't > any more.> > Thanks again> > Isabelle 6mos STARband 1/31/06>

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> He has also been crossing his eyes a LOT lately. Why would he do that?

If this is a new behavior, consider increasing your yeast protocol,

see if that helps. Or, he might not tolerate something you recently

added or changed.


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  • 4 months later...
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HI Sis,

I don't know if you got your answer or not on the methylcobalamin.

We've discussed this in past messages on the group, so you can do a

search on it if you want to see the discussions. A search on the

internet will bring up lots of info too.

I've used the sublingual methylcobalamin tabs, as well as taking the

cyanocobalamin injections. I had immediate relief of fatigue with

the injections...not so with the methylcobalamin tabs.

One thing is that you have to take lots of the tabs to get an equal

dose of B-12 as an injection. So you may want to consider upping

your dose if you are taking the minimum.

However, I think it is also important to check out any

contraindications. I seem to remember something about

interactions...alpha lipoic acid? I need to go back and see what

that caution was....

Let me know how you are doing with it.


--- In , " auntsisnj " <auntsisnj@...>



> Kenda,


> I know you've been studying natural healing for quite a while, and


> was wondering if you've used or have learned about MethylCobalamin


> 12? It's been recommended that I take it.


> Sis


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Whey is not yeast. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about it:


Whey or milk plasma is the liquid remaining after milk has been

curdled and strained; it is a by-product of the manufacture of

cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. Whey is used to

produce ricotta and gjetost cheeses and is used to make many other

products for human consumption and as an animal feed. Whey proteins

mainly consist of á-lactalbumin and â-lactoglobulin. Depending on

the method of manufacture, it may also contain glycomacropeptides


Whey is now marketed in two forms, which are related to the

processing method for the product: Whey protein concentrate (WPC)

and Whey protein isolate (WPI).

The whey protein separated from this mixture is often sold as a

nutritional supplement. In addition, liquid whey contains lactose,

vitamins, and minerals along with traces of fat. Researchers at Lund

University in Sweden discovered that whey appears to stimulate

insulin release. Writing in the American Journal of Clinical

Nutrition[1] they also discovered that whey supplements can help

regulate and reduce spikes in blood sugar levels among people with

type 2 diabetes by increasing Insulin secretion.

Dietary concerns

The most commonly used milk curdling agent is the animal-derived

rennet. Vegetarians may use vegetable-source rennet or lemon juice,

citric acid or sulfuric acid to separate milk into curds and whey.

People who are allergic to dairy proteins or intolerant to lactose

may need to avoid consuming whey.

--- In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...>



> I have never heard that.


> Kenda


> > Whey is yeast, is it not????

> >

> > Lynda


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If that is the case, then you might want to consider using a

rebounder to help move the lymph around and get that flowing rather

than stagnant. It might help your body to excrete the silicone if

you can get it all moving.

Have you tried a rebounder before? If you look it up on the net,

there is some great info supporting the use for lymphatic flow.

Vigorous walking also works well.



> Rogene,


> You described it to a tee. I know Dr. Feng explained that my

body was breaking off the textured pieces of the silicone shell and

taking it away from the breast area. I could only imagine where it

is. After hearing talk about silicone in her lymph node, I

know where a majority of mine it. My kinesiologist does meridian

stress tests and before my explant it showed every organ system in

my body was grossly under stress and inflamed. Now just four

months, it shows they are all minimally under stress except my lymph

system is still extremely under stress. I can see that my lymphs is

probably where the majority of my silicone is stashed.


> I will let you know what the tests show.



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I was told the very same thing, that the textured implants would

protect me from capsular contracture. Only, they didn't! I

definitely had it. My breasts were way too firm. Failed for sure

in my case!

Your feelings about your experience mirror mine exactly....I think

we all learned so much through this, if we surrender our hearts to

God and let Him do His miraculous work.

God bless!



> Rogene,


> Here is my understanding. I am sure Marcy will agree with me

seeing that she paid extra for textured shell. I was told that

textured was good. My PS told me that the textured will prevent

capsular contracture. Here is my understanding... since I joined

this group. My body was convinced it was " doing it's job " by

breaking apart the textures and isolating them throughout my body.

Therefore, capsular contracture would not be necessary. So, in

turn, my body is reacting to the shell, not contaminants in the

implants such as mold and fungus. I know what I am dealing with.

Man-made material, not an accident, not a statistic, just plain and

simple....unnatural, human developed FAKE esteem. I know that I

will possibly have to deal with the consequences of my choice, like

I did when I got pregnant at 18. The difference is that this choice

is much more severe and more supported by my community then the

previous one. I am more humble now then I have ever been. I know


> is shaping me for a greater purpose through this. In fact, I am

so convinced that God is in control, that I am grateful I have had

to go through this hardship. If I hadn't, I would still be self-

centered and arrogant.

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I agree with you completely regarding your body reacting to the silicone . . .

However, and I don't know this - I'm putting it out as a possiblitity. Since you've been especially sick, there may be more factors at work that just your reaction to the shell . . . possibly contaminents and mold/fungus . . .

If it is just a reaction to the silicone . . . consider checking EVERYTHING you are taking for silicone, silica, silicone dioxide. It's everywhere. One of the former members was able to get tested for silicone hypersensitivty. After being found to test positive, she removed all these products from her families environment (she had two sick kids) . . . Unfortuately, she still has her saline implants though and continues to struggle.


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  • 2 years later...
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Hi friends,

The county legislature's email address apparently had a bug - it has been fixed

(thank you to those who notified me of the error messages you received!)

Can I trouble you to send another note please - and please just sign yourself as

a concerned citizen - you don't have to mention that you don't live in Rockland


Here is the email address: legclerk@...

Here is some info that you can feel free to customize - and please forward this

note to as many people as possible:

" I am very concerned that the county attorney is running the MOLD and TOXINS

investigation at Rockland Community College, particularly since the firm they

hired (Coldin Corp) has a web site that clearly references that they provide

assistance with workman's compensation litigation!

If Mr Plunkett, the county's special attorney, is so concerned about the health

and safety of workers at RCC, why did it take so long for the county and college

to respond? Missy Gluckmann notified the college's president, Dr Wood, by

writing a 4 page letter with supporting documentation about the dangers of mold

exposure in Dec 2006 and sent it return receipt - they knew about the mold then

but didn't take it seriously until there was bad press.


REPRESENTATION IN THIS INVESTIGATION. We demand a through and fair/balanced

investigation! Having a county lawyer hire a firm that is known for the defense

of worker's comp is not fair and balanced! "

Here is some background video from WCBS news in NY:



Thank you,

Missy Gluckmann

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  • 10 months later...
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You can read all about Dr. Sircus' therapies on www.magnesiumforlife.com.  The

magnesium has to be in the form of magnesium chloride, otherwise the body

doesn't absorb it.  If you want to take a tablet, Alta brand from the Vitamin

Shoppe has them.  You can also buy concentrated magnesium oil off his web-site

for transdermal use and it is wonderful in baths, he has a link for several

vendors.  His books are excellent and he is a big proponent for the use of

baking soda, selenium and iodine along with magnesium in treating cancer.  His

e-book, Winning the War on Cancer, is an excellent reference.


From: cherylcampbell55 <cheryl.s.campbell@...>

Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 1:46:22 AM

Subject: [ ] One More Thing

Forgot to mention that another interesting protocol for treating cancer that I

came across is 'Transdermal Magnesium Therapy' by Dr. Mark Sircus...I use

magnesium in several forms each day..happy to share.


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